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Unit 3 Operation OPERATIONS Excessive Casing Pressure 1. For steam to flow through the turbine, there must be a pressure ________ between the inlet and the exhaust, 2, During startup of the turbine, the exhaust valve must be opened before the inlet valve, or excessive pressure may rupture the 3. If the inlet valve were opened before the exhaust valv e _—_ would build up in the easing. 4, Turbines are sometimes equipped with safety valves to relieve excessive pressure. Safely valves locé (manually “automati fed In the exhaust piping oper cally). 5. Sometimes the safely valve does not reset properly after it has opened. ‘The valve continues to leak through the relief line, and usuble glean is lost to the air. 6. Some turbines haye only a sentinel valve and not a safety valye. A sentinel valve sounds a warning when the in the casing Is too high, The oper medial Lor must 5 _the pressure Im- the sentinel valve by itsell (protects /does not protect) the casing against overpressuring: 8. Stopping the flow of steam to the turbine reduces the pressure The operator (opens /closes) the inlet valve immedi- ately to stop the flow of steam, 9. To start up, the (inlet/exhaust) valve is opened first, ‘Vo shut down, the — valve is closed first, 19. Large high-pressure turbines must operate at low. speeds until they are warm, The inlet valve on these turbines should be (wide/ partially) open, Insulation LL. Insulation prevents the loss of —___ from the unit. [45] difference pressure automatically steam sure pre decrease ‘ioes not protect, closes exhaust inlet partially heat 12, ‘The turbine is insulated to prevent heat loss and pro- tect the operator from burns, The should be kept intact during operations, 13. If insulation is removed during repairs or inspection, it must ho _____before startup. Condensation of Steam 14. ‘Phe temperature of steam leaving the turbine is always lower than the temperature of stem entering the turbin ‘Phe higher the inlet steam temperatur less) likely the exhaust steam is to be d the [more/ 15. Condensing turbines have low exhaust temperatures, ‘Usually some of the steam condenses as it passes through the later stages. ‘These turbines are designed so that 9 moderate mount of condensate does not cause erosion of the 16, If the inlet steam temperature falls helow the design temperature, too much steam condenses in the earlier stages. ‘These stages are not designed for condensate, This condensate may cause of time, over & period 17, Daring shutdown, the turbine evok steam left in the turbine or the lines nd any residual 18. Water collects in Joy points in the inlet line, Stoam at low velocity (pieks up/dloes not piek up) the water as it passes over it. 19, During startup, many turbines operate at (low/high) speed, and the steam flowing to the turbine is at velocity. [46] insulation replaced buckets condenses does not piek up low low

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