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CARD 1 – The Defender with the emotion Persistent

What this card is telling you:

This card indicates that if for instance during a conversation when sensitive subjects arise,
you quickly feel used. Everything that is said you take literally to heart.. You start to defend
yourself because you think the criticism is aimed at you. You are afraid to be rejected.

The Grail Code with this card:

The emotional significance of this card is: Persistent. This means that it can be difficult for
you to let go of old beliefs. You clench your teeth into what previously is said or done and
do not open yourself to change or a different perspective. Therefore, this pattern repeats
itself and gives you no room for a new life cycle.

Your challenge with this card:

It is your challenge to live more in the here and now. Ask yourself (especially in difficult
situations) the following:

- What do I feel now?

- What is really meant?
- Why do I experience things this way?

CARD II – The Tester with its emotion Repetition

What this card is telling you:

This card tells you that you are always searching for your boundaries, but at the same time
you go around your own ‘blind spots’. You involve ‘insights’ not on yourself but to
someone else. Involuntarily you are once again testing your own boundaries but all the
time you are looking outwards and still ask yourself how the outside world would think
about you and how others look at you. So, a vicious circle…

The Grail Code with this card:

The emotional significance of this card is: Repetition. No surprise, because you are still
searching for your boundaries but you do not apply them to yourself. In this way you will
always attract the same life lessons. Often you are wondering: “Why is everything
repeating itself during my life?!” Each time a little bit different, but still; the same topic over
and over again. The reason is that you are too are busy with your environment and do not
extract lessons from the events in your life. It does not occur to you because you are
looking for it outside yourself and so the energy is not directed toward yourself.

Your challenge with this card:

It is your challenge to self-reflect. If you are honest and dare to look critically at yourself,
you can break down this flow and there will be no more need in repeat the lessons.

CARD III – The Receiver with the emotion Integration

What this card is telling you:
This card tells you much about what is coming your way. Yet, with the Tetrahedron (see
below for explanation) on the back of this card you will receive no presents, but mostly
heavy lessons. Often the challenges in your life are not simple… That has to do with
receiving life lessons, which are not applicable to you. You are a sensitive person and the
emotions of others are also entering you, and therefore you are mixing them up with those
of yourself, so that you are bearing the heavy weight of many lessons for others on your
The Grail Code with this card:
The emotional significance of this card is Integration. This means that you are to learn the
difference between ‘what is mine’ and ‘what isn’t.’ You are integrating your own lesson in
your own experiences. The other way around: automatically you will not receive what isn’t
meant for you.
Your challenge with this card:
It is your challenge to feel if something is your emotion or that of someone else. In the
latter case, let go and leave the responsibility with the other. You will try to stay more
within your own energy and thus coming back to your own power. You cannot ‘save’ or
‘release’ someone else. They have to do that themselves. And moreover you cannot help
another if you haven’t already helped yourself.

Card IV – The Future with its emotion Expansion

What does this card tell you:
This card indicates that most of the time you live in the future and are not really grounded.
On the one hand it feels very good to, for instance, be working with spirituality and the
amplification of your consciousness. It broadens your awareness about who you are. But
don’t forget the NOW-moment. Usually it will not be one big decision or one single event
that determines your future. More likely it is a chain of small NOW-moments which are of
great influence to people, situations and events that are attracting you. How do you feel

The Grail code with this card:

The emotional meaning of this card is Expansion. It is your pitfall that you are not quickly
satisfied. In your experience there is always more, more, more! More info, more truths,
more goals. However, do you ever take into account what you already have, what you
really want from your heart, and what you need to go on? The card indicates that you are
constantly seeking. But it is not always clear to you what you are looking for.

Your challenge with this card:

It is your challenge to mark time. Take some time to summarize and put some structure
back into your life. Ask yourself regularly:
- Where am I now?
- How far did I come?
- What is really my (heart) goal?

CARD VI – The Return with its emotion Promise.

What this card wants to tell you:

This card shows that you often fall back into old pitfalls. You regularly dejectedly ask
yourself “Why am I back here again?!” Or “Why me, all the time?” Situations and lessons
repeat themselves more often than not. This is usually enhanced by the emotional
significance of this card.

