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Universe properties Universe values

Name eFashion
Long name eFashion
Folder C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\andre\Anwendu
Creation date 7/15/2009
Creation user
Modification date 7/15/2009
Import date 12/6/2009 7:55:35 PM
Version 125

eFashion retail Data

Warehouse created 14
Oct 1998, updated 3
April 2002. 89,000+ row
fact table.

Description Version 6.0

Comment renamed).
Count classes 6
Count objects 11
Count conditions 42
Count tables 10
Count aliases 0
Count joins 9
Count contexts 2
Count hierarchies 3
Limit size of result set 90000
Limit execution time 300
Warn if cost estimate exceeded 0
Limit size of long text object 0
Allow use of subqueries 1
Allow use of union, intersect and minus op 1
Allow complex operands in Query Panel 1
Multiple SQL statements for each context 1
Multiple SQL statements for each measure 1
Allow selection of multiple contexts 0
Prevent Cartesian Products 0
e und Einstellungen\andre\Anwendungsdaten\Business Objects\Business Objects 12.0\Universes\@lue_at_work_02_6400
Class ObjectClass name Object name Data Type
1 1 Time period jahr Dimension
1 2 Time period Fiscal Period Detail
1 3 Time period Quarter Dimension
1 4 Time period Month Dimension
1 5 Time period Month Name Detail
1 6 Time period Week Dimension
1 7 Time period Year/week Detail
1 8 Time period Holiday (y/n) Dimension
1 1 Time period Last year Condition
1 2 Time period This year Condition
1 3 Time period Christmas period Condition
1 4 Time period Holiday period Condition
2 1 Store State Dimension
2 2 Store City Dimension
2 3 Store Store name Dimension
2 4 Store Zip Code Detail
2 5 Store Address Detail
2 1 Store Sales floor size? Condition
2 2 Store Owned stores Condition
2 3 Store Stores with long opening hours Condition
3 1 Store details Long opening hours Dimension
3 2 Store details Name of manager Dimension
3 3 Store details Opening date Dimension
3 4 Store details Owned (y/n) Dimension
3 5 Store details Sales floor size group Dimension
3 6 Store details Sales floor size sqFt Detail
3 7 Store details Extended sales floor size Measure
4 1 Product Lines Dimension
4 2 Product Category Dimension
4 3 Product SKU number Dimension
4 4 Product Label Detail
4 5 Product SKU desc Dimension
4 6 Product Color Dimension
4 7 Product Color number Detail
4 8 Product Unit Price MSRP Dimension
4 9 Product Extended price Measure
4 10 Product Sold at (unit price) Measure
4 1 Product Prompt for a line item? Condition
4 2 Product Which category? Condition
4 3 Product Which product? Condition
5 1 Promotions Promotion (y/n) Dimension
5 2 Promotions Print Detail
5 3 Promotions Radio Detail
5 4 Promotions Television Detail
5 5 Promotions Direct mail Detail
5 6 Promotions Duration Dimension
5 7 Promotions Promotion Cost USD Measure
6 1 Measures Sales revenue Measure
6 2 Measures Quantity sold Measure
6 3 Measures Margin Measure
6 4 Measures Discount Measure
6 1 Measures Sales present Condition
6 2 Measures Sales not present Condition
Object type Description SQL Select
CharacterObject Year 1999 - 2001. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Yr, Agg_yr_qt_mt_m
CharacterObject Year FY99 - FY01 Calendar_year_lookup.Fiscal_period
CharacterObject Quarter number: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Qtr, Agg_yr_qt_mt_
NumericObject Month number in year, 1-12. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.M
CharacterObject Month name, January-December. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.M
NumericObject Week1-53. Week 53 may overlap with @aggregate_aware(
w Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.W
CharacterObject Week 1999/1 to 2001/53 - Unique yearCalendar_year_lookup.Year_Week
CharacterObject Holiday flag in week. Y=US public hol ucase(Calendar_year_lookup.Holiday_Flag)
NullObject Show last year results only - year 2000
NullObject Show this year results only - year 2001
NullObject Filter for Christmas rush period - Weeks 46 to 52 (incl. occasional week 53)
NullObject Filter for weeks that contain holiday periods
CharacterObject State located. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.State, Outlet_Looku
