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By Qi-gen Song1 and Alexander C. Scordelis,2
Honorary Member, ASCE
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ABSTRACT: Based on an empirical matching of analytical results for stresses in

wide flanges obtained using the plane stress elasticity given by Song (1984a), sim-
plified empirical formulas and some diagrams for the determination of the shear-
lag effect in simple beams under various loading with I and box cross sections are
presented. For T-beams, the calculation can be performed using an equivalent I-
beam, according to the formulas in this paper. For continuous beams, the results
can be obtained from the analysis of a corresponding basic simple beam formed
by removing all interior supports using superposition. Some simple and essential
formulas are presented, by which the most important features of the shear-lag effect
for a simple or continuous beam can be estimated quickly in engineering design.
To demonstrate the use of the empirical formulas and to verify their accuracy,
comparisons of results for typical numerical examples are given.

For beams with wide flanges, an effective flange width or a stress ratio,
which is defined as the ratio of the longitudinal stress at a point found by
shear-lag theory to the stress at the same point found by elementary beam
theory, can be used to account for shear-lag effects in design. Although
numerous research results and recommendations on this topic have been pub-
lished, a wide disparity can be found between these results as indicated by
Sabnis and Lord (1976), Irrcher (1983), and others. Formulas for determin-
ing an effective flange width or a stress ratio, in which loading types, section
location, and the necessary geometric parameters are taken into account, are
suggested in this study. A variety of shear-lag problems for simple and con-
tinuous T-, I-, and box beams can be solved by these forrriulas. Moreover,
these formulas can also be used as a tool to study related problems, since
the parameters included appear in an explicit form and the effect of each
parameter can be estimated easily. Although all formulas are derived for T-
beams and I- or box beams with symmetrical flanges, these formulas can be
used approximately for beams with slightly nonsymmetrical flanges. Some
typical numerical examples are given to show how to use the formulas, and
the validity as well as the accuracy of these formulas are assessed by com-
parison with other known results. The formulas developed in this study uti-
lize numerical results obtained using the theory and computer program de-
veloped by Song (1984a).

For an isolated I-beam or single-cell box beam with symmetrical flanges,
'Prof, of Civ. Engrg., Nanjing Inst, of Tech., Nanjing, 210018, China.
Byron L. and Elvira E. Nishkian Prof, of Struct. Engrg., Univ. of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720.
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 1990. Separate discussions should be sub-
mitted for the individual papers in this symposium. To extend the closing date one
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Manager of Journals. The
manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on Sep-
tember 16, 1988. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
116, No. 5, May, 1990. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445/90/0005-1306/$1.00 + $.15 per
page. Paper No. 24663.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

it has been shown by Song (1984b) that the peak stress ratio, which occurs
at the web-flange junction, is dependent only on loading type, location of
section, / and r, (or ra), which will be adopted as parameters in the formulas
of this study, where
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1=7 (la)
r, = — (16)

ra = — (lc)
and where L is total length of the beam, b the half-width of the flange,
measured from the edge of the web, h the thickness of the flange, e distance
from the center of the web to the middle surface of the top flange, and A
and / area and moment of inertia of the web within half of the total cross
The stress ratio 5 and the effective flange width coefficient X. = bjb can
be expressed as
5=l+t) (2a)
\ = 1- P (2b)
From the basic definition we obtain:
•»1 = -, (for bending) (3)

„ = /fop j^jjQ J 0 a ( j) (4)
r; + i - p
It has been shown by Song (1984b) that, under bending, the shear-lag
stress o-j of an isolated T-beam can be calculated by an equivalent I-beam,
if /, b, and e are the same, but r, of the latter is equal to r\ - (r, + ra)/2
of the former. Therefore, for the T-beam under bending, the stress ratio can
be obtained by
S= tymSi (5)
in which 5, is equal to the stress ratio of the equivalent I-beam and:
/ ra\ bh3
1 + r't + 1 + - —
V 2/ 12/
= (6)
*" bh*
1 + r\ +
where h', the flange thickness of the equivalent I-beam, equals Ir[/2be2.

