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When you awaken

Or fall asleep

And something suddenly happens

To you

Could be considered a

Religious miracle

The phase

When something unordinary happens

While falling asleep / awakening

/ lying in bed

An experiment that Michael Raduga

Did was have 19 – 20

People reproduce a light

In the tunnel experience

Reproducing a near-death experience

Without dying
This could / can be

Done again and again

Up to 1/3

Of actions upon awakening

Are not real

False awakenings

The phase

Lucid dreaming

Astral projection

Out of body experience

Nothing unusual about the phase

Day 1 / 2 will

Focus on how to analyze

Your attempts

To obtain info

In the phase
Read about it


Ask someone

While in the phase

If you appear

In space in the phase

It’s different from

Computer generated space

It’s hyper realistic

Compared to the phase

Real life is less realistic

In the phase

Things in the physical world

Can happen

Ex. Eating


People have / live in the

Same world but

Live in their own world

[their own perception]

This is the same

In the phase

The phase can be used

For entertainment

Micheal Raduga didn’t have a

Computer at the time

Of doing the phase

At 16 – 18 years old

Within the phase things

Like entertainment / computer games

Can be emulated

To stop being scared

In the phase

Think of sexual application

Of the phase


Think of something pleasant

Creative development can

Be done in the phase

Micheal Raduga heard a song

And it was better in

The phase than

In real life

From a list of tasks

Choose one task

Important to you

That you want to

Do in the phase

Ex. Visiting a place

Seeing someone

Or playing / battling with star wars technology

#1 – as soon as you’ve

Left your body

Or become

Conscious while dreaming

Look into a mirror

In your house


As soon as

You’ve looked in

The mirror try to

Eat something

#3 personal goal

The phase can be done

Within a day

(most of the time)

And the phase can

Be done multiple times

Within one night

The two main reasons

Why Raduga won’t

Be talking about
Becoming conscious while dreaming

1. Becoming conscious while dreaming

A bonus of practicing

The phase techniques

2. We are unable to focus

On becoming conscious while dreaming

Two types of methods

= indirect and direct

Direct = when you lie in bed

And try to

Exit the body

Indirect =

Trying to leave body

Upon awakening no

Matter how much sleep

You’ve had

Indirect =

When you’ve woken up

From sleeping and

Try to do something

Something = desire / plan

Indirect method

Actions upon awakening

Upon awakening (indirect method)

You’re already in the phase

If you have to

Wake up early in

The morning

Think to yourself

“I’m going to wake up

At night or my

Last awakening and do techniques”

The deferred method one

Of the best ways

To practice / achieve the phase

An example could be

Going to bed at 12 am

And awakening at 6am

Between 12 and 6 am

Just sleep don’t do

Anything else

You awaken at 6am

And for 5 minutes just

Stay awake

While awake

Read notes

Go over plan of action

And go to sleep

You might stay awake

For 5 mins to an hour

With the desire to try

Each subsequent awakening

The idea is to sleep

For a certain period

Of time


Until 8 am / 10am or noon

The idea is to sleep

For a certain period of time


Stay awake for a few

Minutes thinking

“I’ll wake up right away

And try”

You fall asleep thinking that

[And] wake up try

And whether it worked

Or not

You fall back asleep

Thinking “I’ll wake up

And try again”

You wake up try again

And whether it worked

Or not

You think

“I’ll fall asleep now,

Wake up, and try again”

If you don’t fall asleep

Then don’t stay awake

As long

If you sleep too deep

Then stay awake for

Up to an hour

If you don’t [fall asleep]

Sleep then wake up

At 5am instead of 6am

The idea is to set

It up

So you don’t get

Enough sleep by
2 to 3 hours

Question from an audience member

“Between 6 and 8 or 10

Do we set the alarm


Answer: We wake up with

Our alarm once

Go over our notes

What we have to do

And go back to sleep


“I’ll wake up right away

And try”

We fall asleep

And wake up

On our own

Using willpower alone

We also note

when we wake up
we must in fact

get out of bed

we wake up to our alarm,

get up

walk around

and lie down

That means one needs

To wake up

Get up

Walk around

And lie down

Many think

“I’ll wake up,

Turn off the alarm

I’ve woken up after all

And fall back asleep to

Make attempts”

