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oF t^tloNs
l} TJIIDBR 1118
coDE ol. DrstDt"tkE


4rNrsTRY m NaouR


a the Coaie of Dlsclpline lays down certain criteria

for recognition of $l-()n€ by the nanagenrents on a
voluntary ha61s. Thege crlterl-a have bern furttrer
clarlfle.l by the fndian Labour conference. A proqedure
for verLflcation of norbershlp of rmi.ons. to deterrnlne
thelr representative qharacter, ha6 also becn approved
by t*te Standing La:rour commlttee. For the dcnvenlence
of unlons, nanagenents an.1 verlficatlon offl,cers aII
th€ Ceclslons so far taken on tlle subject l.ave been
brought togetber in ttlla brodlure in a classifl-e.] forn.
A.s recognition ls govcrned by statuteE.j,n e€rtaln Stat€s,
the reLevant Legal provlslon6 have been glven ln the
apF:ndl"ce6 to this brochure, for the beneflt of the€e
Nov€rnber, 1951.

The first edltlon havihg becn e)*rausted wlthl,n a

year of, lts publlcation need has arisen for brlnglng out
the se@nd edl,tion. Thls opportunl,ty has been utlllaed
to rn3ke this brochure up to date,
October, 19\i3.
In viee of the great denand f,or thl-s t rochufe a
need haa arisen to lrrlng out thls edltlon and a16o
to nake l-t up to date.
Decernlcer 1969.
The ealller edltlon havihg been exhasuted anl ln
view of the great dernand for thls brochure nee.l has
arls€n to bring out thi8 editlon.
August, 1990.
. : .:.;t r. ,
o Eaqe
necoqnltlon under the Code of Dlsclpllne
Easen_t-lal corrdltlons Jor Rccognltj.on _
(1, Whore there 1s only one union
(2) Where there LE nore than one union I
(a) RecognitLon as a Representatlve
Unlon for an tndustry
(b) Recognltlon a6 a rnajority unlon 2
in an eatabllshnent-
III. l,lenibershLp condit j.on
Iiowto aecure recognltlon 3
Procedure for verlflcatlon of membershlo
Period of recoEnltion
VII. De-recognitlon of a unLon 4
rIII. Rlgllts of_ recognised rmj.onE wrd€r the Code
ot DtEcipllne. 5
IK. l:"iy9"ry provlslons r€garding recognitlon
ol un]'onB
I. Code_of D1scipl.,.ne and Crlterl,a for Recognttlon
ot rulion6.
II. Llst of, IndustrieE qEed by t,abour Bureau.
III. Procedure for Ver.:.fication of lternbershlp of
,Jre code ofth.:
U_nions purpoge of necognfti-n uiaei
Disclpirne. 20
rv. P.rovlsions regarding keeognltlon of Unlons 1n
rne B ombay Industrlal Relatlon€ Act, 1946. 25
V. P.rov16lons regaldlng Iiecognltlun of Uniqt€ ln
the Madhya pradesh Industrlal Relatlons Act;
. 1960. 33

1r'1. Provttilons regarding Rc.gistration of Represent<r_

rrve unlone in the Industrlal Di6putes -
(Rajaathan An€ndment) Act, l95a-
VII. BLhar Central (StaDding) tabour Advisow
Boardrs Re€olution daaed March 21, 1969-
regarding Rec-ognlt lon of, Unlona. 42



: i: .:!

, t tt'
"i tl '
r: '''' i-s ':: :- ; ;1
. 1,.r,_ar..r: _t
Clause lll(vll) of the code of DlsciPllne .-'--
o g:relt.;*ri**'*!iira:".r."fi typs #iff
t"ij tic)EEil: :lp:-
of rgqggnltion'
ded th€reto. The code pt""ia-"- unlon
recognised ae repFee€ntative
i-i"ilri-.""'.raln astoa unor.=
for an tndustry
G-i rocai araa or-:lt-
.-"1::ll{#i€i"},1 *..Ti*lt'*H"
certaLn cbnditlona, descl:rr

(1) Where ttrer€ only or"e union

2. union in an indrrstry, or
tf there ts only,oneiecoqnition Ln an
lded lt haa not
establtahnent, it can cla:-r'r Prov
code d'rrlnE the
b€en found reaPo. nslbre ""r:'"-it"J"n c;'tire
clalmlng recognltiotr'
perlod of, ixre year rnnnt't*t"!r!-:"iore cottrnlttee
fii;; il*-;;"t iar rrnpreneniiilon attil Evaruattql
itt" following recoNnendatioir6
(1) A unton not affiitated.to- any -of-ttF,four'
should. walt'
centrar wot"ii-"i oisu"tlsatioie
afler 1:::*Ts the
. ;;;-;-P"ii"a-ii ";;'v.;
c"a"lo? oi8clpune before lts t"99::: Io"
(l1th ne€tang
recoqnitlan i'ai-ie L"siaerea'
- ll-oitntf"r 26 ' f9651
Gll A breedr of the code of Dlsclpll:re :l::19^F
:**iij:; *t"s"i:T;fi:$"S1ip.t"'i!F.l':*,'
iJJ'!""" ia"t'-"g tthetlter.or not i€'was ettll9r:q
il'"i!'ii-t."ogirtr"tt' (15th reeLing - Alr$ret
zt,i J9ea) .., ,.
(2), tlhere ti'lere ts rnore tltart o!!e unaon
an hdustri 6r
g. r'frere there are aeveral unl cns ln Iri"nb€rshlii ai\r

4 to 814:to
$,n'::l*1T*i.t'ii""ff:"[*1":"i"'sg::' 'liJ

,.i:u"";:E#if*qi:##:ffi itp'#"#Fd::'
il;;;"'t;. 3"T3i""*i'f,Ltil*i"i#'"';F:3.'-
to repre;ent trre
ffi ,$flffi3"1t"i.fl'l'ffi#;l;ri"[o-""trtr"-a
At the In.ttan l.a}our
lnt6rest9 of technlclaIr6, "i!]l-"r"".
Conferenc€ (22nd Sesston-JuLy 1"964) which considered the natter
.furth_er the consengua rr'as th;i the reCognitlon of c"te.lori/-_-
wlsVdeparhentr'lse uiions .should irot b6 encouraged.
(q) Recognitlon as a rep;:egsltatlve unlon o
for an lndustry-
1. . A \rnion can clalrn to bc recoEnised
- tlve unlon for an lndustry in a local area ifas- a representa_
(i) i,t tras beeir fun.tion:iiq fo:r a period of, at
least one year aite!: ,:e<gistration under the
Trade UnlonE l,c{: ,

lt conslde;B tha,c lc ocnmands a najorj-ty of
lfl H:'"1::-*; J',i"I"li" i"lil.li"i".lff .2 3" ;.
' (f11) lt has not bee:l formd respohs.tble for a
breadh of the Cod" during- a pcrlod of one
year tuqnedlately before ctalidlng recagnitlon.
] (1v) t-he exlsting r€cogniied J.e?resentative union,
1t. anyi' has ioiq)reted a psiioa of tr'D lrears
. 1".,. ,.-. after recognition u:..',e.r +5e Code.
!. r Fof the purpose of defj-nJ-ng an indu6try, the classl-
f,lcatlon of LnduEtrles .Gppendj:r ::) 'jre,l by th;'iabour
Ureau, sfuda is to be adolrted and i!:dustry vroul.d mean any
trade, under,raking, ma!ru:.:c iure of caUinq of efiployers
includtng .my calling. Gera,l_ce, eirp:.o-rrent, handicrift or'
, lnduetrlal- occupatlon o!' avocatj.o. of r{orleoen.
. 6. 'fbe terrn I loca-r- a-:ear ocJuEi:rg in the critella Ls
to be deflned by the conccineC.apFrof,rj.;te Government.
7. A represent,ltlve ..tnj-oh ha.. tirs rlght to
rorkers in all the estabLls:.r:ncnrs in ihe 1;dustry represent
Uit j.f a
unlon of riorkers lh a part j:c-:.r-l-ar est.abl-ishndnt his a neniber_
$fp of 5q or more of the vorkers of..that €stabl!.sh$ent
lt vould have the rtght to deat tJ!:th mdttefs of purely local
lnterest suc*! as handl:og of g:ievances .pertitn:.n! to its
. ., own neqibers. All the
oloer t:ro:kers,!,rho are not tr!-.fiber€i oi that
unl,on nlght elther op€ratc .t}I!-ougt thc representatlve union
or.geek redress dlrectlv- . t. . ::
(b) Recognitlon as a rBajojl-:_" ut-lt<ill 1ni,*1 establighment
g. . A unLon can .l-aim to iie recoghiseal a.a a najorlty
unl.on :eetablishmcnt
in an :Lf -
J:. '.i
(f) lt ha€ been furlcrioning tor a ir€rj.od of orle
yea! after registretj.cir r_rnder thc Trade UnLons
The requlr€rEnt iibed not be fulf,llled lf j.t
unlo.{t f,unctlonlng l-n rhc eetab-
In caae of brancheB of 'a unlon recbgnised
' under the Code a9 a representatlvc union
for th* Lndu6try. the quaufytrg perlod of
grantlng recognltlon to thu brancb union at
the urlt level prorrldeci lt satlsflcs the
Pre€rcrlbed mertcer€hlp qualif ication and, C-6
operatlng lJl the €iallre local l"ndustry as tlie
.:1 . rePreaentatlv€ union.
(11) lt conslder€ that It corfinands a najority of
ne[bersht p - ln any ca6e not Ieos t]ran'l5f
- of the lrorker6 of that egtablishrnent t
(111) lt ha6 not bccn found re;ponslble for a
breach of the Code wlthin one I'ear lmFdtately
before claiming recpgnitlon t
( lu) tlc €xLgtlng recogni€ed unlon, lf any, ln the
: egtabll€hment has cornpl€ted a period of t{a
years after recoqnltion undef th.3.code.
9. Menl]€rshlp of a union for th!: pu$b6e of Eecognltl,on
:.lE to be courteA only of those $orkcra vitrq had paid suls-'
crlptlon f,or at leaat 3 months durl-ng the period.9f 6 montha
ltt|nedlately preceding the date of rec](ottlng. The.'date of.
reckoninEr ls thc f,lrst of thc rpnth $i lfiiih verlficatlon
!'|or,h begtnsrt a.r rrhqt the Verlficatlon :Offl'cer aaks the
unlotrs to suunlt thelr ltats and 5ooke f,or scrutlny.
A rmlon whlch Eatisflea the senditions descrlbed
above ghould flrgt request the managcfttnt ( or th,: concern€d
Anployers I organiBatlon in the case of a representatlve
unlont to accord recognitlon to it under the code. It ehould
gend to the nanagqtlent all relevant partlcuLarE' 6uch as date
of reglatratlon under the Indian Tr3de unlon€ Ac-t, it6
rn<nbeiehlp vie-a.-vle total 'jtrength of thc estabtrieh{€nt
Justifyfng lqa clalm for recognltlon- Ff ltE requeet ior
iecogrnltton ls not accepted by the rnanabem:nt, lf tnay aeek
the aEslstance of the concerned llnp].ertrjntat lon Machinery.
-4- I

lf more.tothan one union functlon in an establlshment,

rr rs _
1-1.._ neccssarf verlfy the lepresentati.vs charactcr of the a
varlous unLons. Thc verlficati,m has to be done either bry thc
concernEd Implementat!,on offlcdr or an offic;; of -t-tie centraf
Industrlal Relatlons Machinery. A procedure
r.orrcrweq tor ascertdrning the n jnbershlp of the unlons ro
?r,:tat: be
peen l'al.d dottn by thc StanLting Labour Connlttee,
l-ts detalls
are glven in Appenqb( ItI. Tte reaults of, Ure rieiiiication
are to 'oe lntimated to the nanagerEnt which wouil,u accord
recognltion to the najority unlon.
12. When a urtion has been recognlsed. there 1s to be
no- change ln 1ts ltositlon for a period of two years from tho
qa-te ot recoglitl,on prpvlded it is not foun!.t
a Dreacn ot the code durlng thlE p€rlod. reaponslble for
Fallurer to obgerve the code froirt- ental]' de-recogn-
13: norna[y
Ition for a period of one frear. tfrfu p"ri"a
be lncreased or declea€ed by thtl ltnpleh€ntat.ion corunltt€a
concemed. It_ Is open to an qflployer tp recogniscd any other
unlo-n. durl.ng thls period prov lded lt fulfif.s all neceaaary .
condltlons for recognitlon.
At the 121
12th rneetlng of the central Impldnentatj,on -
and Evaluation comnl,ttee (a'ieust rCe6i--ii Jli-ln"r r"
_orqej !o qq:fggggnise a unloi on ""i"5ii.
oi . ldrAch' or ttre
Code of DlsblDlt
code Dlsclpllne "ctount
the breach should be establlshed by
bv the
con-cerned l$plernentation Cornmlttee and not the InplernantatioD
15. The Central Impl.enEntatlon anJ dvaluatlon Comdttee
(15th r€et1nE - Augus,u 2q, tgaar re"or.merrota tfrai'tfie perfoO
of one year of der€cognltlon of a unlon should be counied i '
lrpm tfre ..late oR-Jhich the eoocefned ImplerEntatlon Corninlti-e
eatabllsheE the b;each on the bails of ;hlch an tmployer
to de-recognise the utrl,on. The eorrnittee also recorunendeddeslred
that_ the infofmation atrout its declsion
to the concerrred partleg soon after the should b..j con\reyed
dat€ of the <leiislon,
anJ In ,qny casA, liot latet than a lreek.
16. At the trlpartite lrFeting on la5our-nanagement
relatio.n€ i.n coal nines helJ on the 5th May. 1962 at New
Dclhi Lt viis deCided'that. if in a coJliery a rccognlaed
utrion .exlat6 the nanqgement shQuldtleal trith that unlon
onl,y for negottating aeneral qucstions of terms -of servlce
anJ- re-enpl5vnlnt oi r,rorkers - I't was also cecldcd that
;ion (s) r if any. whour'i r:ot- (lj"sturb the
agi".#ntis) on these questions bctk..jcn thi 5ecognised
unlon anJ the managerEnc.
:l7. The question of rlghts of unions recognised under
the cooe of Dlsclpllne vLs-a':Tts unrecoE'lised unLons wag
dlscusBed at the toth Session of the inclian un.the rlghtaof
co.rier.rncc (Auquat, 1952) - fihilc a rlecislon
unrecoqnl€ed unlon was deferred for ' futurc. consrderat-lon tne '
it'rtas-aqreed thlt unione granted recognitaon under rlgnEs'-
code of Stsclpllne Ehoufd enjoy th+ foiLowLng

(tl to ralse lssues an'r enter on into collectlve

Jot."-t""t" wiilir enployera general questiona
' c6ncerning the terrns of emPloltment and
qlnclitlons of, service of nlotkers ln an ea-
tablish&nt br, l-n the caseinofaa-Representa-
rocar areE'
tlve unlon. ln an lndustrlt
(ll) to c'olle6t monberEhlp f ees/6ubacr lptiong-
PaYable bl" nrerricers to the union \rlthl.n tne
prenlEes the undertaklng t
p-ut up br cause to put up a- notlce board
,(lr1) to -d.
Ji pi..ito. of the undertakrng or In which
ri" *ti.t. are employed and afii:r relatinq
to ffr."a theraon-notices ----;
De arrlxcu
"i of accounts
-;= !o
statenEnts LD vr ovv
e{pen(lltu'e anJ other ?l-1::-^-..-
-anosl-EaEctlEir u"T9}l::ry"tt
frtoii "r. not- abustve, -indecent or lnflamta-
a6il""i sulttersive of discipllne or otherr'lse
countrarY to the Code, '. I

