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More Basics of Money MAGIC

Brought to you by FRATER Azrael ©.

Now luck is on YOUR side!






$ I am a money magnet $

$ I feel rich $

$ I attract money now $

$ I am receiving money now $

$ I love money. Money loves me. $

$ I have more than enough money $

$ I am willing, ready and able to receive money $

$ I see abundance everywhere $

$ I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now $

$ I have more than what I need $

$ My income is growing higher and higher $

$ Money now comes to me from unexpected sources and I am grateful $

$ I have the power to attract money $

$ I receive money happily now $

$ I am sensible with money and manage it wisely $

$ I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy $

$ Money flows to me easily $


I, your humble frater and brother in the Golden Dawn, already published a one-dollar eBook
called Basics of Money Magic found on Amazon in which I shared a Jade Emperor money spell.

"$1.00? Why sell an occult eBook for only one dollar???," you may ask, "It's magick after all and
these secrets don't come exactly painlessly.." Well to reply to your imaginary question it's cause
I'm not poor. Right now I got a job of a pretty healthy income of six thousand dollars a month
thanks to my college education. But I sorta like this occult hobby of mine so I enjoy publishing
my thoughts when I got the time to write, who knows somebody might learn a new thing or two
from me so writing these is time well spent.

But if I can give you one "money magic tip," then it's to get a job more than anything else.
Getting a job is the common sense way to manifest money. It's just how it is.

But aside from getting a job money magick works too.

In any case, what I really shared in this eBook's prequel was the Jade Emperor himself because
he is a less well known money spirit from the orient that is just as money magnetized and money
magnetizing as our Bune, Ziku, Clauneck, Nitika, Zadkiel and Iophiel to name a few popular
money spirits we work with on the regular. I mean even the Jade Emperor's color is green! In the
lore the Jade Emperor is a kind chairman of the celestial treasury and all money passes through
his hands. So go figure. The Jade Emperor likes incense and childish belief. Although with
strong enough childish belief you can freely skip the incense because the power of belief is
enough to manifest money through any spirit including the Jade Emperor.

So, to make a mantra out of the abovementioned money spirits in order to magnetize yourself
with money energy – using the occult angle particularly, if occult is your thing and here I'm
assuming it is – we end up with the 19-word mantra:

$ Boo Nay Zee Kooh Claw Neck Nee Tee Kah Zad Kee El Yo Fee El Jayd Em Pe Rawr $

Chant the mantra, or the one given in the next chapter, or any one of the money mantras
whenever you wish to magnetize yourself with money!

Use money mantras in your money spells, and experiment with coupling money mantras with
money subliminals as found on YouTube. Don't worry - you can trust subliminals. Like mantras,
subliminals are sound spells, and like mantras, subliminals ingeniously encompass the intention
and there are endless ways to use subliminals, with or without headphones, loud or quiet.

In fact for fastest results I recommend using all three together: mantras + magic such as sigil
magic + subliminals. Try to reach that zone in your money spells in which you are positively
charged with the silvery, gold, green money energy. Set time limits and start off small.

Say, you could make a word sigil out of the following affirmation which is pretty reasonable:
Today I'll win unexpected money.
If a beginner, to learn how to sigilize you can google "how to make a chaos sigil" or check out
my eBook 21st Century Wizardry. Next, you could put the resulting money sigil in Microsoft
Paint on top of a photo of money or gold or wealth. This type of energy picture is a good focus
for all run-of-the-mill spellwork...for a modern man the computer screen is the perfect altar. If
your computer breaks down because of too much psychic energy though then remember it's not
on me, I mean, magick almost never does anything to a PC so how could I've known. But life is
too short so if ya ask me don't worry about your electronics breaking down. Computers are super
useful in magick, and subliminals and energy pictures should be a-ok to your computer to
handle; I'm 99% sure nothing unwanted will happen to your computer but it's magick so I simply
can't be 100% sure. Also it seems some people influence electronics around them while others
don't so there are variables I cannot know. But enough of tin foil hypochondria bs, your
computer is safe.