The Grail code with this card:

The emotional significance of this card is Promise. This means that you keep holding onto
earlier choices, and are afraid of big change. You like to stick to old beliefs, even if this
does not feel right. This is something you know too well and therefore it feels safe. In other
words, you made a promise to yourself and whatever happens you’ll stick to.

Your challenge with this card:

It is your challenge to realize that sometimes you make choices based on knowledge and
experiences at that moment. But you grow, gain more knowledge and encounter more
experiences. By now you probably would have made other decisions. So then, do not
condemn yourself about those earlier choices. However, do not stick to the old ones.
Adjust these choices on the basis of advancing your understanding so that they feel more
comfortable with where you are now, even if you sometimes have to disappoint others.

CARD VII - The Veil with its emotion Ignorance

What does this card tell you?
This card indicates that you don’t dare speak your mind completely. You swallow a lot of
emotions for the sweet peace. You don’t express what you really want or what you don’t
want. Therefore you express yourself differently from who you really are. As it were, the
real YOU is covered by a veil. Maybe you’re afraid to be rejected sometimes and not
recognized all the time? Remember this is a consequence of how you present yourself.
This is not equal to who you really are. How can someone else see you at full value?

The Grail Code to this card:

The emotional significance of this card is Ignorance. If you think back to a choice you´ve
made last month, you now might take a very different one. The meaning of information or
understanding changes us as we develop ourselves further. It is your pitfall to feel guilty
about choices you've made or didn’t make. Realize that you were 'ignorant' then. You are
hard on yourself and judge yourself easily. But do yourself a favour and be grateful for the
new insights you have received. You have expanded your consciousness. From now on
each new option allows you to adjust and choose again.

Your challenge with this card:

It is your challenge not only to forgive yourself, but also to forgive others in which you feel
disappointment and/or are angry with. But then, that person is also acting or has acted in
his or her ignorance at that time.

CARD VIII - The Battle with its emotion Compassion

What does this card tells you?
This card indicates that you are engaged in a battle with yourself. There are changes in the
air and you feel restless. You have many doubts about what the right choice would be.
You are afraid to make the wrong decision. Will you choose the way to the left or right?
Instead of making a choice, you swing in the middle. You’re stuck. When you drew this
card it tells you that in a way you’re not focused. This will make things all the more
The Grail Code with this card:
The emotional significance of this card is Compassion. In a way a beautiful emotion, for
compassion means that inside you feel solidarity with people who are suffering. However,
if your spirit is not in balance, this may also mean that your focus is too involved on the
outside world. In this sense your opinions and views of the outside world have a major
impact on your choices, so you do not make the right choices. You are ready to take
everyone into account.
Your challenge with this card:
It is your challenge to respect everyone's opinion but not make it your truth. Let the
outside world be less of an influence on you. Feel what resounds in you and make choices
on that basis. If you formed your own opinion, try not to judge others in their view or their
behaviour. We are all looking for our own truth and have to deal with the struggle it brings.
Consequently there is no ultimate truth. Have the courage to live your own truth and base
your choices on that.

CARD IX - The Fear with its emotion Dependence

What does this card tell you?
This card indicates that you are afraid of the unknown. You feel fear and are restless. Your
emotions drive you to new opportunities, new possibilities. You are happy about this
because you feel you want to make new steps and you are open to change. But even
more important is the uncertainty -- that voice in your head that says "What now?" It is
contradictory, because the situation doesn’t feel good. The point is: you know this
situation very well, you know how it feels. You know what you have, not what you will
receive back instead.
The Grail Code with this card:
The emotional significance of this card is Dependence. Understandable, because if you
are afraid of the unknown and (still) do not trust your own strength, it feels safe to be
dependent. Depending on your work, your relationship and/or friendships you have. You
are often guided by the truth of others. You don’t dare to let go of your work or
relationships. Even though it feels bad because of the same emotion, you keep them
because you know what you have. You are still dependent on it because it supposedly
feels 'safe'.
Your challenge with this card:
It is your challenge to turn off your mind and start feeling. Try to adopt an attitude of not
knowing with your mind but knowing in your heart. You have your talents, which are like
diamonds that glitter and patiently wait to be discovered. Try not to decide with your head
what to DO, but choose from your heart what you want to BE. Let go in confidence. You'll
find solutions and answers which are magically revealed to you.

