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Date: 23 April 2019 at 22:26

Topic: Benefits of Vitamin C

4 Health Benefits of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is one of the most well
known and researched nutrients, but what exactly are the
benefits, where can it be found? Vitamin C is usually associated
with Oranges but it can also be found in many other fruit and
vegetable such as Papaya, kiwi, broccoli and kale to name a few.
Vitamin C is also often associated with the winter and a prevention
for the common cold, but boosting your immune system is just
one of the many benefits of Vitamin C.

Immune system

As already mentioned, Vitamin C is often used to boost the

immune system, for example, to help fight the common cold,
particularly in the winter. Vitamin C is required by the immune
system as a stimulant for white blood cell production. It is these
blood cells that are important in protecting the body from
infections or virus’. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the common
cold, but studies have shown that continuous daily
supplementation of Vitamin C can reduce the chances of
developing a cold, as well as reducing the severity and duration of
them. Studies have also shown that a diet deficient in Vitamin C
can have a significant impact on the general immune system


The definition of an antioxidant is something which stop the

oxidation of another compound. When food is converted into
energy by the human body, reactive oxygen species are produced.
These reactive oxygen species, or free radicals, want to react with
other compounds in the body and can potentially be dangerous.
Our bodies are designed to cope with a limited amount of these
free radicals, but when our systems are stressed, the levels of
these free radicals can increase significantly causing cell damage.
This is where Vitamin C can come in useful. As an antioxidant,
Vitamin C can react with these free radicals before they react with
other compounds in the body and neutralise their effect.

Skin Health

Collagen is an important protein that provides structure to many

tissues found in the body such as cartilage, ligaments, tendons,
teeth, skin, eyes and many more. It is continuously made by the
body for the purposes of growth and repair. Vitamin C is required
to regulate the processes of products the collagen protein. As we
get older our ability to make collagen lessens and we end up with
wrinkly skin and aching joints. If the levels of vitamin C in our
bodies are not sufficient enough, it will affect the bodies ability to
produce the collagen protein. It is therefore important to ensure
that sufficient Vitamin is available.

Mental Health

The human brain is a big consumer of vitamin C and

concentrations of Vitamin C within the brain are higher than
anywhere else within the rest of the body. One of the many roles
Vitamin C plays within the brain is in the central nervous system
and the speed at which impulses are transmitted, making Vitamin
C extremely important for cognitive performance. Vitamin C also
converts dopamine to serotonin. Low levels of serotonin are linked
to higher levels of anxiety and depression. Studies have shown
that stress and anxiety can be symptoms of a vitamin C deficiency.
The Top 7 Beauty Benefits of Vitamin C – “For Timeless Beauty”

vitamin c

Do you know this beauty vitamin used religiously by the cosmetic

industry? They use in creams, lotions, serums name any skin care
product and they have it. It is antioxidant it works magic on skin.
It makes skin softer, lighter and glowing at the same time. There
are multiple benefits of this vitamin we have been using it for
treating cold and pesky flu. Any idea which beauty vitamin I am
talking about ?

It’s Vitamin C

When you think of Vitamin C uses, what comes to your mind than
beating those irksome colds and flu? Do you know Vitamin C is a
potent antioxidant and our beauty vitamin too? Sure, it’s not as
fancy as, say, kiwi, kale or chia seeds, but it tastes way too better
than all of these. The beauty benefits of vitamin c are unknown to
many which made me write this post.
“Whatever your definition of beauty is, this beauty vitamin is a
resounding part of it.”

Millions of women out there have tried expensive cosmetics and

skincare to try and prevent signs of aging. When the most potent
and cheapest ways to maintain a healthy glow is by consuming
loads of Vitamin C. Yes, you heard me right. Vitamin c is not only
for your pesky cold and flu, there is a lot more to it. But wait
there’s a catch, though – since it’s a water-soluble vitamin, our
body doesn’t store it, so we need to consume it every day
through what we eat!

Superfoods such as amla, kiwi, oranges and goji berries are some
of the world’s most richest sources of vitamin C!