With your Money Energy Picture before you on your computer screen you could start playing a
subliminal geared toward drawing money off YouTube, and concentrating on the Money Energy
Picture you could start chanting a money mantra and reach a money gnosis thereby.

If you got a hot roommate ask them to jerk you off at this point while you are mentally chanting,
because just about everyone charges their sigil spells by coming, but you must know already
because sigil magic is universal. As an alternative to jerking off chanting money mantras is
enough for reaching a money gnosis. But for some weird reason sigil magicians don't chant their
way to gnosis nearly as often as they beat their meat to achieve the same. I suggest one does both
to ensure gnosis while looking at the Money Energy Picture, (1.) chant a money mantra and (2.)
get a handjob. But if you're against the latter then just chant the mantra without sexual activity
and maybe raise energy via the Middle Pillar exercise to make your magical voice more
powerful. The Middle Pillar is a rite everyone does before spellwork so it has become a sortova
universal spell opener over the years. When you do the Middle Pillar you tell God you're about to
cast without needing to say it. What works best depends on the person. Simply chanting mantras
sans sexual deeds is enough to reach gnosis and successfully launch the spell into the ether.
Monks don't get a hj they just chant while still being high as a kite. But on the other hand they
chant for long stretches of time which may be too long for your taste. Binaural beats can help
you get into gnosis quicker.

...When you climax you could then at the peak of that climax say or think "Money!", and then
say "So mote it be" to seal the deal. And that's it. Your bona fide money spell is cast.

But there are so many ways to cast spells that there is no one right way to create money using
magical technologies such as sigils and subliminals. This kinda at-the-computer spell is a quick
way to create money. Create as in reality creation. It's what you are when you're casting spells, a
reality creator creating your own reality. It's possible you know.

The correct planetary hours can be calculated with a 'planetary hour calculator' found with
Jupiter's day Thursday and Jupiter's planetary hour are BONUSES but still OPTIONAL.

If you can work your money magic on those times then more power to you, but a lot of people
around the world do money magic successfully during other times. It's not necessary to believe in
those Hermetic Jupiter-tides in order to raise money from the Universe. In other words there is
no need to cast money spells on Thursday or on the hour of Jupiter. Those timings may be an
added blessing in your spellwork but not mandatory. Any day and hour is fine for money

Same goes to the waxing moon phase. Some people believe that waxing lunar phase is for
bringing things to you. So if you want money to come to you then according to these people the
ideal time to cast your money spells is during the waxing moon. But like Thursday and the
Jupiter's planetary hour, the waxing moon is optional, after all there'd be very few times to cast
for money if these exceptional tides weren't optional.

Normal tides i.e. every other time than Thursday and Jupiter's planetary hour and waxing moon
are just as good times to engage in money magic! Believe like a child that it is so. Jupiter works
around the clock and around the week.

And Santa works around the year. Santa is a money spirit par excellence but few believe in him
for some reason while believing in just about anything and everything else, so he is also the spirit
to pray to when you lack the naive child's belief needed to believe there is magic in this world.
Write your money wish behind a Christmas card and send it to Santa..

Use this chapter's information however you want, or not, but at least remember what I said about
the Jade Emperor, because deities are spirits just like any other and can be worked with (instead
of worshipped which is a waste of time). Jade Emperor is a spirit. He is not a deity any more than
Bune is a deity. The Goetic spirit Bune is omnipotent so I'm not saying Bune is not cosmic, but
what I'm saying is open your heart and mind and you will begin to see the supernatural as ONE.
The Jade Emperor...Bune...Santa.. they are all omnipotent and cosmic. They're the universe,
many yet one. And magic does work.

Use what works. The single most important primary ingredient of money magic is the money
intent. The money intent should always be there or otherwise it's not a money spell. Even if
chaos magic you should know that the chaos magic you're about to do is in order to create money
and nothing else or else it's not a money spell. The intent has got to be there. I mean, the LBRP is
not a money spell. Not all magic creates money. But if your intent to cast the LBRP is to create
money then you turn the banishing ritual into a money spell. Doing the LBRP with a money
intent may or may not work, but intent is the primary ingredient in magick nevertheless.
Know what you want. And you want money.

