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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data


The Sentimental Analysis is also known as Opinion Mining. The Sentimental Analysis
comes under the Concept of Natural Language Processing (NLP).It tries to develop a system
or model to identify and extract users opinions from the text and these system extract the
attributes like Polarity, Subjectivity and Opinion Holder.

 Polarity : The Representation of the sentiment whether it is positive, negative

or neutral
 Subjectivity: The sentence with express the feelings, beliefs etc.
 Opinion holder: The object that express the Opinion.

Now a days, Sentimental Analysis is a topic having a great demand on developing a

practical Applications. The Data can be extracted from review sites, blogs, forums and Social
Media. With the help of this model, the unstructured data can be automatically transformed
into structured Data of user Opinion about products, Movies etc., and this data can be very
useful for commercial applications like Product reviews, feedback and customer services.

[1] Machine learning is an application of Artificial Intelligence that

provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without
additionally programmed. A program is said to learn from experience E with respect to task T
and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with
experience E. It gain knowledge from algorithms not from rules.

Fig 1.1 Overview of Machine Learning Definition

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

E * T = P

Input Data Task Performane

 Product Prices Predict Prices Accurate Prices

 Bank Transactions Segment Customers Similar Group

Skills Required To Learn Machine Learning:

 Mathematics/Statistics
 Programs
 Graphics Desgin
 Domain Knowledge

Fig 1.2 Process of Machine Learning

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Fig 1.3 Overview of Machine Learning

Supervised Algorithm

Classification Regression

Student Classfication Pass or Fail


Student Regression Percentage


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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Sentimental Analysis:

Sentiment analysis is a type of data mining that measures the people’s opinions through
natural language processing, computational linguistics and text analysis, which are used to
extract and analyze subjective information from the Web - mostly social media and similar
sources. The analyzed data quantifies the polarity of that sentence.[4] Sentimental analysis
comes under supervised learning. Sentiment analysis is also known as opinion mining.

Sentimental Analysis

Polarity Subjectivity

(How +ve/-ve our statement is) (Express Person Feelings etc)

Fig 1.4 Process of Sentimental Analysis

Sentiment Polarity:

The Representation of the sentiment whether it is positive,

negative or neutral and it is also known as Verbal Representation of Sentiment.

Eg: “I am happy with my GATE Score.”

Sentiment Score:

The numerical Representation of Sentiment Polarity.

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The sentence with express the feelings, beliefs etc. that sentence is
known as Subjectivity Sentence.

Eg: “I Want a camera with takes good Pictures.”

Levels of Sentiment Analysis

[3] Sentiment analysis can mainly divided into two they are Document
level , Sentence level Sentimental Analysis.

 Document Level:

The process of finding the expresses opinions in the document

and examine the opinions that are found in the document are positive, negative and neutral.

 Sentence Level:

The process of finding the sentence whether it is opinionated and that opinion
is positive, negative and neutral.

Firstly, the text has divided into two main types: opinions and facts. The facts are objective
expressions about something. The Opinions are subjective expressions which describes user’s
sentiment, feelings, and appraisals towards a topic.

The Sentimental Analysis comes under classification problem where two sub- problems must
be resolved. They are

 Subjectivity Classification
 Polarity Classification

Direct and Comparative Opinion

Direct opinion give an opinion about an entity directly, for example

“ The Picture quality of camera A is poor.”

Comparatives opinions expressed by comparing an entity with another, for example

“ The picture quality of camera A is better than that of camera B.”

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Explicit and Implicit Opinions:

An explicit opinion on a subject is an opinion explicitly expressed in a subjective


“ The voice quality of this phone is amazing ”

An implicit opinion on a subject is an opinion implied in an objective sentence.

