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Escobar 1

Laura Escobar

Block 5


Personal Statement

According to the National Cancer Institute website, “Out of 1,735,350 new cases of

cancer being diagnosed this year in the U.S, 609,640 people will die from the disease.”

Cancer has been the enemy of some for a long time. Thus, my drive to destroy any disease

that enters a human body continues to grow. To me, a disease is like a burglar whose goal is

to take the lives of innocent people. I despise this because I believe that no one should have

to accept the fact that their life just turned upside down, and there is nothing and nor anyone

they can trust to cure them. For this reason, I want to put my time and energy into research

that will find a cure for this disease. Cancer is obviously something negative, I can plan out

some steps I can follow to reach this goal, and I can predict good outcomes as a result of a

possible cure.

Additionally, I, with everyone else, can argue why cancer should be curable.

Although it is not our choice to decide which diseases are curable or not, there should be

more effort put into research to find cures. Deadly diseases without cure, such as HIV, ebola,

polio, and diabetes, have taken so many lives. Sometimes, even children are contaminated

and diagnosed with them. The poor children are robbed from the life and privileges they

could have had, and the love they could have received. Not only does it affect them but also

their loved ones. They can be facing many mental health issues that will try to finish

destroying them. If treatment is not received, it can make the disease more deadly.

Nevertheless, my drive for medicine will not get me anywhere if I do not put it to

work. In this case, I would need to earn my high school diploma, graduate from a four-year
college, graduate from medical school, and find a suitable place to stay and work in a lab. I

understand that this journey will not be easy, but it will be worth it. In this case, I will need to

take this plan step by step, one day at a time. Thus, my first step is to graduate high school

and recieve my diploma. This will determine if I qualify to attend college and what lies ahead

of it.

At the end, I expect to stand face to face with my laboratory and fulfill my journey.

And yet, even after having all of the necessary tools to put the plan to work, it cannot be done

without the help of others. In other words, a group of scientists will be the ones who will one

day find the last piece to the puzzle. Furthermore, my predicted outcome of a possible cure

for cancer are fewer deaths each year, and a decrease in mental health cases. Although this

will not be able to bring back the lives that have been lost, they will be able to save some.

In conclusion, the moral is that that if you put your hope, faith and determination

into something, it can be accomplished. In all honesty, everyone needs a drive to lead them

into something meaningful in this life. If there's a spark for great things then it shouldn't go to

waste because there are others who need our help.

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