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Marmara Medical Journal Volume 9 No:2 April 1996


(Received 28 December, 1995)

A . K of, M.D.*** / A . O za ga r, M.D.*** / A . Tutkun, M.D.**

Batman, M.D.** / C. Uneri, M.D.* / M . A . $ehitoglu, M .D.*

’ Professor, D epa rtm e nt o f O torhinolaryngology, Faculty o f M edicine, M arm ara U niversity, Ista n b u l, Turkey.
’ * A ssociate Professor, D e pa rtm e nt o f O torhinolaryngology, F aculty o f M edicine, M arm ara U niversity, Istanbul,
* " Resident, D e pa rtm e nt o f O torhinolaryngology, F aculty o f M edicine, M arm ara U niversity, Ista nb ul, Turkey.

ABSTRACT first noticed 3 weeks previously and continued to

enlarge. He was diagnosed and treated as cryptic
It is well known that non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of tonsillitis for 10 days before presenting our clinic.
various histologic types, including Burkitt's lymphoma
and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (diffuse well- He was otherwise well, and had no history of fever,
differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma), frequently nightsweats, malaise or weight loss. On physical
appears in the oral cavity's soft tissues, including the examination, a 5x5 cm mass was noted on the left
soft palate and Waldeyer's ring. An unusual case of tonsillar fossa. He was also hoarse, but there were no
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma primarily with tonsillar palpable cervical nodes.
involvement was evaluated. The clinical course of the
disease was presented with the current literature His white blood count was 4800 cells/mm3 with 4%
search. bands, 57% polys, and 39% lymphocytes.
Hemoglobin was 10,9g/dl. He had also other
laboratory d e term inatio ns, including lactic
Key W ords : Non-Hodgkin’s, Lymphoma, Tonsil. dehydrogenase and alkaline phosphatase levels-
lumbar puncture; a chest roentgenogram; and bone
marrow biopsy which were all in normal values. ACT
INTRODUCTION scan of the retroperitoneum, pelvis and abdomen
was negative.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas represent a small
percentage of head and neck cancers. Cervical ACT scan of the head and neck showed a mass
adenopathy is one of the most common presenting lesion originating from the left tonsillar fossa and
sign for patients with lymphoma. Approximately 10% protruding into the oropharengeal passage and
of patients with lymphomas will present extranodal nasopharyngeal area. Soft palate was also distorted
head and neck sites (1-3). These sites include on the left side (Fig 1).
Waldeyer's ring (lymphatic tissue in the tonsil,
nasopharynx, and base of tongue) and An excisional biopsy was performed and histopatho-
extralymphatic involvement of tissue adjacent to logical analysis of the mass showed non-Hodgkin’s
lymph nodes, such as paranasal sinuses, salivary lyphoma of the "intermediate grade" diffuse mixed
glands, oral cavity and larynx (4-5). small and.large cell type (Fig 2).

Lymphoma occurs especially in the palatine tonsils.

These lesions may be unifocal or may involve many DISCUSSION
areas, particularly palatine tonsils. They are more
likely to be large and the surgeon is surprised to find Lymphomas are separated into two histopathologic
such a large lesion with a relatively brief history of groups: Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin's
symptoms. Tonsil is grossly enlarged. Involvement of lymphomas. The cause of most of the non-Hodgkin’s
the tonsil may be the first symptom of systemic lymphoma is unknown. However, some occur with
lymphoma, which may be spread in the body. increased frequency in patients with certain viral
infections, im m unoproliferative states, and
immunosupressed states. Rappaport system has
CASE REPORT been the most widely used system for histologic
classification of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. As our
A 72 year-old man was presented in May-1994 with a knowledge has been improved about the immune
history of a mass in the mouth. The mass had been system and immune cells- each type of lymphoma

Marmara Medical Journal Volume 9 No:2 April 1996

Fig. I : CT imaging showed a mass originating from left tonsillar fossa.

Fig. 2 : Histopathological analysis confirmed non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Marmara Medical Journal Volume 9 No:2 April 1996

has been better defined and the validity of the The low-grade lymphomas have an inherent median
Rappaport classification system has been survival of 7 years, but in spite of a high response
challenged. National Caner Institute developed a new rate to chemotherapy, they do not have improved
system: the Working Formulation. This system survival with aggresive therapy. The majority of the
divides lymphomas into three major subgroups: low- intermediate-grade lymphomas, of the large cell type,
grade, intermediate-grade and high-grade (6). Most have a 30% cure rate with aggresive combination
patients with head and neck lymphomas have chemotherapy (1,13). The highgrade lymphomas
unfavorable subtypes, predom inantly diffuse have an inherent median survival of 1 year or less,
histiocyte and diffuse lym phocytic poorly but a significant fraction can now be cured with
differentiated lymphoma (4,7-8). aggresive chemotherapy.

The incidence of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma rises with

increasing age, so it is typically a disease of the fifth, REFERENCES
sixth and seventh decades of life. It effects men more
frequently than women. Patients with nodal non- 1. B u rto n GW , A tw a te r S, B o r o w it z M J, H va ng AT.

