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One Za'abeel | 4597-AAB-SC-09

i. System Design.xmct
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Design and Engineering Dept.

i. System Design
i. Overview
The calcula on package shall be limited in scope to the design of Tower A, FT-01 Uni zed Curtain Wall with Ver cal Glass
Fin PMU of One Za'abeel in Dubai, UAE.
Typically, insula ng glass unit (IGU) panels are u lized for Tower A, FT-01 Uni zed Curtain Wall with Ver cal Glass Fin to
achieve the desired architectural intent. These panels are structurally bonded to the aluminum framing members which support
them, forming a uni zed curtain wall system. In addi on, the Ver cal Glass Fin, which is a laminated glass panel, connect to the
Typical Mullion at every modula on width. Each completed unit is hung on the building structure to form the building enclosure using
brackets and anchorage to concrete through cast-in channels.
However, for the purposes of the performance mock-up (PMU), the units shall be installed to the main steel structure (rig),
which is not scope of the facade subcontractor, using bracketry. The geometry of of the performance mock-up (PMU) sample and the
rig requires addi onal brackets to transfer the loads from the end Typical Mullions to the rig.
As per OZ31317-ZL3200-AAB-PRC-0002, "Tes ng Procedure for the PMU of FT-01 Curtain Wall (Tower A and B)," a test
sample with a modula on width of 1.20 m and a modula on height of 4.25 m shall be subjected to a cladding wind load of -5.50 kPa
and +3.00 kPa.
Since the calcula on package 4597-AAB-SC-02, "Structural Calcula on for the Design of Tower A, FT-01 Uni zed Curtain Wall
with Ver cal Glass Fin," presents a modula on width of 1.20 m and a modula on height of 4.60 m, subjected to a cladding wind
load of -5.50 kPa and +4.00 kPa, the verifica on of the facade structural elements common to the two systems shall be referred to
this calcula on package.
The calcula on package is divided into four parts. Chapter 1 deals with the finite element verifica on of the panels. Chapter 2
deals with member verifica on for all framing members. Chapter 3 deals with all mechanical connec ons. Chapter 4 deals with all
brackets and anchorages to concrete.

Typical 3D View of Structure

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TempVer20.0_012018 | Engineer: D. Dumapit | Checked: S.M. Lomboy Jr.

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