(rY) for the PurPose of PrevehLlon or se tlemetrt .

of ar, lndustrlal disPute:-

(a) to hold dlscus€ions with thc employeea
' - Irrtto are mernbers of the union at a-
place or p:accs wlthln. *le
""it"rri. 5i-"it i""7s u"t"ry/establlshrnent
is rnutuallY agreed uPon t
(b) to niort snJ dl-scues ith an cm!)io!L,r or
gny person- apponted bf h1m fr:r- thJ
Furpo6e. thu gflevanc-es of its members
enplo!rcd in thc unclertaklng,
(c) to lnspcct, by prlor arrdngementr Ln an
ulrdertakl-ng, any place vrheie any nember
of the unlon is LTrployed.
(v) to nomlnate its representatives on the
crietrance Comnlttee constituted under the
crlevance procedure in an establishnenE.
- (vl) to norninate tts representatives on ;rolnt
l4anagemcnt CouncLls, and
(v11) to nomlnate lts reprcsentatl"ves on non_staqu_
tory bl-partlte cornrnitte,ja. e.g., prqluction
onltd.ttecs, welfarc commlttees, ca;teen
. corqnlttees, house all,otment corunl-tte.js etc.,
set up by malagernents.
18. . _ trThe rlghts referred to dbove would b= rrith.rut
:::l_Tt::aE present,prlvl+e1c_s
the. bL.inq enjoyed by the recogniseC
tjither by agrecmL,nt or by qsdge.
The Indlan Labour Conference (22nd Session _ July
1964) recomended that unio;s ;;; -;;;;"i;lJ-;.i;;-;t" cil:
of .DGcj.plLne shoul.d have the rrqf,i' io'i-pi".*ri-i"Jirro""t
9rlevalce6 relating to ciismissa.l,-an,t dlsci-rarqc
o_Lsci.pllnary n€tters affectin,J thelr lrcmbers./-o, ,rtfr",
However, 6oon
theraafter tho central Ernl:Ioy6re' org"rri."li"fi
agdlnst th( :rbove recorlmcnddticn, lt was thereforc "ipi"rl"toa
:ha! !h: lmplenentatlon of thls recdrfinenrlati"on need not ne
lnslsted upon for the preserjt



In the Life Insurance Corporation, the State

Bank of rndla aria tr'e n"seive;;{';i i"iiJ- ti"-C6aJ";":;;:"
acceptc(l by thc nanagernents and cmployeesr or.Ianl,sati.jn6
Y_ltl: dgrce!]. clarlfications,- The pattern of recognitlor_
ln tnese
-soncunLjetaklngs isas follbws!_
(li.!tfe Insurance corporation of xndla i

clauee II I (vi1)
The crlterla for Recognitlon of unlons 1t111
govern recoqnltltnt.of union6 in th-e Llfg
Inaurance Corporation subj(jqt to t.}tc foll<tring
;I=TfGfrI5;3-fiEfr-Tesard to clauses 2. 3 anJ 6:
(a) Tt'.-'f,lf e Insurance Corporation woulii recogniae
a Unlonhed€ratlon lItllch represents majorl'ty
af lt€ ernploveeE on all-Incla besLe Provlded
It has a irembershlp of at least 2V. of Ehe
emr,Iovees of the Corporatlon. ThlS Unlon,/
F;e;;'"ai;" would be Lartect the Rcpresentatlve
Union./Federation and lt s.lII trave the right
to deal rlith roattera of all-lncila thelntereat
Iike general que6tlons
-and concernlng ternrs
of emftoyrrent cunditiuns of s€rvice of
the ernployees of tfre Corporatlon.
tb) gltnltarly, the corporation will recognlEe.
a unlon apcratlc,lt in a Dlvlsion reprcsentlng
t.}te maloritv of lts cmpl-oyces in the Dlvi6lon
provid6d it na€ a ndnbJrship of at least 25id
6f th- employeea of, that Dtvj.slon. Thl€
Unlon. will be called a Repre6entatl9e unton
of the Dl,vlelon anJ wlll deal ttllh matters
relatlng to that Dlvlston not havlng any
at1-Indla bearing i'l
(c) fhe Represcntative Unl'on/Federation xguld
have the rlqhts to represent tl e employeea - -
ln aII the ofticee of th.j CorPoratlon llut 1l
another unlon haa a ndnbershlit-of more tnan
5096 of the employee6 ln the ottlc€s or a
r19ht to
.ii*' or . braich- lt vrculd have thelnter-eat
deai glth matterE of purely local
p€rtaLning tc that clty or branctr. aa Ene
cage tnay be.
(l) state Bank
-of, +ndla
Cl,au.se IlI (vil,
The criterla for Recognttion of UnLons !1111 goltern
;;;";iii;;-J- thc state Balk of rndla
-a- I ,.-..-,
subjafct. to the follonlng ciaritlclllens lrith
reEard tg clauees 2, 3 and 6 :-
(a) ftre state Bank of India would reci,qnise a a
Unlonhedeiatlon ilhlch- repres€nts najorlty
of lta.enptoyeeE on an all-India Hsis
pruvlded lt hae a ncrDershlp of at Ieast 25S
' ot the enploycea of the Sank- Thls Unlon/
Fcderatlon rfou1q be Callccl the Representatlve
UnLon,/federatlon and lt will have the rtght
to deal r.ith natter€ of all-India lntercst
llke. general questlons conccrning the terms
' ,. of emplolment .
anJ conditlonE of sErvice of
' : the qnployees of the Bank-
' '(bt sfulflarly, thd Bank trlll recognise a Union
oprating ln a Clrcle rcvrcscntfurg the
majority of lts enployces in the Circle
provl€ded it hae a nsr$ershlp of at llrast
2V" of t e: enployees of t5at cllcle. Thl.e
urlon 'r1I1 be celled a Repressrtative unLon
of the Clrcle anJ *1II deal wLth matterE
' rel,atlng to thdt C j.ralc:;,not havlng any all-
Indla bearlnE. ;, i

(c) The Repreaentallve Uhtoh/Federatlon would

. have thd ffghts }d.iepqtss€nt the errr)loyees
fn,all the offlcea of 'the Bank, but lf another
UnigB haar a-meriberahlp of nore than 2t* af
the. employees ln th(" offlcee of a city or a
branch It would hav,e the rl.rht to deal wit}l
natterg of purely local lnterest p€rtaining
'. ,.to that clty or brandr, a9 ttrs case nay be
(3) ' Reserve Bank of Indla
Clause IIl (v111
The crlterta-:.fpr Recagnltlon of Uniona h''IIl
govern recognltC.on of the qnionp.. ln the R(,6erve
Bank of. rnclia subject to tlie foiiowlng clEi?E
calions vl.th regard to clauaeE 2, 3 an(l 6 t-
(a) The Reeerve Bank of Indta will recognlse
trro Centra!. Un1on6 of uorlsneo, one to
reprcEqrt the lDrlqoen gtaff tn claga Iv
and the oth.:r to repre€ent the remalning
!tor'!s$en Etaf,f, prorrlded that eaclt Euch
unlon has afflllated to lt.
t -9-
(l) In the ca6e of a Central Union reprEaenting
the llEjority of iror]men staff 1n ;tass
trtajorlty of local unj-c,ns (please seo (b)W,-thc
below) hecogni6cd by the Bank togethcr having
aa tncrf nbnb\:rs at Isast 2916 of class IV
staff of the B ank.
(Xt) 11 the case of, a central Union representing
the majorlty of ttrc remalning r,rorkrnen stafi.
the najority of local unions (pleas€ see(b)
bclow) rscognised by thL Bank together having
as thuir mcdbera at least 2 3/6 of thJ rernaininq
worlqnen staff of the Bank.
The tr.lo Central Unions lrill be calfed
the Representative all In(-lia Unionsl and
ttlll have the rlght to deal wi th sratters of
all Indla interest like general qt.lestions
concernlng the tertis of empLolment and condit-
l-()ns of service of the workmen staff represerF
ted by them.
(b) fhe Bahk vlll recognj-se two local untona in
respect of eactr office of the Bank. one
representing the najorlty of its wor'lqnen staff
ln cl,ass IV and the othcr representing
the najority of thc remaining workrnen staff
at that offlcer provlded each Euch union
ltas a nenib{rrshti) of at least 25% of the
worknen enployees of the concerned class Ln
the said office. These unions wLII deat wlth
matters of purely local interest pertalnilg
to the local offlce not having any all In.lia
In States where atatutory provlslong regardlng
recoqmltidt exist and ttiey are at variance wlth the Criterla
under the Code, thc ]€gal provislons r.rlll over-ride the
provlslons of th€ Co.le till tbe State covernmcnts concemeal
ngdj.fled then. The statutory prov i6l-ons for recognLti-on
exlst ln four stateg - Gujarat, Malarashtra. Uadhya pradeEh
and Raja.jt_han. I,he detaLls of the pro\rlslons in the enact_
ments of these Etates are glvst ln ap;endlces IV, V anJ VI.
The B1har central (stand,ln;) t abour i,avlsory eoJo has arso
IaLd dolrn certaln principles to deal vrtth the que8tlon of
rtval trade rDions and thoir rec.ognition. These principles.
whlch are on tlle llne6 of the Crl-terla for Recognition of
Unlona under the ccde, are degcribed in Ap!€ndlx VII.
To,nalntaln Discipline 1n fnduatry (both in qrbltc
anc prlvate sectors) - tlere has !o be (f) a'tuet-
recognitlon.by_ employers
and..reaponsj.bilitles of elthcr party.otastire
an\i workers rijnie
by,the. law6 anu
ll.ll:,1'I" agreernenra (i""i"d;;
dnr asreemenra (tnciuOlii ;ip;;iil;
trlpaltlte asreernJnts urriria
tlre to ttnet anJ (11) a proper anc wtlitng dii.r,"rg.
by elther p?rfi of lti obilgat:.one conaequ€nt on
sucn recoghlt lon-

_ The-Central xrcl Statc covernnenta, on theLr

wllL atrange to exanlne and set rioht
P-arEf anv
anortcoflingE in the rnachlncry they ccrnstitute ior the
admLnigtratloh of labour] faws.
To enaure better DisciplLne ln Ittduatry.
l.t altagerrlnt and Uhl.pn ( s ) agree -
(t) thal ho rlnitatbral .-1
actl.o'n ahogld be take,n ln
connection with anv lndustrlbl. matter and that

dlEputes Ehould be- settle ag aplrroprt"at€

(ii., that the exlstLng rnachinery for settlement of
qlsputes should be utillsed with the utnost
(itlr' that there shoul.l be no strike or lock-out
rrlthout not ice,
that aff irming thelr faith 1n denDcrattc
p5lnclpleF, they blnd theneelvea to 6ett1e
all futurc dlffelences, Clsputes, and grlevan_
ce6 by mutual negotlation, conclllatio; and
voluntary arbltratlon.
(v) that nelth,.r palty wlll lrave recourse to (a)
coerclcat, (b) lntlJnictation. (c) vtcttrntea€i;n
or (d) gc-Blotrt :

(yl) that _they vill avotd, (a) lltigatlonl (b)
srr--down anJ stay in strlkes anJ (c) Iock_
(v11) rthat they vl]-], pionote constructrve co-op€ra-
tlon bet\rern theLr reprggentatlveE at all levels
and aa b€tween ltork€rs thetoeelvea ant] ablde by
the sptlt_'of agreenFnts nutually entered
(vril) that they tfill establj,sh upon a mutually agreed
Dasrs, a grtevance
grievance .i)roceiture
i rnlcn ttill,
(lure r.fiich rrr,l-t ensure
a siEedy an.i flill investig,rtl,rn lcading tu
(ix) that they rrlll abide by various stage6 j-n
the grl,cvancc proolrdure anu tak(- n.r arbitraly
actlon whlch woul(, by-pass thl.s prcjcE(luret
(xJ 'that they wlll enucate,th(lr ranagenent personnel
' anJ ltorkera regarciinrl tihelr obligatlons to each
Managemrnts agree -
( r)not to ,-nc!€as€ !'ork-Ioad6 unless agreed upon
' or settle(l othcrwLse t
(1i) not to Bup.)ort or encourage any unfaj-r labour
practtce Euch as (a) lnterference r^iith the
rl-ght of ernploy€es to enrol or contlnue as
unl-on nenbers, (b) dlscrlnl,nation. restraint
or coerclon agalnst any ernployee because of
'recognlse(l actlvlty of trade unions an.r (c)
vlctLmiaatl"on of, any employee and &use of
authority ln any form t
to take pronpt action for (a) settlerEnt of
:'-'" qrlevances ani (D. ) lmplenentation. of - sett]-e-
nelrts, altafds, decislons arlJ..orderst
' to display Ln consplcuous pleaces in the under-
( lv)
taklng th€ provl-sions of thlE CodA i.n th.r local
language(s) t
(v) to dlstljlgul-sh betvreen actj,ons justlfyihg
lrnnediate dtschargc ancL thus€ r,here discharge
nust be i)reced€C by warnlng, teprlmand, susp€6-
s i,.in rr sone othir forn of disclplindry
action ar.l to'arranqe that aJ.I such discl-pli-
nary action shoul\] ')e gubject to an aplEal
through nafnal grl€vance proc€dure, _

TV IJ to take api)roprlate disciplinary acti.rn against

lts offlcers an.r nembers in cases where
.r enquLrleE reveal that they wcre re€ponslble
for precLpltato actl()n bry liorkers leading to
lndj,sclI-,Il-net an.1

, tvil)

IV. Unlon(E) agree-

(1) not to €lrgage ln any f,orm of phy8lcal dureaa,
(i1) not to permlt denpnstrati-ons which are not
peaceful anJ not to irermlt rotdldsm ln
alqnonstrat lotr t
(1l1) that thelr nsrbera wll1 not engage or cauae
other employees to engage ln any rmlqt actlvlty
durtng rorking houra, unleae as pr{)rrlded for
by law, agreement of practLcet
(tv) to dlEcourage unfalr Labour 1>ractlcea sudr as
(a) negllgence of duty, (b) carelEsE operatlon,
(c) darnage to property, (d) lnterference vrith
or dlsturbance to nomal work and (e) lnsuL
(v) to take prqnpt actlon to iru)Lerxint avarda t
agreenentg, aettlenenta and declal-ona t
(vl.) to di.ap!.ay 1n @nepicuous places l.n the utton
offl€a, thc provlalonE of t]'16 Coqe ln the
Iocal languaEe(a, t an.r
(vll) to expre3E dlBap!,rot7al and to take approprlate
action agalngt offlce-b€arerE anJ menibera for
lndu1gLng In actten agalnst the Epl.rlt of thLs

lfhere there 18 Bore than one unioll, a union

clal|nlng recognltlon ahould have been fr:nctlonlng f,or. at
feis! orie yeai after registration. where there ie only one
untotr, thi6 condltlqr would not apply.
Ttle msnlcership of, th€ unr.on ahould cover -at
Ieaet l5ri of, the workere tn the establl6hrpnt had concern€d,
pald tllelr
-;;;;i;41;t to..la
f.mGr.ftip te cou ted onl'y c)f, th,rse vho
ioi at taaet threc ;uJnthB durins the perlod of
elx moithe lmcdXately Precedltig thr reckonlhi'
!. A unlon may clatn to 5e re@gnlsed.ae.a I't
Batatli; tmron to",un Gauatry in a local are.a Lf a
r.frGilrtfp "r it leagt 2r# oE r.h.e workerE of that lnduEtry

ln that atea.
4L tfh€n a uilon has bern recognlaedt th€re should
be no chdnde tn lta positt.-)n for a period of two year6'

6. A relrreEentatlve rlhlon t?t.:'l -llt9l]:::v.:"-??

tre.torl€ra *"
.r". h.i.';il,';i;;;-Eo-.Lpte'"e"t
in the liaustryr iut Lf a unlon of il {1
ln a partlcutar establlahnsnt haE a rn'mberahtp ot 5u?6 or
iJ.J 5t- ti"-t-ikcrs of, that--establlehnent- tt l-":: 9'
liYif; ."1.
-d,i"i"ilii-'.fu ;9 p-ril l::"1-.*:*:: ::"T. :"'
ffi ffilJ;:'
;;;;;;ii;; 6i iii",'a"c""
nii Jtii.i-G"t"ri
r*'o.ar" ry'!?gTg l: ll:
;;id;i6i'"iti& "" TTP::?--:r..:l::
op*r.te tlrioustt. the. representatlve lon un
il;1;h;-i;.*;tt-"r ieex redress dlrectlv'
In the ca6e of, trade Unton federatton6 uhtch
are not affLllated to any- of the four central organlsatlonB
or labour, the questlon ol would ltave to be deal.t
wlth separatelY.
B. OnIy r'ntona whl h obaerved the code of
oleclplGe nould ie entltled to recognltlon'


Dlvlslon o. Agrlculture, ror€;try,
Fl.hlng, etc.
OlO. Agrlcultqre anJ lJlve
stock productLon.
(a) plantatlqrl
J.. Tea
2. Cofferr
3. Rubber
4. othgrs
(b) etns aru preaaea.
l. cotton clnnhg
2. ,tut ! pr€sses anu Baung.
3. ltool B allng and I,resslng.
4. othera.
02. :_"+:yEry anu Logglnq.
o30. IYn_Ee9, Trapphg anu Gane
o40. If 1;th I hd Prolragatlcn. ' .,

DlvLslon.1. !{lntng and Ouarryllg.