CharacterObject City located. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Ci
CharacterObject Name of store. @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.St
NumericObject Zip code Outlet_Lookup.Zip_code
CharacterObject Address of store Outlet_Lookup.Address_1
NullObject Prompt for sales floor group - '0-99','100-199','200-299','300-399','400-499','
NullObject Filter for wholly owned stores, rather than franchises
NullObject Filter for stores with long opening hours
CharacterObject Y=Late night opening, N=Normal storeOutlet_Lookup.Long_opening_hours_flag
CharacterObject Manager's name. Outlet_Lookup.Manager
CharacterObject Date store opened. Outlet_Lookup.Date_open
CharacterObject Y=Wholly owned by e-Fashion, N=Fra Outlet_Lookup.Owned_outright_flag
CharacterObject Sales floor size group: 0-999, 1000- IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=1000, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_spa
NumericObject Actual sales floor size in sqFt Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space
NumericObject Summed sales floor size. Can only be smum (Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space)
CharacterObject Product line. Each line contains a set @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Line, Article_lookup
CharacterObject Each category contains the individual @aggregate_aware( Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Category, Article_lo
NumericObject Stock Keeping Unit number (SKU).The@aggregate_aware(
l Article_lookup.Article_id, Article_Color_Lookup
CharacterObject Detailed information about each produ{fn concat(Article_Lookup_Criteria.Criteria_Type_Label,{fn concat(':
CharacterObject Stock Keeping Unit description (SKU). @aggregate_aware( Article_lookup.Article_label, Article_Color_Loo
CharacterObject Color of an article. Each SKU number h Article_Color_Lookup.Color_label
NumericObject Official color number. Object incompatArticle_Color_Lookup.Color_code
NumericObject This is the manufacturers suggested re@aggregate_aware( Article_lookup.Sale_price, Article_Color_Looku
NumericObject The extended price let's you display @aggregate_aware( sum(Article_lookup.Sale_price), sum(Article_C
NumericObject This is the actual unit price per SKU o IIf(@Select(Measures\Sales revenue)>0, IIf(@Select(Measures\Qua
NullObject Prompt for the product category
NullObject Prompt for the product description name.
CharacterObject Promotion flag (yes or no) by SKU unitpromotion_lookup.Promotion_flag
CharacterObject Appear in print (yes or no)? promotion_lookup.print_flag
CharacterObject Appear in radio (yes or no)? promotion_lookup.radio_flag
CharacterObject Appear on television (yes or no)? promotion_lookup.television_flag
CharacterObject Appear in direct mail (yes or no)? promotion_lookup.direct_mail_flag
NumericObject Duration in weeks of promotion. product_promotion_facts.Duration
NumericObject Cost of promoting the SKU (in US dollasum(product_promotion_facts.promotion_cost)
NumericObject Sales revenue $ - $ revenue of SKU s @aggregate_aware( sum(Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Sales_revenue
NumericObject Quantity sold - number of SKU sold @aggregate_aware( sum(Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_m
NumericObject Margin $ = Revenue - Cost of sales @aggregate_aware( sum(Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_m
NumericObject Total discount of a SKU. Discount= Qty@aggregate_aware( sum(Shop_facts.Qua
NullObject Sales were present. Must be combined with a detailed object to make any
NullObject Sales were not present. Must be combined with a detailed object to make a
SQL Where Hidden
_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Yr, Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Yr, Calendar_year_lookup.Yr)

_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Qtr, Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Qtr, {fn concat('Q',Calendar_year_lookup.Qtr)})

_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Mth, Calendar_year_lookup.Mth)
_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Month_name, Calendar_year_lookup.Month_Name)
_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Wk, Calendar_year_lookup.Week_in_year)

