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Advice for Employees Safe computer use

Most people suffer no ill-effects from using VDUs (Visual Display Units) as they don’t give out
harmful levels of radiation and rarely cause any kind of skin complaint. If you do suffer ill-effects,
it may be because of the way you’re using the computer and this can be avoided by well-
designed workstations. When working at a VDU, make sure you keep a good posture and that
your eyes are level with the screen.

Under health and safety regulations your employer should look at VDU workstations, and
reduce any risks by supplying any equipment considered necessary (e.g. a wrist rest). They
should also provide health and safety training. This also applies if you’re working at home as an
employee and using a VDU for a long period of time. There is no legal limit to how long you
should work at a VDU, but under health and safety regulations you have the right to breaks from
work using a VDU. This doesn’t have to be a rest break, just a different type of work. Guidance
from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) suggests it’s better to take frequent short breaks
but if your job means spending long periods at a VDU, for example as in the case of data input,
then longer breaks from your workstation should be introduced.

If you’re disabled, your employer's duty to make reasonable adjustments for you may mean that
they will provide you with special computer equipment. You can also get advice and maybe help
with paying for equipment from the local job centre.

Studies haven’t shown a link between VDU use and damage to eyesight, but if you feel that
using a VDU screen is making your eyes tired, tell your employee safety representative. You
have the right to a free eyesight test if you use a VDU a lot during work hours. If you’re
prescribed glasses your company must pay for them, provided they’re required in your job.

If you have any health problems you think may be caused by your VDU, contact your line
manager. He/she has a duty to consult you on health and safety issues that affect you, and
should welcome early reporting of any issue.

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

Questions 1 – 6
Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet

1. It is unusual to get a ………… as a result of using computers.

2. Employers may be required to provide you with items such as a ………… to use while at
3. If your job involves tasks such as ………… , the advice from the HSE may not apply.
4. Financial assistance in the case of special requirements may be available from the ………….
5. The company is obliged to cover the cost of ………… if you need them while working.
6. Any concerns about the effect of using a VDU on your general well-being should be reported
to …………


Careers with Kiwi Air

Flight Attendants – Recruitment and Training Process

The position of Flight Attendant is one of prestige and immense responsibility. Recruitment is
conducted according to operational demands and there can be periods of up to 12 months
where no new intake is required. However, applications are always welcomed.

After you submit your initial application online, the Kiwi Air HR Services Team review the details
you have provided. Candidates whose details closely match the requirements of the position are
then contacted via email advising that their application has progressed to the next stage of the
recruitment process. Potential candidates are then asked to attend a Walk-In Day. This could
occur several weeks or months after the original application has been submitted depending on
current needs. The Walk-In Day consists of a brief presentation about the role and a short
interview. Candidates who are successful on the Walk-In Day are notified within 10 days and
invited to attend an Assessment Centre. Please note that candidates are required to pass a
swimming test before attending the Assessment Centre. At the Assessment Centre, candidates
attend an interview as well as participating in a number of assessments. Verbal references are
then requested, and candidates attend a medical check.

At times, there may not be a need to recruit for Flight Attendant positions. However, the
company continuously maintains a ‘recruitment pool’ of those who have completed the
Assessment Centre stage. These candidates are contacted when a need for Flight Attendants is
SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you
Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

established, and attend a full interview before a decision is made on whether to extend an offer
of employment.

Due to the volume of applications received, Kiwi Air is not able to offer verbal feedback to
candidates at any stage of the recruitment process. Unsuccessful candidates may reapply at
any time after 12 months from the date at which their applications are declined.

Upon being offered a role as a trainee Flight Attendant, a 5-week training course is undertaken
at our Inflight Services Training Centre in Auckland. This covers emergency procedures,
customer care and service delivery, and equipment knowledge. To successfully complete the
course, high standards must be attained and maintained in all subjects.

Questions 7 – 13
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 21 -27 on your answer sheet.

Flight attendants of Kiwi Air – Recruitment and Training Process

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479


QUESTION 14 – 16

Which THREE possible reasons for American dominance of the film industry are given in the

A plenty of capital to purchase what it didn't have

B making films dealing with serious issues
C being first to produce a feature film
D well-written narratives
E the effect of the First World War
F excellent special effects.

The history of cinema

Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the
invention of cinema, the British and the Germans played a relatively small role in its world-wide
exploitation. It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans, who were the most
passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin
America and Russia. In terms of artistic development it was again the French and the
Americans who took the lead, though in the years before the First World War, Italy, Denmark
and Russia also played a part.

In the end it was the United States that was to become, and remain, the largest single market
for films. By protecting their own market and pursuing a vigorous export policy, the Americans
achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War. The
centre of film-making had moved westwards, to Hollywood, and it was films from these new
Hollywood studios that flooded onto the worldís film markets in the years after the First World
War, and have done so ever since. Faced with total Hollywood domination, few film industries
proved competitive. The Italian industry, which had pioneered the feature film with spectacular
films like ìQuo vadis?î (1913) and "Cabiria" (1914), almost collapsed. In Scandinavia, the
Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies.
Even the French cinema found itself in a difficult position. In Europe, only Germany proved

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

industrially capable, while in the new Soviet Union and in Japan, the development of the cinema
took place in conditions of commercial isolation.

Hollywood took the lead artistically as well as industrially. Hollywood films appealed because
they had better-constructed narratives, their special effects were more impressive, and the star
system added a new dimension to screen acting. If Hollywood did not have enough of its own
resources, it had a great deal of money to buy up artists and technical innovations from Europe
to ensure its continued dominance over present or future competition.

From early cinema, it was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in both
short and feature format. However, during this ëSilent Filmí era, animation, comedy, serials and
dramatic features continued to thrive, along with factual films or documentaries, which acquired
an increasing distinctiveness as the period progressed. It was also at this time that the avant-
garde film first achieved commercial success, this time thanks almost exclusively to the French
and the occasional German film.

