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Noah St.

John presents
Afformations Elite Coaching Call #1

Good evening everyone! This is Noah St. John and Welcome

to the Afformations Formula Q & A Call. And I want to
welcome everyone who has just joined us from author 101, a
couple of weeks ago, now in Los Angeles. Also welcome to all
of those who have been on these calls and welcome to your
bonus call and I want you to mark your calendar right now,
I'm gonna actually give you one additional bonus call, cause
I’m in such in generous mood, Having just moved into a new
house, and it’s almost spring here in Ohio.

Anyways, mark your calendar, in two weeks from today

March 28th, will be your final Q & A call, at 8pm Eastern
Time, 5pm pacific and for those of you in New Zealand,
Japan, Australia, you'll just have to check your time zones,
make sure to check your time zone and mark your calendar
Monday March 28, 8pm Eastern Time, 5pm pacific so same

Alright! Well, we’ve got a lot of great questions that have

come in, and I’m excited to get right to your questions, so if
you have signed in on the webcast make sure you say Hello,
type your name and type where you are listening from, say
hello and also go ahead type your question in. If you have
not already done so feel free to do that. I do answer
questions first come first serve so go ahead and do that.
Also if you have dialed in on the cellular phone all you need
to do is press * and number 2 on your telephone, press *2
and you will get into the question queue, I will be sending
you or I mean I will unmute you, I will see your hands go up
and I will unmute you one at the time and I will take question
live here so go ahead and do that right now.

We're gonna take your telephone questions in just a few
mins but first we're gonna get to the questions that have
been typed in. So, let’s go ahead and get started with your
typed in questions, feel free to keep sending those in and I
will answer many questions as possible in the next 60 mins.

So let’s start with Sherie, from Rochester "Dear Noah, will

you ever be putting the IAFFORM audios on physical CD's so
they can be played in older Cd players, it would be so great
to play these on my car cd player while I drive around, when
I downloaded the love audio IAFFORM it just won't play in my

Okay Sherrie, Well, let’s see now, Good question, and here's
the answer for you, your IAFFORM audios, by the way, for
those of you who have not yet taken advantage of those,
you did get an IAFFORM audio with your Afformations
formula and you can get the entire IAAFORM audio
catalogue, library of audios at IAFFORM.com

So, go ahead and stock up on those, especially the power

pack those are your best deals, the prices will be going up
soon. So you wanna be sure to stock up now when you will
save some money. So go ahead stuck up now IAFFORM.com

Now the answer to the question is you can burn your own
CD, the answer is No, we will not shipping those in CD form
anytime soon, it’s just not really worth it to do that. it’s just
most people nowadays want the information right now, it
other words, when you press the button you want to get it,
and the beauty of that, is that now you have ebooks that are
on demand, you have kindle, and the sony reader, the kindle
at amazon which my books available on and etc.

So with Iafform.com those are available in an instant,

immediate download, and we really just found based on
feedback that that’s really what people want, now of course
some people do want cds but that’s the very point, you can
burn that on your home computer, if you don’t have a way to

do that, ask a 12 year old because any 12 year old that you
know or your neighbors 12 year old will be able to do that for
you in about 5 mins. So just burn the cd and just do that
right in your home computer that’s why we got it that way so
that way we don’t have to ship, it saves the planet, it saves
packaging and it’s a very green environmentally conscious

With a name like Noah, you have to be aware of the

environment, I've always been involved in environmental
issues and causes and that’s one of them, as to that we do
not have any shipping or packaging, that will just end up in
landfills eventually and we don’t want that. I would say that
85% of the people who used IAfform they do just use them in
the digital format. They never even used the physical
versions of them, they put them on their ipad or like right
now I’m listening to mine in my Macintosh computer so there
is reallly no need for that.

So again, you as the consumer/user of the iafform, you can

burn your own cd to play in your car, so that would be my
strong suggestion, many people have done that and they've
told me that it has produced very good results for them.

Ok, next question, from Carol in Santa Barbara, "Hi Noah, I’m
wondering how long it generally takes to alter lifetime deeply
ingrained beliefs? To these why questions such that one is
generally coming from a different perspective, feeling and
therefore getting better outcomes?

Well Carol, that’s a very good place, but you’re really asking
me how long is this gonna take? And I get that question very
frequently. The answer is, it does depend on how long you
have these lifetime deeply ingrained beliefs. I’m using your
language now, most of us have decades of highly toxic head
trash, very deeply engrained, what I call the negative
reflection, that doesn’t believe anything good about you.

The human brain is comprised of neurons (brain cells) and
synopses, which are the connections between the cells,
there are approximately 10 trillion neurons in your brain
based on the scientific analyses but that Doesn’t come
nearer telling the whole story because what is a thought?
Nobody really knows what a thought is, we can say sort of
what it is… but what is it really? Well, the best way to
describe a thought is through synaptic connections which are
like the roads between the cells and the brain.

If you figure that your negative reflection has had a decade’s

head start on me, and these positive empowering
afformations its exactly like a road, so imagine you have 12
lane super highway, imagine the amount of traffic that you
can get on that road, well that’s what you have with the
negative reflections, those synapses are there, have been
there for decades and decades, they’re really entrenched,
well right next to the super highway you have this dirt road,
how much traffic can you get on a dirt road?

