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Lesson 5: Publishing
STANDARD: (PA Common Core):
CC.1.4.3.A.:Write informative/explanatory texts to examine topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
CC.1.4.3.C.:Develop the topic with facts, definitions, details and illustrations, as
CC.1.4.3.F.:Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard
English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

Student will be able to write an informative paragraph independently with one topic
supported by three details.
Student will be able to use a graphic organizer to write their paragraph.
Student will be able to edit their paragraph for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

II. Instructional Materials

20 pencils
10 rulers (students may share)
20 graphic organizers (Lesson 2)
One pack of lined paper
20 sheets of white cardstock - pre-folded into pamphlets
20 rubrics
Student photos from home
Art supplies (markers, colored pencils, crayons, scissors, tape)
Example pamphlets (online and physical from Lesson 1)

III. Subject Matter/ Content

A. Prerequisite Skills
a. Using Informative Writing (Lesson 1)
b. Using a Graphic Organizer (Lesson 2)
c. Writing Paragraphs (Lesson 3)
d. Editing- Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling (Lesson 4)

B. Key Vocabulary

Publishing: the final draft of a writing piece

C. Big Idea: Publishing and Writing a Paragraph Independently

D. New Content

a. The steps to writing a paragraph are brainstorming, drafting, editing,

and publishing.

IV. Implementation
Day 1 (45 minutes)
A. Introduction – (5 minutes)
I. Review of How to Write a Paragraph
A. Review the Bites to a Paragraph Anchor Chart.
B. Add Publishing- Final Draft.
C. Tell the students that today they will be writing their own
paragraph. This is the freestyle paragraph, which can be an
informative paragraph about a topic of their choosing. Use the
steps of the Bites cue chart to help you.

B. Development – (40 minutes)

I. Performance-Based Assessment
A. Tell the students that today they will be writing their own
paragraph. This is the freestyle paragraph, which can be an
informative paragraph about a topic of their choosing.
B. They will have the entire writing block to complete this
assignment. This includes (as shown on the anchor chart)
1. graphic organizer with 1 topic and 3 details
2. 1 draft paragraph with a topic sentence, 3 detail sentences,
and a concluding sentence
3. edits on the draft paragraph (capitalization, punctuation,
4. a clean paragraph to copy into their pamphlet
C. Closure- 5 minutes
I. Check-In (5 minutes)
II. Students will hand in paragraphs to be assessed by the teacher before
III. Remind students to bring in any pictures from home that they would like
to include in the pamphlet. (Included in class newsletter)

Day 2 (45 minutes)

A.Introduction- (5 minutes)
I. Anchor Chart
A. Tell students that today is the big day! The final step of their
informative writing unit: publishing their pamphlet.
B. Review the Bites to a Paragraph Anchor Chart.
C. Add Publishing- Final Draft.
D. Distribute white cardstock pamphlet templates, rulers, and rubrics.
E. Review the rubric with the students.
F. Show example of cover of pamphlet on the SmartBoard. Students
have the freedom to create whatever cover they desire.

B.Development- (35 minutes)

I. Publishing Time
A. Students will have the remainder of the class period to create their
B. Instruct students to draw lines on their pamphlet in pencil to write
in straight lines. They may trace over their letters in fine-tip marker
and then erase the pencil lines.
C. They are expected to have:
1. 4 complete paragraphs with indents
2. Topic Sentence, 3 supporting details, Concluding sentence
in each paragraph.
3. No grammatical errors
4. Title for each page
5. One image/drawing per page
6. Neat, Careful, and Organized Work

C. Closure – (5 minutes)
I. Sharing Pamphlets
Once pamphlets are completed, they will be displayed on a rack or
bookshelf, as they would be in real life. Students will be invited to select a classmate’s
pamphlet to read and enjoy in any spot of the room.

D. Accommodations / Differentiation -
Early finishers may help clean up art supplies.
Students who are developing handwriting may write on lined paper sized to the
pamphlet and glue it on the pamphlet.

E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
Assessment Strategy Evidence

1.Freestyle Paragraph- Day 1 Checklist-Rating Scale (12 points max)

2.Pamphlet - Day 2 Rubric (60 points maximum)

Performance-Based Assessments

Freestyle Paragraph (12 points)

Checklist-Rating Scale
Students will write a paragraph on their own using the concepts from lessons 1-4.
4 points: Graphic Organizer with topic sentence and three supporting details
1 point: Topic Sentence
3 points: 3 Supporting Details
1 point: Concluding Sentence
3 points: Correct Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling

Rating Scale
12: Advanced
10-11: Proficient
8-9: Basic
7-0: Below Basic

Pamphlet (60 points maximum)

Includes 4 complete paragraphs with indents
Topic Sentence, 3 supporting details, Concluding sentence
No errors
One image/drawing per page
Neat, Careful, and Organized Work

Rating Scale
60: Advanced
50-59: Proficient
40-49: Basic
0-39: Below Basic

V​. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of States Objectives
Did students work cohesively?
Did students use what they have learned about writing paragraphs with
Do students now have a thorough understanding of informative writing?
B. Personal Reflection
VI. Resources

ELA: Freestyle Paragraph Total Score for Lesson Comments

Checklist-Rating Scale
Writing Students will write a
paragraph on their own using
5-16-19 the concepts from lessons
12 points total

Informative 4: Advanced 3: Proficient 2: Basic 1:Below Basic 0: Below Basic
Writing Unit:

Paragraph Paragraph Paragraph with Paragraph with Paragraph with No attempt.

Composition with indents complete more than one more than one
X4 and complete sentences, but missing indent missing
sentences. 1 missing and 1 indents and 2
indent. incomplete or more
sentence. incomplete

Paragraph Must have Missing 1 of 5 Missing 2 of 5 Missing 3 or No attempt.

Components Topic sentences sentences (1 more sentences
X4 sentence, 3 (1 topic, 3 topic, 3 (1 topic, 3
supporting supporting, or supporting, or supporting, or
detail 1 concluding) 1 concluding) 1 concluding)
sentences, and

Grammatical No 1 grammatical 2 grammatical 3 or more No attempt.

Errors: grammatical error. errors. grammatical
Capitaliza- errors. errors.

Titles All 4 pages 3 pages have 2 pages have 1 page has No attempt.
have titles. titles. titles. title.

Drawings/ All 4 pages 3 pages have at 2 pages have at 1 page has at No attempt
Images have at least least one least one least one
one drawing drawing or drawing or drawing or
or image. image. image. image.

Neat Work Work is neat Work is neat, Work is Work is not No attempt
and shows but shows somewhat near
great care and minor neat, but whatsoever.
consideration. carelessness shows Shows great
(poor erasing, carelessness carelessness.
market (ripped or bent (Sloppy
smudges). pages, sloppy handwriting,
handwriting) wrinkled and
torn pages,

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