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Clinical Manifestation:

1. Erythematous base of the skin lesions appears first, followed by appearance of vesicle
within 24hrs. Cluster of vesicles appears to form patches. Eruptions are unilateral and
never crosses the midline of the body. Vesicles becomes pustular, breaks down, and
form crusts.
2. Burning or stabbing pain usually worsens at night and is intensified by movement.
Occurs 1 to 5 days prior to development of rash.
3. Fever, body malaise, anorexia, headache
4. Gasserian Ganglionitis
5. Ramsay Hunt syndrome
Diagnostic test:
 Tissue Culture
 Smear of vesicle fluid
 Microscopy
 Encephalitis
 Paralytic ileus, bladder paralysis
 Opthalmic Herpes, which soon leads to herpes
Supportive Measures- anti viral, analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs
(Shingles/ Acute Posterior Ganglionitis)

- Is an acute viral infection of the sensory nerve caused by a variety of chickenpox virus
Etiologic Agent:
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)- has been found to cause two diseases, varicella and herpes
zoster. Only affects the nerve fibers
Incubation Period:
Unknown, though it is believed to be in 13-17 days
Period of communicability:
A day before the appearance of first rash until 5-6 days after last crust
Mode of transmission:
Direct contact, through airborne and droplet
Indirect contact, though article freshly soiled by secretions and discharges of an infected

Non modifiable Modifiable

 Age  Immunosuppressed
 Primary infection to varicella individual

Primary infection to varicella

VZV remains dormant in Dorsal

Nerve Root Ganglia


Reactivation of Varicella Zoster


Herpes Zoster

Cerebellitis Vasculopathy Neuralgia Renal Necrosis Myelopathy

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