CARD X – Pride with its Emotion Limitation

What does this card tell you?
Do you have difficulty with showing your vulnerability? That is what this card says. You
don’t often show your sensitive side. People see a shell, which is different from what is
happening within you. You rarely share your emotions, the result of fear of rejection, or
being disapproved.
The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Limitation. By wearing a mask to the outside
world and not spreading what really keeps you busy, you restrict yourself as it were. I see
a picture in my mind´s eye of someone tied at the waist to a tree by an elastic cord. You
want to go ahead, you feel your new route before you but as you start walking you are
being pulled back. So, it is only logical that you will often feel restricted in your space of
motion and freedom. You are not really going further even when you want to go on.
Your challenge with this card
This card wants to inspire you to pull off the mask, because that is your challenge. Dare to
be vulnerable! Give yourself space and take your freedom. You are a unique and beautiful
human being with special talents. Nobody can reject you but yourself. In fact we are all
connected, we mirror each other. Others can learn from you as you can learn from them.
Choose to free yourself in order to live the life you envisage for yourself.

CARD XI – The Sleeper with its Emotion Revelation

What does this card tell you.
This card shows it is time to ‘wake up’. You underestimate yourself and your self-
confidence is low, therefore you do not find yourself 100% in your own power. You rather
trust the wisdom of someone else than following your own intuition. What would happen if
the sleeping part of you wakes up and takes its place?
The Grail code with this card
What a revelation it would be for you! Subsequently, that is also the emotional significance
of this card: revelation. If you dare to step into your self-confidence, learn to trust your
own intuition more, then a complete different world will open up for you. What energies
will explode inside you! You feel more powerful than ever and with this your self-esteem
will increase. How wonderful to experience all that wisdom already inside you.
Your challenge with this card
`How will I get there?’ you might wonder. It is your challenge to listen carefully to your own
feelings. Does it feel right or do you feel a uncomfortable? You might recognize a gut
feeling that something is not right, or that the energy is not flowing. Then ask yourself and
the universe, ‘What is hindering me?’ Then let go and trust that the answer will reveal
itself. But don’t forget to say ‘thank you!’ You will soon recognize that you no longer need
to seek confirmation from any external source.

CARD XII – The Actor with its Emotion Consequences

What does this card tell you?
This card wants to express that you are not sure who you really are. Somewhere you feel
that you present yourself in a different way. Like an actor who plays what is written in the
script. The script is a symbol of the surroundings, which shaped you as well. This gives a
vision of who you think you are, how you are, and what you want. You are not doing this
consciously; it has to do with old programs or traumas. When you perceive or feel that this
part is no longer truthful with the person you really want to be. Please realize that you are
the playwright of your own script! Often you say: ‘I can’t do that,’ ‘I’m not ready yet,’ etc.
This is being fed by a lower self-esteem, because you created a unique vision of who you
The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is Consequences. What you broadcast, you attract.
So like a magnet you also attract people who fit with the part you are playing. Often you
attract ‘mirrors’ and you are being hurt because the ‘actors’ you attract – your ‘equals’ so
to speak – are those who also don’t dare to speak their truth.
Your challenge with this card
It is time to play the part that fits! Do you want to attract people who inspire you? Show
who you really are, let go of all prejudices about yourself. Look in the mirror and feel. Feel
who YOU are, what YOU want, and which path YOU choose to get closer to the goal you
want to achieve in your ‘new’ or rather ‘true’ self.