Not as much as that superhighway but here’s the difference,

with the brain, the brain is very plastic, much more so than
an actual physical road which would take years and billions
of dollars to build another superhighway, we don’t want to
do that with the brain, brain is very plastic and the beautiful
part about Afformations is since you’re coming from love,
you’re coming from empowerment you’re coming from more
than enough, you’re coming from the correct part of you
which I call the authentic self.

So, That’s the part, that’s true about you. The lie about you
is the negative that you can't do it, that you’re not good
enough, you’re not enough, you’re not capable, those are all
lies, so it takes a lot of energy to keep lies going if you've
ever had a lie, like a physical lie you told, it takes a lot of
energy, where in just telling the truth is really a relief,
literally it’s a relief, a release, and so when we're telling the
truth about you, why am I enough? Why am I so rich? Why I
am so happy? Why I am good enough?

That’s all true about you, you may not believe it yet, but it’s
still true. So that’s the beauty of it is you will be able to build
those new roads of empowering thoughts of good enough, of
goodness, of love, much more quickly than you think, now in
order to see physical results, well that depends on what
you’re afforming, so if you’re afforming for a new house, and
you live in apartment and your making $2000/month that’s
about what your expenses are, you have to do physical

In almost everything, that we want to do like, start a

business, grow your business, write a book, publish your
book, become famous, build your network market, whatever
it is… find a mate, improve your relationships, get in shape,
lose weight, whatever it is, it requires work, it requires effort
on the human realm. It requires physical work, labor, effort.

Nobody likes to talk about this stuff, nobody in my industry

(meaning the personal development industry) too polite to
talk about that it takes work, because thankfully they’re all
really good marketers. Who want it to sound really easy, and
that’s a trap we fall into, because who wants to work? I mean
I don’t, I’m lazy, I don’t like working, that’s why I work so
hard, I work so hard because I can’t stand working, so I’ve
worked as a waiter, as secretary, as a housekeeper, I’ve sold
shoes. I’ve done all of these things, to me that’s hard work,
that is work!

I’ve done these things, and that is hard, you know so when I
go out to a restaurant or stay at a hotel, and I see the
housekeepers and I see the wait staff and everything and I
remember those days very keenly, very specifically, that to
me was hard work, that was what was hard because I
wanted to be a writer, i want to be an author and do the
things that I’m doing today, but it seemed like it would never
happen to me, I never thought I could do it, until I discovered
Afformations and success anorexia and permission to
succeed and then it just came thru me.

So my whole point in telling you that story was that I
understand that things take time, but time is not really the
point, the point is the work and the effort, not that it’s to
work hard but to work “strategically”, what I call it. Ok, that’s
what we as conscious entrepreneurs, which most people on
these calls are, entrepreneurs or want to be entrepreneurs,
they want to start a business, want to get out of a job, and
start their own business, but that’s just most common, I’m
not saying everybody is that.

Very commonly people come to me with that issue, with that

problem, with that gap, that frustration, it just really
depends, It also depends on are you using the steps of
permission to succeed and the secret code of success
remember that Afformations are just one step in the
pyramid, you have to read the book, you have to do the
exercises, we’re gonna be coming out with the new
permission to succeed program later on this year to help
people get those results faster, so remember if you’re
holding yourself back from success, the success you’re
perfectly capable of, you have to do all these steps, I have to
do the steps.

I have to do them every day, so you may have system

problems, a people system, loving theirs etc. everything that
I talk about in the book and the teaching, so if you don’t
have the secret code of success definitely get that book you
can get it at noahsnewbook.com at the Amazon link or go to
the local bookstore. But remember, you have to do all of the
steps, it’s all right there, Afformations quite frankly will just
make it much much much easier and faster for you. Ok! Very

Dyna, from Burlingame another Californian, "Noah, does it

work better, i.e., get results quicker if we have fewer
Afformations e.g. three that we repeat often throughout the
day vs. a list of ten or so that we read a few times a day.

Dyna, great question, very very common question that
comes up, the answer is very simple, and it goes back to
what I just shared with you about the human brain, now
remember all those synapses cells you have, but even more
importantly think about how many negative thoughts, you
probably thought about yourself over the years, about 10
trillion, a 109 million billion, gazillion, you really couldn’t
count that number, though the fact is you cannot overwhelm
the sub-conscious mind, you can’t overwhelm it.

If you could, then we’d all be dead because we've all thought
such negative things about ourselves that we wouldn’t even
be here so what we wanna do with Afformations is
overwhelm with the positive and overwhelm with
empowering instead of this constant disempowering
headtrash so frankly for that question which does come up
frequently it really is a personal issue, there are few
Afformations that I worked with everyday, and there are ones
that I hear using my IAfforms or writing that I just hear well
like for example I have my IAfforms going right now and I’ve
listened to each of the IAfforms probably 20 thousand times.

Well, it’s actually here, I can even read it on my iTunes, some

of them I repeated them 715 times 1400 times some 20
thousand times that was some of the first ones i made for
myself actually before i released them even to the market
place, so far my brain is doing just fine, it fact it’s better than
ever, if you have 2 or 3 that your repeat throughout the day
often I think that’s great, I do that and I think that’s good but
I also know that you can repeat many, really couldn’t even
count the number of empowering ones that you could also

One of my clients, in one of the stories in the book, about

Brandon who had a folder. He carried around a folder of 150
different Afformations that he’d written for himself, so that
was the way his brain liked it, and it worked for him, and he
increased his business by 560% in one year so again with
personal preferences but they both are very effective, just

play around with it and see what works for you. Ok very
good! Let see now.

