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Whether the satellite orbiting around a planet or a merry-go-round in the

amusement park at constant speed, they both relied on the concept of uniform circular
motion. To illustrate, a uniform circular motion is the movement of an object in a circular

path at an unchangeable speed. However, Uniform circular motion has four unique
characteristics, including speed, velocity, acceleration and net force, from other type
of motion. Initially, an object which undergoes a uniform circular motion must have a
constant speed, or in other words accounts for the same linear distance for each
second. Generally, the ratio of total distance over time, the average speed can be
calculated by the circumference of a circle divided by the time taken to complete one
cycle around the circle. Regarding the same amount of time, it is obvious that the
radius of a circle, which is used to find the circumference according to the formula 2πr,
is directly proportional to the speed. (the Physics Classroom, n.d.) Secondly, velocity,
a speed with direction, is tangent to the circle, as its direction is the same as that of
the motion of the object. Thirdly, it is important to note that acceleration is the change
in velocity. Therefore, when the direction of velocity changes, despite the constant

speed, there is an acceleration in the motion. Moreover, the direction of acceleration

is towards the center of the circle. Additionally, Newton’s first law states that “A body
at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted
upon by an external force.”, and Newton’s second law describes that the acceleration
of an object is due to a net force, and directly proportional in the same direction as the
net force. (Lucas, 2017) As a result from the two Newton’s laws of motion, net force or
centripetal force points to the center of the circle and maintain the motion of the object
as a circle, instead of a straight line. The four main types of centripetal force are weight,

friction, tension and normal force. For example, in case of tension force, if the string is
torn, the object will move straightly in the direction same as its velocity. (toppr, n.d.)


To study the forces involved in the motion of a body moving with constant speed in a
circular path


1. Metal object
2. String
3. Tube
4. Hooked mass
5. Timer
6. Measuring tape

1. Measure the mass of the tiny metal object.

2. Insert string in the tube.

3. Attach the metal object on top.

4. Hang a 175g hook at other end of the string.

5. Hold the tube vertically and swing the object in circular horizontal path.

6. Adjust the speed of rotation and radius.

7. Count and record the number of rev. in 30s.
8. Measure distance from the top of the tube to the to the center of the metal

9. Change radius (small/large)

10. Repeat step 3-9 using 200g hook.


Mass of metal object = 5g

Number Time Radius Velocity Centripetal Weight Centripetal Percentage

of rev Sec Cm (r) cm/s Force Hooked Acceleration Difference
(N) (t) (V) Dynes (Fc) Mass cm/s2 (Ac)
Dyne (Mg)
Hooked 122 30s 47cm 1200.93 153428.05N 171500Mg 30685.81 11%
Mass = cm/s 2
175 g
98 30s 80cm 1642.01 168511.43N 171500Mg 33702.46 1.76%
93cm/s cm/s2
Hooked 124 30s 50cm 1298.52 168616.70N 196000Mg 33723.08 15.02%
mass =
93cm/s cm/s2
200 g
107 30s 77cm 1927.26 215949.48N 196000Mg 48238.07 9.69%
93cm/s cm/s2

The result from the experiment shows that the radius of the rope has an effect
on the velocity, centripetal force, and centripetal acceleration. The object with wider

radius has more velocity while the object with shorter radius has less velocity. This is
because the radius is directly proportional to the velocity (V=wr).

According to the data, when the radius increase, the centripetal acceleration
also increased. However, based on the formula Fc=mV2/r, the increase in radius
should decrease centripetal acceleration.

The data shows that the increase in speed result in the increase in centripetal
force. The formula Ac=V2/r also proves that object with more velocity should have
higher centripetal force.


From the experiment, the radius, velocity and force are related to uniform
circular motion. Increase in a radius will also increase velocity, but decrease in
centripetal force and centripetal acceleration.


For the recommendation, there are the errors both caused from human and
materials that were used. The straw may not be as accurate as a tube, because it is
easy to move. The force that exerted by our hand also change. Furthermore, we also
have an error in counting the revolutions that the ball swing, and it leads to the error
in the result.

For the future experiment, we should use a tube rather than a straw to make it
more accurate with a counter or many people to count to make the result came out
as accurate and precise as possible.

Date Jellybean Pound Noon

16/01/19 Swing the disk in a Count the number of Time 30 seconds

horizontal circular revolution, take and record the data,
path, measure the pictures measure the length
length of the string of the string

17/01/19 Calculate the velocity, the centripetal force dynes, the weight
hooked mass dyne, the centripetal acceleration and percent

20/01/19 Material, procedure, Set-up, conclusion, Introduction,

data tables and data recommendation, objective, work log,
analysis decoration reference
Khanacademy. (n.d.). Uniform circular motion and centripetal acceleration review.
Retrieved from Khanacademy: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-

Lucas, J. (2017, September 26). Inertia & Newton's First Law of Motion. Retrieved
from livescience: https://www.livescience.com/46559-newton-first-law.html

the Physics Classroom. (n.d.). Speed and Velocity. Retrieved from


the Physics Classroom. (n.d.). Uniform Circular Motion. Retrieved from


toppr. (n.d.). Uniform Circular Motion. Retrieved from toppr:


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