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Technical Report

“To balance three rotating mass (disturbing masses) with a single

mass (balancing mass) rotating at some angle in the same plane
at different radii.”

Sir Rashid Sajid
Submitted By:
Bilal Mahmood

University of engineering and Technology, Lahore

This report demonstrates the balancing process when three rotating mass (disturbing masses) are
balanced with a single mass (balancing mass) that rotates at an angle in the same plane but at
different radii. The report comprises of literature review of balancing process in which balancing,
its types, applications and advantages are discussed. The experimental procedure is discussed in
which the apparatus, procedure, observations and calculations are made. After that, the results are
deliberated and based on those results we drew out conclusions to the experiment.
Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 1
Literature Review: .......................................................................................................................... 1
Balancing: ................................................................................................................................... 1
Principal of balancing: ................................................................................................................ 1
Type of Balancing: ...................................................................................................................... 1
Static balancing: .......................................................................................................................... 1
Principle of performing static balancing: .................................................................................... 1
Dynamic balancing: .................................................................................................................... 1
Balancing of rotating masses: ..................................................................................................... 2
The balancing cases could be:..................................................................................................... 2
Applications of balancing: .......................................................................................................... 2
Balancing in vibrating signal: ..................................................................................................... 4
Advantages of balancing: ............................................................................................................ 5
Experiment: ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Apparatus: ................................................................................................................................... 5
Procedure: ................................................................................................................................... 5
Formulation: ................................................................................................................................ 6
Observations: .............................................................................................................................. 6
Results and Discussion: .................................................................................................................. 6
Conclusions:.................................................................................................................................... 6
Acknowledgement: ......................................................................................................................... 7
References: ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

Balancing of an engine is of prime importance. Three rotating masses at different radii when placed
cause the engine to generate vibrations. We need to remove these undesired vibrations so we have
used formulation and made balancing force equal to the disturbing force. From there we have
calculated the balancing mass. Now by placing the balancing we can reduce the vibrations induced
to a quite acceptable level. This technique is applied in this report to achieve balancing.

Literature Review:
Balancing is a technique that is used to remove the undesirable inertial forces in masses (either
reciprocating or rotating). It is performed by altering the position of center of masses of bodies.
(R.S. Khurmi)

Principal of balancing:
We introduce a balancing mass in a calculated position so that it overcomes the effect of disturbing
mass. For this we determine the balancing mass and its position.

Type of Balancing:
There are two main types of balancing used:
 Static balancing
 Dynamic balancing
Static balancing:
The force of gravity is used to balance forces in static balancing. It can also be stated that a body
is in static equilibrium when its center of gravity is along the axis of rotation. It can be
accomplished by either introducing small masses opposite to the gravitational center or by making
small holes. in this way we can shift the center of gravity of body from one point to another.
Principle of performing static balancing:
Static balancing could be attained by adding small masses at a an opposite direction to the center
of gravity with respect to the axis of rotation. It could also be attained by making small holes.

Dynamic balancing:
Inertial force action is used to perform dynamic balancing. It is attained when the resultant
moments formed due to acceleration of different parts nullifies the effect of each other. (Rewinds)

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

Balancing of rotating masses:

Centripetal acceleration is produced when a body is moved in a circular track. For the production
of this acceleration we need a force. Also, an equal and opposite centrifugal force acts in the
outward direction. Now this force is the disturbing force. Now, it is balanced when the center of
gravity is at the axis of rotation. If it is not balanced we may face undesired unbalanced forces.
These forces reduces the efficiency as well as the performance of machines. We either remove a
mass or add a mass to achieve balancing.

The balancing cases could be:

 Balancing the a sole rotating mass through a single mass rotating in the same plane.
 Balancing the a sole rotating mass through two masses rotating in dissimilar planes.
 Balancing the numerous masses rotating in the same plane
 Balancing the numerous masses rotating in dissimilar plane (SlideShare)

Applications of balancing:
 Balancing is highly considered when the aim is to make an energy efficient machine.
Misbalancing leads to fluctuations and thus cause noise and heat. It implies the energy is
being lost. So we highly consider balancing when making energy efficient machines.
 In washing machines dynamic balancing finds its application. When we put clothes inside
a machine, they produce a disturbing force which hinders the machine to spin rapidly and
it causes a reduction in performance and efficiency of the machine,

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

 In different rotodynamic machines like engines and rotors we perform dynamic balancing
to remove the fluctuations. If it is not taken into account the life span of different machine
components is reduced.