So, if you have a question and if you’re on the telephone go

ahead and press *2 to get in a queue, press star and the
number 2 and get it the question queue.

Now, Cathy from New Zealand, has some questions, and

says, "Hi, Noah, is it better to focus on one goal at time and
design Afformations surrounding that one goal for example
in our company if we reach certain rank we get free trip to
the convention, free four day holiday to Vietnam, plus car,
plus $10,000.00 per month! Is it best to focus on one
Afformations on the actual rank achieved? Or is it better to
include Afformations on achieving all these things as well?
Also if you want to improve more than one area of your life
should you do more than one at the time or all at once?

In a different way, I have had many many people in network

marketing who’ve used Afformations to qualify for prizes just
like that, there was one woman Mary Kaye, who she wanted
to qualify for a Cadillac she had 2 months to earn $40,000.00
and to qualify for a Cadillac. She had never earned more
than $3200 in a month; this was just completely outside of
everything, anything she'd ever done before. She started
using Afformations, she read the book, she started doing the
steps. Sharing with her team, long story short, she qualified
for her Cadillac and broke every sales record in that division,
Mary Kaye.

So she became fastest qualifying Cadillac director and they

asked how she did it and she said Afformations did it, she did
a form why am I a Cadillac director? Why do I love driving my
pink Cadillac? She was very specific about that, and clearly
that worked, now remember she did the work, she didn’t sit
there, and hope the phone would ring and wait for money to
fall from the sky, I’m not saying, you, Cathy would do that or
anybody, but we have heard this before.

We are taught this and unfortunately in this industry we’d
just sit there and think about it and money would pour in the
window, well if that’s true where you live, I’m moving to
where you live, because on the planet that I live on called
earth, we have to do this annoying thing called work, it does
not just pour in when you think about the money, if it worked
that way, this is what to they didn’t tell you in The Secret.

And they made it sound very simplistic, this is what Oliver

Wendell Holmes was referring to, when he said “I would not
give a fig for simplicity on the near side of complexity, but I
would give my life for simplicity on the far side of
complexity”. What they did in The Secret was present
something on the near side of complexity, which is “if you
think about it, you’ll get it”. Ok.

If that were true, no airplane would ever have taken off or

landed safely, because if you think about it, on every
airplane that has ever taken off, and there are 10's of
thousands of flights every day, not just in United States
alone, it’s inevitable that someone on that plane is afraid of
crashing, there’s no possible airplane that has not taken off
with somebody who’s not afraid of crashing, clearly that’s
not true!

Okay, so that is simple on the near side of complexity, oh

just think about it and you’ll get it, wow! Ok, great, then we
don’t have to work and anybody who wants gold medal in
the Olympics can just think about it and can get a gold
medal. I think you can see the ridiculousness of this, but
that’s what they showed in that movie, and remember, I’m
not speaking out of school, I mean, all of my friends are in
that movie, John Assaraf, I mean they are all on my book,
Jack Canfield, John Gray, Jovan Cal; these are all my dear
friends, so I’m not speaking out of school and they all will tell
you this too.

So remember the secret, was very well packaged it was

incredibly well promoted and it was what we wanted to hear,

who doesn’t want to hear…and then just think about, you
don’t have to work and you’ll get the thing! Well God, I want
that… we all want that, who wants to work?! Okay, so keep
in mind that is simple on the near (side of complexity) and
that’s why, you know, I have a friend of mine, whose says
that there were millions, after that movie, there were tens of
millions of secret survivors.

Meaning "Hey man, I sat here and though about it, where’s
my money?” Well, it’s still on the thought realm??? So keep
in mind and I want to write this down. There are 3 levels of
human manifestation, there are 3 levels, this is my
language, I call them, the 3 levels of human manifestation.
They are thought, word and action.

So the first level is thought. That means you think of

something, so right now, I’m thinking of a new house in
Florida, I just thought about it, it’s a beautiful house, 3
bedrooms, etc, now can I sleep in that house right now? NO,
why? Because it’s just a thought it doesn’t exist on the
physical realm of earth. So now, I talk about it, “Well it’s a
beautiful house, and it’s got 3 bedrooms, and it’s overlooking
the ocean, and there’s a pool, and a waterfall”. Right… I’m
talking about it. Can I sleep in that house? No I cannot.

So that’s the next level, we talk about things, we have to

talk, we humans communicate through talking, listening,
reading and writing, of the 4 modes of human
communication but it still doesn’t exist! Or maybe it’s there
somewhere but I don’t have it, I can’t use it, so what do we
have to do? We have to take action; we have to fly to Florida.
If we don’t live in Florida, we have to search for homes, we
have to talk to real estate agents, we have to make enough
money to buy a house, or put a down payment on one, so it
take actions, this is what we don’t like, this is the part of the
message that we don’t want to hear.

