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__ TH DAY OF _______
Jan 20____

Amber Siddiqui
I,____________________________________________(Author’s Name) along with _____________________________________(Co-
Author’s Name) hereby declare that, the work titled ‘____________________________________________________________
Scrutinizing The Constitutional Power to
Disqualify a person from Contesting Elections is an original work. I/We hereby give
consent to and assign the copyright of the above work to the Editorial Board of the Indian Constitutional
Law Review, hereinafter referred to as ICLR. I/We agree that we are the sole owners of the work thereof
and of all rights, title and interest therein. I/We undertake further that
1. The work mentioned above is in the category of an Article. It is original and has not been published
or considered for publication elsewhere and does not violate any existing Copyright or any other
third party right that may prevail over the work mentioned above.
2. No unlawful, defamatory, plagiarized or any such content which would, if published, in any way
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3. A scanned copy or photo copy or email of this agreement, signed and dated, is equivalent to the
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4. All acknowledgments/references, wherever applicable, have been acknowledged to the sources
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permission is obtained of the copyright holder and author thereof where applicable. The work
contains no defamatory statements, and that the work does not infringe upon any copyright,
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others. The editorial team and/or publisher of IJLMS is in no way responsible/liable for any
defamatory and/or plagiarised material contained in the research paper submitted by author.
5. All disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Guntur, Andhra Pradesh.
Author 1 Author 2 (if any)
Name Amber Siddiqui

Affliation National Law Institute University, Bhopal

Contact +91-8109377351



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