Of the countries which developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the silent
period, the most important were France, Germany and the Soviet Union. Of these, the French
displayed the most continuity, in spite of the war and post-war economic uncertainties. The
German cinema, relatively insignificant in the pre-war years, exploded on to the world scene
after 1919. Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets after the 1917 Revolution.
They turned their back on the past, leaving the style of the pre-war Russian cinema to the
émigrés who fled westwards to escape the Revolution.

The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an interesting
but undistinguished history in the silent period; Italy, which had a brief moment of international
fame just before the war; the Scandinavian countries, particularly Denmark, which played a role
in the development of silent cinema quite out of proportion to their small population; and Japan,
where a cinema developed based primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other
art forms and only gradually adapted to western influence.

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

Questions 17 - 19

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for
each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 31-33 on your answer sheet.

17. Which TWO types of film were not generally made in major studios?
18. Which type of film did America develop in both short and feature films?
19. Which type of film started to become profitable in the 'silent' period?

Questions 20 - 26Look at the following statements (Questions 20 - 26) and the list of countries

Match each statement with the correct country.

Write the correct letter A-J in boxes 34-40 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

20. It helped other countries develop their own film industry.

21. It was the biggest producer of films.
22. It was first to develop the 'feature' film.
23. It was responsible for creating stars.
24. It made the most money from 'avant-garde' films.
25. It made movies based more on its own culture than outside influences.
26. It had a great influence on silent movies, despite its size.

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479


The Shock of the Truth

A Throughout history, there have been instances in which people have been unwilling to accept new
theories, despite startling evidence. This was certainly the case when Copernicus published his theory -
that the earth was not the centre of the universe.

B Until the early 16th century, western thinkers believed the theory put forward by Ptolemy, an Egyptian
living in Alexandria in about 150 A.D. His theory, which was formulated by gathering and organizing the
thoughts of the earlier thinkers, proposed that the universe was a closed space bounded by a spherical
envelope beyond which there was nothing. The earth, according to Ptolemy, was a fixed and immobile
mass, located at the centre of the universe. The sun and the stars, revolved around it.

C The theory appealed to human nature. Someone making casual observations as they looked into the
sky might come to a similar conclusion. It also fed the human ego. Humans could believe that they were
at the centre of God's universe, and the sun and stars were created for their benefit.

D Ptolemy's theory, was of course, incorrect, but at the time nobody contested it. European astronomers
were more inclined to save face. Instead of proposing new ideas, they attempted to patch up and refine
Ptolemy's flawed model. Students were taught using a book called The Sphere which had been written
two hundred years previously. In short, astronomy failed to advance.

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

E In 1530, however, Mikolaj Kopernik, more commonly known as Copernicus, made an assertion which
shook the world. He proposed that the earth turned on its axis once per day, and travelled around the sun
once per year. Even when he made his discovery, he was reluctant to make it public, knowing how much
his shocking revelations would disturb the church. However, George Rheticus, a German mathematics
professor who had become Copernicus's student, convinced Copernicus to publish his ideas, even
though Copernicus, a perfectionist, was never satisfied that his observations were complete.

F Copernicus's ideas went against all the political and religious beliefs of the time. Humans, it was
believed, were made in God's image, and were superior to all creatures. The natural world had been
created for humans to exploit. Copernicus's theories contradicted the ideas of all the powerful churchmen
of the time. Even the famous playwright William Shakespeare feared the new theory, pronouncing that it
would destroy social order and bring chaos to the world. However, Copernicus never had to suffer at the
hands of those who disagreed with his theories. He died just after the work was published in 1543.

G However, the scientists who followed in Copernicus's footsteps bore the brunt of the church's anger.
Two other Italian scientists of the time, Galileo and Bruno, agreed wholeheartedly with the Copernican
theory. Bruno even dared to say that space was endless and contained many other suns, each with its
own planets. For this, Bruno was sentenced to death by burning in 1600. Galileo, famous for his
construction of the telescope, was forced to deny his belief in the Copernican theories. He escaped
capital punishment, but was imprisoned for the rest of his life.

H In time however, Copernicus's work became more accepted. Subsequent scientists and
mathematicians such as Brahe, Kepler and Newton took Copernicus's work as a starting point and used it
to glean further truths about the laws of celestial mechanics.

I The most important aspect of Copernicus' work is that it forever changed the place of man in the
cosmos. With Copernicus' work, man could no longer take that premier position which the theologians
had immodestly assigned him. This was the first, but certainly not the last time in which man would have
to accept his position as a mere part of the universe, not at the centre of it.

Questions 27 – 33

The text has nine paragraphs, A-I. Which paragraph contains the following information?

27. the public's reaction to the new theory

28. an ancient belief about the position of the earth
29. Copernicus's legacy to the future of science

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

30. How academics built on Co40. pernican ideas

31. An idea which is attractive to humans
32. Out-dated teaching and defective research
33. Scientists suffer for their beliefs

Questions 34 - 39

Look at the following statements and the list of people below.

Match each statement with the correct person.

List of People

34. Ptelomy

35. George Rheticus

36. William Shakespeare

37. Galileo

38. Bruno

39. Newton

A. He, among others, used Copernicus's theories to advance scientific knowledge.

B. He proposed an inaccurate theory based on the work of early philosophers.
C. His attitude to the new theory was similar to that of the Church.
D. He was killed because of his belief in the new theory.
E. He was responsible for Copernicus's ideas being made public.
F. He had to go to jail because he believed in the new theory.

SIR ASHRAFI www. facebook.com/SirAshrafi Skype: ielts4you

Email: ielts4you@hotmail.com Cell: 03002203479

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