 Wheel balancing is also very important factor in auto mobiles. Misaligned of the wheels
could decrease their performance or could harm them. (Rone-Clarke)

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

 Grinding wheel is also balanced when the we perform grinding. We first make sure that it
is aligned properly.

 Runners and steam turbines also uses the balancing process to increase their efficiency.
 In the propellers of air craft, the principles of balancing have a great importance.

Balancing in vibrating signal:

Following is an example of balancing in which the frequency spectra of vibrating signal is shown.
The graphs illustrates the balancing effects. We can observe that the vibration and fluctuations
have reduced to a great extent.
Here we can observe that there are fluctuations in the graph. It is undesired in our system. So we
are focused to eliminate these irregularities. Therefore, we performed balancing and plotted the
graph to see the effect of balancing.

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

We can observe that the fluctuations have been reduced to quite a great level. Although there are
still fluctuations but we have reduced them to a reasonable range

Advantages of balancing:
 We can reduce undesired fluctuations and vibrations through balancing.
 It helps reducing unnecessary noises and heat which leads to reduction of waste energy.
 It helps to stop early wear of parts which leads to increase in life span of various
 It also prevents shaft failure as imbalance could lead to the failure of shaft due to bending.

 Balancing apparatus
 Nuts
 Weights
 Power supply

 Place a mass at any radial distance from the wheel.
 The fluctuations would be induced in the apparatus.
 Similarly place the other two masses at different radii of the wheel.
 Now perform calculations and find the balancing force and place the balancing mass at
the calculated position so that we may achieve balancing.
 The fluctuations will be reduced to an acceptable level.

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

H= (md1×r1× cosѲ1 ₊ md2×r2× cosѲ2 ₊ md3×r3× cosѲ3) ω2
V= (md1×r1× sinѲ1 ₊ md2×r2× sinѲ2 ₊ md3×r3× sinѲ3) ω2
Fd = md×rd = ( H2 + V2)1/2
Ѳd = tan-1 (V/H)
Ѳb = Ѳd + 180o
For balancing mass
Fd = Fb
md×rd = mb×rb

Disturbing masses:
Observations md1 rd1 Ѳd1 md1rd1 md2 rd2 Ѳd2 md2rd2 md3 rd3 Ѳd3 md3rd3
1. 0.25 5 30o 1.5lb.in. 0.5 4 60o 2 0.25 3 90o 0.75lb.in.
lb in. lb. in. lb.in. lb in.
o o
2. 0.25 5 90 1 lb.in. 0.5 4 60 2 0.5 3 30o 1.5 lb.in.
lb in. lb. in. lb.in. lb in.

Balancing mass:
Observations mb rb Ѳb mb rb
1. 0.935 lb. 4 in. 236o 3.74 lb.in.
2. 1.461 lb. 3 in. 238o 4.38 lb.in.

Results and Discussion:

 The fluctuations have removed to a great extent but they are not completely removed due
to some unknown reasons.
 If we place a very large mass then the motor does not operate due to its limited capacity.
 For large mass we need a more powerful motor.

We have concluded that we can’t completely remove the fluctuations but we can reduce it to an
acceptable limit. Our calculations should be accurate to achieve better results. Placing a large mass
often requires more power by the motor. If the power is beyond the capacity of motor the motor
may not start. To avoid that situation we can use a more powerful motor but that is not convenient
for us. That’s why we prefer using less loads rather than choosing powerful motor so that our
experiment remain in the economical range.

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Theory of Machines LAB 2016-ME-117

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my worthy supervisor Dr. Rashid Sajid who
provided me the possibility to complete this report and whose contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate my project especially in writing this

 R.S. Khurmi, J. K. G. Theory of Machines.
 Rewinds, B. "Difference Between Static Balance and Dynamic
Balancing." Retrieved April 14, 2019, from
 Rone-Clarke, P. (Jun 9, 2016). "Applications For Dynamic Balancing."
Retrieved April 15, 2019, 2, from
 SlideShare, L. "Balancing of rotating masses." from

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