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Mitochondria and Chloroplasts Synthesis of ATP Extracellular ATP

 ADP + Pi → ATP + H2O

Energy In mammals, ATP also
 requires energy: 7.3 functions outside of cells. ATP is
In physics, energy is the kcal/mole released in the following examples:
property that mustbbe transferred to
an object in order to perform work  occurs in the cytosol by • from damaged cells to elicit
on, or to heat, the object. It can be glycolysis inflammation and pain• from
converted in form, but not created or the carotid body to signal a
destroyed.  occurs in mitochondria by shortage of oxygen in the
cellular respiration blood
ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
 occurs in chloroplasts by • from taste receptor cells to
It is the major energy photosynthesis trigger action potentials in
currency of the cell that provides the the sensory nerves leading
energy for most of the energy- Consumption of ATP back to the brain
consuming activities of the cell. The ATP powers most energy-
ATP regulates many biochemical consuming activities of cells, such • from the stretched wall of the
pathways. as: urinary bladder to signal
when the bladder needs
Mechanism: When the third 1. anabolic (synthesis) reactions, emptying
phosphate group of ATP is removed such as:
by hydrolysis, a substantial amount  joining transfer RNAs to
of free energy is released. amino acids for assembly
into proteins
ATP Hydrolysis  synthesis of nucleoside
triphosphates for assembly
ATP hydrolysis is the final into DNA and RNA
link between the energy derived from
 synthesis of
food or sunlight and useful work such
as muscle contraction, the
 synthesis of fats
establishment of electrochemical
gradients across membranes, and
2. active transport of molecules and
biosynthetic processes necessary to
ions conduction of nerve impulses
maintain life.
3. maintenance of cell volume by
Hundreds of reactions in the
cell from metabolic transformations
to signalling events are coupled to
4. addition of phosphate groups
the hydrolysis (literally meaning
(phosphorylation) to different proteins
“water loosening”) of ATP by water .
(e.g., to alter their activity in cell
The reaction ATP + H2O <—-> ADP
+ Pi transforms adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) into adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic 5. muscle contraction
phosphate (Pi).
6. beating of cilia and flagella
(including sperm)

