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1.) Project Intent

> Problem: A student who is always late in Class

> Prior Efforts: Advance time in alarm clock
> Costumer/Target User: Students in Tertiary Level
> Rationale: It matters because it can affect the student's performance in school
and also in their grades
> Project Statement: To give aid to the problems of students in coming to school

2.) Empathy
- Most college students come to school more than 15 minutes late.
Hypothesized reasons;
- tardiness depeneds on the distance of school from home
- procastination
- waking up late
- sleeping late due to technology, projects, requirements,
practices, etc.
3.) Observation - The students, especially in tertiary level, are usually late in
classes that start early in the morning (7:30 A.M)
4.) Clustering

> Attitude - Most students prioritize gaming over sleeping, and some others
prioritize studies over sleeping. They choose to do these things rather
than sleeping early, and this attitude of sleeping late causes students
to wake up late and come late in class.
> Priorities - Students sleep late at night because of school responsibilities like
projects, paper works, tests, and practices. Others also do household chores
and finish everything late in the evening. Priorities are often the
reason why students neglect sleeping early, thus makes them procastinate in
waking up early.
> Cognizant - Living conditions affect a student's attitude towards getting to
school; some live with their relatives, and some live alone in a boarding house or
> Others - Some students are eager to go to school early to see their crushes and
special someone. Others just want to impress their handsome or pretty instructor,
while there are also others who purposely come to school late because
of terror instructors, bullies, and boring lessons.

5.)Theme: Puntuality
6.)Insights: To help motivate students to come to school early, thus preventing
them to get late in class.
7.)Need Statement: To aware students that it is not healthy to always come late in
class because it gives a bad impression to the instructors and it affects your
class performance grade.A students's punctuality or tardiness depends on the
student's desire of not being late, so there is a need of tool that could help
motivate a student's desire in coming to school early.
8.) Design Statement: A design that does not only change a person's attitude
towards punctuality but also adds fun in motivating a student to come to school
9.) Factors: The prototype is designed to be convenient for both students and
teachers. This Embarrassment Matt is made to motivate students to come to school
early by
embarrassing them. This matt is placed in the doorstep of every classroom,
and this has a switch on the side that the teachers may turn on whenever the class
is about to start and turn off when the class is done. Once the matt's switch
is turned on, anyone who steps on the matt will make a commotion and will catch
everyone's attention . This will then make the student feel embarrassed for
the fact that everyone in the room knows he or she came late and even made a grand
entrance. The event that happened will do a psychological effect on the
student, motivating him or her to come early the next day so the same scenario will
happen again. The Embarrassment Matt does embarrass a person for a while, but
in contrary, this embarrassment could give a good effect on a student's life.
Better not mess with Embarrassment Matt and get up early, finish morning
routines early, and come in class early.

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