1ro . Coal ltlJllng.
121. Iron g.r's Mlnlnq.
L22. Ottrer Ulnlng.-

(c) otttera
iil. 9:.*" petroJ.eurr an..t Narural.t caa.
i;3 : fftr;.!:iifl*ilf:% tJ ?"e s""E-Prt''
erablhere ,clasalf!,ad. Ouanldng .
"gc . . ..

(a) ulca
(b) others
Dlvl.slon2-3 uunuf
_20. Food (exceE t Belferages).
205. craln Mlll-producta:
(a) nlour utIIS :
(b, Rlce H1llg
(c) Dal Mllls
2O5. Baker.lr PEoc.ucts.
207 Sugar I'actorieE anLi Ref,i.neriea.
(a) sugar M1lIs
(b) Gur
209. Mlscellaneoug rood Prepa.ratlonE
Edible oi-L€ (other ttran Hydrogenated
Eydrogenated oil Industry
2OL-2O4, 2OA others.
2I. B everaEea.
211 & 21.3. Dletillerlee anJ BrerErle6 (lncluding
- polrer ALcohol Manufacturing).
& 214 others.
22. Tobacco.
22O. Tobacco llanufactnres.
{a) Bidl tndustry
(b) clgalette
(c) oteers
231. splrrnlng i 'Weaving and }'lnlshlng of Textlle6
(a) cotton MlIlBi
(b) Jute HiLre
(c) sllk l.{tllE
(d) i{aoleen !,1Lll6
(e) othera
239. t'lanrif acture, of Textites not qlEewher€
(a) co!.r Factorles
(b) other€
212-233, others
24. FootHear, other weari.ng Apparel and
!{ade-irp Texttle Good€.
241. Footvear (exccpt Rubber Footwear) .
242-244. othere
25. wood atld Cork (except furnlture)
25o. (a) saw Mllls
250. (b) Prwood
25o. (c) others
26" Furniture an.J Flxtu!€s.
87. Paper anJ paper products.
:gI. (,i. ) papei
21L.. (b). Other pro.lusts
272. Manufacture of Arttc]'eE of
anl pdper Board.
0S. prlntlnE, publishing and AIIled InJustrles.
29. t,eather an\l Leather Froducts (exdelrt footwear).
29f. Tannerr-es and Leether r'inl8hl.ng"
2g2. Malufactu[e of Leathor pro(1uct6 (eEcept
footwear an..l other llearlng Ai)parel).
30. Rubber and Rubber productsi ;

(a) footwear'
(5) Ttrres
(c) other6
31. Chemlcal anJ Chemlcal products.
311.. B aalc IndustrlaL cl.rFlFcsls.
(a) neavy chemlcals
(b) Fertlllzere :
(c) ottrers
312 " Vegetabl,e anJ AnlinaL O1ls and tet5.
( a)_ vegeta)le olIs I'atE(except Edlble)
(b) r Antrnal olls and and
Fat6 (except Edtble)
319 . M16cel,Iancous-
(a) Meclictnal and pharnaceutlcal l)roduct€l
(b) soaps
(c, Patnt€. Varnl6hes 'and Lacqrier'E l etc.
(d) Matdle€
(") t u. (Includlng sheellacJ
(f) Others-
32. 'Droductb of t,etroleum -an.t
32L - Petrolerrn Ref 1nerle€.
322. Coke ovqra.
329. Other !)roducta.
33. fon-dEtalll,c MlJreral, ?roducts ( exceDt
.gradud6 of petroleurn anJ Coali.
331. structulal CIay produd,s.
332. clas6 an-l class iproducts (excepi Optlcal
Lenaes) .
333. Dottery, Chlna and Barther-lrare.
334. Cenent.
339. . Non--r$etallic Mlneral i p,roduqts not
elsewhere claf f lf 1ecl.
(a) u.lca
(b) othr:rarndustrlea
34. B a61c Metal lnJqatrles.
341. Ferroua.
(a) tron and Stce1
(b) notttng lnto Ba8lq Formg
(c) otber proc€aaes
342. .
35. D4anufacture of Meta1 !,.rpduta (except
nlachlne4f and Traneport Bqul.Etrrent). ]
36. Madrlnery (ercept Electrlcal ltachLnery) .
37. Electrlcat y- achlnerl, Apparatu.,,
AlDllancea and Sutr}!'].les.
(a) Electrtcal Machtn€rv
(b) Telegraph anJ relepione uorGhirps
(c) Electrlc Fan€, Radlators anl otfrer
(d) storage Batterleg
(e) othera
34. Tratraport aqulfinent.
3A:.. Sht p Bulldlng.
342-. Manufacture an.t Repalr of Ratl-Eoad Equl.Irrrqrt.
(a) Rallr.ay Worlrshops
(b) Trarray ltorkahopg
383. Uotor VehLcleB
385. B lcycles.
3S6. Alrcraft.
(a) Aeroplaneer Alrcraft !'art!r and
(b) others
384 & 389. others
39. Ulacelldteoua
Dlvlsd.fn 4. Conatructl-on.
(a) cqnatructlon, Repair arr"l'o.r*ttti..; "'
of Bull,dlngE
(b) H r,gttrrayE, Roada. Brldgea, etc.
(c, Rallfoada. Railway Roadshedsr Brldgea, etc.
(d) Hydra-eleatrLi i,rojecus.
(.J others
Dlvlsion 5. Elegtrlctty. opl Sattltary servlcee.
"?a.:, i",
51. Electrlclty, cas aixl St".or..,,, \. l
521. tfat€r Sufrply. . .

522. Santtary sevlcea

DlvLaLon 5. comtlerce.
611-612. y*rol€-aa1e and netall irade.
620. B anl€ and Oth€r F trrdnclEl Inatttrttlons.
" ':
" '' i
630. rnsurance. t

a) r,lfe''
i:, ,.. .

t&. Others.
.''. ' ,
Dlv lEAon Tranaport an.l Cororunr.catr-on (ather thah
', .t','' ' ''t
7rL . RallwayE
7.L2. Tranrtaya r.
": -_ l

713. Motor Transport -

7L4. Road TranaDort not elqe.r|irere Sl?ft tf red

(€.9. Rl-ckshawa. etc.r.

:', :!
715. ocean Transport- (Seat{En).
716. vlater Trangport (exceltt ocean TranEportl .
(a) oocks and ?orts
(b) other8
7U. Atr Tranaport.
?3O. conrNmicatlon.
(a) !,o€te anJ Telegraphe
(b) otherE
Dlvlslon 8. servlc.es.
8lO. Governnent Scrvtces.
820. co|trnunlty and Busirre6s Servlcea'
821. Educational servlces.
822" Medtcal anr! othgr Jubllc H ealth 9ervicea.
830. Recr€atton sewices.
831. $otlon plcutre llroductlint, Dletrlbution
anJ ProJ ectlon.
832. Tt€atree an.l Related servlcee.
933. other Recreatlon Servlces '
84. !,ersonnal 5efv1c€5 r
841. Done6tlc sewicea.
843.I Re6taurantE, cafes, Hoteler etc.
844t€49. Other perEonal Servlces.
9. Actlvltlea noc adequately d€acrtbedr

.,?n-c-l {:\--:T rl
pp,octrDuRr',r FL'Ir 1./I,F:I!'IC?-TI.,I'
-b,i )f i ll:t ts -RsrlIP (n')L
ut'- yNI:]JS
i"n"ili'i ,ii- .,t" n'i" ir'"-..L;:i'u' l:ru or"

(1) on r'cejot' of a replesentatj-on f:'orq a'
for recoqnitj-o!i u:rd€r the1';1 ' the c*nti:allstate
iiiil'i"tilt: "'. l"acnine:'Y L Ei-rs!
.;" r*
i.'a "i'eot';i"f
I i:tai i,:j"r,J^:::;':::::.n"d,
to the liegi
(b) u'h, r roi_1r'
j+,.- j.'.''-i:"'.1;.];i ;'),:-,.
t'- .l : .::.:,,!"
iil J L-r e "l'y '" c'(je rrt-!!r'i-
it "ot,^-it"'t't'* ;'f{"e(n '')r: ib;j '
;i.".1',-.r'',;.'..':l . i:'",.'.;'l :i,i,,l;^
., ..'
i"i..':-. l_.1.,.:;r:,1ii{ri.;},:"::; ;i!
bY tlir'r I in:r I tJn'-::r
't'1': t'
!!31 t or ''r-'t'irt) '
(c) wh j'.1h!"' 1::lc xi:iti:1'J r':c:'oni-'d ci
ij :: .', hlr i^r_'rr'jtt'd r ir-:::oC ""'o
\ rl rji:i 'lJ :cCC'j!"1I:_ln'

(2),qrL.r. asc."r t .ini:r_srrh'":J::

;l:i.i"ll.'.:. tr.,e cri-r
I,llnle1icni-;tj.,r r,:. r'-tr-r-\'_iLn'.',r!iii:"-a,r, if r. ..r, F,. ,. rh itJ (1t ,

:'' ."i'i;:'i;; ;:;;'-'- ' ri' ih'=.,';liilt1.."^

i:( 1L-"
l'"il:: :':]'',,', '' : :l;-');::i:'",,i:;"';;;{t:i:i:';; :i.;J:;1.:;--'
Jr,l'.i ."- ?' ,
3,i !"; ll":;;:' ': '.r"t" ad(rr j Ji:e'
:-; j..tr of t:i'€''t
\eti:'r:i .:' +':' ; ;J;':-:t =.li-tf-t, ::i',.,:l:r:"1 :,1;' (:1"
!h,-J ...-'t
(3) th'-J
,*r.1,=.1."''l'1,!' 1,,.'
;1i ' l"l;"^;' ;r' iil'11 .'ll ::r ris
hav.r p1l-J '::l t:-il;";":
' 1,'..: j,:,.,;€.;v,,.^.-.o,lt.g
...:I: : :":"T;::"i":":;i:
.-h- crte ot ;?" rec",or.-
nFr -oir .r.:
'r\c. i:r :"':L
'r'_ s:^
s:^. '' :;-" -'.-rli,.-.,"*;"tr",..
a i;ai"*:ul.:sr.. ,,.1.r,
::licn rcqisr-r,
ir,1 ......,g '{1'-;1 {1; ;, ;:, iil; "
l'"?:::tt',, i{ r ,.,s:,
ii.il."..1,; rn.l:c:.ci.4! p...r..
i'ii ) ;:::, ;t'':"1 ; .
:::,,..,..'':i'ut':ica c: the
l; l;11.";:*;;
I iii ;::;' i:.;:"il;,i' i;ii'i' ;n"^&-ii'e "o"
j.n iir: S'"at es {trr=ie
' ::::":;ffi ::'';: *li":"i.";";i'-i:i::ii; Sta,rU.:en
cd-:r '_r'sc;i::-tcr
r* ar- lras 1.rt:r clar"jed thJt a notr:larjenert
ruci"Ji'r ti ':r n: r rrnlcn
1,4rj.I i cr : ir:"r - i^ t-'l '' ptrfrsc
ir' its t.!r'l-tt'l -:r l
Hi:I-titi:-#i]**ffi*:.h'ilr,*l*:#* '
fi-$l:ll #*'$rffi
4) rr:. darc o€. recr'.r, lo.f;l:"1:1.i."#'ln'i
*i*, lii.ti;t:,*it}*"::i'ii:;iit:'':;i:il'i':*


-.ta -
dnKw-o*Xon of, the vcrifled li$t cf $erd)ers of the rlval
they sh"ut"d seDd, ljf irr'1ting,. the:ir spccl.fJ.c objec- ..
tlo!r:j, if ar"y, tr the er,trles i-1 tlese llsts, viti.* 10 days **
,/- o: a longc.i pJri()4 tt the n*nber of objectLons JE IlkeLy to
7.040 objection5 q1r4p 31-rci above l0r3o0-/ of +-hc dal.:e of
JJlEp€ction" It ahould be nano ciear l:o tl-!e unlon6 ghat
<tr'e,<*:fkld rragrue ob-i ectiolr5 ,l1ke inf latsd lielrlretshlp, etc.,
J;'i':':;lG coielaer€ar tho olrjccl Jons -objected
should gtve !:ames of
of, a unJ-on 1s to and the
Firon" ntt""u -*trJcershlp .

reasorg. theltefor '

ffbe 14!t!"Qn 9gtrre'gontaLJ?ert lJdll be alloe"ed to nake
not"" t?"m the ves#"i.cd ilsts
63c&n to l..hen j' the- p!'esonce of
{i"l,"iiri-otf * officcr; nor thc-" wll'tr hoilev'tr' not he al}oucd
;;=tffi?;-; th.j Llsts i co1ry or the llsts wirt be
gtver'' to th6b/
(7! The cbJectlonl9 received from t}leby unj oj?s wlll
lcr"crt'qatlon ' the -ter:tlca-
tr,"r, t"t*ltrAia-iiI'ie-wtoonut c.n the tas16 of L:r'r f olrowlnq
'i.l"i lEri*i-;i' netnlars

( t) af qre
3*.*3"":*ri"iHf'! ":t'I# JlHi",
-:blot :)vr
to 5c perFonaffy
ii'J-i"".1'ut o-f perso"t6
ehoulJ be 20% subject to a
o! luu t
bY a r-
(tt) i*Xf ffl#!li:!i4{#[
#-,r?ffPi;T]S lJEt futn.fehed
"s ",;