Want to know other sources? but first, learn more about Vitamin
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is highly essential for normal growth of
the body and body tissues especially those of joints, bones, gums
and teeth. It is a potent antioxidant hence protects against
infections like colds and flu healing promote and controls blood
cholesterol. The benefits of vitamin c imperative for the proper
functioning of the body.

The sources of vitamin c are citrus fruits like amla, berries, kiwi,
green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, oranges etc. A
deficiency in the same can cause scurvy marked by bleeding
gums, weakness, anemia, painful and swollen parts of the body,
premature aging process and slows down the immune system.

The other sources of vitamin c are fruits and vegetables which can
be easily included in daily diet. If you want to experience the real
benefits of vitamin c just increase the daily dose of it and see how
your skin changes and many other concerns as a bonus.

Daily Dosage of Vitamin C

The recommended daily dosage is 50 to 75mg a day for adults and

30 to 50 mg for children smokers and older persons need to have
the greater need for this vitamin for new cell formation and proper
functioning.The sources of vitamin c can be consumed by daily diet
as well and also by the supplements if there are no other sources
of vitamin c around which is hardly the case.

Vitamin C is therapeutically used in high doses also from 100 to

1000 mg a day as told in “ NatureCure” by Dr. HK Bhakru. It
neutralizes various toxins in the system, boosts up healing
processes in almost all cases of healthy and prevents premature
aging which all the women on the planet is looking for. Check out
some interesting nutritional facts about vitamin c

As per Dr.Linus Pauling, a world famous chemist and nutrition

expert, “since vitamin c is one of the least toxic vitamins, it is very
safe to use even in high doses. Our body will take exactly what it
needs and excrete any excess naturally, mentioned in “Nature
Cure” by Dr. HK Bhakru.
Do you crave for flawless skin?


Are you shelling money for skin lightening expensive products?

Beauty lies in the eyes of a beholder. I believe a person’s beauty is

not only judged by its outer appearance but by inside too. But
then we all look for ways to look like million bucks. We all shell
whopping amount of money and burn a hole in our pockets for
having so and so serum for glowing skin. The benefits of vitamin c
can be reaped by applying and consuming as well.

Well here is a good news you don’t need to look further because
today we are going to talk about a vitamin that does it all for you.

It gives you the glow you crave for; it heals you from inside and
brings out the best version of you. It prevents anti-aging. You
don’t need to burn a hole in your pocket for looking the best you.
All you need is your daily dose of vitamin C in your diet.

You have to have fruits and vegetables in your diet. The benefits of
vitamin c come from the daily intake of it as I mentioned it’s a
water soluble vitamin. Our skin is the largest organ of the body.
And vitamin c is imperative for the growth of the new cells,
maintaining the collagen that keeps the elasticity intact and keeps
you look younger.

Ensure to get plenty of vitamin C in your daily diet to

experience these wonderful benefits.

7 Beauty Benefits of Vitamin C

Prevents Anti-aging

Always remember Vitamin C for beauty and C for Collagen the glue
that sticks the body together. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and
it helps you keep looking younger for years by fighting free radical
damage that skin goes through as you age. And it also keeps
wrinkles at bay along with dryness and blotchiness. I am 29 so
skincare is essential after the age of 25 skin starts aging so we all
need to take extra care of our skin. I use The Body Shop Vitamin C
Glow-Boosting Moisturizer, 1.7 Ounce. I have been using it for
years now and I love this product. Since my skin is combination it
caters perfectly to my needs.

Do You Use Beauty Vitamin C As Part Of Your Skin Care Routine?

Vitamin C glow boosting cream

It Supercharges Your Look And Feels Inside Out

Iron is our energy and lack of it can lead to fatigue and anemia.
Despite having of enough iron your body feels tired all the time
and for a good reason, you have got a deficiency dude, yes
Vitamin C helps you absorb iron from the nutrition you provide
your body that keeps you look and feel supercharged all the time.
The benefits of vitamin c boost others vitamins too. It works in an
integrated manner by working out on multiple things at one time.
Just like a true super food does. Every superfood has their own
specialty like

Every superfood has their own specialty like beets acts a natural
viagra, coconut oil is known as “Tree of Life” coconut oil is used
widely for weight loss, and lately I published about Ginger 10x
stronger than a chemotherapy. Ginger has surprising benefits for
skin, hair, and the body.