Because work is annoying, we humans are lazy, I’m lazy, I

don’t like to work, that’s why I work so hard, so what I go for

now, is see, like a said earlier, I don’t like working at things
that I don’t want to do. That what I consider work, the work
that I get to do today, you know I still have to work a lot all
the time really, but it’s not work, compared to what I was
doing before certainly, that was work that I didn’t enjoy and
so that is a personal preference for each person there are
many people who absolutely love what I hate doing, and
would never dream of doing what I do, that I love, like
getting in front of thousands of people and speak, going to
seminars and meetings interviews and television.

It’s like, oh my god how do you do that? I’m like, are you
kidding me? This is fun, but for others it’s not fun, it would
be awful, you see so it’s not my job to tell you or tell
anybody what to do. What type of work you should do, my
job is to help you find your purpose, and live it and get paid
and make a living, living your purpose, ok so for Cathy and
for everyone… Yes, I absolutely think you should be as
specific as possible.

The law, God, the universe, or whatever words you want…

loves, specificity, so if I say to you, this is the analogy that
I’ve often used with my clients, let’s say you go to an
architect, and you would like a house, what’s the first
question he’s gonna ask you? What kind of house do you
want, what do you want, where do you want it? How many
floors? How many rooms, what’s your budget, he’s gonna
ask all these questions, to get you what you want, so what if
you just said, “Oh, I don’t care, it doesn’t matter just build
anything, he’s gonna look at you, like what? Where do you
want me to start?

I mean he might build you a $3M house and you only have
$200, 000, 00, or might build you shack. And you really
wanted a really nice house, you’ve got to tell the universe,
you've gotta tell God, you better tell what you want, its gotta
come from you, it can’t be from me or any guru, or book or
anything, it’s got to come from you, now my job, as I just

said is to be your loving mirror. To coach you through that
process, if you don’t know!

Thousands of people have come to me saying, no, I don’t

know what I want! So what I do is I don’t tell them, what they
want I show them what’s inside of them because here's the
fact and this is uncomfortable fact for some of you. Which is
when you say, I don’t know what I want, you’re really lying.
That’s not true you do know what you want, your just afraid
of it right now, this may not be true for everyone listening to
me, but I know it’s true for a lot of you, so it’s just an “oh, I
don’t know what”. Yeah, you do, you’re just afraid to admit

You know, I’ve always known what I wanted but for so much
in my life, I was afraid. So I was just so I was afraid to say
what I wanted, so I pretended, or I wasn’t really pretending, I
mean at that time, I really believed “no, no… I don’t know
what I want, yeah I did, but I was just afraid and there was
nobody there supporting me and no one there really
mirroring me, saying I believe, I know you can do it.

So if you don’t have that person, or if you do have that

person, you know you’re very lucky but if you don’t, you can
build it using the systems that I’ve given you, in the book
and in the teachings, so it’s all part of everything that we're
doing. Finding what you want, and living your purpose, and
getting paid for, really that’s when it becomes not work,
you’re working, you’re always working but it’s really not
work, it’s not the work that most people do, which is go to a
job they hate, just to earn the thing called money so they
can pay their bills, and then what?

That’s not a life, I’ve lived that life and I would rather be
dead, I almost took my own life because I was so miserable, I
was so unhappy, I was so, I felt so alone and so unnoticed,
unappreciated, unmirrored, and unloved, and that was
nobody’s fault, I’m not pointing fingers, I’m not saying it’s
anybody’s fault. I did that; believe me, in my teens and

early 20's. But then I said this is kind of dumb coz I’m not
getting me anywhere, this is not getting me anywhere

We all know people in their 40's, 50's, and 60’s still blaming
other people, you don’t want to do that, you don’t want to be
that person, coz as soon as you do that, then you
disempower yourself, remember the word "dis-empowered"
literally means, to take away your power to act, the most
powerful power that we have is our ability to act, to take
action, to say I want something different from my life, yes
maybe it sucks that up until now, this not what I wanted, but
it doesn’t have to be that way, I just need to plan, and I need
some support! That’s it and to take action.

That is really it, I need to know where I’m going, I need to

know what my house is gonna look like, that is really first, if
you dont know what you want, If you dont know what your
house is gonna look like, you do have to figure that out,
because its gonna make a big difference if you want to go
north or if want to go east, there’s gonna be a really big
difference in the direction that you go, and who you’re going
to want to meet along the way, who you’re gonna support,
and who you’re gonna ask to support you, so it’s all very
important. Ok! So let’s see now.

Now we have Ginger, from Colorado, Hello Ginger and

welcome, "hey Noah, she says, what do you think about
using Afformations of the EFT tapping and do you think your
iafforms cd gets things done faster than tapping? Thanks a

Well, great question Ginger, and I’m asked that a lot since I
am kinda popular on this EFT, and for those of you who don’t
know EFT, it stands for, (Emotional freedom technique), you
can do just Google search on EFT and Afformations, and
you’ll see there many, many bloggers writing about this,
using EFT and Afformations. I’m not gonna sit here and say
that iafform gets things done faster than tapping, I think that

a scientific study would really need to be done to do that,
this isn’t a contest. I love Afformations, they’ve changed my
life, I have not really used tapping, because quite frankly I
use Afformations, so, am I saying that Afformations is better
than tapping? NO!