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

Similarly, under an axial load N the stress ratio of the T-beam is exactly
equal to that of its equivalent I-beam, in which ra is equal to (r„ + r,)/2 of
the original T-beam, as shown by Song (1984b).
For a T-beam, Eqs. 3 and 4 should be replaced by
, / ra\ bh3
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1 + r + 1+ - —
V 2/ 12/
S= (7)
/ ra \ bh3
1 + \r + X 1 + - \ —
V 2 J 121
for bending, and by
2 + ra
S= -^ (8)
2 + \ra
for axial load.
The following formulas are derived for simple I- or box beams under var-
ious loadings by empirically matching the analytical results obtained using
the computer program SHLAG, written for shear-lag analysis by Song (1984a).
While Eqs. 9-12 in what follows can be used for any section, Eq. 22 can
be used only at the midspan section.
Under a uniform load, the (3 value can be expressed as
P = 3.77r L 9 [l + (3.1 - 99r 30 )|0.5 - x\LS] + A0 for (Z 2= 4 ) . . . . . . (9a)
A(3 = 0 for box or I-beam with Z > 30 : (9b)
A(3 = 0.088 - 0.0455Z for I-beam with Z < 30 (9c)
where x is distance from the left support to the section under consideration
divided by L [Fig. 1(b)].
For a pair of axial loads at two ends of the beam
T| = % exp (-ax) (10)
For box beam
•no = 1.11 r^rom (11a)
0 m
a = 1.27/[1 + O.Wr - (2.8r°a-'* - 1)] for (ra > 0.2) (lift)
a = 1.27Z for (ra < 0.2) (lie)
For I-beam
•no = 0.9ra exp [0.001Z(0.078Z - 9.15)lnra] (lid)
8 -0 62
a = 1.27/[1 + 1.56(ra + 1.2)°- Z - ] (lie)
f\o/ra and a/1 can also be taken from Appendix I.
For a concentrated load at midspan
^ = 110 exp (-CM) (12)

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

vL/2 vL/2

"mim m
777m t , 77/777
1/2 a-t)L
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r*> ra.rtla.1 Uttijorm Lead e b) ConcerrtrATa

i./i L/i A "™ L,/i

Z.-2C/-JJ/ L'tU
,c> Beam 2 < <*> Beam 1
FIG. 1. Simple Beams under Bending

where u is the relative distance from the concentrated load to the section
under consideration [Fig. 1(b)] and
4.0 „.
% = — ^(/f c2) (13)

0.8 f f r/3\°'43 / r,
a = — \l + b { exp - In — - 1 (14)
%forI box beams
where, I LW \0.<
c, = 0.76 (15a)
c2 = 0.60 (15*)
b = ll.l(0.0im + 0.0114) for (/ < 6) (16a)
b = l l . l ( f - 0.99) for (/ > 6) (16b)
a = 0.14 for (I > 10) (16c)
a = 0.1 + 0.01(/ - 6) for (I < 10) (16d)
and for I-beams:
c, = 0.75 (17a)
c2 = 0.65 (lib)
b = 0.12U for (/ < 6) (18a)
b = 11(/ - 1.076) for (I > 6) (lSb)
When r, < 0.6, Eq. 14 should be replaced by
% (19)
"' + 1 - c3


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.


in which c3 = 1.35/"°8 - 0.02 and c3 > 0.006. a/1 can also be taken from
the diagrams in Appendix I.
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For a partial uniform load symmetric about the midspan [Fig. 1(a)]

•n = T\W + Olo - t l J exp

av (21)

where, iqw, -n0 are the t] values at the midspan section and can be found from
Eqs. 9, 3, and 14 by letting x = 0.5, c4 = 1.74 or 1.60 for box or I-beams,
For a concentrated load at any point x = £ [Fig. 1(b)], the beam can be
analyzed as two auxiliary beams, bean one with span L{ = 2£L, and beam
two with span L2 = 2(1 - QL, loaded by a concentrated load at midspan
[Fig. 1(c) and d)] as follows.
From the results of various comparison calculations, it can be proved that
the peak v\ value, T|0 of the original beam, is approximately equal to the
average of those of beams one and two, that is

•"o = (r? c2) (23)

«1 - ©/
At section A on the left side and far from the load, the -n value of the original
beam should approach the value of nr^ at the corresponding section A' of
beam one. Hence, we can assume approximately that at the left-supported
section, r\ of the original beam is equal to t\i of beam one. A similar as-
sumption can be used for the right side. Therefore, we can assume for the
original beam

i i+ i)"' + HK
f\ for (u = g - x > 0) (24a)
" "l 1 for (« = x - £ > 0) . . . (24b)
2 Lv i - * r + (v1 + -tr\
in which T^ can be found from Eqs. 12, 14, or 20, or the diagrams in Ap-
pendix I, by using lx = 2£Z for I and ux = «/2£ for u; j]2 can be found
similarly by using l2 = 2(1 - £)// for / and u2 = u/2(l - £) for u.
For a T-beam, the calculation can be done through its equivalent I-beam
using these formulas.