It Protects Your Skin From Sun Damage!

Are You Looking for a Sunscreen!

Do you know your daily dose of vitamin C act as a mild natural

sunscreen? Yes, it truly does. Not only it acts as the natural
sunscreen to the skin, it also prevents us from harmful UV rays
and damage already done to the skin.

The benefits of vitamin c work under the sun as well, isn’t it

awesome. Something that works for you every time just like the
mother. It saves us protects us from the harsh and harmful rays of
the sun. With these benefits of vitamin, c sunshine can be your

It Supports Lustrous, Strong Hair

Do you suffer from dry hair and hair thinning issues? Chances are
you are deficient in Vitamin C. Let me put this way, all your hair
related issues are due to less intake of this water soluble vitamin.
It prevents all sorts of issues related to hair; it makes them
lustrous and strong by strengthening the hair follicle and
promoting hair growth.

The benefits of vitamin c not only works for the face it does spread
its magic on our tresses. Our hair plays a big role in overall
personality. Having a bad hair day is one thing but having bad hair
days or years for life is like a dent in the personality. I hope you
know what I mean. Even if you have good hair, maintain your daily
intake of it.

It Firms And Tightens Your Skin

Our skin needs an abundance of collagen to keep it firm and tone

and vitamin C does the job fabulously. Have you seen dull or
lifeless skin, I am sure you have its nothing but a deficiency of
Vitamin C or less collagen? For healthy and plump skin increase
the intake of Vitamin C in your daily diet. The benefits of vitamin c
are immense and the most imperative as it is for your skin, the
largest organ of the body. The vitamin c cream for the face at day
time works in the sunshine and repairs the skin at night time. At
night, skin repairs and works on the body and so on skin sleep is
very important for the skin to spread the magic of nutrients which
we consume. So sleep well and enjoy the surprising sleep benefits
for the flawless skin.

It Helps Repair Any Blemishes

By far we know the beauty of Vitamin C, it is a potent anti-oxidant

which repairs and replaces the damaged tissues. It is known for
healing cuts and wounds or any acne or bruises. If you’re someone
dealing with redness, dryness, and way too much acne problem
top up your skin care routine with Vitamin C. Use creams and
products that are high in Vitamin C and get your dream skin right

Gives You Silky Smooth Skin

Let your Lumps, bumps, and rough patches fade away!

Our skin is the largest organ of the body and it needs loads of
multivitamins to keep skin hydrated, fresh and glowing unless it
becomes rough, scaly and dry. Vitamin C present in creams,
serums or lotions improves the texture and appearance of the skin
by improving the elasticity as it boosts the collagen formation
which keeps the skin tissues together. It keeps the skin thick and
promotes circulation and retains moisture in the skin which gives
the glowing look to the skin.The benefits of vitamin c work wonder
for the skin applied in any form.

Vitamin C cream for face works wonders for the skin lighting,
tightening, glowing. You can say it’s the food for the skin. Other
vitamins and minerals work as well but vitamin c is above all. As it
holds the skin together like a glue and prevents it from sagging or
aging. I use The Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost, 30ml for
keeping my skin super hydrated and refreshed all the time. It
works for me. The beauty benefits of Vitamin c in creams or
serums is like a magic potion. You just need a tiny tweak of the
product and it takes care of all signs of aging. It’s so great.

The benefits of Vitamin C are truly fabulous and multifaceted.

Every cosmetic maker is using this potent vitamin in their
products. I love the body shop cream it works for me. I also
consume a lot of vitamin c through fruits and vegetables on the
everyday basis. And it has made my skin better in so many ways.
Are you taking this beauty vitamin?

Stay healthy!

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