CARD XIII – The Coward with its emotion Ignorant

What does this card tell you:
This card tells you that you're disappointed in yourself, or even have a feeling of guilt!
About choices you've made in the past. Tell me honestly, how many times have you
denied yourself and not been taken seriously because of ‘keeping the peace '? It is
possible that this card holds up a mirror in front of you, telling you that you don’t have to
be angry or disappointed about yourself. You are NOT a coward! How you condemn
yourself says something about your self-esteem and the lack of it and this can stunt your
growth further.

The Grail code with this card:

The emotional significance of this card is: ignorant. All our choices and actions are just
snapshots. It is only logical that today you’ll make other choices than yesterday. Because
our choices are influenced by what we experience, know or even have been programmed
for, at that particular moment. There is no such thing as a 'good' or a 'wrong' choice.
There is only what works or not, depending on what you are trying to do or have. Now you
know more you’ve got more experience, so it’s only logical that looking back, some
choices of the past you might have done otherwise today.

Your challenge with this card:

You are invited to examine who you really want to be. What beliefs or programmes
prevent you from experiencing yourself in the best possible way? But do not condemn
yourself; just love yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back, because you work on yourself
and come to insights. You didn’t know better, right? Don’t put too much energy in the
past (“oh I had that! "), or in the future (" what if..?'). Your power is NOW. Accept that what
has past you cannot change and preferably deal with the future. That which still has to be
created based on choices you make NOW.

Card XIV – The Observer with its emotion Conflict

⁃ What this card wants to tell you:
This card wants to tell you that you do not dare to make crucial choices. You would rather
choose ‘security’ and stagnation, because you know what you already have. See yourself
as an observer, who looks and experiences from a distance. You do not allow things to
come to you in depth and keep changes away from yourself. Somewhere this
‘untouchable facet’ gives you a strong feeling but deep down you know it is a sign of
weakness. Your soul can see the rough diamonds in you, which want to be discovered.
Hence the anxiety you feel, there are treasures waiting for you!
⁃ The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Conflict. One could say the three levels of your
consciousness do not coincide with each other. Your Higher Self (first level) wants to go
ahead, wants to discover itself, experiencing and creating joy in change. But fears in your
subconscious (third layer) inhibit this. So the challenges upon your path (which you
created on a soul level yourself!) generate a conflict in your system. From your
consciousness (second layer) you take your position as an observer and do not want to
take part. You push, if it were, your heels in the sand. That is the reason why you feel so
tired, irritable and maybe even depressed. You do not live within your own worth.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
It is your challenge to put the three layers of your consciousness into line again. In that
way your creative power will become stronger and will positively change your life. The
internal conflict within you will shatter your energy and your creative power. So examine
yourself what beliefs and programmes no longer work for you. That may be scary for you,
but follow what your intuition tells you, you should listen. To do this will release a lot.
Living your own truth can ensure your understanding that certain people, relationships or
work no longer suit you. Dare to be open to change, but most important of all do not be
afraid of your own power!

Card XV – The Moment with its emotion Innocence

⁃ What this card wants to tell you:

The way you handle each moment, will create your destination. This card wants to tell you
to remain more in the HERE AND NOW. You devote a large part of your energy in past and
future. You may think: ‘Oh I had that’ or 'I’m afraid that later I…’. And you remain stuck in
old patterns and habits, through which you cannot reach a pure heart. Your PowerPoint is
NOW. Remember that the past was filled with ‘now- moments’, which we often did not
utilize optimally. Think that the future, which should be based on thoughts, words and
deeds of the NOW moment, is yet to be created.

⁃ The Grail code with this card

The emotional significance of this card is: Innocence. The only reality you have lies in each
moment. The Now. Act as if your thoughts, words and deeds are brought into being from
the Now, and you will notice that you act more innocently. Purely based on what the
moment whispers in your ear. You will live more in the flow; you dance to the rhythm of
the universe. The past has no influence on your choices anymore and you are the writer of
your own future. Experience and feel your own innocence and know you can do nothing
'wrong'. This belief will be the easier if you fully live in the now.

