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Student Teaching UbD Unit Design Template

Student Name: Intended Grade Level of Unit

Stephanie Powell
Theme of Unit Content Area:
English Language Arts
Vowel Teams
Classroom Demographics:
23 1st and 2nd grade students

Alaska Content Standards:

Reading Standards: Foundational Skills K-5
Grade 1 Standard 3c. Know final-e and common vowel team conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
Grade 2 Standard 3b. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel teams.

Transfer Goal(s) - Unpacked Standards

Students will be able to correctly identify and spell words with common vowel teams.

BIG IDEA of the Unit:

Students will learn the various common vowel teams. They will learn the sounds the teams make and explore
various words the teams can make.

STAGE 1 – Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings (Bank of EUs and EQs for Unit)
Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Questions to be Considered:
Students will understand that….
Knowing vowel teams can help with reading and How can vowel teams help in reading and writing?

STAGE ONE: (Bank of Objectives for Unit) STAGE TWO: (Bank of Assessments for Unit)
Objectives/Learning Targets: Assessments Sources of Evidence of Learning
Knowledge and Skills: K & S ____________________________
___________________________ (Assessment bank here)
(Objective bank here)
Students will know common vowel teams Complete a vowel teams chart

Students will know how common vowel teams and Make a vowel team town in a small group
will spell vowel teams correctly in words.
Complete a rainbow/flower word assessment to
Students will be able to distinguish between vowel determine knowledge of the ‘ow’ vowel team
teams that are spelled the same, but have two
different sounds.
Students will be able to recognize common vowel
teams in words. Complete vowel teams word sort

STAGE TWO: Culminating Performance Task

Culminating Performance Task – idea/sketch (to be completed in ED621C)

Students will use their knowledge of vowel teams to make a vowel teams town. Students will work in small groups
to complete the activity.

STAGE THREE: Learning for Understanding/ Instructional Activities

(Make only as many lessons as are appropriate for your Unit)
Pre-Requisites for the entire unit: What are the prior knowledge and skills students have to have in place before
starting this Unit of Study?
Students will have a basic understanding of sight words and some experience with words with silent ‘e’ and the
ending of words.

Unit Overview/Introduction/Main Hook (Make a connection with students’ backgrounds using an authentic

Action/ Mini-hook for each Process: Specific strategies

Lesson lesson: Teacher does/ Student Does to accommodate specific
Connection to prior Product: student variability/
learning/knowledge Assessment/ Evidence of Learning accommodate all learners
Lesson closure

Materials for lesson #1: Printed list of vowel teams

Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #1: Students will be able to recognize common vowel teams in words.
Standards/Content areas covered in lesson #1: Grade 2 Standard 3b. Know spelling-sound correspondences for
additional common vowel teams.

Lesson 1 Write the familiar word eat on the The class will practice together
Title board. Say to together, eeeeeat. There
is a long e in eat, but there is no silent
Intro to e at the end. What is going on here? ea.
vowel e and a are working together to make
teams a long e sound. Let's dig a little deeper
and find out more. When you say the
word eat, we say eeeeeat. Do you hear
the? No, we only hear eeee. What
about in the word read? No, we only
hear the eeeee. It’s like the a is silent.
So even though there are two vowels
in eat and read, you only hear the e.

So, we have discovered that when we

have two vowels together, we only
hear the first letter. Let's see if it
works for other vowel teams.
Write the word plain on board, Let's
read this word. Plaaaain. I hear the
long a, but not the i. together we have
discovered that when two vowels are
together, the first one seems to make a
long sound and the second vowel
seems to be silent.
Students will work in partners

Give shoulder partners a list of printed

words that have vowel teams and ask
them to practice reading them based
on what we just learned.

Materials for lesson #2: Vowel team chart, vowel team picture worksheet
Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #2: Students will know how common vowel teams and will spell
vowel teams correctly in words. How can vowel teams help in reading and writing?

Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #2: Grade 2 Standard 3b. Know spelling-sound correspondences
for additional common vowel teams.

Lesson 2 We will need to use vowel teams to Students will be able to use
Title help spell the words correctly. Let's do vowel teams chart.
the first one together. Display the
Spelling vowel teams oa, ai, ea, ee When you
words hear a long vowel sound in a word,
with think about what vowel team might
vowel help you make the word. Ask students
teams what the first picture is. toast. What
vowel sound do you hear in the word?
long ooooo, so which one of our vowel
teams would help us build the word?
yes, oa. Have students tell you the
other sounds they hear in the word
and write the word down. Have
students try and write the remaining
words for the pictures on their own.