Before chapter two let's bring to mind the quote by Mr. Monroe, because why not:
I am more than my physical body.

Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical

Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Understand; to Control, to Use

such greater energies and energy systems as may be beneficial and constructive to me and to
those who follow me.

Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the understanding of those
individuals whose wisdom, development and experience are equal or greater than my own.

I ask their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with
less than my stated desires.

I know I know I know, money magic is notoriously unfruitful.. It takes several tries to get it right
and some reality creators have problems manifesting some into their lives.

..But then there is Rhonda Byrnes who despite all unlikelihood did beat the odds despite it being
very unlikely, and got actually rich. Not by filling sandwiches, stocking shelves, or delivering
mail whether it rains water or hail on every fucking weekday, but by writing. Writer being
hypothetically the most fun job ever. Only that no one ever actually gets by as a writer. Almost
every writer is poor as fuck so not so fun after all.

Are you the next Rhonda Byrnes or George R.R. Martin? Then write, write, write and write.

But even if you're not GRRM, you could still train your craft until you are him. Once there was a
time when George R.R. Martin hadn't written even one line of fiction. He too had to start
somewhere. You may be at that point or a little more advanced than he was in the very beginning
of his writing career, but be that as it may you are probably not gonna get your novel manuscript
published any time soon by a publishing company. Publishers are very picky. You got to
carefully think out your genre. Most readers won't be into your transgressive drug porn unless
your manuscript happens to be the Trainspotting. But, on the other hand, YA vampire stuff does

Anyways, some magicians do their money spells on Thursday and/or on the hour of Jupiter
because they believe there is a special money-power to Jupiter. These magicians believe Jupiter
is the money planet and directed by Iophiel!

Jupiter and Iophiel are pretty much synonymous.

You could argue depending on your initiation into the mysteries, some know more while others
understand the universe less well, that Jophiel and Jove are one and the same. Well they are. But
even more precisely the whole supernatural is one. There is only one spiritual. But feel free to
think that Iophiel and Jupiter are synonymous, and thus you're now on the right track.

Agiel=Saturn, Iophiel=Jupiter, Graphiel=Mars, Nakhiel=The Sun, Hagiel=Venus,

Tiriel=Mercury, and Malkah=The Moon.

These are the Planetary Intelligences. Think of them as 'smart planetary frequencies.' Smart like
reiki is smart. Sometimes reiki comes as a spirit, and mundane people will then think that they
are being visited by a "reiki master." So when he comes as a spirit, or as an angel, Nakhiel is
your "reiki master" of "solar reiki," a manifestation of his current. Currents and such things are of
course symbolical and not scientific but seeing money as a current and money spirits as
manifestations of the current is a pretty good way to look at things when you're casting money
spells. That way you won't begin worshipping the manifestations as your gods.
As as aside, why not ask for a money reiki attunement from the universe...now that we're talking
about reiki. Who knows you'll get powerful money symbols no one else know.

But technically there is no need to work with both Ra and Nakhiel because they are one and the
same intelligence of the Sun. But to many occultists Nakhiel is the Intelligence of the Sun with a
capital I as if it makes a difference. The more spirits the merrier, so they work with both Ra, and
with Nakhiel, and yet also with Michael, and even with other solar spirits even though one would
be enough.

You can string synonyms and put them in mantras, and even repeat spirit names in mantras like

$ Jove Yophiel Ra Money Ghob Jupiter Ra $

Chant the seven word mantra to create money fast. The Ra is an elongated "rah" sound so it
works as a mantra syllable like om is an elongated "omm."

Notice how Jove and Jupiter are synonyms and Ra is said twice. Jophiel is commonly
pronounced "yophiel." Yophiel is one of the alternative spellings of the money angel's name.
Even though there are names that are synonymous with each other (i.e. Jove and Jupiter) and Ra
is said twice it's just as good a money mantra as any. Feel free to be creative when devising your
own mantras. Magick is an art as well as a science, so you can do just about anything as long as
you stay within the confides of its science. At least if you expect the results you hope for! Try to
make mantras that sound cool. If you use other spirits than money spirits in your money mantra
then don't expect results though, the spirits or words of a money mantra should be connected
with money. The Sun is a money sphere just like Jupiter so its spirits are still money spirits.
Another common money sphere used in money magic is Earth.