⁃ Your challenge with this card

It sounds so easy: just Be in the Now. I know this is a big challenge for you. But pose to
yourself the following question: "Who would I truly be?" Write the answers on paper if
necessary. Then try to synchronize your conscious thoughts, words and deeds in the now
with who you really are. Especially in the beginning, it will require a huge effort. You'll
notice that the process means that you will have to make choices constantly. Do not strive
for perfection; do not be discouraged if you occasionally fall back into old habits. If you
have that one thought, word or deed and it is not in line with who you are, then correct
yourself in the NOW. But above all: let go of the past and the future. Enjoy the Now!

Card XVI - The Consultant with its emotion Insecurity

⁃ What does this card want to tell you
Are you somewhat focused on the outside world? That is what this card wants to tell you.
You often offer yourself (unsolicited!) as a 'consultant.' You are sharply aware of someone
else’s problems and you feel what is happening to them. Preferably you will let the other
person know right away. In itself a beautiful quality, but beware: do you focus too much on
this? And what does this tell you about yourself?
⁃ The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Insecurity. From this insecurity you may have
created a 'survival program’ to play a kind of leader. You know everything very well - you
have a good overall picture of everything and are very willing to share it. Almost
unnaturally you provide everyone with answers, guidance and assistance. But you avoid
your own insecurity and its causes. This obstructs you in your own development and
⁃ Your challenge with this card
If you advise others from this impurity, it is not untainted, even though it is well intended. It
is your challenge to find out where your own insecurity comes from, so you can purify and
transform it. Never give unsolicited advice to people, even though you may be right. You
will notice that if you work on this, people might just occasionally ask you for advice! But
first look in the mirror and ask yourself what advice you can give to yourself to work on
this insecurity.

Card XVII - The Boundary: with the emotion Challenge �

⁃ What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you cannot find peace in yourself. Of course, man needs
incentives to feel that he is alive, but you need continuous kicks and sensation. From
running a marathon, bungee jumping, watching horror films, to the latest gadgets, you're
always looking for something and almost never feel satisfied ... or if so, it is of a short
duration. You are constantly searching your limits and when you’ve reached them, you’re
creating new ones. You expect so much from yourself. You search and wish for the
acceptance and appreciation of others. Your focus is more on what you do not have
instead of what you have. Tiring huh?
⁃ The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Challenge. Indeed, you want to challenge
yourself but you do not like unexpected emotional challenges. Because when you have to
feel, oh that is scary! You imagine that you could lose control of yourself. Or you are afraid
of what might happen if you release control. When you search for your limit, you create
your own challenge, but you will always play it safe. That way you don’t have to look
inside too deeply.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
Dear control freak, try to let go more! You cannot always have the reins in your own
hands. Perhaps that is for the best. You are used to reasoning from your mind, but your
mind often reasons on the basis of past events. I always compare it with the ditch and the
great ocean. Your mind (read: control) chooses to go in a boat in a ditch, but your feeling
knows that you are here to allow you to sail on the great ocean. But in order to be open to
all possibilities, you have to trust your confidence and courage to let go of the reins of
control. Take a moment and ask yourself regularly 'What do I feel?’ instead of ' what are
my thoughts?’ Recognize when you are being challenged to bring out the best in yourself.

Card XVIII - The Sacrifice: with its emotion Attention�

⁃ What does this card want to tell you.
This card wants to tell you that it can be your pitfall that you are addicted to drama. You
often sacrifice yourself at your own expense. Often there are issues in your life -old
programs continuing to repeat themselves - and you like it. You want to change but it feels
safe to keep reviewing the old patterns. You often make a challenge out of life and you
also tend to be ready for everyone’s problems. You take the problems of the world on
your back.
⁃ The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Attention. The theme of this card, ‘sacrifice,’ is
all about Focus. By suffering, both physically and mentally, you get attention. This card
tells you that your self esteem and dignity are very low. You just don’t need that attention
anymore. Instead place your attention on yourself and do not lose any energy on old
beliefs about yourself.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
It is your challenge never to complain. Don’t underestimate yourself. Come on, you are the
embodiment of strength, not a victim! Remind yourself again why you've got wings; use
them to surpass your old tendencies and see yourself in the light that you are. You will
notice that you work like a magnet for new opportunities, people, and situations that will
bring out the best in yourself. The positive attention you'll receive is a reflection of the love
you hold for yourself.