Fm* *. :5 .''iff
ilir-r16" cgnesr tle ;,1;;:';'T;-g;
t: tr
,)e 75tl sttbJeq4
;r*l'tloj.**' "t
"iea "l"i,r.:
(*L) rf, tne objecelon lH: f"5l**ff g.i#i""
5fi;_: 4;-;.:q i::'-*n:
fl35'"6t8'"'"iii i:'" n'ai't'"" :E'.:::"H':"
or Persons- to
ii.}i,ill#r: i r-'i::"::'ff^:n""'d
of l5o
'Ji"Fii-1.-.-"'rnir'uln t
be 10,6

lll't by takirg
;'y"t*"'J;"'p1" f t""-:*lti:g-lfT."
L"Hi;ffi"i; :i"fi::ill;r*3":l'Eil31: called sarnplilg
!u';'i iis-i"t3'""1 be!-
fotal nulEllJ! ob t
of Fe!6cng
..^ ..,^-1.^F-
"'- {r
Evr^srr !" r-ha
Thut, for examPle. t€ there are
ob'iect l.ott ligt dn.l $arnPJ'e Ji iiio;v9rtc-'rs
€gerl' .luu"Jvv-r' vr
tr: verlf LcaEiun of f icer -.houlJ
4th rJor:\er {n tbc 115e.
rt r s ! hcw.e!'cr,
selec'.or EhJtJ.C
selee:1..i €h.ri,i.<.! bligJn :'tff ,_v"*:t,jr{Et--
tro -
"dltriff iu.*", ..
or !it. 2nd. Jr
;;; I.^*-lf ^L^
i-3:"1fu ":: $..'lliT#:'i

*itri,; *'e*;;' ii*i:fl

iZ*,, .1J", t'uiuu l,n the
fer every
*i qrrceed lc,ooo on the basis oi one addtiJ'4);:'l]' clay
(1./) If tbe ob-l€ctlon i.i.6t fuiinilhed by a unla:l
co!19i6ts of flore th>r! zfJ O but !iJi: lirjic .-han
r the Di:I:ioe.: .Jf persons to be
Fersoni,'.l.y :in*errcqa.ied shouicl be t:4. subject
to a ri1.|I:'1:iu!il of ?,O1,: and
If thc obiec:ion l.1sr: au.-::lihit bl' r ur J.o.r
(vi *;'6n!1stsr
of ,1ir.)rL than 5 r'ttdO r. :r'.:r':, th.: n:.rnber
^.: ijofsons tLr L'.' Fnl).-roj-.d.i_lir 1nt-j":cog.1teC "

giroulJ be 2l subj*r:: to ir.'-:1l!]1,:n of 250.

'iha perac,ns sele4ted f o:' pe::-<o::.:I lntetirog.a:ion shor:l.d
aJcong qlire|thtnJs h.? aEiieil w!"l].her t,bey are r..en,bcris
of a pa;r1cuLar ucl-n dnll l"htLhe! lhe1 hacl paj-d 9d)-
s.iri'pt-i.:s ,='Ji .l rurtl: s 1.'J.:hi:.rr ,r. ?.rr1od oi 6 rnonths
frrn ':h,' doij" oi r:ea-1.:ci-;'-19 ir1.1' lf lcr +-lra alqolut
of subs/-'i,{- lpioir patd,. t}c noirthsj"cer for lfhlq}r it was
paj..1/ ',+-.- Tlre v.riJ f tcr':-lon ot.E ltlL1 mrtntaln
a ]ist o: ric:-.5 :,rs ljgrsr,:rf lil 1!: Lerrc.r'rt-(]., .j:-v.i.n.l thelr
tl-clia.: rrrl]'joeq!: r nalne
of g.-lcilon vh.Jre r^ork:ilrg, the
rc6uj.:. v.E Fe*-i;cn : :rteirog:r:1on , otc"

(B) tlh.rre the aanp:-.t chec)' reve2-lB tLst eertal.n

r'o€rnber! :irt€rrogated <ier.1r nerj:ership of rinjo:I.. lts liea of
r.,enirers uiIl .-re nlodl.f-l.ad ?.:'opori.i+n;tci1.- Fo:: e:r':inpf 9, !f on
theck-{ng reco!--dF, i! J.s fcrx-id tlrat a rr'1i.on hac 2{0C0 vaLJ"d
nernberg and the r.'.val unioir objecf;i tor sajrr Bo0. of ::here
$€tnlf,er5., a 1513 of, EanpLe of tho !ar:te: has lo lJd (:ral'!! * 1,"e.,
120 perscrF 'cawe to :,e j.rterirog3i-ed ti:r€c'l-aily" If o:r pe:'sonal
tEterroq:r.-J.ot1 jt 13 f,cLrr..l +-hn: :, o: t-hc L2O r.trs')nr (1"e"r
i:%) d'.rtjr rxi.-i,,rt ':;1J-p Jf th.r u:l:.J, the st:e:i.1:h o: --h.j \rrrj.on
wLl,:. be r€ilucr?d Ly i,$ ot $DO pe;:'in'i q'hJse nrernber6htp 10a5
objectocl t<-r,. Loe,,: L'E :00. in olher wardt r l}re final. €treuEth
of the'.iaj.o:r ?1.t1", jjr |lrj.s case' Ite 1r8OO"
/t-2,oco-.(2a\% oi: so cj't.coo 7
If {.he lr'::so'rs li'hor on lJrr-errogatiun, denv thel,r
r.enber6hj.!) of {jh€ u:"r_..o,i c-r d jfl, nc. .jlem aS thelr nrF:i,bers l-.:forn
tr:e ver1llcal:Lcr, ..f,il, ,rr tl:.ij th*:' at:e r&*r,b( rs c'i 1 :.:-Ya i
rltonr the verj-ficatj"on offlc.r t{-}11. c}reck thnJz' trember.j}rl.p wiEh
ihg l-j.6 L of fterlbero anJ recoldi: of t:]at u?lon an,. i{dju6h ifs
1i9t acco!'dlrrgllrf t".i"l iircj-r narnes '"'il,l- ')e added \;D the liEt of
thd rj.vol !,i-rj,cr. j.f J'-hrly are noF aiready ine].|]d€d ir !t, an.l
eJ:al.i:dcd, I,n ihc rnaniroir n€ntloned aboYe f,rr4n th+ ].i.fit gt t.i1e
ai.a:rT6nt ui_-ao!.
(9) Itol:e concucting -the
pr:reonal- ve!'lfJ.catJ,cnl, as
ne-!"it'-olred i.n ;a.r:a (TJ ehov€. v{)rJ.f{catlorl offj.ccx r/1I":" ncg
a.L.t-ctt t'rc re?reEelrrat.J.vcs of ary unlolt or rqnulag€:fi,.lnL to ba
prcsf.il -.
(lCI rhe e€!.^ifqFfttcE! cff,icee w+f repor*t h!& -
ftudlrE t9 th€ Inpl,a:nen tttrl.ch
turn' wl.ll c
l.r tuJrn'
hls rt}port the vsifl$&t{on of
:t nuiriber of, uorkeri ln th€
-2 5-

iffi TXLII'?iifi ft ;trTHl+?-:.'3"^Sl"'"

@ @

cilqtTSR r,/
Approveo lln1oris
nrailit:en3iice of' condlf_ion6
for berng
eFr"",,cz}. ^?ff T "1":l;i':*li:' li::.lti: ll.'l;,.:;-
ar€. b€:'r'g-o u "'r
L€ r-Jl€s prd!f,&ie E:rd!
-'p €lrlo,gf,Sption sball be not
(r) ljj,"#ffSi;"-fr,,,,nene
* ""o-
( ri) :.n%":ii'"fu*Ti$%:::-''hl73t'"'
'''" :ll!!lii ffi*ff"$.:$"ff#JL"*'.
yeat t "Hj"Siii'

x:*:*.;g;mt*";33 +*i*"r'

5 (v.11,
*til'g':*ll*.:""1'l:5:'s'ii Ees'
-- _-*; -
Gularat eni :i
ApD'. i..etrf e
ins€rted ]lY g om. 1& of
t Tnis clauiie \n:as

..-26- t
Pro\'td€dllaat the- Regts:rar 9I"11. t9: enter a unton
rr"t i'i"rtl-ii" J"tisf rea that 1t-i6 not betng
tn lhe alprovsa roembers' but to
. ld€ 'i}tJ$itiE"i-li rts
coad!$cd bonat -
' -- tlatl? F{:€JrYUce'
Explanar'orl r- :flP.*.fii:1".f,yfrff":: :t's:
jffi; ffi: i:.ff'fi'"riii-lr-iezi I --
'$: #*d
-" "" luU':f*t/:?S:iffi#,H::, f
-- ffi $FSH:'#:;;$'t.ff "t*l*n':i*:""*5i!'
-i"r#-*r"f #ri:H4l*igi#i'::**sffi
i:l';i*'*1"*'*ieff ;;a -;;T'Y
:: :: :': ror a*a'ed

,or areas
lnJ.t!'tr! ln the alter€d
ln an
," ?1.:i%:uorli;";, "'

,", ff,ffi .Etf,-i.#:gl-f;iq*,+


#;'#fi::l# iv"lG n'eJ'i*'"'
rhls vord vaq 9t$:tl:i::'t] {;5o. - ,^si'i'e-
#i#5 :?Ts'ft :'"''

* ii,rrll$rS*=1i*ro
-2? -
a f:rom approv€d-LJEt.- The R99l:::1f th"rr
24. Rentlal trt"
renove :-;j.;"?ti* its reg:strdtr'o't
apllove''i llst if (x"r
:raae unrins Act'
il"iil-.i'e iilJi""na]' ie;:5 of ii:5)' Js
arso ttt"tt"t-^ xi:jo:r ii aftcr hol('lnq sudl
ca:rc'etle,lr and 5a:lstled tltat it -
;ff;;y-;i lnv "u't'" deene f,:t' he Js
(1) i:r,the list rxrlle::e:
wa6 entcrdd mJetake'
nlsreFres!'ntatiril or: fraudr
(it) hFs, sfu:ce l)eiitg ircludcd i"r thc aFpruved, 1lst'
specLf ie(l 1:r
f e j le<l to o:,e ejc tb' c\'nrLj-tiu:'s
s€c'tion 23 '
ot offic€rs of ap/r:o'red unLorrs - *f$uch
25. Rlghts
or*cer!-.p ::Ji:' jift :, ::;'ii ^;'JS::;3'::,i:".
if"iff :iy'*:il"!i" fu I if: tl
rarner ancl 6i:bj
have a rlght,
..:': sn"il be
-Dy t-he ert;Joyer

_ - -,4{lDcEtl]@d - t" :hs uiion

psl'ible hv *t:|,e::'
(a) to ''olle!:n 5ltJns ittltt
ot tt'" pt"oii""i *u;t" arc paid tr ih'nr'"
(b) ro p,rlto,:: ::::i":: f""! X5r3,Iji'ii5"
Hf,i ?1""::"$;';-;;; "lF Ii'pi"1:"9^u"'r-":r:- "''"
cause !D b; affixed
r'otlces tncreont
€^_ +he rutpoee cf t-jte Prcv€ntJ$
of settl":rett
'"' ii " t;'i"it'si' rj'al disPute -
( 1) H,":i3":*ff::;L4fulhilFdi3#:"":l-
- ::i';il".'re-tho rncnl:""g ot the "n;
j r:r:
( li) r'o neel an(l dlFcu'ss -ttJtll:n ::fl:{:t ::
a0y il i.3'i".i,i"i"" -';'"n.r";s
iis 61'pi-ov"rr 1rr "
!he [iii:;#:";;
thl"a un(lertallnE t
( r11) :if ;"fi;, ri5.:';fi liE {;o'il*:li":*"i;"
,'B.r"on is lnnployeo'
for Se orLgJnal bY -tlo" 43
, Th,-r" ta;'F'rbetltued
of 1948" s" r"
lnserted by Bon' 63 of 1?53,5. B.
g The6e wor.lt were
s'rb51:Jtu:ed.for the alcid 'Prcylncial!! lry
tlas gso'
' [11'"5':tJi:""Ji"i']'-" oit"r'
Ttil-s u.,tr,-
C uxiol:s aL G )vcrlir:(1: icrn en-
26. I'egal ald to appr'5/'
expense ln llnportant pt"""Jiii"ii--
1i) l-1r 'rlp;o'/€d
tltled to aPpear - a
"r 5;l;3fir3,|i'#:,.?:n l;l'i*Ei"i3li*ll'lof 'r"o*'"
oJ' drdlrgc t'i '-'L\:\! Lr v '
si:opi'a!e) r

(b) lPfo:e ttr(: 1n(iusts-rj'a:' C4u:: J1 "- f:-::Tg-q

j-r:vo:l'Lng :3r rs. u!)jrrr'':: of '-tl:-:cJrt' an
i;;;i;ii qu?stroi' ':r :!1!l or : rcE -
c! lesar a:id a: Lhe
(2) r;:'"g;'r-.1g.''i,:,.:i.-::;i,,Ii"; j'";i-*"
eectlon (11 .}.o::f
practicabl-e del.:tf .,
j.e nad? utdQr
appilcaixon a

::r;;'*iirl ;i l:i";'ii:ii'!i;.'"jlllliii$;
qii'en to the ReqJ-sirar"
6hall be

; b(dcL L"i ds !J')n tl:t reafter'

35 may
(4) on tr'e' 'li'
Lhe offlcers oi t.^'e E1l'ii! *1;i*i$*ilti':1ff
the substancs of <r!')r \r"adertceo
(5) rlre court nay after cr;lsi'lertis grant !l:^:Y^i:""""
or lsfqsq t-he
adduced unile!: <ul>-erJd:1oir t'if':"l"rt"t
ln consrilta:lon tot
(6) rre e.(szut "'7 a* rrn[tcnt
-ln- t"trttnay
ior lega" 'tdvJ.:e
the Incluetri ai Corr:"'. P: eEcrrbe rstLon before a Courir'
an.l aPParatce or: rl€ 1'1a fcfa

a:-rr er'Plol'€es ar'd
Reprecei';ati1'e". "f T:i:{;tt
.Pi,*.t.tt"e orl tltelr
cr.uo,'3?;r ffii3i:*"l ?i r "i[l]'EF*H"3--qz":5'1:f
;;:"i' nray fron

946r 6"6"
@ 1h
e-6;c." -;reJ n *3 I H"" S;'*"?5 rgrovhcLa!
j.6 wor.: FJs eub':tatrl--eq