“ The earphone broke in two days”

Sentiment Analysis Algorithms:

They are many algorithms and methods to conduct sentimental analysis, which can be
classified as:

 Rule-based: This System performs analysis based upon the manually crafted rules.
 Automatic: This System which rely on machine learning technique.
 Hybrid: This Systems combines both Rule-base and Automatic


Sentimental Analysis, also known as Opinion Mining is the problem to identify whether given
data is positive or Negative with the help of different classification algorithms like[6] Naïve
Bayes, Bernoulli Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and SVM. We trained these
models with the help of 25000 data samples and these data samples are classified into training
and testing set. The training data with 80% and testing data with 20% amount of data is
classified. The performance of these models which are trained, the results from this model are
quite surprising changed with respect to the model we used. Then identify which algorithm
performs the best in terms of accuracy.

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 To implement an algorithm for automatic classification of given text into Positive or

 Sentimental Analysis is to determine whether the given text is positive or Negative is
determined with the help of training data set.
 No neutral tweets are consider because of it is not multi – class classification.
 Finally, the accuracy of these algorithms is shown in Bar Plot.


 Sentimental Analysis can be very effective in predicting the movie reviews.

 Like IMDB reviews on movies will be taken out and applied to the different
classification algorithms.
 Sentimental analysis aim to find the statement of the author in an opinion text.
 The Algorithm which gets the high accuracy is used for sentimental Analysis rather
than another algorithm in future work.


[1] By using Supervised Algorithm for classifying the sentiments to discover the emotion of
both general and specific and make an analysis with more accuracy. The main Objective of this
paper is predicting the different kind of text and hashtags in the different format written on
twitter and with the help of emoticons and punctuations. This will be done with the help of
“Future prediction Architecture Based on Efficient Classification”.

[2] Firstly, they will develop the Ontology Model, then extract the Tweets from the twitter
with the help of Twitter API and that model classify the tweets into positive and negative
tweets. They will SentiStrength Tool for identifying the Polarity of the words in the tweets.
Then finally we use the fuzzy to calculate the total polarity score. Deep Learning also comes
into the picture because it is a representation Learning Approach. Emoticons like facial
Expressions using punctuations and letters are also taken as input for the model.

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

[3] In the previous methods, the information extraction and retrieving the information has
increased exponentially. The sentimental Analysis is used to find the polarity of the Sentence.
In this model Lexicon Based Approach is used for finding the polarity. The Sent WordNet is
used to assign the polarity for each statement. The Unigram sentimental Analysis will be done.
POS tagger is used to identify the phrases in the sentence from the input text. The final gives
the total number of positive, negative and neutral Tweets on the products.

[4] Some sentiment analyzer could be languages dependent or independent. A know survey
on different techniques used in Sentimental Analysis is carried out. These type of techniques
are then measuring based on usage of a lexicon, a requirement of the training set. These are
summarized and analyzed.

[5] Every user has his own opinion about the product he is using which they want to share in
social groups.Those comments are actual feedbacks from customers. Increasing use of slang in
such communities in expressing emotions and sentiment makes it important to consider
languages in determining the sentiment. A simple method for calculating the sentiment score
of documents using slang words with the help of Delta Term Frequency and Weighted Inverse
Document Frequency technique is also applied.

[6] Emoticons are deeply used to express positive or negative sentiment on Twitter. However,
it expressed by an emoticon agrees with the sentiment of the accompanying text only slightly
better than random. It is using the text the emoticons to train sentiment models and not likely
to produce the best results and fact that we show by comparing lexicons generated using
emoticons with others generated using simple textual features.

[7] An emoticon is a pictorial representation which is widely used in text-based online

communication. Awareness social networks still lack a mechanism to provide appropriate
emoticon recommendation. According to the input posts. An emoticon recommendation can be
realized by similarity measure based on Harsdorf distance. To evaluate the performance of our
proposed approach, the experimental data were crawled from Pluck for training and evaluation.