Card XIX – The Lesson with its emotion Illusion

⁃ What does this card want to tell you
Your lesson is finished. That is what this card wants to tell you. However it is hard for you
to realize that. Constantly you have the feeling something is missing. By that you are all
the time attracting new lessons/challenges. Do realize that sometimes ‘something’ is
ready, completed and you may go on. Isn’t that marvelous? Do not let yourself be taken
away in a flow, that you actually do not want any more. It is high time for new experiences.
⁃ The Grail code with this card
The emotional purpose of this card is: Illusion. Comprehend the illusion. When the lesson
is learned you do not need this illusion any more. That can be – for instance - the little
voice in your head repeating all the time: ‘I cannot do that.’ Or: ‘I need help with this.’ Or:
‘For this choice I need money.’ Now that you realize that these are illusions only and that
there are no limits as to what you wish to create, you may let go. Understand that all you
need is within yourself.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
Know that all these ifs and buts originate from your thoughts. These thoughts are mostly
influenced by fear of the unknown, fear of failure. But you cannot possibly fail. You just
needed the experience in order to comprehend. It’s not a fairy tale: you are the winning
ticket of the lottery. It is your challenge to get it clear for yourself what you just want to
create from the new you. Purge that which stands in your way and open up to waves of
prosperity and abundance. When you perceive that you have thoughts that are not in line
with who you really are, then switch here and now to another thought. Eventually positive
thinking will become second nature.

Card XX – The Warrior with its emotion Compassion

⁃ What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you are determined, unmistakably know what you want
and go for it! Like a real warrior you will choose from power and passion and nobody will
stop you! A wonderful characteristic, because stakes are high that you will get what you
really want. However even with your fighters mentality there could also be a few snags
which means that things could turn out differently… .
⁃ The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Compassion. It is you who should watch out –
when something comes in your way during the process of creation – to not get depressed,
by which your ‘misfortune’ would become even bigger. You will ask your surroundings for
compassion and understanding, but do not put too much energy in your role as a victim.
Do realize that this will hamper you finding your real goals. See yourself during this
creation process as a child learning to walk. Of course it will fall down from time to time,
but then it will struggle up and walk further. Do not stay back in drama. It has no purpose
at all. If you ask for pity, you will become a magnet for even more misfortune.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
It is a challenge for the warrior to take enough rest. Especially mentally. Try to force back
your ability to think and muse. Let go of being in control! Stay in the flow of the universe:
everything has its correct time and place. It is not your way to impose or enforce business.
If you do not rest, you will unconsciously create situations on your path that will brake you
down. Just apply self-reflection in those situations! Do not focus too much on your
environment, do not put the blame on someone else or growl and snarl if something is
hindering you.

Card XXI – The Seed with its emotion Continuity

⁃ What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you that what you broadcast with your thoughts, words and deeds,
will come back to you. Jesus formulated this universal law as follows: ‘What you sow you
will harvest.’ Are you satisfied with your life as it is now? Often we are inclined to disregard
our emotions (read: the Seed). But do not underestimate the creative powers of your
emotions! Emotions are, as it were, the conductors of your creativity. How do you feel?
What do you think? What people and which situations do you attract in life? Remember:
Your destination is created by what you transmit!
⁃ The Grail code with this card

The emotional significance of this card is: Continuity. Continuity can be very positive and
give a feeling of certainty. Something goes on, infinitely. But that is not what is meant
here. This card is intended to say – in its combination with the meaning of the card known
as ‘The Seed’ – that you have entered a vicious circle of cause en effect. Because of the
fact that you still operate out of old programs/emotions, which will probably give you a
supposedly safe feeling, you just maintain that what you in reality want to alter. You stay
put – as it were – in your old feeling.
⁃ Your challenge with this card
Sometimes we make choices that are not determined with the right intentions. That is not
‘wrong’ though, because nothing is wrong. There is just what works – or not – depending
on what you try to be, to do, or to have. Each experience is as the planting of a seed and
later on you’ll see that you just needed this experience. It is your challenge to become
conscious about what you really want to create. Who are you and what do you want to do
or to have? But, what is still hindering you? If that is clear to you and you dare to let go of
the old ones, you might collect an interesting harvest!