Materials for lesson #3: OU word worksheet, vowel team worksheet

Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #3: Students will know common vowel teams. How can vowel teams
help in reading and writing?
Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #3: Grade 1 Standard 3c. Know final-e and common vowel team
conventions for representing long vowel sounds.
Lesson 3 Today I want to teach you that some
Title vowel teams work in special ways.
Instead of a long-vowel sound, vowel
OU teams like ou work together to make a
vowel new sound. OU usually makes the
teams sound /ow/
Write the word out on the board.
Show students how the ou in out
makes the /ow/ sound.
Now, lets try a word with OU in the
middle. Write the word proud on the
board, have students write word in
word workbook. Ask them what the
word is. Point out that the ou in the
middle makes the sound /ow/ so we
say the word pr-ow-d

Show students the ou word sheet on

the document camera, have students
copy the words into their book and
then practice saying the words with
their shoulder partners.
Have students add ou to their vowel
team chart.

Materials for lesson #4: Learn a new snap work chart, vowel team chart
Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #4: Students will be able to distinguish between vowel teams that are
spelled the same, but have two different sounds.

Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #4: Grade 2 Standard 3b. Know spelling-sound correspondences
for additional common vowel teams.

Lesson 4 Today I want to teach you that there

Title are two ways to make the /ou/ sound,
OU and OW
sounds Write the sentence "It is time to go
of OU home nou" on the board. Yesterday we
and OW learned about the vowel team ou and
that is says ow. Ask someone to read
the sentence. Did I spell the word
right? no, because there are two ways
to make the /ow/ sound. OU and OW.
in this word we need to use the ow to
make the word, now. Now, we are
calling ow a vowel team, but is w a
vowel? No, but the ow and the w work
together to make a vowel sound.

Display the 'learn a new snap word' on
the document camera.
Today we are going to learn 5 new
snap words
Write the words town, sound, clown,
found and frown on the board and go
through the learning a new snap word
Have student add OW to their vowel
teams chart

Materials for lesson #5: OW sentences worksheet, flower or rainbow word assessment
Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #5: Students will be able to distinguish between vowel teams that are
spelled the same, but have two different sounds. How can vowel teams help in reading and writing?

Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #5: Grade 1 Standard 3c. Know final-e and common vowel team
conventions for representing long vowel sounds

Lesson 5 Ask, can the vowel team ow do

Title different jobs and make more than one
Flower I have some sentences that I want us
or to look at. If it makes the ou like now,
rainbow? we will put it on the left side, if it
makes another sound we will put it on
the other side. Do the 4 sentences
together and then have shoulder
partners cut apart the next 4 and
practice saying and sorting into either
ow like in now or ow like in rainbow.

8. Review the 2 sounds of ow, as in

rainbow and flower. Have students
complete ow sentence worksheet

Materials for lesson #6: Blank chart paper, 2 pages of ‘oo’ words cut out
Objectives and Essential Questions for lesson #6: Students will be able to distinguish between vowel teams that are
spelled the same, but have two different sounds.
How can vowel teams help in reading and writing?
Content areas covered in lesson (from standards) #6: Grade 2 Standard 3b. Know spelling-sound correspondences
for additional common vowel teams.

Lesson 6 Show students the words school,

Title room, book, moon on the document
The two camera. Read the words aloud and ask
sounds students to raise hands if they notice
of ‘oo’ words that sound different. The
middle of the word ‘book’ does not

sound like the rest of the words, but
the vowels are the same. So today I
want to teach you that the vowel team
oo makes two new sounds. Like in
moon and book. Put the word moon on
one side of the white paper and book,
hook and wood on the other side.

Play another round of which word

doesn't belong using the words wood,
hook and pool. Pool doesn't sound like
the rest. Ask students where the word
pool should go on the chart. Does it
sound like moon or book? Tape pool
on chart under moon. Put the rest on
the chart in the correct spot.

Show the rest of the words one by one

and place on the chart in the
appropriate side.
Add book and moon to vowel teams

Unit Closure: Bring it all together with the focus of the lesson and the Objective. Tie the closure for each lesson in
with the Main Hook, the Objective, and the Essential Question.

Summative Assessment:
Have students work in small groups to create a vowel team town, each group draw, glue and write their own town on
11X13 paper

UNIT REFLECTION Cultural Capital: Discuss how this Unit increases your students’ access to “Cultural
I feel this unit has really helped the students recognize words when reading and writing that contain
common vowel teams. Knowing how the teams sound and work in print has really given them confidence
when reading and spelling words. Being able to ask the students to “think about the vowel team” when
they encounter a word has given them a larger body of knowledge.

Attachments: Graphic Organizers, Quizzes, Worksheets, Assessment Rubrics etc. for each Lesson. (You can
embed them as screenshots)
Note: If there are more than 3 Graphic Organizers with your curriculum, please provide a screenshot of them take
up less space making sure, of course, that they are legible and that the page layout looks professional.

Attachments: Examples of student work:


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