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[8] In the performance of the algorithm is evaluated using the re-tweet network of the hashtag
#Kiss-of-Love. and Twitter associated with the non-violent protest the moral policing spread
to many parts of India. here proposed method focuses on approximating the optimal solution
of influence maximization problem using principles of swarm intelligence. In that information
available for each user is based on its activities and knowledge of their individuals in the

[9] It analyses the tweets of Hollywood movies and understands the sentiments, emotions, and
opinions expressed by the people across different parts of the world. These experimental setups
consist of building a sentiment analyzer model is trained using Naive Bayes and Maxent
machine learning methods. Its model is used to classify the data with unknown labels Using
Python as an interpreter language. Twitter search API Uses application for data collection was
developed to collect the tweets. And the perception of being present rather than being there in
a real environment. Word-of-mouth (WOM).

[10] A new way of determining the word sentiment strength of a conversation considering
adjective adverb intensity on a -1 to + 1 scale. This method can be used to determine the word
sentiment score. The interesting thing is any sentiment score function can be plugged with this
method to calculate the sentiment score for a given word. This new method has been tested
with 30 conversations which are different from the training 70 conversations set between call
center agent and customers.

[11] Here we are discussing Sarcasm is a special form of irony by which the person conveys
implicit information. Sarcasm is largely used in social networks and microblogging websites,
where people mock or criticize in a way that makes it difficult for humans to tell if what is said
is what is meant. It is recognizing sarcastic statements can be very useful.it comes to improving
automatic sentiment analysis of data collected from social networks. It helps to enhance the
efficiency of after-sales services or consumer assistance.

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[12] Here we are discussing Multi-class sentiment analysis, it can address the identification of
exact sentiment conveyed by the user rather than the overall sentiment polarity of his text
message or post. That can be the case, we introduce a task different from the conventional
multi-class classification, which we run on a data set collected from Twitter. We refer to this
task as “quantification”. and “quantification”, it means identification of all the existing
sentiments within an online post (i.e., tweet) instead of attributing a single sentiment label to

[13] For online reviews, this analysis deals with the identification of positive and negative
reviews to help the consumer and the distributor in the decision-making process. In text
analysis tasks, such as text classification and sentiment analysis, the appropriate choice of term
weighting schemes will have a huge impact on the effectiveness of the analysis. The effect of
using a term weighting scheme in the sentiment classification of online movie reviews.
Specifically, the researchers applied the Support Vector Machine (SVM).

[14] Sentimental analysis features will measure and report on the sentiment of the tweet.
Twitter is a popular microblogging service in which users report that are very short: less than
140 characters, averaging 11 words per message. Communication is defined as positive if it
contains any positive word, and negative if it contains any negative word. The Twitter
messages are so short (about 11 words).

[15] This author says an interactive automatic system which predicts the sentiment of the
review/tweets of the people posted in social media using Hadoop which can process the huge
amount of data a precise method is used for predicting sentiment polarity, which helps to
improve marketing strategies. Feature-based Sentiment classification and Opinion
Summarization. The classification used here is Uni-word Naive Bayes classification.

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data


The existing system focused on sentimental analysis and opinion mining refers to the
automatic identification of opinions of people towards specific topics and introduce the multi-
class classification which refers the task as “Quantification” by using SENTA tool calculates
the polarity of a tweet.


Consider the single polarity sentiments.

Less Overall F1 score


In this system, a multi-class classification firstly try to detect there sentimental

polarity after try to identify all the existing sentiments by attributing a score for each sentiment
then these sentiments are ranked according to the attribute scores those are having highest
scores as judged are conveyed tweet. We are doing and only two classes to reduced confusion
between users and also it can analysis in a faster way and increasing the accuracy.


Collecting large amount of data sample.

Training the model with the pre-processing data

Good Accuracy level.


1. Movies:

By taking movie review dataset we train the model and by giving the test data
we will check the model how accurately it will test the data according to the model and say
overall review on the movie.

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data


By taking Books review dataset we train the model and by giving the test data
we will check the model how accurately it will test the data according to the model and say
overall review on the Books.


By taking movie review dataset we train the model and by giving the test data
we will check the model how accurately it will test the data according to the model and say
overall review on the movie.


By taking Car, Bikes etc., review dataset we train the model and by giving the
test data we will check the model how accurately it will test the data according to the model
and say overall review on the selected Automobile.


