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Time Management of Students

As a Method to Adjust
In Studies

Researchers: Dulay, Jeduthun B.

Laurente, Carlos

Laureano, Daniel

Dawilan, Nelson

Binuya, Cezrine

Beneg, Karen

Block: 11-C STEM

School: Easter College Incorporated

Teacher: Ms. Kay F. Cathral Senior High School Faculty

Date of Submission: 11 December 2018


Our topic is all about how the students manage or cope with their daily studies where
they must have time for themselves. They should do their requirements in their free time
like on weekends. Some students do not use their time wisely or properly that is why
when the deadline of submissions is near, they rush in doing their requirements.

Some students experience stress because of too many requirements and not having
enough time to do it. Sometimes they sleep late at night. Depression has bad effects into
our daily life, causing us to do such things like getting crazy or committing suicide or
even maybe shutting oneself in the outside world. Yet some ask themselves how to avoid
this. Time management is needed in order to prevent stress, anxiety, and depression, for
us to have time for our families just like what others say, time is gold, give importance to
your time, and use it properly and wisely.

Problem Statement Overview

General Problem:

The problem is on how we can manage out time in our daily lives, how it affects our
social lives and our relationships with others, because of the lack of time in doing these
things. In this generation, many students have a problem in time management when it
comes to passing the requirements or school works like projects, assignments, take home
activities and others. Students usually just open social media like YouTube, Facebook,
Twitter, and other social media applications

Specific Problems:

 What happens after we know how to manage our time?

 At what point do we need to manage our time efficiently?
 How do students manage their time wisely?
 What adjustments do they experience?
 What difficulties do they experience when they are stressed?
Objectives and Aims:

The research aims to explain the adjustments of the students in their studies on a daily
basis and the difficulties they are facing when they are having a hard time on their

Specific Aims:

Furthermore, the research aims to:

1. to know what kind of adjustments needed to cope up with studies;

2. to learn to depend on others instead of keeping things to yourself;
3. to adapt in a new environment of learning;
4. to help in being responsible in managing time wisely and efficiently
5. to be flexible in doing things to be able to do anything;
6. to understand and appreciate multiple perspectives; and
7. to develop critical thinking and responsible decision skill (keeping a balanced,
healthy, and resourceful way of living)

Scope and Delimitation

The research will be conducted in Easter College. This involves the whole senior high
students but only focuses on the grade 11 students. This focuses on them because they are
all entering a new environment that needs to be more focused and precise in decision
making in order to achieve a better result. But the case for the higher years like the grade
12 students are not included because they have already adopted and adjusted in their
environment when they were also in grade 11.

Mainly this is conducted in school on a daily basis to monitor the activities they are
doing and to know the things they are having a hard time with. Sleep is critical for the
memory consolidation, learning, decision making, and critical thinking. Moreover, sleep
is thus necessary for the optimal operation of key cognitive functions related to
academics and perhaps social success in higher education.

Background and Significance

The students have been experiencing stress that triggers us to be depressed. As

observed, students have been experiencing too much stress in their studies mainly
because they do not know how to manage their time wisely and efficiently.

Time management is not a skill we are usually taught growing up, so developing an
organized approach to your studies is an opportunity to learn how to work more

The significance of knowing how to balance time wisely are: it can get to have
more free time in what activities you want to do. Your social life will improve better
because you can get the chance to interact with others such as going out and have some
fun or do physical activities such as playing ball games and the likes. You will get to
spend more time with your loved ones instead of using that time to catch up on the
activities that you have missed.

It also trains us to be disciplined on how we spend our time. Because if we are

disciplined, we can be productive on the things that we do by knowing what we have to
study before sitting down and doing it. It also helps us to be flexible in the things that you
are doing, like on how you can adopt to things easily and proficiently. According to Mrs.
Adrienne Carlson, it helps us to develop our sense of responsibility because it helps us to
be responsible on how we can adjust our time frames. All of us have 24 hours a day, but
because of responsible people they tend to do more things instead the ones that do no
know how to manage their time efficiently. This is the difference of those who value time
and those who do not

When you know how to manage time wisely, you can learn more effectively; you
become adept at studying quickly and more efficiently, this allows you more time to do
other things. When you become an effective learner, it is easy to maintain good grades
throughout college and secure a good job after graduation, one that pays well and allows
you to lead a comfortable life.
When you graduate and start your career, you need to be able to manage your time
effectively if you want to be taken seriously and appreciated by your employers. Even if
you have a business for yourself, unless you know how to make the most efficient use of
your time and effectively utilize time management, you would not be a successful
business man.