For a simple or continuous beam with n spans (Fig. 2), which can be
considered as a simple beam loaded by external loads and the reactions at
the interior supports, then under various loading, the -n value at any section
can be obtained from the basic formulas given earlier by using superposition
as follows.

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

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•fmr mfr

L - U =n*>
FIG. 2. Continuous Beam with Multiple Equal Spans

M* E Mw + X w + 2 M
W (25)
in which m and A: are the numbers of concentrated loads and partial uniform
loads; Ml, M\, M™ and T|f, in,, rtf are bending moment and the r\ value at
the section under consideration due to the ith concentrated load, the reaction
of the rth interior support and ith partial uniform load, respectively; and M*
is the total bending moment at the same section of the beam.
In most practical structures, except for uniform loads, the effect of each
load on the stress ratio decays rapidly at a short distance from the load and
Eq. 25 can then be simplified greatly for practical purposes.
When a continuous beam is subjected to uniform load alone, Eq. 25 can
be simplified, as demonstrated in the following.
For in at the jth interior-supported section of a continuous beam, we obtain
M ' V + MrXj
r\ = f\j = (26)

in which Mw,-rf are the bending moment and in value at the j'th supported
section due to uniform load and M], inj are due to reaction Rj. For a con-
tinuous beam with n equal spans (Fig. 2), Eq. 26 can be written as
1 j(n - j) PnwL2
•nr M* 2 RjLCji.rr c2) (27)
2n 1 + (1 - P)r,-
For sections near midspan, the effect of interior reactions can be neglected
and Eq. 25 simplified to

Therefore, to estimate the most important features of the shear-lag effect
in a continuous beam with multiple spans, only the stress ratios at section
near midspan and at interior supports are required, and they can be quickly
calculated by the simple basic formulas, Eqs; 9, 3, and 23.
Under combined bending moment M* and axial force N*, the -n value for
the top flange of I- and box beams can be expresssed as

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

—l\m + —^~
r\ = ^ (29)
-1 +
e- c
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where -r\m and r\n equal the TI value under bending and axial load. The latter
can be found from Eqs. 10 and 11; G equals I,N*/A,M*; A, and /, equal
area and moment of inertia of the total cross section; c is distance from the
center of the web to the centroid of the total section, positive upward.
For T-beams, Eq. 29 should be replaced by
l + ii
-»J,m(l + O + — - 2 G
e C
S, = 1 + T,, = (30)
-1 +
e — c
in which t\'m and t]'n equal the t| value of the equivalent I-beam under bending
and axial load.


Of the many numerical examples given by Song (1984b) to check the

accuracy of the aforementioned formulas, for the sake of brevity only a few
are presented here, in which results obtained using the empirical formulas
in this paper are compared with more exact values obtained using the com-
puter program SHLAG, based on plane stress elasticity theory, developed
by Song (1984a).

Continuous Beams under Uniform Load

Results are shown on Tables 1 and 2. When the spans are equal, the stress
ratios at interior-supported sections (Table 1 and the last row for each beam
in Table 2) are found from Eqs. 26 or 27. At other sections, from Eq. 25
the stress ratios in Table 2 can be found by

TABLE 1. Stress Ratios at Interior-Supported Sections of Continuous Beams (Fig.

2) with Equal Spans and / = 100, r, = 3.07 under Uniform Load

Box Beam l-Beam
j Rj/(wL)
M;/(wZ, ) x 10 3
Eq. 27 SHLAG 8
Eq. 27 SHLAG8
(1) (2) 0) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1 0.1134 -1.058 1.62 1.59 1.57 1.56
2 0.0964 -0.773 1.69 1.68 1.63 1.64
3 0.1010 -0.849 1.65 1.64 1.60 1.61
4 0.0997 -0.827 1.66 1.65 1.61 1.62
5 0.1002 -0.837 1.66 1.65 1.61 1.62
•From Song (1984a).