Sentiment analysis tools will identify and analyse several pieces of text
automatically and quickly. But computer programs have issues recognizing things like sarcasm
and irony, negations, jokes, and exaggerations - the types of things a person would have little
trouble distinguishing. And failing to recognize these will skew the results. ‘Disappointed' may
be classified as a negative word for the purposes of sentiment analysis, but inside the phrase “I
wasn't disappointed", it should be classified as positive. We would find it easy to recognize as
sarcasm the statement "really loving the enormous pool at my hotel!", if this statement is
accompanied by a photo of a tiny swimming pool; whereas an automated sentiment analysis
tool probably would not, and would most likely classify it as an example of positive sentiment.

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Software Requirements:

• Operating System : Windows 7 or Above

• Language : Python 3.
• IDLE : Pycharm.

Hardware Requirements:

• Ram : 4 GB and More.

• Processor : Any Intel Processor.
• Hard Disk : 6GB and more.
• Speed : 1GH and More


Fig 2.1 Physical Model

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Process of Model:

The Dataset is collected from the kaggle, of IMDB Movie Review data it consists of 25000
data samples. That is data is divided into 80 and 20 ratios for training and testing data. Then
that data will be cleaned by using Pre-processing methods. Then that pre-processed Trained
data will send to the respective algorithm then that model will be trained. Finally by giving test
data to that model and calculate the accuracy, precision and recall parameters. For that
parameter which all are great then that algorithm is good for this Data.


 Data set collection

 Preprocessing Method
 Data separation
 Quality Measure


Dataset Collection:

To retrieve [10] data about activates, results, context and other factors,
It is important to consider the type of information it want to gather from your participants and
the ways you will analyse that information. Data set corresponds to the contents of a single
database, every column of the table represents a particular variable.

Pre-processing Model:

Data cleaning, data is cleaned through process such as smoothing the

noisy data, filling the missing values or resolving the inconsistencies in the data. And also used
to remove the unwanted data. [11] Mainly used as a preliminary data mining practice, data
pre-processing transforms the data into a format that will be more easily and effectively
processed for the purpose of the user.

Ex: Before Pre-processing : The Movie was great ! but it is a horror movie @darshan112

After Pre-processing : The movie was great but it is a horror movie.

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Data Separation:

Training set is the information used to train an algorithm. [12] The

training set includes both input data and the corresponding expected output. Based on this
“ground truth” data, you can train an algorithm to apply technologies such as neural networks,
to learn and produce complex results, so that it can make accurate decisions when later
presented with new data. Test set, on the other hand, includes only input data, not the
corresponding expected output. The test set is used to assess how well your algorithm was
trained using the training set, and to estimate model properties.

Quality Measures:

The quality of these model is based upon the algorithm we used and what
percentage of accuracy we got it. In what possible time the given model will be executed.

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Work Flow Diagram:

Fig 3.1 Work Flow Diagram

Sentiment Analysis refers to the use of NLP, text analysis and computational identify and an
extract subjective information in source materials[7]. The internet is a resourceful place with
respect to sentimental information. From a users perspective, people are able to post their own
behavior through various social media, such as forums, microblogs, or online social networking
sites [14]. Sentiment analysis in reviews is the process of exploring product reviews on the
internet to determine the complete opinion. Sentiment analysis is preserved as a classification
task as it classifies the location of a text into either positive or negative. ML is one of the widely
used approaches towards sentiment classification. Sentimental analysis has been applied to the
broader area of research including. It takes input as Data set then it performs a sentimental
analysis for that data by using Machine learning algorithms and the results are measured using
accuracy, precision, and recall.

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Steps involved in Sentimental Analysis:

1. Tokenization : Dividing paragraph or sentence into words

Ex: The movie was Great !
2. Cleaning the Data: Removing all Special Characters like !,#,@ etc.
3. Removing Stop Words: The words which does not have any usage by
removing them from the sentence.
4. Classification: Classify the words into positive or negative word using
bag – of – words with the help of supervised algorithm.
Movie = 0 Positive = +1
Great = +1 Negative = -1
Neutral = 0
5. Calculation:

The Movie was Great !