Jupiter spirits, Earth spirits, and Sun spirits are money spirits.

Coincidentally Ghob of the mantra of this chapter is the King of Earth, and a so called elemental
spirit. On the other hand, what is important to realize is that Money isn't less of a spiritual being
than Ghob at which point it is natural to chant "Ghob" just as one would chant "money." Ghob is
money. Money is Ghob. Likewise Bune is money and Money is Bune. So what you are really
chanting when you're chanting the 7 word mantra is "money money money money money money
money," which wouldn't be a bad 7 money mantra. Money money money money money money
money! You'll want to develop a prosperity consciousness, so think of money.

Occult words and names stir the unseen so they are good to know and use, and hence the J-Y-R-
M-G-J-R mantra. Magic has the power to change your life. Just make sure your occult words and
names are connected with the idea whose energy you wish to rouse by chanting when making
your own similar mantras.

...When evoked, Iophiel tends to appear as a male. Hagiel is the Intelligence of Venus and tends
to appear as a female, like Venus, but Iophiel tends to appear as a male, like Jove. Testosterone
makes one competitive, and Iophiel being male makes sense because Iophiel can make you
suspiciously competitive. He wants you to go out into the world. He wants you to work. You
may not want it yourself, but Iophiel/Jupiter does (very often) want that the magician gets a job.
If you're against getting a job tell him to give you unexpected money from sources other than a
9-5 job. On the other hand if you are job seeking then let him know and request a well-paying

You can visualize the money angel Iophiel/Yophiel/Jophiel - but let's call him Iophiel – as a
blue-shirted youngster who is exceptionally handsome and well-mannered. Why blue? Blue is
Jupiter's color. Why well-mannered? Jupiter is a high sphere so Iophiel comes with manners.

In the qabalistic tree of life Jupiter/Chesed is the 4th sephira as we know, and as such way higher
than the Moon/Yesod, Mercury/Hod, Venus/Netzach, and Mars/Geburah. Being the Intelligence
of the high celestial Jupiter, the sphere of faith and religion, Iophiel is a very noble-seeming
angel. Jupiter is a benevolent planet and he is a benevolent angel.

We already know everything about Iophiel of course. But what I wanna teach you is how to talk
to him. He has the power to give you money and you can talk to him like to another person in
order to turn on the Iophiel switch in your life. The human spirit comes with psychic powers and
it'd be a shame not to use them to generate money.

Search the Internet until you find a still picture of a blue-shirted anime boy or a photo of a blue-
shirted good-looking young fellow, and open the pic so that you can look him into his eyes. The
blue-shirted young male in the photo or picture is now Iophiel. Granted he doesn't really need to
wear a blue shirt per se, but I'm hoping the blue color of his shirt helps you associate him quickly
with Jupiter's Intelligence so hence Jupiter's color blue.

Now mentally talk to Iophiel, referring to him by his name. Say hi to him and ask him how he's
doing, and he will reply as a voice in your mind. Keep chatting with Iophiel until likely either
one of you will grow impatient, meaning it's time for you to let Iophiel know you need money.
Make a request to the angel, e.g. for unexpected money to come to you within a week, or
something like that. Tell him bye and put the pic away. Experiment with such anime boy/anime
girl evocations if you want.

This is psionics evocation and not better or worse than magick evocation. Psionics evocation is
easy to do so you'll do it more likely than full blown magick evocation, which is a plus. But easy
or not, it still counts to the angel.

Once you get the money – if you do – open the picture and thank him. On the other hand, If you
haven't gotten any money by the deadline then you can open his picture and ask him what's up.

By coming through he was a good angel and thus deserves a thank you: it only takes a minute of
your time to thank him anyway so remember to thank him for helping you money-wise.

Now use what you've learned to get back the money you spent on this eBook. Thanks for
~May you be blessed by the Jade Emperor, and may $$$ always come to you quickly and

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