Card XXII - The Victim with its emotion Invitation

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you often feel a victim to all sorts of circumstances. Often
‘others’ will do something to you. At least that is what you think, because that is what you
experience. This is the cause of what is holding you back – or what hinders you - you
search outside yourself. Thus, you place the power to change outside yourself, which only
contributes to maintaining the situation. An important key to break this pattern is self-
reflection. This helps you to look/feel (at) yourself without judgment (and specifically
honestly), at what you create and what you call about yourself.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Invitation. That means that you invite everything
and everybody to influence you, so you don’t arrive in your flow. I see a large wave before
me, that engulfs you and you are standing crouched with your head between your arms.
You let everything happen to you. For example, you are afraid to make choices. Because,
what if you are rejected? Or what if you are not appreciated? You prefer not to make
choices, while that is also a choice… Only you don’t see it that way and you end up in
your own role as the victim. Although confronting, the emotional connotation of this card
shows you that you yourself are the cause of this.
- Your challenge with this card
It is your challenge to find out who you want to be, so you can stand up for whom you
really are. Try not to think who you are, but feel who you are. Your perception never lies.
What resonates inside you? What makes you happy? If necessary make a list about how
the ‘perfect you’ would be and what is necessary to achieve that goal. Do not hesitate to
ask for help; even the universe is standing by. Then it will be easier to be critical to what
you allow from others. In short: dare to be honest (especially to yourself) and speak your
own truth.

Card XXIII – The Dreamer with the emotion Interaction

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you are a dreamer. Probably you will be bubbling over with
ideas and inspiration. Nevertheless you are asking yourself why it doesn’t work, like you
imagined. There is no such thing as a ‘fruitless’ thought. To let your dreams come true it is
essential to stand with both feet firmly on the ground, so your dreams can take root.
Important with the process of creating, is to let both our thinking as well as our perception
cooperate. When you are solely working from your rationality, it will lack the power of
creation from passion. With an added risk that old convictions/trauma’s would influence
your process of creation.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Interaction. This means that you connect your
thinking (mind) and feeling (heart). A lot of people act either from their thinking or from their
feeling. The intention is that both – thinking as well as feeling – is balanced to reach your
true strength. If you notice that you are on either side of the balance, this Grail code can
activate the interaction between the left and right brain hemispheres. Therefore
concentrate regularly on this card for extra support.
- Your challenge with this card
Don’t lose your gift to listen to your inner voice! You see, you have access to a world of
information, where your mind would falter. It is your challenge to align your dreams and
gain insight in what you really want. Don’t forget: all dreams that come directly from the
heart are feasible. The only one that forces boundaries and restrictions is you. It is an art
to see the possibilities and which steps will bring you closer to your goal.

Card XXIV – The Pain with its emotion Communicate

- What this card wants to tell you
‘No pain, no gain’ is a well -known American saying. It does fit a little, with the significance
of this card, which wants to tell you that you believe that you have to suffer in order to
grow. However this is an old religious indoctrination that many hold in their systems. Think
again; we can grow while enjoying surrender! The question is however: what do you
choose? Perhaps you often feel you are being disappointed or held back. When you dare
to look at yourself critically, the pain keeps coming and you are getting nowhere. Just
realize: you don’t have to earn it. Everything you need is already inside you.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Communicate. Where does the pain you
experience come from? What old conviction comes to light, which you can transform? Are
there spots in your physical body, were pain is being expressed? You might for example
be suffering from your shoulder blades, because you are loading ‘too much weight on your
shoulders’. It is important that you learn to listen and communicate with your body. The
pains can be energetic as well, because of emotions like sorrow, fear and insecurity. You
can for example feel agitation in your third chakra (solar plexus). Whatever may be: listen
to these signals because they will tell you exactly where you are. Each part of your body,
every organ stands for a spiritual theme or programme. Feel and make contact,
communicate with your body.
- Your challenge with this card
It is your challenge to let go of the conviction that you have to suffer in order to grow. For
instance say out loud daily to yourself: ‘I deserve to enjoy completely and I open myself to
finding the hidden treasures inside myself.’ Try, in the meantime, to listen to the signals of
your body. If you don’t know what a certain organ or part of a body stands for, you can
look it up in books like ‘Being ill, signals from the soul’ or ‘the sense of being ill’ (both by
Rudiger Dahlke). Open yourself to changes and dare to change yourself.