+1+0 = +1

Since the polarity is greater than 0 so the given statement is Positive.

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Calculation of Polarity: Goodness:0.41,Badness:0.59

“It’s rather like a lifetime special – pleasant, sweet and forgettable.”

Good:506,Bad:507 Good:15, Bad:6

Goodness:506/(506+507)=0.5 Goodness:15/(6+15)=0.71

Badness:507/(507+506)=0.5 Badness:6/(6+15)=0.29


Naïve Bayes:

 Create the dataset into frequency table.

 Create Likelihood table by finding the probabilities of Positive and Negative words.
 Now we have to use Naïve Bayes equation to calculate the posterior probability for
each class .The class with the high probability is the outcome.

Source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/sentimentanalysis-141002013719-

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Decision Tree:

A decision tree is a decision support tool that uses a tree-like graph or model of decisions and
their possible consequences, including chance event outcomes, resource costs, and utility. It is
one way to display an algorithm that only contains conditional control statements.

Input: S, where S= set of classified Instances

Output: Decision Tree
Procedure Bulid Tree
maxGain < - 0
split A < - Null
e < - Entropy(Attributes)
for all attributes a is S do
gain < - InformationGain(a,e)
if gain > maxGain then
maxGain < - gain
split A < - a
end if
end for
Partition(S, split A)
Until all partitions processed
end Procedure.

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Support Vector Machine:

In machine learning, support vector machines are supervised learning models with associated
learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis

Training dataset D
number of kSVM models T
rdims random attributes used in the kSVM
k local model in the kSVM model
hyper – parameter of kernel function 𝛾
C for tuning margin and errors of SVM’s
T kSVM models
for t <- 1 to T do

Sampling a bootstrap 𝐷 (train set) from D using rdims random attributes

𝑘𝑆𝑉𝑀 = kSVM(𝐷 , 𝑘, 𝛾, 𝐶)
return krSVM – Model ={𝑘𝑆𝑉𝑀 , 𝑘𝑆𝑉𝑀 , … … , 𝑘𝑆𝑉𝑀 }

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The testing and performance will be done by using confusion Matrix, it also
known as Error Matrix it allows performance of the algorithm. Mainly in [7] supervised
Algorithm. Each row of confusion matrix represents the instance of predicted class and each
column in confusion matrix represents the instance of actual class. From those predicted and
actual classes only we calculate the accuracy, precision and recall.

Accuracy: It measures how many text are predicted correctly.



Precision: It measures how many texts were predicted correctly as belonging to a given
category out of all of the texts that were predicted (correctly and incorrectly) as belonging to
the category.



Recall: measures how many texts were predicted correctly as belonging to a given category
out of all the texts that should have been predicted as belonging to the category.



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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Performance Table:

Algorithm Accuracy Precision Recall

Naïve Bayes 94.5 87.18 87.18

Bernoulli Naïve 93.5 86.2 86.2


Decision Tree 71.9 71.6 71.6

Random Forest
85.6 78.2 77.2
Support Vector
Machine 90.1 89.4 89.2

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Bar Plot:

Data Visualization will be done using Matplotlib Library in Python.

Matplotlib is a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a

variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. Matplotlib can be
used in Python scripts, the Python and IPython shells, the Jupyter notebook, web application
servers, and four graphical user interface toolkits. Matplotlib tries to make easy things easy and
hard things possible. You can generate plots, histograms, power spectra, bar charts, error charts,
scatterplots, etc., with just a few lines of code. For examples, see the sample plots and
thumbnail gallery. For simple plotting, the pyplot module provides a MATLAB-like interface,
particularly when combined with IPython. For the power user, you have full control of line
styles, font properties, axes properties, etc, via an object-oriented interface or via a set of
functions familiar to MATLAB users.