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

TABLE 2. Stress Ratios of Continuous Beams with Two Spans a, and a2 under
Uniform Load

Stress Ratios s
Foutch and Chang (1987)
Description of beams X Eq. 31 SHLAG or Precast (1978)
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Structure B, box beam" 0.25 1.04 1.06, 1.06c 1.04, 1.07d
I = 32, 7,. = 7.76 0.4867 1.19 1.16, 1.15 1.13, 1.16
a2/a, = 1 0.5 1.58 1.58, 1.53 1.44, 1.46
T-beamb 0.2375 1.66 1.62 1.57e
Z = 8.62, y, = 10.78 0.4875 2.63 2.65 2.53
a2/a, = 1 0.5 3.03 3.06 —
1-1, I-beamc 0.10 0.89 0.85 —
/ = 16, 7, = 4.86 0.22 1.21 1.20 —
a2/a, = 3 0.25 1.60 1.61 —
"From the PTI manual (Precast 1978).
"From Irrcher (1983).
'From Song (1984b).
""Stress ratio for top and bottom flange.
"Calculated from the effective flange width coefficients given in Irrcher (1983).

S = 1 +T| = 1 + (31)
For example, for section x = 0.4867 of structure B analyzed in the PTI
manual (Precast 1978), T|W can be found from Eqs. 9 and 3 by letting x =
0.4867, and T|i is found from Eq. 12 or Appendix I, by substituting u =
0.5 - 0.4867 = 0.0133.
For a simple beam [/ = 10.3 and r, = 0.96, as for the beam analyzed by
Foutch and Chang (1982)] subjected to uniform load and a concentrated load
at midspan [Fig. 3(a)]
M Y + M\r
f\ (32)
Since from Eq. 12 rf decays rapidly away from the concentrated load, be-
yond a certain distance from the load
MY (33)
•n =
For k equals 1 [equivalent to the cantilever example of Foutch and Chang
(1982)] M* is always negative. Hence -n < 0 when x < 0.38L and the re-
versed shear lag occurs, as indicated by Foutch and Chang (1982) and Maisel
(1986). For a two-span continuous beam, k equals 0.625, and when x <
3L/8, M* is positive. So T| is negative only within a short portion [Fig.
For beam 1-1, with two unequal spans, ir|i can be found as follows. At
the interior-supported section, x = £ = 0.25, and r\[ = 0.239 is found from
Eq. 23. At other sections, for instance where x = 0.24, r\[ = 0.255 can be

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

i u u n i n i u n M f m.
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\ 1
1 ,
1 1
L , 1

,'/ y
y i /
0 0.1 0.2 (o.4 0.5


FIG. 3. (a) Simple Beam; (h) Longitudinal Distribution of 11

obtained from Eqs. 12 and 14 or Appendix I by letting [Fig. 1(d)] I = 2 X

1/4 X 16 = 8, and u = (0.25 - 0.24) x 16/8 = 0.02. Similarly, by using
/ = 2(1 - 1/4) X 16 = 24 and u = (0.25 - 0.24) X 16/24 = 0.00667,
r\2 = 0.088 can be found. Substituting in Eq. 24, we can obtain for section
x = 0.24

1 0.01>
1 + — \ X 0.255 + / 1 o.or X 0.088 = 0.175 (34c)

for section x = 0.26

0.01 \ / 0.01 ,
1 i = •
1 + 1 X 0.255 + / 1 \ X 0.088 = 0.170 .. (34b)
'"J \ "4,

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

, i

Ws*25.<$5 kip/ft
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4692 kh W,<= 2.476 kip/ft

FIG. 4. Structure B under Prestress Load (Precast 1978)

Structure B under Prestress Load (Fig. 4)

Data for this example are given in the PTI Precast Segmental Box Girder
Bridge Manual (1978). The t\ due to each partial uniform load can be found
from Eq. 22. Under load w2, for instance, v/l = 0.5, and r\ = 0.0052 can
be obtained by substituting r\w = 0.0046 and % = 0.119 in Eq. 22. The
bending moment due to w2 is equal to —0.2488L, and -r\m at the center-
support section can then be found by superposition
(-0.31 X 0.0046 - 0.2488 X 0.0052 + 0.609 X 0.0446 + 0.0442 X 0.119)L2
(-0.310 - 0.2488 + 0.609 + 0.0442)L2

= 0.310 (35)

