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Will Barnes 1

Annotated Bibliography

How feasible is it that electric vehicles will nullify the use of internal combustion engines within

the next century?

Will Barnes

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

March 12, 2019

Will Barnes 2
Annotated Bibliography

Kerns, Jeff. “What’s the Difference Between IC, Rotary, and Electric CAR MOTORS?”

Machine Design 88.3 (2016): n. pag. Web.

This developed article delves into the various intricacies of three of the more prevalent

engine types found in the mass market. The article includes detailed and informative

diagrams as well as a description of each mode of propulsion in relation to the vehicle it

accompanies. The author suggests the value of electric motors over the two alternatives

as more significant in the future as a useful substitution preceding the eventual end of oil

mining and petroleum products as a whole. The basis of the article is to inform those who

may be less knowledgeable about the topic as well as provide insight into the ongoing

debate as to which motor configuration will most likely prevail in the upcoming decades.

In addition, the article explains various pros and cons of each configuration, which gives

the reader a chance to make a more informed choice when researching/ deciding the

alternatives to fossil fuels or even as to why an alternative is needed. The information that

is presented within the article is provided by a trusted and educated individual, Jeff

Kerns, who has earned a degree in mechanical engineering at Rochester Institute of

Technology alongside many years within the industry. The information, while lacking

concrete sources, is correct and is very intelligently presented as fact. The majority of the

purpose of the article is to inform, however there is a twinge of objective opinion

contained within it. Lastly, the information conferred by the article is extremely useful

within the context of my proposed topic. Without the knowledge of the processes in

which the motors use to run, making an argument as to how feasible any which one of
Commented [1]: The summary of the article was good.
Nice use of writer's moves. The evaluating section can
these three configurations would be futile and grossly uninformed. be added upon by including the currency of the article
as well as the possible bias. For the usefulness,
mention if you will be using the source in your paper
and how this article has related to the other research
you have completed.
Will Barnes 3
Annotated Bibliography

Chaikin, Don. "Who Resurrected the Electric Car?" Popular Mechanics. Popular Mechanics, 1

Oct. 2009. Web. 12 Mar. 2019.

This article provides reliable, contemporary information regarding the recent re-

introduction of the electric car into the mass market. Although the article is short, it

provides an insightful look into the resurrection of the electric car in the 21st century. The

article explains that the reason for the popularization of this new technology is through

the hybridization of some vehicles as well as the introduction of a few fully electric

vehicles by large car manufacturers. The website from which this article originates is a

very popular magazine meant to provide consistent updates within the STEM

communities. The author of the article includes a lot of in-text sources to support his

claims and the various amounts of information provided. This article is very useful as it

pertains to my topic of the relevancy of the electric car currently and into the future. My

portfolio will include all three above mentioned configurations for vehicles in the coming

years and the information presented within this article will provide me with the

knowledge needed to understand where the electric car market was a few years ago as

well as give me a reference point to reference it's current standings in public opinion as it

relates to early 2010s to compare to its meteoric rise to pertinancy today. Commented [2]: The summary was short. I know you
said it wasn't a long article but maybe add more to this
section. I would also go more in depth with the author,
if you can find him, and the organization that published
the article. You can talk about their credibility and
reliability. The usefulness was good.
Will Barnes 4
Annotated Bibliography

Bögel, Paula et al. “The Role of Attitudes in Technology Acceptance Management: Reflections

on the Case of Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Europe.” Journal of Cleaner Production 188 (2018): 125–

135. Web.

This scholarly article evaluates and describes in an unbiased manner the value and

extensive research done relating to a compressed hydrogen fuel cell. The authors

include information gathered through years worth of research as well as the recent

introduction of a hydrogen fueling station in Europe. Within the article it is clarified that

this technology is still within it's very earliest of stages and that as of now public

knowledge of their efforts are still very minimal. The article’s authors also illuminate

that within the seven country study held in Europe that public appeal towards a low-

carbon, renewable fuel source has a less than desirable popularity, with this knowledge

the researchers involved hope to shift public opinion with the introduction of wide-scale

availability of compressed hydrogen fuel to the masses. This article is a peer-reviewed,

scholarly study based around public opinion, infrastructure, and feasibility of this new

type of propulsion. The article is riddled with in-text citations which will lead the reader

towards an excess of other scholarly articles associated with this topic. The authors are

all extremely qualified to discuss this topic, as they are all formally educated as well

have their own share of experience in the field. In addition, this article includes plenty

of information involving my proposed topic and this article in particular will grant me

the knowledge needed to correctly discuss the possibility of hydrogen fuel cells within

my portfolio. Commented [3]: Summary is good. More can be

added to the evaluating section by following the
questions given to us on canvas. The usefulness can
be expanded upon by talking about how this article has
shaped your understanding of the topic and how it has
helped you.
Will Barnes 5
Annotated Bibliography

Commented [4]: Make sure all your citations have

hanging indents and the dates they were published and
accessed. Also check to see if the "Web." is a part of
the MLA 8 citation. Some annotations need to be
longer as he wants them to each be a page and a half.

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