-o! r'a-'qE order


,t--- .--^
n bY
il1;'?'il;;.;i;t lsr'o
' "
tine by notj-flcatlon J.n the official Gazette -
(a) recogi:J..e any ca blnatlon of crnployers ln an
:lnclusl!)' rtlre':,'rer jntr:pora:eJ \,r not as an
asscciiii,Jn of rrlr<l;;.:i I for thl p':rpcac of -

tirs :rci: p:: ovicl.ed i::;i: one of th'r objectg of

Jucb co:tbj E.atlot r-r i-h.r i+j_quj,ct:-oh of acil-
ditlons cf eni-rlo:r.:r€n-. j.n th{: i:ldris t-tY t
(b) --.lghdraw any r:ecc,q:.; i].oll gratrt::d ulcler clau'3e
(e-)r s:'cr-: Jcc ih1; ir,) rc.x'.':.::, n eball :)e.
w.,_l.l.ilE?tlr. lrr:. .ess :3 :rilpot:':!i:., Y -L,a6 been glven
to such 3ssoclail.ol of er'rgrioye!'s :o be heard'
'-' ::i any plcceF{linq ul'lci this Act 'l'l a96o-
ii.atr']r.-o; er:p'''oter:5 ellall be ontl!:qd tc
! el'-:cs:inE -
(a) 2t t er.t):.a'l'er vlho J s a rn€rtber cf th'l aesoc.|ationt
(lr) any crployer' tonDFe'leC vj'tl. the <ame J-ndustrg
nol r,tl.,,q a nri:nrber of th'i toassocl3tlon' r'ho
iiis t-rt.'.riatea tn wr:''rflnE trhe pre€c':1bed
;uihc-tj.tl' tha* he h.lF agr:eed
arsoc:.aiiJn Jir -to be rcpresen'-
ied by the Ptucecoint t
and an'/ irotice or itlt-r-itatj'o'r qJven by ot to
'I"i":=a-i. to such asscciatlon
i:1::.i'in have b.er ilven bl' or ev'-'r? enlrlc]'er
{t 16 entltled to rePr:esent'
{:t} 'rJhcr., (o::e enilcyer8 :hon one a':e af,fe<:cd ol:
unaer anr,'of ihe prov.Ls-1.,,ns of chls '].<:: ceoiiie'l to be affected
l"ll'n" of ',r.lli-olnq't"c is u:l'lcr sub-gedtlon (2,
t!, rcPre"i€ilh all. oi +-})snr- the r:ep!ccentatlve deter-
".rtf,::"d tlle p;es:i;,bed n;:unei:
*l-lr"O-:r, ghaJ- f be enlj t:]'ed to act as
the1r rep!'es.rni a?iv gar,
*/i;-n . p;,t-,;i-ar:'-i o?r t'al!r1f of Fnpl"l-ees - sav.e
as provj-,led lil $cjb:on 3l.and 33, "" (:t?191'-:_".,::u:i.:"
unde-r th j s Aci
JLf bwed +-o apl.)esr or a.-'t th any orocecdlng
excePt thlr)ugh +-he represcttative o! (:rnP].oyees*/ r
28" flec:,j-orr of represgntatfi'es of ernployee$ -
( I ) 'rlhele {:hci€ :s no reprcsei'-tat.,"ve u;:ion in !'erpcct- of
Ga""t.v t.1 g-,'y .!.or:a1 area, the emplcyeoo -
ln ( ach ul-
""v -f"
J"i-tuX':trq {; :i1e il,,rL,.stry and l:t cach occul)3tlon
ii n i)lcrl.L1beJ ind.ner.' e.-i'ect' f I:'e per5oils f :'o:[
er(,cng therija:i,'J c;i to re!]i:esenr_
* Secij-on :l'iA iias lnser.ted bY Bon.55 of 1.]19. s"4"
thd,r for $rs pulpose of thLa Act ^
Provi.Ced thet no such persons 6hall b€ elected for
any ocfllpatlon the Frlll]ber of erqrlol'ees ln r*rlcb doea not
exceed t€n.
(2) The peraonF, eJry, elected u:der EuLsectlon
(I) shall fLhctlon 1n 6uCrif rnanner as nay be treacrlbed.
(3, wlthlrr ./-lto 1.ear-a / from the date on r."rl'ch an
ej"ectlon undej{ oub.src-*.1.!Jr" (i) !-e held, anJ $ithln each
-'uc-ceedt gt/'+:$o gar,
t-eat1_/' tltei:,eaf a f::ijsh electlon ahall
De ne.l.ct -
Provlded th.rt ai:y person ney be re-elected at any
such e],ccii^):1.
( 4) r!t" cinp-:.o!'€!r.E nry in tbd prertri.bed nanner
recaLl 6ny or aII cf the perrons Frieqted undd.r sub-Eectlon
(-7) or fti .

{ 5) Vacancie.s 1r i.'rd nud)--r of, the p€rsone e.leted

u'rder sub-€+:ctj'on l.!) or {3) shaii be fl.tt.rl by elcction t.n
t.nr p!r€!cr:j)ed lrEnnero
29" A(1t or .Jec-tg.r.on of majorlty to be deerjed tio
be act or a€4i91on of aLi - Ary act or desislon of th.,
matority of :hc petisons g-i,€cied und€! gectlolt 29 by Bi.'!r
qnployeea 61, l[ be de led to be the aqt or decL.€lon of all
&\e perso:ls €o --.16.ted by them.
3Co R. Dr'e.9en*s t J-vea of €rnDi.oyeeB - ?he fol^Jovin.'
.:ho11 be i,:'iGa
"-' e/-'E"
pieti.r'.in.,: rji).-'cif, j.ed
;p;;";'";- ;;tZ r'-6"-;;;;;i
as thc ,:rrpresentatlve of emploj€es ln an
5dD.9E : I !r .tty j.ocal are.a -
(f) a i.aprcecr^tatlve unlon for 6uc.h tn(tuetryt
i11) a qualj.fled or prlJt'ary unl,on of ti'hidh the
ririijorlty of ercFloyees dLrectly af,fected fry
th.9 4hatrge concelrted are mefib€r6t
(1U) any qualtflod or prtnarlr unlon in reep(:ct of
such :idu€try authorl6ed Ln the prescrlbed
li:dr?c€r j.n that bgha1f by the qnplol'ees conqrrnedt
(tvl the Lahxr offi.cer Li autherLsed by the cfiployeee

S '.hil:.,r_?t--rdE v'n:e e,jbatLtuted

,1qn. i5 o: ::!49. sc5.
for the rerdB rto actn by
(v) per6Jn6 electcd by the enplol'cr-g ln ,accor-
danc; wi-th pronlsl-.ris of Eection 28 or wnere
ii"'im"1"o-L" s.1b-;rect-{.on (1)
+-hereof a6plles..
a the 6np].oyees therose.lves t
(vt) the La5our Offlccr t

Provlded -
r"/;o. aplear or
FLrstly, that the l)er'ons entliledqu3ll'flcd-o!
..t7 l-iJi-"liise of,(':)such
'+nYapp'rac or aci:J lnsEeao'
;;i;;'Lhemr iespecg
l'l5-i]he- repre-
seeontllyr t}lai r{hare the tal)our Offlcer
gentat riE'Xi"li.5 lli:I'; :,"1"":ilil# ;
aoresne$t uj,d?r: seai'.' (Jnl- 'I+
.)( : :t1i:cn':_' or; the
un-lese the i,ei:irri o': "_"" "t1Et^ont
;'#;";.r:";"; are a':cepterl l'y then:n the tr':::'ijbed rnannerl
fhtr'llY, !+ire-ln €-nY procec(:ing the Forsons r en t' l--led
*^o apoear or ac1l un're- -c-" jut.r (-') ar" rnor-..:. d'an flve' ihe
n:;'"t1ct t:'er' 5.th(r p':escrLlled
dieocrtbed nurber c.'i:cte(j.i ''.q"*ap.:ear
iliiJrlr.tif r l. cnt1t!..d {o ot ac"--/ 1nl':i3c'
431. Reqlstered or representFtJve unLon +p cont'lnue
to u"a"i*ioi'lill*i-*"""r for sone time- - Ncr'ith-
ii-"Jli en'i,'.-irjnt contained "i"a
tn thls Ac*-' 1f th'=rc lethoanj"
alteratlon il] a'1y rocar aiea or a'eas notLfted f'rr
purposes of t}Ixs Act -
(a) a reqtsrered or represenLatlve. r:nion :1:1*t"u
a:t as ? r:?:est:n-
rx:dei t]1is Act to appea): orn'lustr'!'
i,tri'," .-r "ipr'oYeet' i" lua-t!the i'ocat area
J itrms'iar-i':l-s
or areas
i"il* irt. tit"iatrott
concenedt or
(b) wbere l{oi--c t :1lr one re"lsterqi' or rep:-{jtatatj:'Je
uIllon alo onr'-r*lcd to aPpea:: or-act a5
ii an inciu;tr1- url':rer tl.ls
i*.i"ti"" ort.r"""pi"yt"E
6eciLrn the i 5i'-it"tt i"g the !r):g":--.-m€ir'be:tshlp
-L; thc 1n(trtst-r!'' ]rhet-her
of e-flployeee "Inpi"V"a
E lki;lt*'$":;
ilrlilti"t af ter
lnqlrlry as 'rie k'e t I +J il"$ 1,r

ahall be ettitled to aPpear or act for 9ft1 t-it31i1"-l"t"r "t""

3i,-.ii"IJ,-"i-.''o iol-
""" "v 1:"tr3:'i:"J;":i:i:"":"1:"'"'
iiprlcatlon bv lhe Res srrai- '/' l
TTFe se---!to;{F xrer-e s-6;
Bom.55 o.i Lt49r s.5 ' for the orlglnaj. bY Bom'53 of
o iJJi""-:f was substltuted
j.953 r 8"9.
f ot ar:y other unlon
pers"n6 who mey apuea: In p:ucce'lin;s --A
ri' **k#
ii-!i+Jar*'. ror the cn'-r!,.orJT;;.:;; i;,^ uiy pi"".u,u".r
:,;^;i^- "" ennloyee or io':r
before hi.-Il or rc!
provrded rrnat no .6uch 11"#i:i": :T,1:,::'5ft:'""
J?^'" "!"v""' "7
S3lfi:i- :#.H.'"':;":il'3:"::#i!'iii'" inlltltil.;"t
tr. *flqear;r14c'-f a)r erplol'"{"r

#:'"d#:;i'.1,y:" i:T'.=.1:il' ;; :';';'i i" JJ'' ;o;

tFrough anl' Fersco'
al} pnlca'ldt-ngs b€toie i']lc :ndustrl {' court'
( a) in
a:'t p;:cacc'tj'?: '1s b''fore a Ari,e
@(aa) ln
;rerom 1!'lt:l1 "";'5;.fli""ll'o-
(h ra)
rfr Dr-,ra€edln.,n
e'i"J:".-'; -" ::;':.".u3,1";3;,
?,;cp',art: "i :"il:..l;.il^li_:l::;:, n"' " l".t
l:.i}, t
: ;:i
";*"";;i to lt : i;; J' ;':ii i:' i;"
; :
"rSierre'1 "
(c) J,n s'chnay'
.-' iPurt
on :#!?::llffi i:":"ii:L{:i'*il"'
pr.\.{ded :t1:.: }:?%"#il:'41',.i"ili:tfuin..
3 Pr\''
ff#':f; t.":::!:i:$"*ii::'l'13i";:":!:"'4'
in-iectio;r a4 ot c'Le '"
.--i:::11f; o.,l
J'S;:":'i: 5,"[ryi:::'ll:l'lu)
e'r rp
c". h-'s a}'.,i;!
u iion
'ne""I ;l'f,"il.o3il.ii"-tr7"
represcrruo-- or- enPLo'Jee .-
flas sub IEA. for ,,,r- o!
= the =,,r;i =_-
6-=a41on bY E'xo" r5
ror the odlnal
I :i::j":';; was
q-i fi*:t.:.;';*tqry$ itr.:,3::l ;ll"l;l
I iiJ"." t",'io, fj.
guree an'l ft3joli".*"o lrv eo-5s

.- Sirl'll;"ftiiiri," "a'rs:' 1b1d' 6'8(ti)"

**ortoll.*1, tnuo

yx )c<

cl{Atrtri3 III
Recognltion of rel>r:ei,:,iitat11.e ual.ons ard a6soclattong
of empioycrE
13" Appllcation for rec..,ml-'.lon as a r€preseiltailve
ualon - (r) Any union may c,-::p:l-t Iu lhe preF.!:t-ted jtarn to
the Regtstrar ic.r recotnii.tion as a reFreseirtative uiiic\ ln
respect of any industry Ln a Local atea;
(a) on ;ecelFt of such appll.catlon and on pattnent of
the preacrlbed fee the R!:qietrar sh,rll hold an enquir? .ln
auctl naBler as nay be prcscrlbed an.l if he is .ahisfj.e,l that
Euch rrnlcn fulfli.s the condLtione necessarl, for re(!cgnl:1o:1
ePecl,f,leal in gectl"on 14, he ehall enter the natne of auch
lrrrlon Ln tfie;'.egJ-6ter rnalntalnad lnder sectron 15 and shall
lssue a certifl,cate of recggnj,tlorl ln 6uch form as nay blt
preacrlt €d!
Provlded that -
(1) *here two or nore wllons :ulfllllnJ the eon'li-
" tlons nece66ary f)r re--oLJllillon apply for re-
cognltl(xr Ln ri)jl:i..,.t, of ube.sa.xle i!:c'JFtr!'!n
ar.:z loca]. ar.ea r ',-::'..r rlnlotr having the l.a!:g.:st
n =F.be:r1:ri.p c,f
',. . l.Dr,rees ptrtlol'ed ln tho i.n'ltr6irs1'
shail alone be i i.,:)ogni-sed,
(1!) Tire Registra:' sj:!;:U. not reco,.j:lLee any uri i.on Lf
h.-- i.': sati-.f,J.er_1 ior reaFatls ro bs r.j.J+r1]1-nl i.:1
wrlcJ ng that i:irc .ippllcat'.ton !ci. rec(,on'' 1i!on
l s j; n.1le b j:rar f ldo ln L\e ht:et(-f t5 ()1:
eii,plc'j'+e6 b:rt te r9ade jlr the inte::€9t-s of
eri?.loye; !
(11f) thc Ri.llFt-rar shal.I not ro(:o.Jri6a e-ny rlnl-"n
J-f ai- ii!:i' :J,le vii.|.in Eilx m)i.rs ljitlt(ldj.ai:elY
Frclr('.ll-ti.q i.h-- date cf tln) ali.l"lqation {or
re.c)!n:!lon .)x: Chrlri().tte:'+-he ij1-t un Lo]l bas 3-nsf.{-
or as.i r 8E.'r'.
Eatcdr a:i(lealgtaFpa?s crlhtlFratlon of
a s{'rlka or t.ihleh has been held or de'
clared to be lllega:L "
14. Condttions oa r:':i oglitlon - No unlon el."lL te
recognised as a r{ii}regen t a1:.i1t!.: ulllon under t:h::.s Actr unlc6g*
(!.) ne.rlrc:: ship cf r:'c uriu, 1-o o1-'i-' to evcrl'
ent].oyee erci,i.r:.'.:l in the in(ius+-Ly j.!-. tl)e local
(j-:i) 'Jre ul1lcn han for the r*ror-e of ir'J1e ?;itci1 of
3 nonths lmriedl-ately Freceding tle )xon::h ln
t'hj.ctr the appllcatian f,or recoEnitlon is nad€
under sectl,on 13, a nedberEhip of not less
U\an ?5 p€r ren:uri of the tctal rltilber of
einpLc:ie€6 €np!-ol'ed 1n the lli.lucfry in such
iocal area"
J.5" 9-ed1s!ei of repreaont,a{: j.9e unloils - 6le
- Reqistr:ar. siral,t mal-nta1n a reEi.r:er oi represeni:al:lvc rlnicls
t:(..jr';i::sed fry hird uider t}|is Act :.n such foXm as na]' ire
:1.3" calrccllatj-on of ; i .j.)..tnj.tj.on ilte negl5:-!i.:L
6ha:L cancel thc r,,rc{)gniti.,.ri..: a Lrri.o:l -- iri 1-f t.')e:.rirl\:c-
tri.al, Clour: dlrccjie c'n ai'"-. r urier sl:-b.se.r..ion {3: r.f sc'c-
tl.on 22 that. tiii recogu:Lti o.: ,s-rcn union cir:]-l he +er:c-i].nCl
the-'eJn a:'. I .1.i:1..':_ hoI.i1.nr.i :- cr..qlrir_.lt ',:r ,-ltu p:e€cr:JbJci
(ii) :: { ..:ii!r ..:i\'ri-..1 n.+-tce to r:uc} '.,.'n lo1 't:o th.ir'
4:.!rsr: uli:_ :i1::., I eeJ/-;t j t' :l.f,n rii)o,r.!-11 not be ca-nd'jl.ieJ t,!i iiri,
gr,rEr:Lit spe{j j-iie(l he iij Fat]cii-led -
( i ) t.l:et li w..s -,:ecoqnlsed '.n(ier rnj.s'jaker ril.s.-
repa.d serrtat:l Lifl ()r i:r'aud t o!
(1i) that- l:-.e r.,.ti.r*.--sirip o:f the unio:l l;3a fo!: a
ccnlliuous periad o! .3 rur-"'tr),s fa-L-'l-€n :le'Lol{
*r-. mlrl ,.JAun !eol!J.re!l r.r'.:ler Eectj-on L4 fa.r
t':s r:ccrF 1t-iona
Prcvl,i,rdl t.i-.rr i: vihen a .stjji.le o, stoppage whl.ch 1$ nog
l-1l,egn} or a .i-c=bor:t or c}c3.trn: hr6 !:rteJr.jeC to a perlod
e-.ia€-ed:j n,J fc'.r:: l-ee.'r Cays;Lr,..," r-.r1-rn.!]r. .,uch i!ron+-h shal-l l)e
ex4:liiGed in cr:,aput-ihg '&,: t i r. -i p.ri.l,c.J c! ghree moi!f-h?!
' arrodj.,l€J t.r.rt:-acr +,j'.i: ;h: r-eqd:1-t"t:i.:n of a !*r ton sha-'t-I
. not be canc i!:l,.i-cr'l u;.c1r.r ti-l.: .:.-ci'
jrslc|l].: rf t:l\':.a{ ai:]1'ai.--usc
uliless i:t in..,:rri6L€h-!) foi..:.,t ncnlh r.!' t1':_.-'.c:r'.he silrit ca:jse
:1urJ c',: ',in.:i.:i il1j:i 6cct'j.o-r. '..'.,r-j issued l-ias lccs t1"..i.. $ij|lh
(!:i-r:.iiti1:nt of
( i:i.i) t:ra-t t-:1e rcF!..seni.atlqe rinl,cn *s n.rl l1€lng
(:i).iar-1:atei ]r!.!i] ::i-eal in :he iJr:eret'cs (i:
€r1p.L():/.e6 bui l11 the irltereets cf ei'1pl.cYcrs
to tl.: prejqrlice oi ttle inlcreste of er+l-
rcTe6t o.f
(1v) i.llrl- fh- F.F\^F.'-.:^ ,\F crr-F - , 1^-daF
opcn to all e-rnf:oY.:.-.s eiri,.l-c:'ci1 :r.J ehe 1.9.:a-l-
a!:ea conc€jr:-.cd and that tlt.t in(.xrlj€:I'shJ p J.s
rcfur('d tc eroloyees of sucl au:r:a on ui:satl6-
factory or unae.tsoi:ahlc gruu-td$t or
(v) that the unlon haa ceaged to functlon according
to its conetitutlon t or
(vl) that j t ha. j-n;i":iE:: .-. i/ aid,-(l o: a.s:sted the
.,ortraratnat! c!' a-i-::.i.:_-'.r.-.r-r-,(: |]f e gi:i:-r,ks oz
ne:L)pt,r jra lrhl.ch :r r; ij1::i hnici gi' (l,rcLarijat !o
be i.,-1.9a.1-:
tc) j-f l:r re:j..L: ' :.,i irlclt::' the fr:(l:an Titr(1c
Unicils Act. L':2i l7:;:. of. i':. i.:! :-s caila:c.i._!.ec.
:,-7" Ii iait:1i-i1ol (]f ;,.ro:her u:r:':,,: l.:, !iair+ (rf ,:;riat-.
j'.n,_l i:Dicsen l-a}-ivJ !'.._rion,
i: j if at ..1;,. :iii.-. .,;1:! tti.7o:,
F.liea at .,!::r.1.:i.:a:j.:r:: io rl t'!qj:st.Cat i-: ..J: ,-.,.) : .: -:r ri 'l: .4. ij-l

