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I conducted this questionnaire, asking fifty people, ones from different races, classes and ages.

aim was to collect enough information of peoples thoughts on publications and their portraying of
the ideal and perfect lifestyle. I have calculated good results from the questionnaire and now am
going to reflect on the process of conducting the question, the experience and my results.

The questions:
1. Are you drawn to a publication based on the front cover image or the cover lines
that tease the article within?
2. Do you think the publications represent the attractive/slender models they do to
pressure woman into looking like them?
3. Do you believe publications are to blame for the insecurities young females feel and
battle with?
4. Do you believe publications and their displaying of thin and slender models are to
blame for the now common eating disorders and body dysmorphia young
woman/teenagers deal and battle with?
5. Do you personally ever feel insecure when you see flawless, beautiful, thin and
slender models that publications showcase?
6. Do you believe publications should showcase more natural/ normal appearing
models to their audience?
7. Do you believe publications should stop portraying overly glamorous and luxurious
lifestyles as they make others who cannot live this lifestyle feel insecure?
8. Do you find yourself feeling insecure when reading articles of models and their
glamorous lives or motivated?
9. Do you find yourself motivated when reading about models and their glamorous
10. Do you believe publications should stop pressuring their audience to live this ideal
and perfect lifestyle of glamour and luxury and instead portray a more achievable
and normal lifestyle?

I asked fellow teenagers (fourteen - eighteen), around twenty in total half female and the
other half male, these questions and wrote down the answers neatly and in an organised
fashion. These answers were from a diverse group of teenagers, some British, Qatari,
Portuguese etc. I then emailed the questions to a older family members and acquaintances
to get a better account of people of different ages thoughts. I found many had similar
thoughts, but it was interesting how others thought differently. Many who were younger
said they most definitely felt insecure when looking or reading through publication, but
others found looking at publications motivated them to work harder and eat healthier. The
elder found that publications didn't make them feel insecure and that when they were
younger it motivated them to work harder to the place they are today.

Are you drawn to a publication based on the front cover image or the cover lines that tease
the article within?

Do you think the publications represent the attractive/slender models they do to pressure woman
into looking like them?

Do you believe publications are to blame for the insecurities young females feel and battle with?
Do you believe publications and their displaying of thin and slender models are to
blame for the now common eating disorders and body dysmorphia young
woman/teenagers deal and battle with?

Do you personally ever feel insecure when you see flawless, beautiful, thin and slender
models that publications showcase?
Do you believe publications should showcase more natural/ normal
appearing models to their audience?

Do you believe publications should stop portraying overly glamorous and luxurious
lifestyles as they make others who cannot live this lifestyle feel insecure?
Do you find yourself feeling insecure when reading articles of models and their
glamorous lives or motivated?
Do you believe publications should stop pressuring their audience to live this
ideal and perfect lifestyle of glamour and luxury and instead portray a more achievable
and normal lifestyle?

Looking back at the results, and reflecting on them I have found that out of fifty of the people I
questioned, most, average being eighty-eight percent do believe that the fashion magazines and
publications portrayal of females need to change. Mainly they want magazines to stop portraying
models to have to be glamorous and luxurious and also for magazines to use more natural-
appearing models instead of the overly-slender and flawless models magazines represent. I found
that the older people I questioned, ones being over thirty, were not affected by the representation
of slender and glamorous models, unlike the younger people I questioned, ones under thirty, who
admitted to feeling insecure of their appearance and lives when looking at models on magazines
and reading articles of their lives. The older people I asked actually admitted to feeling motivated
when reading of models lifes and viewing magazine, while the younger people I questioned mainly
answered by saying they felt insecure. The younger people I questioned also admitted to feeling
pressure to resemble these models and their lifestyles.

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