7. bioluminescence
The Evolutionary Origins of Second, like prokaryotes, Mitochondria are found in
Mitochondria and Chloroplasts mitochondria and chloroplasts nearly all eukaryotic cells, including
contain ribosomes, as well as those of plants, animals, fungi, and
Mitochondria and multiple circular DNA molecules most unicellular eukaryotes.
chloroplasts display similarities with associated with their inner
bacteria that led to the membranes. Some cells have a single
endosymbiont theory large mitochondrion, but more often
Third, also consistent with a cell has hundreds or even
This theory states that an their probable evolutionary origins as thousands of mitochondria; the
early ancestor of eukaryotic cells cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts number correlates with the cell’s
engulfed an oxygen-using are autonomous (somewhat level of metabolic activity.
nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell. independent) organelles that grow
and reproduce within the cell. For example, cells that move
Eventually, the engulfed cell or contract have proportionally more
formed a relationship with the host MITOCHONDRIA mitochondria per volume than less
cell in which it was enclosed, (Chemical Energy Conversion) active cells.
becoming an endosymbiont (a cell
living within another cell). Singular: mitochondrion Each of the two membranes
enclosing the mitochondrion is a
Indeed, over the course of Mitochondria are the sites of phospholipid bilayer with a unique
evolution, the host cell and its cellular respiration, the metabolic collection of embedded proteins.
endosymbiont merged into a single process that uses oxygen to drive
organism, a eukaryotic cell with a the generation of ATP by extracting The mitochondria has two
mitochondrion. energy from sugars, fats, and other membranes that are similar in
fuels. composition to the cell membrane:
At least one of these cells
may have then taken up a The mitochondria are oval- Outer membrane
photosynthetic prokaryote, becoming shaped organelles found in most is a selectively permeable
the ancestor of eukaryotic cells that eukaryotic cells. membrane that surrounds the
contain chloroplasts. mitochondria. It is the site of
They are considered to be attachment for the respiratory
Evidences of the Past the ‘powerhouses’ of the cell. assembly of the electron transport
chain and ATP Synthase
First, rather than being As the site of cellular It has integral proteins and
bounded by a single membrane like respiration, mitochondria serve to pores for transporting molecules just
organelles of the endomembrane transform molecules such as glucose like the cell membrane
system, mitochondria and typical into an energy molecule known as
chloroplasts have two membranes adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Inner membrane
surrounding them. (Chloroplasts also folds inward (called cristae)
have an internal system of ATP fuels cellular processes to increase surfaces for cellular
membranous sacs.) by breaking its high-energy chemical metabolism. It contains ribosomes
bonds. and the DNA of the mitochondria.
There is evidence that the The inner membrane creates two
ancestral engulfed prokaryotes had Mitochondria are most enclosed spaces within the
two outer membranes, which plentiful in cells that require mitochondria:
became the double membranes of significant amounts of energy to
mitochondria and chloroplasts. function, such as liver and muscle  intermembrane space
cells. between the outer
membrane and the inner
membrane; and
 matrix that is enclosed within The word chloroplast is The chloroplast DNA,
the inner membrane. derived from the Greek word chloros chloroplast ribosomes, thylakoid
which means ‘green’ and plastes system, starch granules, and other
Mitochondria's two membranes which means ‘the one who forms’. proteins are found floating around
the stroma.
Outer Membrane Chloroplasts are double
— fully surrounds the inner membrane-bound organelles and are 5. Thylakoid System
membrane, with a small the sites of photosynthesis. Is suspended in the stroma.
intermembrane space in between It is a collection of membranous
The chloroplast has a sacks called thylakoids.
— has many protein-based pores system of three membranes: the Thylakoids are small sacks
that are big enough to allow the outer membrane, the inner that are interconnected.
passage of ions and molecules as membrane, and the thylakoid system The membranes of these
large as a small protein thylakoids are the sites for the light
Structure of the Chloroplast reactions of the photosynthesis to
Inner membrane take place.
— has restricted permeability like the 1. Outer membrane The chlorophyll is found in
plasma membrane This is a semi-porous the thylakoids. The thylakoids are
membrane and is permeable to small arranged in stacks known as grana.
— is loaded with proteins involved in molecules and ions which diffuse Each granum contains around 10-20
electron transport and ATP synthesis easily The word thylakoid is
The outer membrane is not derived from the Greek word
— surrounds the mitochondrial permeable to larger proteins thylakos which means 'sack'.
matrix, where the citric acid cycle
produces the electrons that travel 2. Intermembrane Space Important protein complexes which
from one protein complex to the next This is usually a thin carry out the light reaction of
in the inner membrane. At the end of intermembrane space about 10-20 photosynthesis are embedded in the
this electron transport chain, the final nanometers and is present between membranes of the thylakoids.
electron acceptor is oxygen, and this the outer and the inner membrane of
ultimately forms water (H20). At the the chloroplast. —> The Photosystem I and the
same time, the electron transport Photosystem II are complexes that
chain produces ATP in a process 3. Inner membrane harvest light with chlorophyll and
called oxidative phosphorylation. The inner membrane of the carotenoids. They absorb the light
chloroplast forms a border to the energy and use it to energize the
CHLOROPLASTS stroma electrons.
(Capture of Light Energy) It regulates passage of
materials in and out of the —> The molecules present in the
Chloroplasts, which are chloroplast thylakoid membrane use the
found in plants and algae, are the In addition to the regulation electrons that are energized to pump
sites of photosynthesis. activity, fatty acids, lipids and hydrogen ions into the thylakoid
carotenoids are synthesized in the space. This decreases the pH and
This process converts solar inner chloroplast membrane. causes it to become acidic in nature.
energy to chemical energy by
absorbing sunlight and using it to 4. Stroma —> A large protein complex known
drive the synthesis of organic This is an alkaline, aqueous as the ATP synthase controls
compounds such as sugars from fluid that is protein-rich and is theconcentration gradient of the
carbon dioxide and water. present within the inner membrane of hydrogen ions in the thylakoid space
the chloroplast to generate ATP energy. The
It is the space outside the hydrogen ions flow back into the
thylakoid space stroma.
Two Types of Thylakoids They are mobile and, with
mitochondria and other organelles,
1. Granal thylakoids move around the cell along tracks of
• arranged in the grana the cytoskeleton.

• These circular discs that are The chloroplast is a

about 300-600 nanometers specialized member of a family of
in diameter closely related plant organelles
called plastids.
• contains only Photosystem II
protein complex One type of plastid, the
amyloplast, is a colorless organelle
• This allows them to stack that storesstarch (amylose),
tightly and form many particularly in roots and tubers.
granal layers with granal
membrane. Another is the chromoplast,
which has pigments that give fruits
• This structure increases and flowers their orange and yellow
stability and surface area for hues.
the capture of light
2. Stromal thylakoids
• are in contact with the Plastos: formed, molded
stroma and are in the form
of helicoid sheets. A major double-membrane
oraganelle (cells of plants, algae and
• The Photosystem I and ATP some eukaryotic organisms)
synthase protein complexes
are present in the stroma. Site of manufacture and
storage of important chemical
• These protein complexes act compounds used by the cell.
as spacers between the
sheets of stromal Often contain pigments used
thylakoids. in photosynthesis, and the types of
pigments present can change or
Chloroplasts determine the cell’s color.

As with mitochondria, the

static and rigid appearance of
chloroplasts in micrographs or
schematic diagrams is not true to
their dynamic behavior in the living

Their shape is changeable,

and they grow and occasionally
pinch in two, reproducing

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