tiii,: i.jiot. ill.l:(,i.".-i'r !:(,c!?ii3e.l as t-l1ij::1ri'a{,i._,-t-,i_,1\,r..


;'j 1r,e (l::a

!11.,i-a ial' a:) j_:,,,3"i1: lri a loC:1. arca On 1:i;-r c -rr-irLi tiri: j-r:
)]l:'s a l.>,r:],'':r !i.r'j t'.:'r r'sji j-p ot ',j!;ii)folr'.;r1s er0i,1. ''r,;,1 ':n ': r_ir. 1r.tr,r'...-
t::1 I tlre, ii.:{:F; a.-,i ,ilia:i,lL .,:-- il- u;r.:.,) 1:.i}c !'r-l)r<);rj,:rr:,1r-i-7(_: '!_,-j,')
]ri a n-:l!ra, 7i:r 't'rl, rii-r,-; .:' cc.,rnj)an:"ca ,"r.j a !-., !,1' oi i.i:r rt!);ltr::r.-
t'-{):r !D ..]1.tjr car:,t,: iriif lti.n one nanl:h c.j r'.:1,: !..:ci.!:); cf air(r:',
ic'r:; c.-. ',il'.- r.:b-- .:r.,1ic.1at ulri.ct! shal] nci. l)r1 ::-ecoai.'!6ed ir: Lts
t,-:r1e., ;!rr .rii,.!"i,i. i:. r:1 naale undar J:hrls sub*acc{::L!r1 cha-Ll ira
;i,;so1rp1i'i?ri l:_f eI.:1 f rte ;.:s na:' L: p:esc jaj-bedo
{:2} Th| Ii.,-'qJ.e:r.r.!: shal.l. i.r;:,:,:rcl to the Le)l)rir
rJi.(r dlJIji.r

(l] Ifr or i:he ejr-trlr".'of ihc r:.::ioal of no:ice ').'1-'r

sr]b'-€ect j ()n (L) r e:rr! aft.,.I: i -:,.l,iri.j rJ!,,r:1 :L.iiirl.rl' as rq;:.:,, '?:
!rai-',i:i.J.b"d {:i:a li<r:;].s-:':dr :!: -:.ri:r-ail r::le: aie e,tir:-i.; rr,i:
ui:j-cn r-.Jri.1j.rif$ \r.,-tl1 :)rc e-i.. r-i ,-)n j, of r:,:cl-Jnj.t j.cn r-.) {:jr:i.f :--d
I;t .(icti..)r 11 :ri',1 fl':ri- a1 ' : ,1ii:a,h-l:r rt.;, (,,ltat"rl i , , rh.ii.j
o:: t:1" Farriio(l r:.j _- r:.,r'-rc ni= t - r iirreci: dtc.L \: lr'!:{-'r!Ll:: !r! frrc
c,ate of tle i::ri':c:,ii-cn _.rr::.,.,:';h-'.s s r': j :--r', ,, ;.,:r,-).'t: ti..r.1 1::1c
:-- .

nrjn'rei sl_,j.p oi: 1')i:, !-a?i:e?.:.il .jlie 1-rjl!rj:i, l:,,r $ira:i:'-. ., j_,.rc1.
l.J iire ijy:,'r-r. -r, -r.'.: oj s,:.-:1.. j. :!:l' re..:i)ga1se i:,e ii;rpl.:i.i:llt
').-: !' : i .i.:,- : -,"..--, r. 1. .)

r.z,l t-:r f'-,.,' :.,)atc.t: i-_::1.'a o! 1:le a')ii.i. rc:1'11_. 1'tlc1 'rl,lci:
i!_b-a.,.,tri- j.i-,1 {1.1 . t._11,: ::ec:Jjit j_t-_j,(.n of i:h.j :: ,:::!.{:.r eI]1:.-r ': j_.j u,- ,:..i1

E,1f j.i'r'i.,.,:r c :r, :::i.l.ed"

-1_Bn /\D€l :,_!:atiull for re-r",.cc.]nj +-::".J..1.-_rr u:t:"r_-:-1. .l-.ilc

!:..c,jil t:Lrt-r o:': r'hi.ch h:..3 !-ieen calrce:-led, !r.ly, at ai-y tlii'c
aJ:cia {;;rt:ec rloa }-i's iEon the d.atre r,i suah cetcella"ij.'-1 a1l on
pa:'trr::ir^! of such fe.: e$ firay be:)!:<-.r:iJ,bcdr aiJply fo!' rc-
r.'ea;}Fly in rr:olrect of 6uch api)lica:.i'):r i
Provi<]ed th3!- a unio:r, t:le recogniti-on of, rrhl ch bas
becn cance).ied, oR aily qrcund ot::er iha:r -
( i) a mi.staket or
( 11) any ground spe.r;ifri.ed Xn sr.ri)'cl-auEe (ii) e€
e!a',rse (b) of Ei,,r!:ii:.r.on 16I
stral.l. not be ent-1r:led tc o',iiii.:t for recognl.ll,on wl,thil.n sijr
non+llE of the c,i:1cel,la t i.o:,,
19. l:sr,riscaL of 3r':iia1.$ appli-cat.i-olrj' for walrt ot
tr,roa9cufJ.(,.n -
The nerlia:re-r !ja:' af ie-r giving f i:J:,:1rD d3','s t r.otlce
dJEnlsB a:.r.? a!,:L:rcrtlo.1 t|]d9 unde: section :..3,- I r or :16r :lf
lrr) {.,i ,:ai.J.if :c.l "l!at t-h e ap').1,J-cailt union h.as faj.le.f t.c
pur;::i-1lr of, p.:rcse.ute the aI{)1;l,catlcl1 di.li"9e;:'ily wltbout ar,y
tr!-:.:j,clellt cauce,
. 20. r,iaLJ-Itty of union or nerbir. not !:e:LJ"eved l:Y
ca:1cel"lat-.:!oy! - :dotx,ri-lhst.-rnding an_y+-h!ng conta:lli{!C '[:1 an1' I -]!r
for tl'c !'"l"me beli:g Ln loEcer th.: c.1ncc'llat-J-on of tih(: .eqcg-
njtj..)n of a Ja3p:csentatite u!tio!'r ajhal,l n!)t r€:i, ji.eve 'ihir:
!i,:rl-4)i'' or ar.y lnei--lller the!:eof fre.rn a:1y penalty or liablltiLt
iict]rred urcer t}}is Act prl.o|Lo,:ucb ca:rcellatlon"
21. pe::,oa,ica]. retu!:n. i-o be subriitted to P.eqj.stiar
llvcry r€?reserta:i.r:e '.nion 1 j.,1-l ,eu:Ellli to 1-llB Re(,'lstr3e on -
6u3h datcs a.ntl l.n sualr r,...-ni.r: a.s tna? be pr€scrtbcd, fy-'ri-aiii.cal
rel--trtns of J-:t; I6!'ritce r.h l"l,

22" A:);real to IDduL:j.:lP.l Cor1!'i ft:():tr order of Reqls--

trar cancel:'i'nq reri()ghltL.: r - {1) ar.y p.irt7 to a pnocreealint
bef,cro the F.(.r.jis!:r:a!'nayr \r-i rihln th:-{ty davd fEen 'U}te clatc
of t]}e colr(r'!n:i.]alij{.on r)f th,! erdei parsi-j.l b? the Iteg j,si:ra.
l:-'Ii,rr : ;::s C]. _.t -=, a:.)ps.ll ataj.trst sueh L'iCE! tc 'Jto
lni.rstriaL Coi'rjt"
g;c'n'i-dcd i:h-l+- +'he lndustrlal court iir-1yr for guffici-en1:
rea:;olrr ai-rr-t an7 ap:}eal made after ttre €q>lry of, su4h' per::.xi.
{?) iha 1ndr:::ui,'i.al. court :ray ad.ri3-|: an apteal under
€!'[a-.s !.:t,l-on i:.; :f on a peiarr,.ll of the iirjr'afrsndrtn of .:po,eal
an,l U1.r (l(icle4L.n a!;-Eal(ld agaiyrst tr: fj.n<]s i:lllat f,he d<rcisj..n
Laj couiit:ar1 to J.a",{ or J,s otircr^'1ec eri.'riroous6
('i) Tlle Inr'irrstirlal Court J.n appca:. rna:, conf,lrnr
n xlj-fy o! r:eieLli any order pa;sed b:' r]1e Reglstrar and !:,ay
! Si $u!-tl i--on a?a!en::ial O!:dCirS -.s j.! rnay Jeell flt. a Orlri'
of tbe orc:er9 passed by ths il:,::.rs!i.iaL Cor:st shall be 6ent
to tj:re Registrar.
23" Leqal eld to a!'i:i:ved unio:rs a-! Coverlrm€nt
eripenses in ljnpor{ant proc:e.,illoge - (li rrn ap}.,rgved rxrion
entltled to app€a1 undgr th:l$ Act -
(a) before. a Lat)o!r:.cc:l.t t.n a prccr-c,.ltl,1g !.rr
deterplx!.ng she:_lre;. a s tri.kl, : -

ciosure or change ir iireqa.!, o;"c:;o,jl.l, stcppaqc.

(bl befoae the IndJstriaL court ln a prcceeclln?
lnvolving Ln the op.-ir{on of thc CoErt 3n. i$FJr-
Eairt q::egtl.n of l,rn crr fact,
Tiy. St
pf:' to the Industrl-aL C.j:u:t for tjre grant of legal ald
at tjle s\?en6e of the St-rtc .-,..jci;rn3nt6
(2) !&ure an apt,:..a:.1 .- Lr:Lon 1s a pirty to &-i.v cpne
arls-i-:lg oLlc oi i:.r ,:.c-:i:.,-,, .;...:s; ihi.s ;,cr:l lricre lii:rl.r..,
99llt: 9t
fc,r the nranr of C,'.r::..., .:..c nay apply tr fhe L-^d,r..:z.ji.i
roi, i.i. ..rr it [iie"e::p*:sJ
GovcE:urent fJr \',u:::)o-,.eij ci s,c!1 caoe" "I-ilr" stut"
!!] Tb?{rcm :nC:;,3trJ-aI cours maya afte.r ct{:alFJ.nq .}
rel)ori rhe R.rgi.st::ar ifr" f ::ra-^.iif r ri:lf tcrr
-^,.fuEo the leq.-l "n- lt fur acr:cr:d.:irce w: i:;r ot ttre
.ri<.t or gr.an.:;
lL.iea franed rilider tils Act.
iL{ xx
crlAPrEP. E
ReDresentatJves of 6dployers anu enpl,oyees arir(l
appearancre on thelr. behaLf
xx ,*x
_---_, _ 151 AppeGrartce o;: beha-t.f of etlployees _ save ae
i)raa-J-ded ln gectLo;r 20r rro r,,...'.r'ie,e shitl-be aLlo*eci. to apF€ar
:: ":! 1l e.illr lrc.jeeqj.nl
r:_r:(..-. ti r,s r-\qq excepi throu.-fr tlv.;
of th€ ern!)j.o) :,.,-; "

^_-,, _:7:
ReiresL.ntar,lon c'fenplofrees - The fol] -Fg
b,€' entl.i:i.;:l
to act ..!i, i a;:-oear. ln th3 J.:dor. (,-f i::e_
rer\);'. cc crEcj f -i..l'.J belFy es i_it!, repreae.-rtailvc of ei.pi..-,1,eec
a;r lrdustry 1.n any l.ocel ar:.::a5-
( t) a rcp.-.cs<.lntaljlve unio:t for sudt Lncustr-y,
(i11 ai..- 1tr..:-9n of l,hich the olip].oyee of su"h
1:1(iugt;lJ ,.a a roer.rbqr,
( -i.Ll) offlccrr
prov:.lcd. €tat r*tei.€ the taaotr Offlccr 1s -.he !epre._
:-a!111'lt. gi (:nflo-{ee:r
I hc shall noij cDt+r lnto ani, aJrperi,eirt

p-a-nalj-aeetlot 3:, cli settienrrlt,.t:ti:er si?c:i.ion 43 or.- titc.r
unLess tire .Jer:rs of 6uch aqr:ceiient o: gettieni:et, a3
:!.1,:ase F.aY b€r, are dccepted ty i..rrer,r ::r tt," liesli:.t-a
IIF-El2.r, _v_.!