The two short awakening

Will cause
Will cause subsequent sleep to

Be very deep

And the intention will

Not stick

The reason why the above

Is the most successful

Is because there is

non-rem and rem sleep

When you’ve nearly gotten

Enough sleep

You’ve gotten the

non-rem sleep

your body needs

Having gotten enough

Non-rem sleep

You fall back asleep

Having awoken your brain

Wakes up

You recall your task

Reaffirm your intention

And go back to sleep

At that moment

When we’re still in the

Right physiological state

In rem sleep

The result is more awakenings

And the awakenings are practically

All in the rem sleep phase

Having gotten enough rem sleep

You go back to sleep

Having awoken

Your brain wakes up

You recall your task

Reaffirm your intention

And to back to sleep

At that moment

When we’re still in the

Right physiological state

The deferred method is mandatory

It’s what allows you

To make several attempts

In one morning

And will allow many

Of you

To enter the phase

Several times

If you succeed in entering

The phase


“Great now I’ll fall asleep

Wake up

And try again”

You can practice before

Your alarm

The interval between the alarm

And sleep

Should be 5 to 6 hours
2 to 3 hours

Before awakening

To not get enough sleep

You just need to fall

Asleep with an intention

That is fall asleep with

Thoughts about the practice

And attempts

So we fall asleep

With the thought

“I’m going to wakeup

Right away and try”

We wake up try

and whether or not

it works

we resolve to ourselves

once again

“I’ll fall asleep now

Wake up and try”

That is the intention to

Fall asleep

It should also include

Not only

“I’ll wake up and try”

Ideally wake up and try

Not to move

I fall asleep here with

The thought

That I wake up

Ideally without moving

And go right into action

But if you wake up

And make a movement

By accident

Even then you can

Attempt the phase

Your actions upon awakening

Must be confident
There must be confidence

That is you don’t wake



“it won’t work for me

Of course

But I’ll try”

When you do that

Hardly anything

will work for you

You should wake up thinking

“I’m going to up

And do it now”

Just woke up

“I’m going to up and

Do it now”

So it’s mandatory

To have confidence

I’ll wake up and

Do it now

There should be a certain

Intensity even a kind of


You must force your way

In there no matter what

And get your outcome

You wake up

And as if your life

Depended on it

It’s phase or bust

To wake up and

Enter the phase right now

No matter what

As if you’d die

If you didn’t enter

The phase

The liquid in the cup


You, your sensations, perceptions,

And consciousness

Your end goal

Is to turn up

In the phase

To pour yourself

Into the phase

Your task is to

Wake up

And gradually pour your sensations

Consciousness and your perception

Into the other glass

Into the phase reality

The aggression / no matter what

Are aimed at the techniques

At your actions

You do the techniques

And pour yourself

Into them

Put your all into them

And try no matter what

To feel the effect

Of the technique

Don’t use anger

Put in your all

For first attempt / phase

Wake up / visualize yourself

At the mirror


Then do plan of action

Appear at mirror

For 3 – 5 secs

After exiting

Go to mirror

[1st time]


Then do personal goal

From exit technique

As soon as you

Feel movement separate

Do cycling techniques

If separation doesn’t work

Body position doesn’t matter

When doing the phase

Deepening =

Intensifying the phase

When it is weak

You then touch / examine

/ feel everything

Basic phase entry

Your task is to

Wake up

And immediately appear

At the mirror

[1st time]
If it doesn’t work try

To levitate / stand up

/ roll out

If it didn’t work

For a minute

Then do cycles

With two or three techniques

Until one of them works

If a technique works

We separate again

And then the mirror

/ food / personal goal again

If you get up early

Go to bed today


You’ll wake up at night

Your desire to wake up

At night

Will be enough for you

To wake up at night

When you have intention

You will catch awakenings

But what’s most important

For you

Is to create the intention

To try after your alarm

At 6am you wake up

Create your intention

And lie down with

The thought

Of catching an awakening

What’s most important

Is to fall asleep thinking

“I’ll wake up and try”

1:19:58 and beyond

Technique practice tutorial


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