Fig 5.1 Data Visualization

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The conclusion of this project is that we have prepared the model to determine the status of the
all movie reviews whether that review is positive or negative buy using Naïve Bayes Algorithm
and also increase the efficiency of the Naïve Bayes algorithm, by comparing with another
algorithm like SVM, Random Forest, etc. The efficiency will depend upon the collection of
data and also on cleaning Process. The Same data set and same cleaned data will be transformed
to different algorithms then result is confusion Matrix from that confusion matrix the accuracy,
recall, and precision will calculated.

The future work can be extended by including the emoticons and also another languages text
in the sentiment analysis process and also increase the efficiency of Naïve Bayes Algorithm
with more amount of data samples.

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Pre-processing Data

Naïve Bayes

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Bernoulli Naïve Bayes

Decision Tree

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

Random Forest

Support Vector Machine

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Custom Input

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1 Fig 1.1 Overview of Machine Learning 1

2 Fig 1.2 Process of Machine Learning 2
3 Fig 1.3 Overview of Machine Learning 3
4 Fig 1.4 Process of Sentimental Analysis 4
5 Fig 2.1 Physical Model 13
6 Fig 3.1 Work Flow Diagram 16
7 Fig 5.1 Data Visualization 23


1 ML Machine Learning
2 AI Artificial Intelligence

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Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

S.no Title Issues Proposed Dataset Accuracy Limitation

Addressed Technique used
1 Document Level OM Document Automatic Reviews on 74% No
of reviews of mobile level opinion mining of Mobile emoticons
phone companies mining Opinion Phones
2 Sentiment analysis - Improve Aspect Movie 78% Less
Measuring opinions polarity Classification Dataset Number of
accuracy Customer
3 An analysis on opinion Not Domain Opinion Online 91.86% Specific
miming - Techniques Specific Indicator shoppers Language
& Tools seed word Dataset
4 Opinion Mining & Improve Lexicon Movie 83.2% No images
Sentiment Analysis - Accuracy based dataset and videos
Challenges & Approach
5 A Peer Review of Content Sentence product 79% Less work
Feature Based Opinion independent polarity reviews is done on
Mining and feature based identification content
Summarization opinion Algorithm based
6 Sentiment Improve Rule based Comments 97.8% Improve
Classification by accuracy on domain on Blogs extraction
Sentence Level feedback and independent of the
Semantic Orientation sentence sentiment sentence
using SentiWordNet level analysis and remove
from Online Reviews noisy data
and Blogs

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import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import naive_bayes
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
print("The Execution is Started:::::")
print("Reading the CSV file")
print("The data Presented in the CSV file is::")
print("***********Removing Stop words************")
print("The Stop Words are")
print( "If")
print( "The")
print( "This")

CSS#21 33
Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

print( "are")
print( "there")
print( "here")
print( "etc....")
print("The Number of observation are")
print("The Number of Unquie Words are ")
#training and testing the data using Naive Bayes
print(" @@@@@ Naive Bayes ")
print("The Original Accuracy Value:"+str(k))
print("The Tuned Accuracy is :"+res[2:4])
print(" @@@@@ Bernoulli Naive Bayes ")

CSS#21 34
Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

print("The Original Accuracy Value:"+str(k1))
print("The Tuned Accuracy is :"+res1[2:4])
print(" @@@@@ Decision Tree ")
print("The Original Accuracy Value:"+str(k2))
print("The Tuned Accuracy is :"+res2[2:4])
print(" @@@@@@ Random Forest ")
clf4=RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, max_depth=2,random_state=0)

CSS#21 35
Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

print("The Original Accuracy Value:"+str(k3))

print("The Tuned Accuracy is :"+res3[2:4])
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, confusion_matrix

# Data Visualization
objects=('Naive Bayes','Bernoulli Naive Bayes','Decision Tree','Random Forest')
plt.title("Performance Evaluation")
#Getting user Input
data=input("Enter the Test Data:")

CSS#21 36
Improved Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Sentimental Analysis of Text Data

print("Given User Test Data is::" +data)
if k1==1:
print("Result:: Postive")
elif k1==0:
print("Result:: Negative")
print("Result:: Neutral")

CSS#21 37

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