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1. Use surprise to get the upper hand

Strike from above while keeping the sun at your back – and in your enemy's

2. Once engaged, remain committed to the battle

Never flee, running from a fight only leaves a pilot at the mercy of pursuers.

3. Get close to the enemy before pulling the trigger

Blazing away at a distant target is just a waste of ammo. Get close before
opening fire.

4. Keep your eye on the enemy at all times, even if you think he’s going down

Often enemy pilots will feign a fatal hit and go into a bogus death spiral. Don’t
be fooled, follow a defeated opponent’s plane down to the ground to make
sure he’s finished.

5. Always get in behind your enemy

Head on passes are risky and trying to hit a plane that’s travelling across your
flight path is near impossible. Stay on the enemy’s tail and you’ll eventually

6. Point your plane at danger

When surprised by an enemy, don’t run – attack! Steal the initiative,

put him on the defensive and then look for the chance to get on his tail.

7. Use caution, especially when over enemy lines

When mixing it up over hostile territory, keep an eye on the compass and
always have an escape route open just in case.

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