Calendar_year_lookup.Yr = '2002'
Calendar_year_lookup.Yr= '2003'
Calendar_year_lookup.Week_In_Year BETWEEN 46 AND 53
ucase(Calendar_year_lookup.Holiday_Flag) = 'Y'
_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.State, Outlet_Lookup.State)
_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.City, Outlet_Lookup.City)
_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Store_name, Outlet_Lookup.Shop_name)

IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=100, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=200, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=300, IIf(Outlet_L

@select(Store details\Owned (y/n)) = 'Y'
@select(Store details\Long opening hours) = 'Y'

pace>=1000, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=2000, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=3000, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=4000, IIf(Outl

_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Line, Article_lookup.Family_name, Article_Color_Lookup.Family_name)

_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Category, Article_lookup.Category, Article_Color_Lookup.Category)
le_lookup.Article_id, Article_Color_Lookup.Article_id)
_Criteria.Criteria_Type_Label,{fn concat(': ',Article_Lookup_Criteria.Criteria_label)})}
le_lookup.Article_label, Article_Color_Lookup.Article_label)

le_lookup.Sale_price, Article_Color_Lookup.Sale_price)
(Article_lookup.Sale_price), sum(Article_Color_Lookup.Sale_price))
es revenue)>0, IIf(@Select(Measures\Quantity sold)>=0, @Select(Measures\Sales revenue)/@Select(Measures\Quantity sold)))
Article_Color_Lookup.Family_name IN @Prompt ('Choose a line to analyze?','A',{'Accessories','City Skirts','City Trousers','Dre
Article_Color_Lookup.Category IN @Prompt ('Choose a category to analyze?','A',{'2 Pocket shirts','Belts,bags,wallets','Bermud
Article_Color_Lookup.Article_label IN @Prompt('Choose the product descriptions to analyze:','A','Product\SKU desc',MULTI,C

(Agg_yr_qt_rn_st_ln_ca_sr.Sales_revenue), sum(Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Sales_revenue), sum(Shop_facts.Amount_s
(Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Quantity_sold), sum(Shop_facts.Quantity_sold))
(Agg_yr_qt_mt_mn_wk_rg_cy_sn_sr_qt_ma.Margin), sum(Shop_facts.Margin))
Shop_facts.Amount_sold IS NOT NULx
Shop_facts.Amount_sold IS NULL x

ookup.Floor_space>=300, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=400, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=500, '500 +','400-499'),'300-399'), '200-29

t_Lookup.Floor_space>=4000, IIf(Outlet_Lookup.Floor_space>=5000, '5000 +','4000-4999'),'3000-3999'), '2000-2999'),'1000-1999') ,'0-999

ct(Measures\Quantity sold)))
sories','City Skirts','City Trousers','Dresses','Jackets','Leather','Outerwear','Overcoats','Shirt waist','Sweaters','Sweat-T-Shirts','Trousers'},MU
cket shirts','Belts,bags,wallets','Bermudas','Boatwear','Cardigan','Casual dresses','Day wear','Dry wear','Evening wear','Fancy fabric','Full len
lyze:','A','Product\SKU desc',MULTI,CONSTRAINED)

revenue), sum(Shop_facts.Amount_sold))
400-499'),'300-399'), '200-299'),'100-199') ,'0-99') IN @Prompt ('Sales flloor size sqFt?','A',{'0-99','100-199','200-299','300-399','400-499','50

0-2999'),'1000-1999') ,'0-999')

wear','Fancy fabric','Full length','Hair accessories','Hats,gloves,scarfs','Jackets','Jeans','Jewelry','Long lounge pants','Long sleeve','Lounge

pants','Long sleeve','Lounge wear','Mini city','Night wear','Outdoor','Pants','Party pants','Samples','Shirts','Short sleeve','Skirts','Soft fabric','S

sleeve','Skirts','Soft fabric','Sweater dresses','Sweats','T-Shirts','Turtleneck','Wet wear'},MULTI,CONSTRAINED)

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