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Concentration Camps / Death Camps 5 paragraph Research Paper

For this assignment you will conduct research in pairs over the Nazi concentration/death camp of your
choosing from the list at the bottom of this page.

The research and visual aid portions of the assignment will be done in pairs, however, each student will write
their research paper individually.

The paper will consist of 5 paragraphs of no less than 5 complete sentences per paragraph (that means your
paper will be at least 25 complete sentences long or longer and at least 5 paragraphs).

Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Double spaced.
The paper should be about 1 page in length following the above specifications and no longer than 2 pages.

Breakdown by paragraph:

Paragraph 1: Introduction - introduce the topic - holocaust concentration camps - and explain which camp
was chosen, where it was located, and why you selected that particular camp.
Give background information as to why the camps were built (what was their purpose?...why
did Germany construct these places? etc.)

Paragraphs 2 &3: Present your research. (explain what you have found while investigating your camp.)
This is a great place for statistics and examples.)

Somewhere in these first 3 paragraphs you must explain the concepts of anti-Semitism (racism), Social
Darwinism, and The Final Solution.

Paragraph 4: Your opinion on the topic. Relate how ideals such as isolationism, appeasement, Social
Darwinism, and anti-Semitism helped contribute to the factors that allowed for the Holocaust to
take place. You must support your opinion. Being able to justify your opinion is even more
important than your actual opinion. (So state your opinion and use the rest of the paragraph to
back your opinion up with facts and examples.)

Paragraph 5: Conclusion: Re-state what you have outlined throughout your paper in different words (do not
cut and paste from other parts of your paper - that will earn you a score of 0 for this portion of
the paper.)
This paragraph should read like a summary of the rest of your paper.

In Addition to the Essay, you must create a visual aid (poster, flyer, sign, etc.) that represents factual
information attainted as a result of your group research. Only 1 visual aid per research group is required.

List of Camps:
- Chelmno - Majdanek - Belzec - Auschwitz - Mauthausen

- Treblinka - Dachau - Buchenwald - Natzweiler-Struthof - Sobibor

Sources are to be cited in the Chicago style format and research notes will be turned in with the completed
assignment (failure to submit notes or cite sources will result in an overall point deduction).
This Assignment is worth 100 points.

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