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4/22/2019 Mapoko Research International Mail - [Test] Can you break this record?

Siya Mapoko <siya@siyamapoko.com>

[Test] Can you break this record? 
1 message

Siya Mapoko <siya@siyamapoko.com> Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 7:01 AM
Reply­To: us16­78b2e72934­486763b5f4@inbound.mailchimp.com
To: siya@siyamapoko.com

Since August 2015, it has become routine for me to help clients grow revenues
by between R100k and R1m a month. I’m still looking for a challenger who can
break this guy’s record...
I was approached by a guy who was extremely frustrated with his business and
his income… like many entrepreneurs you and I know!
He told me he desperately needed my help, so I invited him to come see me.
BOOM! We added an extra R1.1million to his revenue in just 28 days… in 3
easy steps!
STEP 1: Him and I sat by the swimming pool and enjoyed nice lunch. We spent
3 hours together during which I asked him questions about his business and I
mapped out a plan for him. He took notes on his journal.
STEP 2: 24 hours later he closed his first deal worth R15K. He just followed the
plan I gave him.
STEP 3: 28 days later he had closed R1.1million in additional revenue. He
closed 7 deals ranging between R15K and R500K.
How? Simple. He just followed the plan we designed over lunch, sitting by the
I get a real kick when I help serious business owners that can follow a simple
plan! If you are up for the challenge to see if you can beat 28 days, HIT REPLY
and tell me about your business. Who knows? You may be our next case
Take care of yourself!
 Your friend,

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4/22/2019 Mapoko Research International Mail - [Test] Can you break this record?

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