They, Afformations, have done everything in the terms of

freedom, in other words, my understanding of EFT and I have
studied it very briefly. A
Cursory examination, just because, like I just said many
people are talking about, asking about it, so I said, I got to
do a little research here, so at least I’m conversant with what
EFT is. Basically it’s tapping different meridians on the body,
now I’m also a certified Polarity Therapist so I’m very familiar
with and being a former professional ballet dancer, and
having gone to chiropractors, massage therapist,
acupuncturists, many forms of healing, there are no question
that there are energy meridians in the body, the body is
energy; there are places it gets stuck.

For me, Afformations have removed all those stuck energies.

I really, I just don’t have any tuck energy. Yes I did that with,
you know, using Afformations. But remember I do yoga
every day, I stretch out every morning, I stretch out every
night, i meditate every morning. I thank God for the gifts of
my life. So I practice what I preach, why wouldn’t I, I would
be kind of stupid, if I didn’t because I’m teaching ways to live
a happier, richer life! Why would I not use them? For a while I
didn’t, and I realized that was coming from fear, so I said
“That’s pretty dumb, Noah”. Why don’t you do what you

So I started doing “my teach” and my life turned around. But

for many people EFT, I know is, very effective. You know
there’s that movie The Tapping Point, I believe, by Nick
Ortner, whom I’ve met, who’s a very nice young man and his
brother, there have been really very strong tremendous
reports of people getting major healing through EFT. So, I
think it’s very effective, I don’t think there’s any argument,

that using EFT with Afformations would be tremendously
effective, why wouldn’t you do both, if you feel you need to
do both…do it.

There’s no way that it could do any harm in terms of

releasing energy in the body. The mind and body are one,
and the interesting thing is, many people think that the mind
leaves the body, but a neuroscientist friend of mine showed
me that the body actually leaves the mind, and what I mean
by that, is that you can actually prove that to yourself, for
example, right now, you were to sit in your chair, like if you
were sitting listening to me, sit in your chair and just kind of
slump over, hunch your shoulders over and just look down,
put your face in a frown, now you can actually feel
depressed like that, you can literally make yourself
depressed, even if you weren’t depressed a few secs ago.

Now if you get out of that pretty quick and sit up straight and
literally put a smile on your face and just make yourself
smile, and then just like breathe confidently, you will actually
find that you are confident, you feel happy and you feel
good, so that is the mind leaving the body. And if you think
about it just very logically, the human body is much older
than the human brain, the human body, estimates run from
1.5 Million to 500, 00.00 years old, it’s very old but how old
is the human brain?

The cerebral cortex, the frontal lobe, things that produce

human thought, conscious thoughts anyway, are very recent
in terms of global history, were talking the last, i don’t know,
few tens of thousands of years versus hundreds of thousands
of years for the body, so just if you realized that the brain is
younger the body, it makes a lot of sense that the body
would be stronger, and would be able to leave the mind,
much more than the other way around.

Now, again there's argument that says, well maybe tapping

is more effective than Afformations, so you see what I’m
saying? It’s really up to the person; I’ve been using

Afformations ever since I discovered them, 14 years now. In
fact we're coming up to the 14th year anniversary here on
April 24th, and I’m getting married on April 30th…what do
you know?! So anyway, that’s my point is that for many
people Afformations have been sufficient to create those
releases. For many people EFT, so hey if you like both, why
not, I think it’s a great idea.

Alright, so let’s see now, we have some more questions

coming in, I don’t see anyone on the question cue on the
telephone, so if you would like to take this opportunity to
press *2 and get on the phone with me, I’ll be happy to
answer your questions.

So let’s see now, we have, Hugh from New York, Hello Hugh.
Great to have you here, By the way, you can keep typing in
your questions, we have several from the same people we've
already heard from, so I’m gonna answer all the new people
first, before I go back to repeat guests.

So let’s see now, Hugh from New York, says, "I want my
communications skills to be powerful, how can I market my e
cards, books and art on the internet, my book: It’s A Pagan
World makes the point that all religions have pagan origins,
so why are we fighting about whose God is better?

That’s great Hugh! That one’s got controversy. That’s great!

And by the way, controversy sells books! Controversy sells.
Just ask Madonna, ask Steven Tyler, ask little Wayne, I mean
forget it… Kanye West, you can just go on and on,
controversy works, there’s Charlie Sheen for God’s sakes. I
mean, my God he’s certainly controversial so there you go.
So, it’s a pagan world, Okay well, Hugh, that’s a marketing
question, this Q & A is not really for marketing. This is for
Afformations, what you can do; however is, I would certainly
recommend using Afformations for marketing.

For example, why am I such a great marketer? Why do I love

marketing? Why am I such an effective marketer? So

remember, there's that 4 steps of Afformations that I give
you right in the ebook, and the e-course and the webinars,
Ask yourself what you want, form an empowering question;
assume that what you want is true. Give yourself to the
question and take new actions based on your new
assumptions, so remember, that afforming things like that,
“Why am I such great marketer?” “Why do I love
marketing?”…will lead you to the right direction.

I mean, there is so much marketing information out there,

you know, I’ve spent tens of thousands, well over a hundred
thousand dollars over the last few years just studying
marketing, made a lot of mistakes, spent a lot of money,
made a lot of money, lost a lot of money, so everything is
marketing and you really do need to study that there is lot of
very good marketers out there, and there are not many good
marketing teachers out there. The same names in terms of
this industry, in terms of the information product, info
product industry, you’ll see the same names over and over
and over again and that’s because they’re good and that’s
because they’ve done a good job.