FIG. 5. (a) Value T|„//'„ and a/l for Box Beam under Axial Load

J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

1.00, ;ao
—-. ——- ^=5
\ ^
5 - " .-*
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^ ^ 1

i Vfc
"_"*yo/' ffi 1
^ ^ T *
7T-J --• "~
-—a. - s ^ :
0.50] - —Vl
fevr .-- - "
**S* J*- "" , _--- - - - —
s* ^ —-»—
. --- :ie— - - ^- —" ~" _ J.—-
"Z " — —

5.0 (0,0 /J.O


FIG. 5. (b) Value V . and « / ' f ° r l-Beam under Axial Load





_ SO
^ <5o
^-^— 80
v- U-— loo
•c^- • = r = r ^ -—-
0.4 "v
^CT- br= -"'
*?"* -*"

S' /5

FIG. 6. (a) a// for l-Beam and V for Box and l-Beam under Concentrated Load
at Midspan


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

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FIG. 6. (ft) a/l for Box Beam under Concentrated Load at Midspan

From Eqs. 10 and 11, r\„ ~ 0. Substituting -nm, t]„ and G = -2.11 in Eq.
29, we find that T|, = 0.141 and then a, = 1.141(-1.99) = -2.28 ksi (-15.7
MPa), as compared to a, = -15.2 MPa obtained by SHLAG (1984a) and
-15.0 MPa by the PTI manual {Precast 1978).


1. % is proportionate approximately to 1// and increased when r, is increased.

So the heavier the flange and the shorter the span, the more pronounced the
shear-lag effect.
2. From Appendix I, we can conclude that, when d/b a 2.3 (d is the distance
from the acting point of the concentrated load to the point under consideration),
i\ is negligible.
3. For practical beams, the spans are always greater than 2.3b, so the effect
of axial loads at two ends of the beam can be neglected at interior-supported
sections and the interaction of the shear lag of two adjacent reactions can also
be neglected.
4. The longitudinal distribution of the stress ratio S can be easily studied by
the suggested formulas and diagrams.


See Figs. 5 and 6.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.


Foutch, D. A., and Chang, P. C. (1982). "A shear lag anomaly." J. Struct. Div.,
ASCE, 108(7), 1653-1658.
Irrcher, K. K. J. (1983). "The effective flange width of typical prestressed concrete
T-beams under service conditions," thesis presented to the University of Calgary,
Downloaded from ascelibrary.org by University Of Ulster AT on 06/04/15. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Science.
Maisel, B. I. (1986). "Shear lag analysis of concrete box beams using small com-
puter capacity." Proc, Second Int. Conf. on Short and Medium Span Bridges,
Ottawa, Canada. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers.
Precast Segmental Box Girder Bridge Manual. (1978). Post-Tensioning Institute and
Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, 111., 4 4 - 4 9 .
Sabnis, G. M . , and Lord, W. D. (1976). "Investigation of the effective width of
reinforced concrete T-beam." Preprint 2746, ASCE Annual Convention and Ex-
position, Philadelphia, Pa.
Song, Q.-C. (1984a). "Shear lag analysis of simple and continuous T, I and box
beams." Report No. UCB/SESM-84/10, Div. of Struct. Engrg. and Struct. Mech.,
Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of California, Berkeley, Calif.
Song, Q.-C. (1984b). "Formulas for stress ratio and effective flange width of simple
and continuous I, T and box beams." Report No. UCB/SESM-84/11, Div. of
Struct. Engrg. and Struct. Mech., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Univ. of California,
Berkeley, Calif.


The following symbols are used in this paper:

A = area of web within half of total cross section;

b . = half-width of flange, measured from edge of web;
c = distance from web center to centroid of overall cross section, pos-
itive upward;
e = distance from center of web to middle surface of top flange;
h = thickness of flange;
/ = moment of inertia of web within half of total cross section;
L = total length of beam;
/ = relative length of beam = L/b;
ra = 2bh/A;
r, = 2bhe2/I;
S = stress ratio = crs/oV>
u,x = relative distance, see Fig. 1(b);
a = coefficient, see Eqs. l l a - e ;
P = l - X;
t) = S — 1 = complementary stress ratio;
T|0 = peak complementary stress ratio;
\ = bjb = effective flange width coefficient;
a,, = beam theory longitudinal stress at web-flange junction; and
crs = shear-lag theory longitudinal stress at same point as <rb.


J. Struct. Eng. 1990.116:1306-1318.

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