Fp-Ovf,ti:lcr.:S RpC,,,^IrD,;:r,-:
REGtSTRAtT,_rv OF REi-,-Rdrir;lil.,,rTrVii
rtiio:ts 1l( l'^.lg Il:i..;::..:at J of S-irt,...iis ii;;;d-;.i.
r_9{i,li7ir,Fi}r-T) ACT, i,9t8

RegJ.atration of Un j.ons
- 9j, r-a:.ntenaice ()f regiF.. te:- lt s5a11 ,19 the d.ur:,,, of
'i.,:_.- ",lE';;;?:'b;-D;::;"".,".rd
rir'r_Re3t strsr tt) Earlrriln tn
iuii, n
a-r.-r?ister oi rarl.,:gra rc-JLsr,erec ll. i,l" i.ic.i,tiu irili."rr^"
or tiiis Act6
9P.. Ai{,licatlon
n-n!t -tor the thcLe of thofor
*-_ re-llstratlon _ Any uJrion
::e:.r -"i*t }rhrch
-- l',r-(la!e of lta Eo .xl c:: th!:e.j p1e,i:.-t1$J
62nty.,_i; .r:1dcr thl.i "oaiti,"
f elts- than f lf i6ci :--.. r ..,i:r:t of, r:irt
lrcI rsIen emplcyad J.n a ir;ilI
u,r:i ll:
prescrlrea' roi:,r-6"d"*ri;.i .:;-,# ii:.,:H"{,:{.ilir-j"t: "-;;;;':,;"."
repregen tat |\re rll]:ron -
98" Rcgl.6tral.t.on r\f rrnLot._ On !.ecelpt of an ap:)ll-
':atlon. fror th,: g rinlon fo. re(jt atratloD rl't:de r F(:ctl.,.,n gD en(: on
yl.T jli "tj i.e-'-r .17-.:5--; i.:iecl, the a"g,i"r.ru;-iri:,ii..'
it, of eu"
Euch- rr,lr.tri.rt, .-,, -n" dcerr€ fla, -ii;
cotrc !rts1.)':r t:rat the L.ot.JJ.tl ;;e;"t;-ih;
si)ecr.f 1rd. r-n tne l";i:1".ilT:it:?r:3'J;ni lii";i3"*.,r..
i:^i{i- qiliil"ti"}f; :'""i;;*,:li:.:;:S:i:: *: i:f ;;; -;;" ; ;i;
sect:.cn s . iseu,:- i
Eolal a9 no? -a;d
be plicscribedr ";rtlflc;t; "i-":"'siliilii.i; i" "*:,
Provlded tiat -
(1) Ilr*r" two or nore ra j.,-.re fulfllllDg the condJ-
tlons necesaary for i:e;istratlon .i,ic.l tllil*-
td f,or r.€1:.,. s.f,.railon in :espect of tfie -ihe
r:a1t cf a',: -.-...ust4/. L-.,e unl6n havino
rar.g!:Bt rft:nb._-r:.jr. :.:- of eri?ioyees employe-ri in
the untt of i:h,. i;ductry-.5F.;Il be i,eqirie;a I unA
(j'1) thi. :1ecl:16!-i.ar r,',?11 naE recref_er: any uillon
sari,.:::i.i:rt r\at *;5
is not rri..le":pfrc"iion
liina fiee h ahe
::. :.feEt of tr..J rcr:.rnen lju"_ J.s .-nade jr the lntorest
;i ;il ;5i#i:;:6 to thtr iJrejudiec or 'i'he lntere€t"
9P. cencellatton ci f5c RegL6trar
of a u?':j,cn --
atlal,l ca:rcl the rcijlFi:::all.trii"-rgialr.1tl.o!r
(a) J-f, af,f,er l!c,:..:rq Eudr i.nq!.lLr:" if, 6:1yr .1s he
<leer|s flt be ir 6atlsfic(1 -
(l) That i.t }Ia6 reqls:e.-::ed urder rrifitake.
ml6rc!:-1',$entatlon ot' troudt or
(tU Urat i\e r.6-(berahLp of the rrrJ.oi he-a tar
a eorJi:t:i"lcra I'er]1od of t-4rei :r'/-'r.fjfl 5a).l e:t
txrr-9,r,.' +_lra nrfiriiiur. reoJrirBd un.je! r-.ecij.Otl
9) t-r 1+-s regLstratio:r t
l,roa'ld cC that lr5ere a strtk€ or a cloeur€ not bcJng
an illegal etr:ike o.r clcsure rizl,:er t'ltg Act J.': a L!.nJ.! of i-e-
d,!$try invoiving more than one-t"i"tu'd of thc t|orkF€a h tl]e
unii of lhe ln(:rr.stry has e:&.ended to a pertocl eztjeedj.nq f^i:r-
t J€n ddy6 l-n ar-y c,rLendar rAor.t5 suCr rnotlt sta1l be e.xc.1.itde.l
!^1 cctfiputlnq the sald Forlod of, tlri.a€ rontiEt
trol'ldecl feitt er tllF,t fJte rqJlstration of a lr:t j-on
ehall no+i be::ail.elled rrr.:c;: t:1e provtsiono of u\te Errll-clause
uniegs t.ts &irrtershlp at ti!!' tl$e ef the cahcellat:on la 1e€s
thin srudr mln j.mrnt cr
(1.1j.) '.f.!at ttrc req:; !;i.er{:d u:i.-ion J.3 be*ng con(:uc-
ttid ilct b.rtli} ii.Jc ln.tha ir:texeEta of rrorls-
!1:n bllt Itr i..\.j interegt:r of, alr.i.)-l 0_l/'116 :o
:l1e pr--Jralje of, tj.re lnter€rts of itor;ti'.ien,

(:lv) tbat lt- ha.r lnntl-gateC, alCed or assi€tcd

th€ co:'r,ftyrccr'T€nt or co:ttlnuance of a]r
lllegel sLrll(e t
{b, tf tts reqtst-ratlcn un('.€r the Incliai. Trade Lrnl(nra
Act, 1926 (CcotraL Act :(Vr of 1.9:5) Ls car"ceLlcd-
9G. Regl$lratton of a:lother union tn place of, crrlot-
ing rcgletered uirLorrs - (1) 1f et a,'1:. ti.rne anl' unton
(]iore!.nafter ,-5l Lhlc aec:,Lo,-r retDrred to as datrtplt(:ent rrlrlonn )
rlakc€ an ar)ilLlcattcrtr to t-\€ nc;-i5hror fo.r being re!-J.siterjed ln
place of the iirll3n (hereJ.llilftrr Jn i,hLs aecglon tefereC to
as i. rcpree"ntati.ve u:rl.Jrt{.i f.)r a u::lt oi an lndueiry on ih.!
grt)rr1d thal Lt haa a la;::,.,l :tu nJ)erei!!.? ot r.forhlrl{-ri .rnp:.c-v€d
1n 6uctr r:tri: of *.he 1!riiu:':'.iy, tha !r-!+f.'"strar 65-".11 call upo.!
th3 repr{'-e.jntai-"i..?e urj.cr:,'r,' a !:otlce in i|'Lting to sbott
cauBe wJ.t:,"n o9!e nontll o.i 'jid rec.{ript oi grrch n.tice why the
appilc:n: 1ri:i.,)n GtroulLl rci t)€, reglEi.€:ad i:! J.ts p3-ace" AJ1
appllcatlon $ade under tj'ltr|l -.ub-6ecLi'-'* ehall be accon'tpa:tled
'.Y 6u.:--r fec a.t nal' f,e p;+scribed"
(2) The Re(ji6tra!: 6ba1l f:ontard to the Labour con61-
asloner of t.he State Govetrdnent a copy of, thc 6a1.:l appl,icatlon
anJ nai-ise"
(3) If, oD ihe expllr' of t-hc pe!.ioC of nctj.ce 'r?!d3r
sjrbrsectj.on {t,l an.l nfter holl]i..? c:ii r,:--quir::'as h. dci}ilg
f i'e. the Reg j strei ccn(.s tr) th.: ionc1,-,-.ic:r- ttit tne api).j.1ca!rt
l-r.ri,)n aonplles $i:,!r t"re cond,..tj.onl' nelr.assat? fo: r3g.=-,9\;!-a-
t-loi1 speci.fled lEr Eectlo:r ?n and *rat !-.s nJnbershl"l }raa
drizj,n.j '.he wl:ol,e of tllc IE!:!.j,1 of three inoitths 1i,-Ere:jj.atcly
prea.:ding tl:.1 daie of t:r= ,,_, !. j 4 jiiJn unC.:r t,rig r?er::.r ui,
;_r:-ler thF. +,he nef!,ers, .;.., j-: tie r.tf -1.=Jr.-,ta:ive u..1iur! h"
s:) .'-1, s,.'b'e.t li:e p:,-,J. -.. ,vt; oi !:,jc::1.,1 9Dd rel j ltcr $ro
aitr);r.3ht lILcn "-o!n Pl.tcc :hq rD;rrri'sc...i t ,: tl-c u1l.J.^^
(4) E!'.:ty apt)l1c'it.r|1 t:le.]e lti(iei thlo sFjflj-o:1 shall
hg I)'151i'hert 1Lt tirr: i;1_.1:.,.i--lijd t:annl::. r,.-,!: less ti-.:_j1 1.4 dill-s
b.-tcte th* ,-1;*:? of ii),i t-:..lod of, rrot;Lc u:1.:,.r :rli*sc.::.:l';r (1)"
9:1. Ai);l.icaii(x fc.r re-r:eqlstration .- An:' unton
the rejistrauj.on of \.hi.ch has baJn q.Jce:.leC on{1}tli(: qround
i-J-'l l - !i !r'as rri jsr'cced u-.C.cr n:Ls.Ea]:J or .jr. Lh- qrJx:-..:
c1-.,c,::lfieil lll s(i'i)-c].:rure (li.) of c"t.aur;e (a) of secij-on 3: rav,
a: a-lt tir,e afiei +Jirre(, :nonthE fron the dat.e of such c=-1te.l:i-
a:-r .jn and on pa.r'h:nt of such f eee as nay be prescr:ile.l, a,J?i,y
3.rr 5e-r.Ji.t.r:a:ac^" Tlt". F.rovJ.o,-oirs of sectlots 9D an\j iE 6haLl
a!?Iy ln iesl)et:t cf such aipllc-.r-;Jn"
{2} ;r. unton the reotst!'..ticin of r,rhic}r has beei!
cancell.ed on aiy o:hei. groi;lt sh.tl}, !:ot save vith the
pe:nlcsr-on of ',jte Siate cevemrlEtrtr Je entltled to 3i.'ply for
r"-reglstratlotr o
9i A-p.!e.rl +-o l:n.lu, :-r,ta-:- tr.JLbunal lrcn o::<le:' of
Rcgisira?' "- (.li nr:T gaii:' "-.. a }Jr.-oi re. :iil...g bu::oEe irc
Ret!6t::ar. rralr, li--rghjn t1!j:.1:" C,a:rs ftr )iil thi-" dat? of alr or--del:
p.Fsed b:/ th3 Rerlj..r{irat- i!r,':;t:: tihj.s Ci-,apt.-.r, appeal aJaanst
such o|d€r to tlle ;nrluctt:'ir.i Tr:i.buna.L
provi.le<l that the 1oduetria!. Trj.bnnal Eay, flra
s|fficlenl r:easo:l, adini-t any appeaL madc after the e:rplry
af 91ra|1 perlorlo
(2) The In,.tuilf,r'J al Tr:J.tjrrnal nay adnj.t a:r appee.l
un(ler sdl-r:--,qtion {1) t f r on a pirruEal of tlre !r'.F1()r.lnd'llr of
a?leal anl i-he cesi,-sl"o:.! a!)peaLed agajJlJ;t, It fit:ds that lhe
decj-sion j-s c.letji,ary' to law or oi.hiinij.6e erroneous3
(3) :he rxCuct!'Lal TrL::un,-1.'L h ap'pealr nay ($nf lrri I
or res::irrrl any order Fa.j r-':r.l !i:' ihe Registrar anij nly
pags such ce:!seq:r.):'rt j-al olclers a. Lt nalt deern fL';. A coFy
of i:he (Jr(leia Frsc.id by the Iadu.rLr:iai tribunal. 6ha-1l be
€ent to tj'!e R€gistrar.

* );**tr***rl* i*trr!*

ffi##d$ffir3i IABOUR ADT/ISORY
rliARcH 21. 195a


follor.ed 1n
::**#*i.l*tu"fiH":F :i":Pil:t:"urlons anJ their

X1'=ak";!;ff iHR.': :*I Hij"gi:t"ff ",=T:s,::"."

