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The higher priced the supp, the less likely you are to benefit from it

Most pre-workout supps- blend of caffeine & protein; can be substituted by drinking
coffee & whey protein
Why we need supps?-
1. Peeps don't eat right(60% calories are ultra-processed foods and added sugars
which leads to nutritional deficiences) &nor do they drink right(Hard water- source
of magnesium);
2. Poor lifestyles(VitD - lack of sun, melatonin - shift work, stress relief and
helps u sleep, makes u healthier and live longer, whey - protein);
3. Fight aging(Resveratrol & berberine);
4. Decent vs Optimal health(lifting & fathering kids long after fellow peeps have
met the grim reaper);
5. Optimal body composition and weight loss(berberine - fat loss & improved insulin
sensitivity, whey- essential supp for strength trainer & helps build more muscle
when taken immediately before or after weight lifting sesh, vit D deficiency -
6. Testosterone(declining test levels; supps like vit D, magnesium, zinc keeps
entire body finely tuned & can increase T.)

**You can't outrun a bad diet**

While supps can help, imperative to concentrate on important lifestyle
factors(diet, sleep, exercise, keeping stress and anxiety at bay; Avoid sugar,
flour & vegetable oil; Sleep 7-8 hours; Do high-intensity interval training)

**Supps are cheaper than drugs and in some cases more effective**
Money factor in modern medicine - tremendous; Many drugs have supp counterparts
that do the same job at a cheaper price and don't require a prescription; Eg.
Berberine- lowers blood sugar in diabetics as well as metformin, a prescription
drug; Eg2. Theanine - lowers anxiety w/o dangerous side-effects of prescription
anxiolytics(tranquilizers); Eg3. Omega-3 fatty acids - prevents heart attacke
better than any prescription statin drug, and curcumin, green tea, and IP6 prevent
cancer better than any prescription drug; Eg.4 Aspirin - extends life(in lab
animals), decreases cancer and heart attacks(in hoomans); Takeaway: Right supps may
keep you healthier than expensive prescription drugs w/ lotsa side-effects.

2) Muscle, strength, and energy

Muscle - very underrated factor in health and lifespan; More muscle - better health
& longer life, better metabolism, and greater insulin sensitivity; Sarcopenia-
muscle wasting, when muscle loss continues long enough, causes frailty and
dependence; Avg. man loses 10% of his muscle w/ each passing decade.

**More muscle requires two things**

1. Strength Training (weight lifting and other resistance training exercise such as
bodyweight training)
2. Protein (consume adequate amt. of protein- atleast 1.2-1.4kg of protein per kg;
most studies show dat bodybuilders & strength trainers need a max. of 1.8g/kg)

**Protein supplements**
Protein supps boost muscle growth due to its amino acid content; Protein is made of
amino acids strung together; 20 different amino acids, of which most important are
9 so-called essential amino acids, which are 'essential' cause human body can't
make em'& thus must be ingested in diet; Only essential amino acids can increase
muscle growth.

**Branched-chain amino acids, leucine, and whey**

Among essential amino acids, group of 3 stand out, which are the branched-chain
amino acids(BCAAs): leucine, isoleucine, and valine; they act as signals for muscle
Among BCAAs, leucine - by far most important molecule dat signals muscles to grow;
Ideal protein to thus consume is whey protein; Whey- 50% essential amino acids, 25%
BCAAs, w/ a leucine content of about 15%, which makes it ideal for post-workout
WP, w/ a high leucine content, also aids fat loss.

Whey protein helps recovery by supplying muscle w/ right mix of essential &
branched-chain amino acids; because of its effect on recovery, whey immediately
after a strength-training workout can help even if adequate high-q protein is
consumed at regular meals.

**Anabolic resistance**

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