Now, not all the best marketers are the best marketing
teachers so there’s 2 different skills, skills sets, it’s a great
skill to be a great marketer It’s quite another skill to be able
to teach what you did; I have found that many great
marketers cannot teach what they did because they’re
unconsciously confident, they are just so good at it, they are
unconscious and I have spoken with most of the top ones
and a lot of the top ones are great marketers and not so
great teachers, it’s not to say they are going anything wrong
or teaching something wrong. It’s just that they don’t get
down to the granular level that I needed and still need to
understand how to do something.

That’s why you notice that when you study with me I’m very
granular, im very step 1, 2,3,4 because that’s how I like to
learn, that’s how I need to learn and I’ve found that many
people like my style of teaching because I get down to that

granular level, okay first you do this, then you do this, then
you do that, then you do that. That’s how I wish someone
would have taught me years ago then I wouldn’t have spent
tens of thousands probably over a hundred thousand dollars.

So that being said there are still very good teachers out
there I’m assuming that you probably met at author101 and
so just the people that were at conference, the people whose
names you see over and over like Luke Frishman, Steve
Harrison, Mary Allen Tribby, these are all great teachers,
Michael Masterson, these are very good teachers as well
very good marketers, so you wanna hang out and study with
the good teachers, okay but remember the Afformations will
also certainly help you to manifest that.

Okay we're getting down to about 20 minutes or so left, so

we have, Khari, from St Petersburg’s, Khari says, “Hi, Noah,
should we wait for the answers to come up into the
conscious mind when we ask the questions, such as why I
am such a good marketer? I understand the subconscious
mind is answering subconsciously, but should we be listening
for the conscious answers?

Yes, very good question Khari, and that comes up many

times as well, now if you notice in step 3 of the Afformations
formula what I teach you is give yourself to the question,
now of course answers will probably come to you, but the
point of Afformations That I’ve always thought since I’ve
discovered them, the point is not to find the answers to your
question, the point is the question, the point is asking
empowering questions, now if you find answers coming to
you, and they will, that’s great! Why am I such a great

Because I study with great marketing teachers, because I

take action, because I’m not afraid to fail, because I’m not
afraid to succeed whatever your answers are. There might
be a hundred different answers, 50 or 20, whatever answers,
however many answers you have, the reason I teach it this

way, Khari (for everyone) is I don’t want you to feel like you
have to sit there and answer the question, why am I so rich?
But notice your mind automatically start searching, why
because I have friends, I have family, I’ve have my health,
because I have a computer, I have a telephone, I have food ,
I’ve got money in the bank, I’ve got the clothes on my back,
and I could list a hundred things why I am rich.

There’s millions of people, who do not have food, clothing,

shelter, friends. Some people will say, well hold on… you’ve
got clothes, you’ve got food in the refrigerator, how does
that make you rich? Excuse me, there’s millions of people
right now on this planet earth who do not have food,
clothing, shelter, friends, family, a computer, you see what
I’m saying… so this is just an absolute true fact, if you have
indoor pluming you’re richer than Louie V, the guy who had
the hall of Versailles? If you have indoor plumbing you’re
richer than Louis V or Louis XIV. Louis XIV, I get my Louis
mixed up.

But anyway, they didn’t have indoor plumbing back then.

It’s smelled really bad, I’ve got to tell you, I wasn’t there but
the reports say, it was not really pretty, they would do it in
the hallway, ok I don’t need to go on about this but you get
the point, so you have indoor plumbing you’re rich! Ok? You
may not feel that way but too bad, it’s true anyway, (laugh)
so why not feel that way.

Ok so why am I such a great marketer? Again, I want you to

just, make sure that is in your mind and that’s called giving
yourself to the question, and then you must still take the
actions, so for example, if you don’t know marketing, so if
you are a neophyte, like I was, when I started my company
14 years ago, I didn’t know the first thing about business,
sales, marketing, accounting. I was a Religious Studies Major
for God’s sakes, I didn’t know the first thing about business, I
didn’t know anything, and boy did I make every mistake you
could make. And it took me a heck of a long time ‘coz there
was no one there to teach me.

So I’m trying to save you all, lots of time, money and effort,
because that’s what I want to do, I wish there had been
someone there for me, so it’s my mission, I made it my
mission to be there for other people and for everyone else.
So hopefully that answered your question.

Chris in Randolph New Jersey, “Is it better to focus on only

one area you want to improve for example i.e., creating
wealth then move on to the next once you have achieved
your desired result or focus on several areas i.e. wealth,
relationship etc.”

Well, Chris you see how common this question is. I’ve
answered it already several times. But again, you cannot
overwhelm your subconscious, it’s a personal preferences,
feel free, it’s interesting because each of you has a slightly
different variation of essentially the same question but still
slightly different so that’s very fascinating. You’re assuming
that you’re saying let’s say, Why am I so wealthy? And then
all of a sudden, you’re gonna get there, and like ok well now
I’m wealthy. Now guess what? When you get there, what are
you gonna want? More!

That’s the human condition, we always want more, whatever

we have, we want more, the more you have, the more you
want and that’s gonna be the way it is. Let’s just say to you
wealthy is $250,000.00, well what happens when you reach
$250,000.00? Will you say, “oh okay I’m done now…I’m
gonna focus on my relationships!” Of course you’re not
gonna do it that way, that’s silly, so I really do think you can
certainly focus on several things at once.

