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he fine three oak f thin series, slum 1, The Timeless Way of Building, lays the foun- tion ofthe series It presents new theory of architecture, ding, and planning which ha, atts core that age-old cess by which the people of society ave always pulled order oftheir world from their own being—it forms, ‘essence, the bass for @ new taditonal post-industrial chitecure, created bythe people. chume2, A Pattern Language, ea working document for chan architecture. Iti an archetypal language which lows any lay person or group of persons to design any rt of the environment for themelves. Itappies equally the design of houses, public buildings, neighborhoods, ret gardens individual window seas... olume 3, The Oregon Experimentsthe first ofthe series ; describe in full detail how this theory may be imple- ented It desrbes a new planing process forthe Uni rity of Oregon, where an entire community of 15,000 rsonsare, through the means described inthis book, now ing charge ofall future planning and design. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, NEW YORK A Pattern Language ‘Towns ‘Buildings Construction Christopher Alexander Sara Ishikawa - Murray Silverstein with Max Jacobson - Ingrid Fiksdahl-King Shlomo Angel A Pastrn Langage he con in 3 ati of bok which Alcea enor new ate to arhetre aod ste ing. "The bok are intended to provide «compete woking sSeratve to aur poem ees achiccre uling, ‘nd planning-anaeratve wich wil, we hoe, gradualy plc caren Mean patch, tolume 1 2ie vost war OF BUILDING ume 2a PATTERN LANGUAGE ohone 3 HE OREGON ERRERDAERE Conter for Environmental Stractare A PATTERN LANGUAGE TOWNS + BUILDINGS + CONSTRUCTION Christopher Alexander Sara Ishikawa Murray Sileertein ith Max Justin Ingrid FsdohiKing Some Angel ‘OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1977 Volume 1, The Timeless Way of Bailing, and Volume 24 A Pattern Language, ar two bales of single work. This book provides 2 language, for building and pln. ning the other book provides the theory and instruc tions forthe use of the lnguage. This book describes the eailed patterns for towns and neighboreods house gardens, and rooms. The other book explins the di pline which makes it posible to we these paters to ‘ceatea building orton. This bok the sourcebook of the timeless ways the ceher i its practice and ts oigin. The two books have evolved very much in parallel, ‘They have ben growing over the lst eight years a6 ve have worked on the one hand to undertand the nature ofthe bling proces, and on the other hand to Constrct xa acta, pose pattern language. We have been forced by practical considerations o publish these two books under separate covers but in fact they form an indvable whole. Its possible to read them sepa ‘ately. But co gain the insight which we have tried to ommonicat in them, ts esental that you read them both The Timeless Wey of Building desis the funda: ‘mental nature ofthe tsk af making towns and buildings.

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