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Teachers: Subject: Grade:

Daniella Armendariz United States History 11th Grade
Common Core State Standards:

Content Standards:
 HS.H1.2 Explain and compare how social, cultural, and environmental factors influenced state-building,
expansion, and dissolution.
 HS.H3.1 Analyze how societies, leaders, institutions, and organizations respond to societal needs and
 HS.H3.4 Evaluate how societies have balanced individual freedoms, responsibilities, and human dignity
versus the common good.
Anchor Standards:
 Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse partners,
building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
 Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively,
and orally
ISTE-S Standards:
 Knowledge Constructor: 3b Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of
information, media, data or other resources.
 Creative Communicator: 6c Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a
variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

Objective (Explicit):

 Students will be able to identify the five characteristics of effective propaganda when shown examples and
 Students will be able to identify the effects of propaganda throughout history by being explained the poster
project in depth and students begin to brain storm.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

 Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
 Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
 Assign value to each portion of the response

 Students will be graded on their ability to identify the characteristics of a good persuasive propaganda poster or
ad by choosing within the examples and non-examples provided the correct poster exhibiting all characteristics.
 Students will also be graded on their note taking during instruction and how they use them when looking back
in time.
 Students will be graded on their ticket out the door activity given at the last 10 minutes of class.

Sub-Objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

 How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
 What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
 How is this objective relative to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

 Students will be able to use online technology resources such as Padlet to effectively communicate their
interpretation and analysis of propaganda posters throughout history.
 Students will be able to use their laptops to effectively research for a poster and give the correct historical back
ground asked within the activity.
Key vocabulary: Materials:

1. Propaganda 1. Laptops
2. World War II 2. Notebook
3. Nazi Party 3. Pen/Paper
4. Stereotypes 4. Graphic Organizer Word Wall Vocabulary
5. Bandwagon 5. Technology online tool: Padlet.com
6. Transfer
7. Card Stacking
8. Plain Folk
9. Testimonial
10. Glittering Generalities
11. Name Calling

 How will you activate prior knowledge?
 How will you hook student attention?
 What question will you pose, based on your objective, that students will seek to answer in Explore?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 The teacher will begin the class with a Power Point  Students will take out their notebooks due to the
Presentation about Propaganda. Power Point Presentation on the over head screen.
 The teacher will ask students the definition of  Students will look back a few pages in their
propaganda from the beginning of the unit notes. This notebooks to define what propaganda is.
activates prior knowledge as students are asked to recall  When posed the questions of the day students will
the definition as well as encouraged to look back at view the examples of modern day propaganda
previous notes. posters and ads and begin to make connections to
 The teacher will present modern propaganda posters todays propaganda and historical propaganda.
and ads frequently seen by students. This hooks  Students will also take active notes during the
students attention as they are exposed to something Power Point Presentation.
they see everyday during commercial breaks on  Students will fill in their Word Wall Graphic
television, while they play video games, or before and Organizer with the definitions of the vocabulary
after YouTube videos. within the Power Point Presentation.
 The teacher will then pose the questions of the day to
the class that aligns with the standards and expectation
of the day.
o What makes an effective propaganda poster
or ad?
o What are the different types of propaganda?
o What elements in a propaganda ad and
poster make it convey what message?
o Looking back in history what are some
examples of effective propaganda posters or

 How will you model your performance expectations? (Remember you are not modeling what you want students to discover but need to
model expected behavior or required procedures.)
 How will students take the lead and actively use materials to discover information that will help them answer the question posed in the
 What questions or prompts will you be prepared to use with students while they are “exploring”?
Teacher Will: Students Will:

 The teacher will present the slide stating the first activity  Students will use their notebooks to look back to
for the class. information that will help them correctly pick within
o Identify in these examples and non- the examples and non-examples an effective
examples if the poster or ad has enough propaganda poster or ad.
characteristics to be considered an effective  Students are encouraged to ask questions if they
propaganda poster. are confused or cannot find the correct number of
 The teacher will describe the instructions of the activity characteristics in a poster.
and give time for students to research and talk within  Students will select the correct poster and write
their groups to share ideas and collaborate. their analysis summary of their interpretation of the
 The teacher will model what is expected of students by chosen poster in their worksheet provided to submit
correctly demonstrating how to identify for at the end of class.
characteristics of an effective propaganda poster in the
first set of examples and non-examples. The teacher will
then write a sample analysis summary of the poster in
the worksheet provided to complete the activity.
 The teacher will answer any questions students may
have while walking around and checking students notes
and vocabulary sheets.

Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 The Power Point Presentation is available to every student on their own screens on their laptop. However for
those who need physical copies for them to keep and write on, there will be some provided.
 Students will work in groups verses independently to increase the amount of student engagement and
comprehension as they work together to select the correct answers.
 How will all students have an opportunity to share what they discovered?
 How will you connect student discoveries to correct content terms/explanations?
 How will all students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the sub-objectives by answering the question from the
Engage before moving on?

Teacher Will: Students Will:

 The teacher at the end of the activity will ask students if  Students will ask questions if they had any during
they had any difficulties or questions of confusion they the activity that were unanswered.
might have had during the activity.  Students will sign on to Padlet and type in the
 The teacher will ask students to go to the class Padlet. access code for the discussion after the activity.
(Padlet is a website where the classroom has a wall Students will spend 5-7 minutes typing their
where the teacher can upload documents, posts, analysis summaries into their post on the
questions and more for students to comment on and discussion wall.
post replies to each-others personal walls)  Students will write down in their agendas the
 Students are given the directions to the next activity homework for the night
which is to type their analysis summaries into the class o Respond to three other classmate’s post
discussion wall on Padlet that the code was made if their interpretation differed from yours.
accessible to.
 The teacher will already have a sample analysis
summary on the example identified before.
 The teacher gives the directions to the students to
comment on three other students analysis summaries as
homework to which they had a different interpretation of
the poster or ad.
Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 Students that do not have access to the internet in order to do the assignment will be signed out for advisory
(traveling homerooms) to complete the assignment.
 Until they can get their responses in they must keep their analysis summary to type at a later time.
 How will students take the learning from Explore and Explain and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this
learning at a deep level?
 How will students use higher order thinking at this stage (e.g. A common practice in this section is to pose a What If? Question)?
 How will all students articulate how their understanding has changed or been solidified?
Teacher Will: Students Will:

 The teacher will further introduce to students the  Students will listen to the teacher further introduce
Propaganda in Recycling Efforts Poster Project. the project.
 The teacher will give a brief explanation of the project.  Students will begin to brain storm in their notes
 The teacher will ask students to think of ways to answer ideas and questions about the project to answer the
the unit’s essential question: essential question.
o How can propaganda affect recycling efforts?  Students are encouraged to begin to google
 The teacher explains to students that through activities environmental aids as their focus of the poster.
like today, answering every question of the day, and  Students will begin to choose environmental aids
hitting learning goals students will pick an environmental listed for their poster project.
aid to create an effective propaganda poster to move 
people to recycle.
 The teacher will ask random What If Questions to excite
the minds of the students and begin to brain storm ideas
for their project.
 Teacher will list possible environmental aids students
can choose to research and create the focus for their
propaganda posters.
Differentiation Strategy
 What accommodations/modifications will you provide for specific students?
 How will you anticipate students that need an additional challenge?
 Students will be given a pre printed copy of a list of possible environmental aids which consist a picture of it
and a sentence or two summary of it.
 How will all students demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not mastery of the elaborate content)?
 How will students have an opportunity to summarize the big concepts they learned (separate from the assessment)?
Teacher Will: Students Will:
 Students will turn in their example and non-
 The teacher will collect the students turn in at the end of example worksheet to the teacher.
the class their examples and non-examples worksheet  Students will keep their notebooks out to be graded
and will be graded on how many posters correctly on.
chosen, and their personal analysis summaries under  Students will have to have their post on the
each picture of the posters on their worksheet. discussion board by the end of the day.
 The teacher will also ask students to have their  Students will have to respond to three students
notebooks out to finish notebook checking. posts if they differed in interpretation.
 Finally the teacher will grade by the end of the day if  Students will have to fill out the half sheet of paper
students typed their analysis summary and posted it into ticket-out-the-door to turn in as they exit the
the discussion wall on Padlet.com. classroom.
 The teacher will give students the remainder of the
period to select the correct propaganda poster on a half
sheet of paper ticket-out-the-door for further practice

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