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In Botswana and other nation nos road accidents are caused by vehicle-animal ollusions.

These types
of accidents occur ue to lack of visibility during the night and during foggy conditions. To help In
iniln ise this type of road accidents, road infrastructure need to be improved. This project aims to
provide small road studs, these road studs will be able to detect

and warn drivers of any animals near or on the road. The hardware used for this project should

be low cost andéS'mall sized for it tobe embedded in the standard road studs—With the help of
smart sensors, the smart road studs will be able to give more information to the driver like
how far away the detected animal is from the road i.e. is it near the road, on the_roador it is far
away from the road. Different hazard level"iTI be assigned to different coloured
LEI)saccording-to distance of the detected object from the sensor. Therefore, at the end of this
project a working

prototype should be produced which is able to detect, warn and locate the animal on the road.
achieve the project objectives the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) system will be
adopted which will comprise of different stages. Some stages will include data collection,
hardware and software selection and breadboard assemh!y i.e. to name a few. The system for
project will be divided into blocks which are the detection control er
circuit, ranging circuit, finally the warning lights. The detection circuit was an
assembled and tested, it was observed that the circuit was able to detect human which was
assumed that an animal can also be detected.
I would like to express special thanks of gratitude to my project supervisor Dr M. Kgwadi who
gave me the necessary guidance and advice in tackling the project. With his ida advice, I was
able to reach some of my project objectives with ease.
Also great thanks goes to the Electrical and Electronic Department for giving me this
opportunity to do my project, this really inspired me to work hard.

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