Hodgkin's lymphomas often present with cervical E x tra n o d a l h e a d a n d n e c k ly m p h o m a : p r o g n o s is

a n d p a tte rn s o f re c u rre n c e . A rc h O to la r y n g o l
adonopathy, with equal instances of high and low
M ead M eek S u rg 1 9 9 0 ,1 1 6 :6 9 -7 2 .
cervical node enlargement. Unlike Hodgkin's disease,
2. B u m p o u s JM , M a r t in DS, C u rra n P, S t it h J. M on-
a substantial fraction of patients with non-Hodgkin's H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a s o f n o s e a n d p a ra n a s a l
lymphomas, especially those with diffuse large-cell s in u s e s in p e d ia t r ic p o p u la tio n . A n n a ls
types, will present with both nodal and extranodal O to la r y n g o l 1 9 9 4 ,1 1 6 :2 9 4 - 2 9 9 .
involvement (9-10). The most frequently involved site 3. R u b in M , G a tta C, C o z z i G M . r io n - M o d g k in 's
is Waldeyer's ring. Within Waldeyer's ring, the tonsil ly m p h o m a , as A ID S m a n if e s t a tio n . J O ra l

and nasopharynx are the most common sites of the M a x illo f a c S u rg 1 9 8 9 :1 1 0 :1 3 1 1 -1 3 1 3 .

disease. Outside Waldeyer's ring, nasal cavity and 4. G a llo A, D e V in c e n t iis M, P e s c a rm o n a E, e t a!

paranasal sinuses are the most common M o n - H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a w ith la r g e m u lt ilo b a t e d

c e lls m im ic k in g t o n s illa r c a r c in o m a . O to la r y n g o l
extralymphatic sites of head and neck lymphomas
H e a d M e e k S u rg 1 9 8 9 ;1 0 1 :6 0 4 -6 0 6 .
( 11 - 12 ) .
5. K ir s c h JP , M ille r RH, B la ir PA; H is tio c y t ic n o n

H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a o f W a ld e y e r 's R in g . O to la r y ­
In involved sites which are less likely to be n g o l H e a d M e e k S u rg 1 9 9 1 ;1 0 5 :7 7 7 - 8 0 .
contiguous, the mediastinum is less and the 6. M a tio n a l C a n c e r I n s titu t e . A w o r k in g fo r m u la tio n
abdomen is more likely to be involved, and few o f n o n - H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a s fo r c lin ic a l usage.
patients (less than 10%) have truly localized disease. C a n c e r 1 9 8 2 ;4 9 :2 1 1 2 -2 1 3 5 .

Extranodal involvement is common, and primary 7. J a c o b s C, W e is s L, H o p p e RT. The m a n a g e m e n t

extranodal lymphomas are in bone, brain, stomach, o f e x tra n o d a l h e a d a n d n e c k ly m p h o m a s . A rc h

intestine and kidney. Patients with tonsillar lymphoma O to la r y n g o l H e a d M e e k S u rg 1 9 8 6 ; 1 1 2 :6 5 4 -6 5 8 .

8. S a u l S, K a p a d ia SB. P r im a r y ly m p h o m a o l
may present local symptoms of sore throat, a lump in
W a ld e y e r 's r in g . C a n c e r 1 9 8 5 :5 6 :1 5 7 -1 6 6 .
the throat, dysphagia and speech disturbances. The
9. H o r iu c h i J, O k u y a m a T, M a ts u b a r a F, e t a t.
age and sex distrubition, as well as the presenting
E x tr a n o d a l n o n - H o d g k in s ly m p h o m a in th e hea d
symptoms of lymphomas are similar to head and a n d n e c k : A r a d ia tio n a n d c lin ic a l c o u rs e . A c ta
neck squamous cancers and they can generally only R a d io l O n c o l 1 9 8 2 ;2 1 :3 9 3 -3 9 9 .
be distinguished by biopsy. For diagnosis; if at all 10. C la r k R, F itz p a tr ic k P, G o s p o d a r o w ic z M.
possible, excisional biopsy of a large lymph node is E x t r a n o d a l m a lig n a n t ly m p h o m a s o f t h e h e a d a n d

preferred. Treatment program must be based on neck. J O to la r y n g o l 1 9 8 3 ;1 2 :2 4 5 - 2 9 3 .

histology, primary site of involvement, stage of 11. W e is b e r g e r E C , D a v id s o n D D . U n u s u a l

disease, and individual patient considerations. p r e s e n t a t io n s o f ly m p h o m a o f th e h e a d a n d ne ck

in c h ild h o o d . L a ry n g o s c o p e 1 9 9 0 ; 1 0 0 :3 3 7 -3 4 2 .
Patients with stage I or stage II disease, radiation
12. C o le ig h M, K e n n e d y J. M o n - H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a s
alone is appropriate therapy. For patients with stage
o f th e u p p e r a e r o d ig e s t iv e tra c t a n d s a liv a r y
III and IV, com bination chem otherapy is
g la n d s . O t o la r y n g o l C lin M o rth A m 1 9 8 6 ; 1 9 :6 8 5 -
recommended and there are a variety of 710.
com binations including cyclophospham ide, 13. C u m m in g s CW . O to la r y n g o lo g y H e a d a n d M eek
doxorubicin, vincristine sulfate and prednizone S u rg e ry . V o lu m e 2, S e co n d Ed. M is s o u r i: M osby
(CHOP) or methotrexates, bleomycin sulfate, Y ear B o ok, 19 9 3 :1 2 1 9 -1 2 2 2 .

doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine sulfate

and dexamethasone (M-BACOD). Cure rates to
combination chemother^phy may vary from 25% to
over 50% (7).


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