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Lesson Plan Template

Lesson # of
total # lessons: 6 of 8 Lesson Date: 1/10
G: Goal I can understand Cinderella
A: Access prior knowledge Students will review what they learned yesterday, the numbers 60-70 in french
New information is the story of Cinderella and the vocab words (belle-mère, belles-seours, nettoyer, fatigué, bal, robe, fée, baguette magique, transformé,
N: New information pantougles de verre, minuit)
A: Apply new knowledge Students will be asked to answer questions about the story.
G: Get back to the goal Students will draw pictures and write sentences about the story
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Materials needed (including technology and related applications):
Students will need a pencil, and notebook. I will need a power point, printouts with the characters on them, and possible realia props
Daily Language Objective(s):
Students will be able to understand a story in French and replicate it on a Comic strip using appropriate vocab
Description What I do What students do Groupings Timeframe
We will start the class by having the students do a do now. This
prompts them to remember what we did yesterday. After the do
now I greet the students in a traditionally French manor,
everyone stands and I say good mornign and they say
goodmorning back. I also ask them what the date is so that they
practice saying the days of the week and the numbers as well
as the months. I will remind them of the quiz that they have on
Students will do their do now.
Friday. Then I will ask them about advisory lab. Every
Students who need to come to advisory lab will
wednesday I do this so that students are aware of what they recieve slips to do so.
need to do in class. This week I am taking students who have Students will take down notes on the word of the
missed a summative and will attempt to get them to finish their day.
work. After that we will do the word of the day. And finally review Students will recall the information from the Do Now: Indiviually
Pre-activities: what we did yesterday. previous lesson The rest as a class 10 minutes
Next we will start the story. I will tell the students what is expected of
them. They are to listen with their ears open and their mouths closed. I
will ask them questions and I would like them to respond. Their will be
vocabulary on the board and I would like them to write the vocab in
their notes. We will go over the story three times. Once as mostly just
me, another time as mostly just questions, and a third time where they Students will pay attention to the story asking
During activities: summerize what happened in English. questions and anwering questions when called on As a class 30 minutes
Students will work on drawing pictures and writing
Post activities: I will instruct students how to work on their Fairy Tale Comic Strips sentences using the vocabulary that we just learned As a class 10 minutes
Summative assessment will be in
correspondence with Criterion A
Students will be asked to answer questions about the story and also to draw and write for MYP Second Langauge
Formative sentences using the correct vocab from the story Summative Acquision
Reflections and feedback
What worked and for whom?
What didn’t work and for
whom? Why?
How will students use the
feedback you have given
What are instructional next
steps based on the data from
this plan?

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