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Geometry Lesson Plan

Mathematics Learning Objectives:

● Students should be able to rotate, and translate a shape on xy-plane.
● Students will be able to compare how the image rotates and transforms from the
original image.
● Students will be able to interpret how rotation and translation are formed.

Language Objectives:
● Students will be able to compare and contrast the differences between rotation
and translation. This includes changing the coordinates of the original shapes
and understanding how angles work during rotation.
● Students will be able to interpret how a shape would look like on the graph based
on a description of actions.
● Students will be able to understand and use the appropriate vocabulary when
discussing shape rotation and translation.
○ Key vocabulary: Rotation, translation, reflection, coordinate, vertices,
origin, length, height, and width.
● Students will be able to interpret their steps and justify their solutions to their
peers using the appropriate, key vocabulary listed above.
● This lesson will engage the students in manipulating shapes on an xy-plane to
gain hands on experience on how rotation, reflection, and translation work.
Students will be able to do this by using the key vocabulary and demonstrating
how each definition works on an xy-plane.

Essential Question:
Generally what are the differences between rotation, reflection, and translation? How do
each property move the image? What information is needed for each property? Are
there any similar trends or associations shared between rotation, reflection, and

Common Core State Mathematics Standards:

Represent transformations in the plane using, e.g., transparencies and geometry
software; describe transformations as functions that take points in the plane as
inputs and give other points as outputs. Compare transformations that preserve
distance and angle to those that do not (e.g., translation versus horizontal stretch).
Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations in terms of angles,
circles, perpendicular lines, parallel lines, and line segments.
Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or
structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic
grid systems based on ratios).

● Computer or device able to access the internet, and Sketchpad.
● Pen and paper for scratch work and ideas (optional)
● The provided worksheet: Guided Lesson - Geometry worksheet
● Graph file in Sketchpad

Notes to the reader:

● Assume a 50 minute block for this lesson plan.
● Assume that students have at least a basic understanding of parallel lines,
perpendicular lines, and concepts of midpoints and center.
● Assume that students are familiar with working in sketchpad.
● Students are encouraged to work in groups of 2, but this is optional. Groups can
be greater than 2 if there is a limitation on technology available.

Detailed Plan for Instructional Time

Time What is the teacher doing? (Be sure to include What are students doing? If they
questions the teacher will ask and academic are interacting with a technology
language supports and details of technologies tool or other materials, please
or other materials used) describe.

20 Introduce task:
min Say, “What do you know about rotation, reflection, Students will be engaging with the
and translation? Would they all look exactly the teacher as they introduce the task
same as the original shape? Do you think maybe and answer the teacher’s questions
some of them are actually the same thing?” in their own words.

Say, “I am dividing you into three groups. Group one Students will get into groups, and
discuss in your group about what you think a share their ideas about the assigned
rotation is based on our last chapter. Group two property with their group members
discuss reflection, and group three, translation.
Three minutes later I need each group to have a
representation to explain what their words are.”
Say, “Alright, where are my three representatives? The three students each talked
Tell me your definition.” about what they think rotation,
reflection, and translation is.

“Well done! Rotation is ​a circular movement. 

Rotation has a central point that stays fixed and  Students listen to me and take
everything else moves around that point in a circle.  notes (if wanted to).
A "Full Rotation" is 360°. A reflection is a type of 
rigid transformation in which the preimage is flipped 
across a line of reflection to create the image. And a 
translation is used to describe a function that 
moves an object a certain distance.​ ​It is not rotated, 
reflected or re-sized. Every point of the object must 
be moved in the same direction and for the same 

“Here are some worksheets that I want you to try

after I do the first one on the board in a second. You
can either work in pairs or by yourself.”

*pass out the guided lesson worksheet to students. Students start looking at the first
Either one per student or one per group. Ask problem on the guided lesson
students to get out computers/devices if not out worksheet. And learn from the
already.* example that I am solving.

*Demonstrate the work through of the first question

on the board.*

13 Student work time:

min *Teacher should be monitoring student progress Students will be solving the
and answering student questions as they arise.* problems in their groups. Students
will be playing around and
*Teacher can ask the checking understanding interacting with the shapes by
questions as walked around the classroom to make rotating, reflecting and translating
sure students’ work are on the right path.* on sketchpad.

Say, “Remember to screenshot associations you Students will learn from the example
find on sketchpad so that you can use them in your I did, then challenge themselves to
justifications in your discussion posts later!” solve problems 2 and 3.

10 Discussion time:
min Say, “Alright students, it’s time to discuss our Students will be answering the
findings! We’re going to be using Padlet to share discussion questions on the Padlet
what can or cannot happen to a shape during link.
rotation, reflection and translation. I’ve wrote the link
on the board. Take about five minutes to make your Students will discuss their findings
padlet post that answers the discussion question. and justify their conclusions.
Try your best to justify your conclusions!” Students will also discuss the
associations that they found.
*The teacher could be reading through the posts
that students add to the Padlet.*

*The teacher could select students to explain their

answers in more depth to the class, or to
demonstrate the strategies used in their
investigations. If this is done then the teacher could
help bring students to a higher understanding by
ordering the presentations in increasing complexity.*

*Or the teacher could ask students if any group

wants to show the class an interesting association
they found.*

7 min Review:
**This is extra time for the teacher to answer
additional questions students might have that
weren’t addressed in the discussion.**

**This section is also buffer time in case some

sections take more time.**

A) Online Resources:
● Files on moodle because I can’t convert padlet into a link
● Padlet for Discussion
○ https://padlet.com/lhlin/rlbivhikgrhb
B) Guided lesson worksheet link
C) Worked out guided lesson worksheet with acceptable students answers link

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