Review of Related Literature

Time, you only have so much of it and sometimes it is only taken for granted, and
because of not doing things properly, it just comes and goes. Time is your most precious
resource. It is the most valuable thing you have. It is perishable, it is irreplaceable, and it
cannot be saved. It can only be reallocated from activities of lower value to activities of
higher value. Time cannot be either controlled or managed or even changed. When
it is already passed, it cannot be turned back all over again. We often say that we do not
have enough time but actually we do have, a lot of. Sometimes, you do not know that you
are just wasting a lot of your time in some un useful acts which lead you to lack of time.
Most of the affected ones were the students, especially when there is a lot of activities
and homework to do. Come exam time, students often wonder where all of the time went.
Then at other times, it feels like that the day never ends. The important thing to remember
is that all of us have 24 hours a day, but we can do plenty if we know how to manage.
Because others have no more time than others, sometimes good time management can
make all the difference in achieving great exam results.

Although it may sometimes feel like a waste of time, it will actually gain a huge
amount of time saving when you take only a few minutes to plan your day. Just like the
saying "Time is Gold" we must know how to treasure our time. We must control the
usage of our own time you have nothing to do, instead of wasting your time on nonsense
activities, expel is that start on the important things like doing your requirements that are
needed to be done, that we do not stress ourselves out when the deadlines of the activities

Time management is not very difficult as a concept, but it is surprisingly hard to

do in practice. It requires the investment of a little time upfront to prioritize and
organize yourself. But once done, you will find that minor tweaks, your day, and indeed
your week and month, fall into place in an orderly fashion, with time for everything you
need to do. Remember, too, that you and your health are important. Just because you
have lots to do does not mean that doing some exercise, going for a 10-minute walk or
making time to eat properly is not important. You should not ignore you physical or
mental health in favor of more urgent activities. Perhaps the most important thing to
remember is to stay calm. Feeling overwhelmed by too many tasks can be very stressful.
Remember that the world will probably not end if you fail to achieve your last task of the
day, or leave it until tomorrow, especially if you have prioritized sensibly. Going home or
getting an early night, so that you are fit for tomorrow, may be a much better option than
meeting a self-imposed or external deadline that may not even matter that much.

In the quotation “The first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog.” Mark
Twain once said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat that frog, you can go
through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worse things
that is going to happen to you all day long. Your “frog” is your biggest, most important
task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you do not do something about
it. If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. This is another way of saying that
if you have two important tasks before you, start with the biggest, hardest, and most
important task first. Discipline yourself to begin immediately and then to persist until the
task is complete before you go on to something else. Whenever possible, do your work
in “real time,” as soon as it comes up. Stay focused and do it now. It is amazing how
much time you can waste by picking up a task and looking at it or starting it, and then
putting it down and coming back to it again and again.

Another one is checking your social media applications in the morning makes
getting off track entirely too easy. It starts with just one notification, and before you
know it, your several hours into your day and you still have not started on your number
one task. Keep your phone away from you or off to avoid distractions from your most
important task especially projects like research. Even your favorite computer games were
not exempted from being avoided for it cost you a huge amount of time and energy which
you should have used in your day. Limit your usage of gadgets especially if it is useless
and not benefiting your work.