$rtg,gi#**x-T'*:,tl1*;kl;:.rigffi ::r:
c,nly after
under the

;g**;t?,qi1;'#-ffi $,$ffii=#'
;xlc* i:";Hi:$:.":,:tr,q;s#;iln*l.",i,H.*u

gl *i:il+-tfj*:*="i*i,;a.,:._r1..,
."".,**,a" L,i€ :TH$li:iT"."::.,,

ffi i*t
(5) U]1an th.re In a dispr,,te alttrtrt rhe rcF:,jq.ntr--
tj."re Gba*=i of unj"o!:.s log' rj'5.; p;.,-;,._r.:s ct ra,,}:iJi-.,!icq _.rre
dJ::pu:.1 sha::,.l- b-- xcferrcd to an lr,.jcpen..1e:t Boai:.t a.rnslsting
er.J L.,a"'i"c. oir ief,rercntat jJe cf :.:lr:is:it.le i" -ti3'lrf.n"te
::::?. .trr-rd."q olle r{:pr\:sentatJ..i r i,i tild'j/.t: j-cs Jn t}.a F,]b;.{c
etct?r {:!1.: Fr€:i.l€it oi jj"::_-.ir C::'.d.::-t r !.f cc:I1?i.?-'P, e>i-
' ct':tiria... ilte Se..ctaty .t.o ,l.,t,e-r. ,tiir?r:tt of E li,e,:, ?e"Ja!itnr,):rt of
l:d r.j ,.: {t.nnL.jato"r.r jrf fJ,rlc.rrr. 3 jh-rr,
t,,lo vlrl er\rjr,$t.o-.neni
Jct"1 as ccrrrrener t. ll.iiu..rr._Segr*r.o::, ,i i:: :f oar:e"
- Fhll af,lic6a1.l Boar-l ,ii:.1"1 tr? 3Lr .]e?crn.i e as e:r$..11t:_-
pJ.iiiSt,J-t\,r :-r..r. ,j..rta:$€ ..tJ"--,...r 1... in ...-;;-.- ..._-
:,":ty":1 !:ui.a j atid
rJ3it-!l :n .t(:\-:!-.,: furFrri:..,u..\,1! to b,j f orinttiafuti jr.j .*.c a.r.l;L
r1ls1,,.;g;ri af thi: ltetters rri:;Ar:::,:C ti) t.hC
ttotl^ng ]]7 sc,:r€tr Dall,.rt s[ould be tu-t"n t,r-Oei,,r:r,"_,le.,r"
rcj j:ire !:,!1!a liaie ch:rractia r. Of the i: i,.r,al
ljc i- al.c ttre w():6 Un-LonEr j.t lil.1? p:a!:.qard
jr1 acco-rda"..,,uli.n-6J"'pi"ii.:iie"'pi-r.,:c.rl;::o
l1 lj- ""l'"J:lt!a'i:j
or- ithv. r; lnc p-t:tles r:n J -r,v clj.oagr(ter"enf, or ncn-pa:t'ti.i:.1p:r:i;:n
to the ,l16pu:e"
_:1i , R.coJ\ j.ttcj\ Era:rt€d to a u?r1on as a ;<ls1,-1-t i.o
vot r!-,?_ in _3.coi\tanc,: wtth ttre fro.:eirire-:."li"il"ri, i; F...=_
_srr;: 6 .Lr; thi_s rcsolutton stro.iir.: ,;oi-ie Ji"-t"i.#a"'i", ,._"o
t€aijs.- j
vlljhi'r a:ry ui:AII <i-lsnutes at.islnJ o::: of lnter;raj- riraLry
i.or ;_.rlll be rt:f,:.. aleC t..rr:
OFEJ.--l'sc.-i,,n to_ vhtcl-' .Lh'g ru,;:".... :.ii .Tuc€tt!.1
uir+ cont;.eL ( i\1,_.ri6a:i , r;h.rlt lo,:c.r.:e -.je nrat l. tf J.llato"*t._t
: anJ
-t :t !,-14 vr+i:.:.n
:. Y:l:"4.too-l,lt.t:ro norrths-f *!'-:.r l rre ca!b'ori- iugr;""""'"i t!-r"
((.1! Dt:.Putes rl,:J l{ r; .ttrt of ril,e (:y
. wii.ji j:r r-1. f- triate
fl]lrg ,-.|fcu
:s n-) Ll, 3tf J..!..,.:.i .t t" uny:.]i:-!L6 i!ii, .i"nir.rs-- -- - .,,
.alli such dl:iijtr:ea: artii,i,_r o:r! of ;i;a;rl: wrthin
a i.ra.-e r:!ior1 .rt ieh ilr: ri;f -iiecl.rle<li by :i ;;trJf:i.:i._",
-"-; .,*.',,r :'""
:i;.';:3"1'r1lr: :":lhill tL. r', r.or -.='c{r"'olu,:"
i-;-^c :,r;'* .-,; :-,:, : ;.;rl.;,,;li.l";lt;}-#31s";-"iil:.,:il;;';;'il.
9oa..f.1r'ri L:r.r Fl.:-,:pjale. .::
(1f t.
..p1; wlilh(lrdt^':Dg
6in^1-ci:r!. :r-..-.1.-,r. reeognltlon
obiai:t tlt: p6tes- spFl.rvaluf ofa onic,n, thc
r.v,rtF l i .'r .-.r D,.,e:.l..i,t.,.orr C1_ Sirt:*fnp:e_
nlt i:eE s;lalr. b.J -=tnel corniiioe- i;hose .:o.fJi""- in t'hu

x{ !..;- ^91r::ll*r. thai rhe enp:l.o1,e::s and the'enplo;eei

-4., " _rcli,l
ccuFcra.*1oa. 1n lr.
tr-,.r,;: un:i,.irs-iri-;"1:;*;iJ;.;"i;ii,l.i.,i:: rerarc-r'j rival
The co.\,erlrnqrt :, :,,..Lrtion No. iII.t}l_2€.c 14./59y.-46S0
dated the I s,l.J;;;t';F:13.;---* --
tlth irorcl, tele ".r,
..1 j ''

;:::t"!t ll";*:l.,ii="I i::rii= l;.,;:.jt"i;l:l :rl_,,:;i:

;j.:; ;:r; ,t.l'.1i1.1il"i:j..":;l;;.1,j;;;"ii:."l"..jfi-,*!.il_,r".,..""
(a) the jr..rites of un]-ioD fu:.ic:io::j,nc in ,:hc
Llb.i lsl::ii(::i 1.tl()
r.i a_j

d::.r .:at.: tr:ui: n'.ir'5!--

"r "_..;T,ji|;:;:^1"-i:h
tt'l Hf :iii"fif";r"11"' :':1 :ll..' runction j n'-I j n th':
t"r,:,,r.!n.i f*""I.i",,,i..
pac{-: tif, year
k*i":'*:ti,, -: i r'r'et'r
:"i'!l iiiliiTl-,lrl;i'l'1
ta Ll-cn rl'ie'h ti'-rv
"i-i'r"' ii-il l l'"
(c) fr,.i daf€ wheli
$assr.,eii;;:""li"i",;*Tl.ir,I.ff ,?$#g,i:-,,
Thc t,_]b :r c!rrf,.-,iif .i
:i;t';;, :, I i ij,,i ;:if'l: ;, l',:#i.:,i!:i; r', itf j'.'l:r i{ -
Ii llli""^ lli:. i" : *i;!ir:-i,':"I1,'.;: ?:{:: "., ;' ;", li:l:;:;.
j-l-,;'.i* 9r 'Eh ciai:r^
' rn <tg.:n.; *, "
;ti1 1;f,1;-ii'l1.t ".-:.:.
;'';.1,'i*'i;"|'il:;-*:.-::_i $":f;1,'1,::'1,:'i-11-:',r"ei'';:,s:.-1e
li^i;;__,:,.,.:r';".;;.,i';i".i:.t,:.,"t-1.,;:i; li,:;"iE'll.#.j: y;';il:
I)lr-,:iirl:a':h'. r t-, +.lle r.rex.lf : Hlijii::':ji;
ilitif l:+l li $'x ffi i$f iiii::,fi ;i'ii *'i ;
T.,! ii-.l ii :r ;;':l r: :-:1. " l",':''1::. i :l;, ; l, :;l :;;:, "iii
ji;,,1;.1-3.' il iiiii-"'i.',1i""' !','"l;,g.,
'l-, -
.l:f ii l. ilfi ' :i.. ;fi '; " .:,"
2' -1fter: r.-..-,r.- of f \
:iU=u:^i't"l;'fu ;;,-...ijikL::T,':*;-il".:f ",
reqJ si,,.:ed- rrace uniclta a.:r.;,lt;, rist or trh(ij.r. rerr:"r.s
il *ill:l::+-H:T:""itj'i"::::.'ffif i ?:ii:,r.,jt",

caj'<j t!-on tb€ date of .il. ".
iii:,i.r,,.,iFlr;6*:r";"6;1f .*-r;..*:*in:"r:**

t.r prescEl_\ed

te parJg..:ep:r ? bdl.cw.

nijiug$;i*$$fl ##r#;"*fr:,i#;+,j$',i'f

roll wlu, be prepareal from the nEnber6hip Ij.sts of unlona only.
For thls, tabour Cornrnission€r shall be the final authorlty
to declde nhettler reasonable t ime ha6 been alloved to th€
menagenent to subrnLt ll-st of its employees.
5. The verification Officer wll], thereafter lntlnate,
1n wrj.ting, to the wions conc€rtred ttlat the verified lista
of their respective nEnibers are ready for tnEpectlon by
the union representatl-ves at an appolnted tlne and place. Tbe
rmions wilL also at the same tl-ne be jrforrned tiat after
inapection of the verified, ILst of rEmbers of the rlval
unlon(s) they shouJ-d send. in wrltingr thej,r speclflc
objectLons, if any to the entries Ln the6e llsts, vtthin
lO day8 (or a longer perlod d,f the nurnber of or2jectione ls
Ukely to exceed loiooo on the basis of one adlltlonal day
for every 21000 objectlons over anal anove IO,OOO) of the date
of lDalxlction. It should be rnade clear to the rmlons tttat
general arrd vague objections like lnfLated tnenlcership, etc.,
wLll not be considered, the objectlons should glve names of
persone whose nenbershlp of a union ls objected to and the
to nake notes frorn the verlfi,ed llsts shown to them ln the
presence of the verj-fication oftic,er. They wlLt, troweverr
not be allowed to take any of the lists nor a copy of the
Ii6ts wiLl be given to ttren.
ltre veriflcatlon rolL of lhg rnerbcrE sha!.I contain
all the names ln the vertfled merilerEhlp llsta of all t$e
contestant unl,ons.
The lrnpaltiaLlty of the verlf,lcatLon offlcer shall
Ite ensuredl-
7. wh€n the verif,led roll contains nancs upto 1oo0
rn€ltibers, each mentber shall be calLed for personal lnteEo-
gat l-on.

when the nurber of nrenbera on the verlfleil roLl

exceeds 1OO0. but does not erceed lO0O! peraonal interrG-
gatlon will be conducted ln respect of 1O0O meribera plua
50/ of the nunlcer on the roll excecdlng loOO.
When the nuriber on the verifled f,oLl exceeda 2OOO
but aloe€ not exceed 5000, perEonal lnterrogatloa v1lL be
conducted ln r€speqt of 15OO mernbers plus 2:% of the
nunber ettceeding 2000"
vlhen the numhr on the roll exceedE 5OOo then
p€rgonal lnterrogatlon ttill be conducted ln respecC oi 2250
rxmbers plus 1fl of the nunber exceedlng 5oOO.
Provldedthat the correct identity of the perBona of,ferl,ng
for tnteEogatton lrlll be €atabllshed before they are allorted
to enter the room lr lrhich the interrogation ts conducteal.
t*?i,-;.itii,ffi liil,..i,,-'!f;i:3:;iir.
iiri i l{ iifr}Itrf :,: ; ir** iitlrti' j, : i*: ::',!;'.,
il1!i..,,,iifrIi1i.',';=:i;;:*i11iir:., ffi;il;':
;;;,;gi.N.f ::l=-,'r:r:tLi';;',,;6liti**,',:v"
fi;r'1j;i ji" jr;,, :,".* t. +r"#*ii,i, t;i..;'.j.a
u, .5" fii-r'1-1tt"" .r.

ilitf {ifii']i;l$ii*i*',;,,:ffi i::i-Tl,r;1;g'

;:';.".l :1""t

gtT;ffi T*:iltr,lii*:
j'I jll ,i;,;;i',=.
|-l,i' {i;; ;i,,: -,
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*n:j rl :rj -ilh:r

.,.y _r,i.,_i ;;';;"i':,;i'::j,.ii''jj
:r,,ui". -"ii i:;^,;i;lr-i-":.
:.; :;;;.

it ii:;:: ih"i3=,i.ifi ;1
o-f, ttte-contestant unlon€ alld
uni-on. duco '-a fir:l.I ;ar iihd Frov:rled they have flald t}\c
ciaeely precedLnq .it(j F.:::-ld e,:.ti:lq 1.,,-6t Decenlr.lr i,. ne,-
']i:,,- .r.i. r,J;}.:nj_rr,: :
,.a, pe!-rc*-J]e,1t om:... 1..:.,-<
inclurlirig siacoia-,.
erpLoye.js 1_',..., -e131 f".;;i.;;..;j.--
{b) Aj.: othcp c:\.::;,::i,)::ieal of ,-r,';1ioyt
--s or r-hc
:.oj, t_;, of the i::,_s:rp..j1y pfro 1.,1., ,:" .1:r:i.,o-ii
nct ;.e-e€ tha:r i. yeai ot,,:.,or,r r.r_1..^.,ci.i--i;ei,J1.,,,
a:i .ie!:,:lei j.;r se.::t:on 2:Lt cr i::..(: i"d.j".:,,1-i.:
Dj.spiiierj 4 (:; .. j.l4l.
Ant car:.lri:r,. ten;r.rrary o, g,:bs3ltute en;rLolt;.r
'iilr.rovcd l-r tho il.ace .

;l'sPuue. r€gai.ting ": ". ,lr.""f.r.r.:noa-""p:.-

hi6 d.1.5chrrrc
tiEpcsal- tccoic [ng to :lr,.r prcrr,.lsioni
il.'ll'"r-t,:_^ tr.,
ie penCj-ng i,-*.il.r._ *..rn: u:r.
nn :nt:Ltl_ed to vot_.-', b,:I j._sch:-rqed. ": !i"-i",,i".j,]i, ,ro,,
v'ho co t:;i.iue to be ;;hn;t ;i"lli:i"x' ,r;"r-itrencn+a

2isl.of.thr, Inr:uatr'at Dlspute6 ri.i.".r"r,
entltled to a-otc" 1947, shalf
^1t, be

(al app_ rentlces. T-c.t,ica:r. ?,rarn+ri on t}Ie
rol,1 of, thr:'(,: oj:.rer ry shall Ue exc:.uae,i-
fr\cn votlrg,
it; l'adici.E e.:-.rf r.;1 :v corltia(:lc_s a,.-.1 n,Jt
an .:ati ...);_isr ,.: ._be gqrpi.:1ts e:l-:i: all.c(.r
b€i elrci,irf,e{, ii1-;}ni t.oth:g:
>hv :: {ji1ere ls no :--e:o,;._:;!_oed r!:1on llr a.n €rfair.ilc:1m-hr_
:,r.r:.J.. .rI:.;.'rliiq U1(, l.:,:.,:-.n:: n..iudlr{:r ot vc.":rs i:ni:,. -..o'" "', -
(ld';'.a?.]r-r ..,.:i. (nr:::.i..C i',, ji t:c.rgnJ i_o-ii,,
Ac exlct::t,: :..,c.rg,riccA
'.!-,r.o:i aJra:.iJ ni_-iL..er, h., clsJT.o<tgc:rl r".lni r.nl"-"t.i". -i,.
!-:),iti+-:r'. un:tql ol.lf lrher fhe .!ati,;;| ,.1;1t6,, gets ,?l* .rr-',i1o",,
oL t],e l:f).'i-. Votes p1liedo
iir")r-1 i3d tjia: a lL1l-o_n aha.1.l notr b€: cu:itri,,:d to pari"_
J.!,lFa?-o Jij '7:,-J.f::-c...i:{qr and .jeer.jt rraifct iior"#i -i:
...' r: e(.;oEnJ-i.i.:r : :.=
:llfti id i:i:!eF6 l_t or lt,3 i:ren::al. ,rrlqirroutlon
_:-?J:4(r!t .ln
" rrr.l.;r.49 tc :bii-a1,1 1-, / r.-.:r; fnt€r*Ir?ii",, C5a.
C<.:r.-:..rt it --.- un(le ,rr -j:srt.p:.:.nc ;::, ..rrOuiiry: -"--.' "-- "f
i 1,.- -.An:.' ,!.r'i-ci\ r.-,et
sa,;Lgf :.,,rd \r!1th !:r,..r r/ertflda:lon
Fe:-aollal Jr,i'-er:Eg.,l:?.ori. cr vctiltg tEr secr.J.L -Dali.ctr
iray appral i..<.-' ti.re Board_ w:.;::..:Li:, ? Saye fl..m'tii
per6--na; J! ; er.-',r,ge: J.C/r, r_\r j,!,r.r,g. i.j; tir., .:,,rse ,"i"""oi".1-"r, og
tlJl' 1,n"
aac:-sj.o. o? ):h= B.3r-.C .r.r , -_ jl1--ttc"::{. 4onceririns ,ir-,:rliicat!.on,
votl"nq 14' se(:-,:et bal"ioL ar:.,! l.:i-:c()E!::i..,:l.o?, .ir;J.i-;e ;in;i,-

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