But during the day, each day that you live, you may and you
have to, spend a certain amount of time focusing on work
activities and then certain amount of time on relationship
activities, those are activities, remember that your activities
system that’s going back to the secret code of success,
these are your systems of support, that’s set 3 you have to

do them, you have to install them at the higher level in order
to be wealthier and happier there’s just no way around that,
so the very simple Fact is that if you are making $50, 000,
00/year you have $50, 000, 00 systems, if you’re making
$250,000.00/year, you get $250,000.00 systems; if you’re
making $24,000.00/year, you have $24,000.00 systems,
nothing is right or wrong, it’s just want do you want?

If you want more, you have to install better systems, it’s not
magic, it’s not… oh they were lucky. And you point to people
who have more than you, ooh they’re lucky! No, they have
better systems! Now, they may have been born into wealth
and stuff like that, of course that happens but I’ve got to tell
you, I’ve have many multimillionaire friends and not a single
one of them was born into wealth, most of them who are
very wealthy and younger had start supportive parents and
loving mirrors just like I teach you in the book but for those
of us who didn’t have that well then we can still build it
anyway and we can’t use that as an excuse or I should say
that it’s not very intelligent to use that as an excuse. You can
have excuses or results; it’s really up to you. I pick results.

So really Chris, I really feel and again that’s another way to

use your iafforms, you know I have my ultimate wealth,
ultimate self-confidence, deep restful sleep, no more stress
and all the different iafforms on my computer, it wouldn’t
make any sense to just listen to wealth and not listen to
relationships because your wealth is the function of your
relationships with people, there’s no way around that either,
that’s why people system is always the most important
system, if you haven’t figured that out or if you haven’t
heard that and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you
do need to get the book, I’m not trying to sell books here;
I’m just saying that, that is part of the system and also be
sure to watch out or take a look at the permission to succeed
program that were gonna be offering later on this year. OK!

Olga from Panama says, can you have your wife record the
Afformations? I think it would be much more affective and
effective for your female customers.

Yes, definitely, we’ve had that comment before Olga and we

will be offering female iafforms, in other words male voice
and female voice and that will be coming probably sometime
later on this year or next year, just really depending on how
things go but yes that is on the docket so we’ve had that
comment several times before, I think it’s an accurate one, I
think it’s true, certainly for female customers you want to
have that female voice. I totally agree with you.

Hillary from New York, says, I’m debating what would be my

best option in determining my Afformations for my career,
I’m out of work and I’m looking for a job, at the same time,
I’m setting up my marketing business, so would it be wise to
make an Afformation for both or concentrate on one thing?
Thanks your program is great!

Oh I’m glad that you are enjoying it Hillary, okay here’s the
thing. There are 2 things going on here, one is that, the more
focused you are on a result the quicker you are likely to get
it. The more likely you are to get it, that doesn’t mean you
will get it. The more focused you are on a single goal, the
more likely you are to get it, let say for example, "I want to
start my marketing business" well if you focus on nothing
else but your marketing business, you will basically force
yourself to make money at that business however we also
have to deal with physical realities of planet earth which say;
I don’t know where you are on the continuum because of
marketing expertise, because you’re competing with tens of
thousands of other marketing experts even if they’re no
better than you but then they may have a head start on you
and they’ve got more traction than you do right now.

Sometimes it’s prudent to pay your bills so you can eat and
have place to live, to have a job that you’re working on a
certain number of hours a day and "pay the bills" while your

building your dream business on the side, John Grisham, the
great novelist, that we all know & love, he wrote his first
novel between the hours of midnight and 3am while he was
working another job as a law clerk, his dream was to be a
novelist but he didn’t just quit his job and say "I think I’ll be a
novelist so I can pay the bills," I have never counseled
people, and say "oh yeah, just leave your job!'

Here’s the classic advice that you’ve heard a million times,

“do what you love, and the money will follow". Bull! It never
does, until and unless you do one thing that they never told
you, they never told me either, they never told us, what the
middle part is so it’s do what you love (that part’s right)
show people how, why and that they will benefit to pay you
for doing what you love, and then the money will follow.

Because for example I love going to the library, I just went to

the library tonight, I would stay at the library all day, just
read books, whatever, that’s my favorite thing to do, so ok
great is anybody gonna pay me to go to the library? Of
course not, how does that benefit anybody else? It doesn’t!
So you see what I’m saying to do what I love and the money
will follow...ok how am I gonna make money by going to the
library? I won’t! So, do you understand…they left out the
most things which is Marketing!

You have to market! You have to market your services, your

product, your services. If you don’t, no one will pay you, so I
really do feel that you know it really depends. You need to
talk to your friends, talk to your loving parents and get
honest feedback. You know, hey where do you think I am in
my career? Well, you’re just starting out, or oh my God
we’ve been waiting for you to hang up your shingle we’ll pay
you right now. That’s pretty much the spectrum, from A-Z,
of course you’ll wanna be at Z but if you’re not you’ll have to
say whoa, if I’m just starting out and I have no clue what I’m
doing…etc. You may need to get the job.