And that is why controlling your time, actually, organizing your time is very
important for it will guide you to your path to success. Its benefits to us is just that a
big change to us as a person. It will give you greater productivity and efficiency, a best
way to cure stress, and sometimes give you opportunities for advancement which can
lead you to achieving important life and career goals or dreams you wanted to be
someday. But if you continued to be as what you are right now, like so stressful,
worrying everything, not giving some time for yourself, and also being lazy. I am pretty
sure, if I am not wrong, you might end up feeling down or you might even get illnesses
due to overstress which costs you more money and time again.
So you better carry yourself now. Do not worry of tomorrow, just do what you can
today, like they said, “Do what you can do today, and let tomorrow worry himself.” And
if you can do it today, do it then, do not put yourself on a last minute work. It will lead
you to a disaster, a horrible disaster. Do not be worry if it is still not enough, as long as
you did your best, nothing to doubt and worry about. Just go with the flow and remember
to give importance to your precious and valuable time.
Time management skills, (2011-2018), SkillsYouNeed. Retrieved
from https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ps/time-management.html
What is time management?, (n.d.), MindTools. Retrieved
from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_00.htm

Research Design

The research design that will be used in this study is case study. Case study is the
most appropriate design to be used here because we wanted to observe on how the
students behave when they are having a hard or easy time in their studies. To know the
ups and downs of the said research. Whether they will adapt on the new environment in
front them or they will just accept reality and give up. This also needs a somewhat long
term study because we cannot determine what is going to happen in just a few days of
observation. A day to day observation is needed for us to ensure and know their
behaviour on the topic.


A total of 150 to 200 questionnaires shall be handed out to the Senior High School
Students of the grade 11 level regardless of their tracks or specialties. All data gathered
shall be finalized or tallied.

Preliminary Suppositions and Implications

There are many types of adjustments for a person to focus on their studies. People
can give more time into reading than to play their phones. Some can even wake up early
to review the lessons learned. They can do plenty of things to adjust in their studies and
after that then they can do anything they want.
Time management is a difficult task to do, but once that we have mastered time
management then we can no longer have any problems in facing the trials that are ahead
of us. Yes this may cause depression that can lead a miserable life, but if we can
overcome it then time management is simple task to do.

At the end of the research, it is expected that some students will be able to manage
their time wisely. To know the positive and negative effect if they manage or do the exact
opposite usage of their time.


In conclusion, time management is very essential in our daily life. Time

management means properly managing everything to make space for the things that we
wanted to do. If we take control of our time, we will have the fortune of doing anything
we want. We will be able to spend time with our loved ones or hang out with our friends
or even maybe have time to enter into a relationship. Just as what others are saying “time
is gold” so we must give importance of our time. Set up a time table or a planner to
follow for us not to get lost in time. Follow the time table properly.

Time management as said in the beginning that improper management of time will
lead you to be depressed. Unable to do anything about it because of the constant pressure
that is happening around us. Not entering class because others might judge you or make
fun of you afraid to be able to do anything.

So as to help in the management of time, let us exercise to freshen up the brain to

make your body able to cope up with such things. And after then read your book or study
for a test or a quiz. And learn how to maximize your time to be able to be productive in
everything that do.

Name (optional) Gender:


Answer the questions honestly at attentively YES NO

1. Do you often study?

2. Do you pass your requirements on time?
3. Are you fond of studying?
4. Do you have a planner/time table?
5. Are you relying on someone when it comes to
6. Do you do things in the nick of time?

How often do you study during school days?

Cite factors that hinder you to study.

How do you study? Expound

What are the subjects that you put more of your time?

How are you able to manage your time wisely?

Dulay Jeduthun B. PHILOSOPHY


Personal insights

I learned that we must protect earth. That in every thing that we do, we
should always make sure that the earth is safe. If we cut trees then we should also
return the trees that were cut down.

Trees are essential in the earth because of the oxygen that they produce in the
environment. We need oxygen so as to live our everyday life. Without trees that
produce oxygen, we the humans also suffer. So we must also plant trees to give back
the things that we take from mother earth. Trees are essential because without trees
we will experience deforestation. That destroys the earth and causing land erosions
killing millions of people. Planting trees make the earth more stable, and holding
earth to what it is today.

So as students, all we can do to save the environment is to make sure that we

must maintain the numbers of trees living by making pluck cards and posting them
into the walls and letting the people know that by saving trees we can save our

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