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Julia Davis

Data Reflection

The class average on the 15-question math test was 67%. Based on this average I can conclude
that the class did not do so great as a group, with the average not meeting the expectations of at
least 75% or higher. Juan received the highest score of 100%. Cody received the second highest
score of 93% with scoring 80% in addition and 100% in subtraction. Three students including
Hugh, Jack, and Jamal received 80%. Hugh scored higher in addition than in subtraction. Jamal
on the other hand scored higher on subtraction than he did in addition, and Jack seems to
understand both topics about the same while scoring the same in each area. The lowest received
score in the class was Luke’s score of 40%, scoring the same in both areas. Nathan scored a
47%, receiving a 60% in addition and a 20% in subtraction. I had four students receive a 53%, all
receiving lower scores on the subtraction problems versus the addition. All of the 6 students who
received failing grades on this assessment performed lower on the subtraction. Based on my data,
I can see that I may need to focus more on subtraction to ensure that my students have a clear
understating and can perform better on the next assessment.

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