I’ve had plenty of survival jobs over the years before I
discovered Afformations, and permission to succeed and
realized what I want to do, but even then the first year was
pretty hard, several times I was like “Oh my God, I am not
gonna make it…I just don’t know what I’m doing here. No
clue.” So, I did it in a way that I really wouldn’t recommend
anybody does it because it was very difficult. There were
many days that I would wake up and go “Oh my God, what
am I doing…I’ve got $19.70 in the bank and I don’t know
what I’m gonna do.” It was scary but luckily, I was able to
get through it, but it was hard, it was very frightening at

So, I’m certainly not gonna sit here and say “Oh yeah, do
that!” So, you need to really make a prudent judgment and
yes, some people also say… here the other advice that’s also
out there: Take a leap of faith. Ok, rich people don’t leap.
They walk, they see money and they walk over and get it.
That’s what the naturals do, that’s what the street
percenters do, they go with the money, ok it’s over there
now how can I get it? Well by providing value to the people
who have the money. Alright, well let’s do that. You see it’s
very logical, it’s very natural… that’s why I call them that.
Ok, so it’s not this leap...people say take a leap and you’ll
figure it out on your way down. I really disagree with that. I
think you better know what you’re doing. Ok now, we don’t
always know what we’re doing, we just don’t!

We can’t figure everything out but we want to make logical,

prudent decisions as much as possible. Now remember,
that’s just my opinion I don’t like people taking
unsubstantiated risks... "Life...there’s always risks involved”.
But wealthy, really wealthy people do not take unmitigated
or uncalculated risks. They take calculated risks, there are
many risks out there but they’re always calculated. Meaning
that my loss, If I’m going to lose I can deal with that loss.

So that’s my entire point here is if you’re in a position where

you only have a month of living expenses, and say I’ll just

start my business and go for it and take a leap, ok, that is
uncalculated risk, unsubstantiated risk that I feel is not very
prudent. Keep in mind that I did the exact opposite of what
I’m telling you, so do what I say and not what I do. But hey
again, it only worked out after a lot of blood, sweat and
tears. Yes, real tears. I mean I cried almost every night that
first year. I was just crying like a baby all the time, because I
felt absolutely completely unprepared and not even up to
the job. I didn’t know what I was gonna do and I just prayed
to God every night… What do you want me to do?

What am I supposed to do here? It took, frankly, many many

years before I finally got a solid answer to that, so I’m not
trying to scare anybody, I’m trying to say you shouldn’t do
this. I’m trying to be the voice of reason here, the voice of (if
you want) prudence or calculated risk, however you want to
put it; only because you’re getting so much of the other
advice out there. You only hear (at least what I’ve
researched) leap…take the leap and you’ll find your wings on
the way down. There’s no rich person that does that, they
have their wings securely in place before they would ever
ever do something like jump.

We’ve got about 5 minutes left. I’m gonna take one more
question, Anita here from California, I have 2 questions one
is general, ---

1. My general question, why do all of your Afformations start

with why vs. how?

2. Given the desire I want to manifest, is not for myself but

as a social improvement activator my desire is for the
betterment of conditions in our world... my long term goal, is
local and global harmony vs. I want xxx amount of money,
how do I tone down that humongous goal stay true to it?

Anita, it’s great that you want to do that, but you need to do
what I just said, which the only way to make money in this
planet earth is you have to show a set of human beings, how

they get value from what you do, let just say that you have a
nonprofit, well what’s the value of a nonprofit? The value of a
nonprofit is one of the things that human beings want is to
feel important, they want to feel that their life mattered, that
they made a difference, so you can appeal to that emotion,
which is a very strong emotion, and so you can appeal to
that, let’s say, that is your goal, your mission, your “why to”.

And by the way, the reason why all afformations start with a
“Why” (I did answer that in the webinar so you can just go
back to the webinar and listen to that) But it comes down to
motive is more powerful than method, motive is why and
method is how, you can know how to do something and
never do it. That’s why Afformations start with a “Why”. I
did answer that in the webinar so just go back to that and
you can watch that as well. It’s very important for every one
of us and there are many conscious entrepreneurs here that
who is attracted to my work or what I call “conscious
entrepreneurs” or “spiritual entrepreneurs” or “socially
conscious entrepreneurs”, whatever terms you want to use.

I just use “conscious entrepreneurs” because we’re trying to

wake up, we’re trying to make money and make a difference.
Or make a difference and make money whichever way you
want to put it. Whichever order, I like both. In fact I have to
have both. I cannot make money without making a
difference, it doesn’t feel complete to me and I know that’s
true for most people on this call and so if that’s you, you still
have to make the thing called money and the only way to
that is to show the other person or group of humans how,
why and that they will benefit from the value that you bring,
it always comes down to value and remember that all value
is perceived value. So the more you can change that
perception in people, they will be much more inclined to give
you the thing called money.

Alright that’s all the time we have tonight! This is great

question tonight, make sure to mark your calendar two
weeks from tonight March 28, we also have a couple of very

very big surprises coming for you in 2 weeks I'll be making
those announcements either over email or on the call so be
sure you’re there.

Thanks to everybody who stayed till the end and I will be

taking your questions in 2 weeks as well and for those of you
who are getting your 7 steps together, we're really looking
forward to having those 7 steps and strategy questions with
each one of you individually

Ok so, for that let’s say goodnight! Have a goodnight.


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