Card XXV – The Present with its emotion Commitment

- What this card wants to tell you
Live in the now, the present. That is what this card wants to tell you. However, it is often
easier said than done. Perhaps a lot did happen in the past, which you didn’t process until
now or haven’t been able to let go of yet. Even if you thought you did… The pitfall in this is
that programs from the past influence the choices now and/or in the future. Know it is up
to you to free yourself.
- The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Commitment. Which means that commitments
from the past with other people or situations influence your choices in the present. But are
they really your own emotions? Always feel which emotions are yours and which emotions
are someone else’s. Sometimes we tend to take over the emotions of others, by
committing ourselves to them or because someone reflects something to us. When that
happens we can do something about it. Then something is touching you, and it may be
possible for it to be healed. Use this information and then let go. Don’t keep on
committing yourself by judging others or adoring them. Then your attention stays with
someone else and you will pick up emotions that are nor yours.
- Your challenge with this card
You are invited to commit yourself with your heart, with your Higher Self. Try to listen more
often to this inner wisdom. It is your challenge from now on to do things because you want
to. Let others inspire you but not influence you. Or don’t fear to hurt someone or to lose
someone. Listen to your feeling. You can only really change yourself this way.

Card XXVI – The Giver with emotion Self-Respect

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you invest (too) much in others, that you give away a lot of
your energy. You are ready for everyone and want to mean something to others in your
surroundings of even the world. You give, you invest, but where are you in this? What is
important to you, what do you need, what do you want?

- The Grail Code with this card.

The emotional significance of this card is: Self-Respect. In this form this card means that
you are often focused on the outside world. That is what this card is saying: you are a
Giver, but often maybe from a lack of Self-Respect. Although it satisfies in many cases, it
will drain you because there will be people who abuse you. Or better said: by lack of Self-
Respect, you sometimes let others abuse you. You need confirmation from the outside
world. That you are nice, good, sweet and from the lack of Self-Respect you are always
afraid to be denied. So you keep on giving. Even when you are constantly disappointed by
others, because one way or another what you give does not come back to you.

- Your challenge with this card

It will not surprise you, but it is your challenge to love yourself again the way you are.
Apparently you have been hurt and disillusioned a few times in the past when you did
something which was ‘wrong’ or ‘unfitting’ in the eyes of someone else. Although you
probably didn’t do it on purpose. After all you are only human? We all make mistakes. You
know, the biggest emotional need of every person is to be appreciated. But real
appreciation starts with love for you. Feel your uniqueness and know there is an
undeveloped force inside you, waiting for you to change your life in a positive way. Giving
and Receiving are just the same. You will experience that when you are in balance.

Card XXVII – The Head with its emotion Hesitate

- What does this card want to tell you

This card wants to tell you that you tend to live from your head. You find it hard to feel
your emotions and you only follow information from your head. Sometimes you think you
are feeling, but this already says it all: your thinking influences your feeling. Know that all
thoughts come from the past. We can only think about the past or the future on basis of
what we know from previous experiences or occurrences. The pitfall is when we react
and/or make choices from the head; we always bring the past into our choices for
tomorrow. When you make choices from the heart, your future will be quite different.

- The Grail Code with this card

The emotional significance of this card is: Hesitate. The increased frequencies bring us
closer to the heart, it seems as if we tend to arrive more in duality. Our head repeats: ‘Turn
right here!’ And our heart – where influence increases – calls: ‘Stop! You need to turn left!’
Then you start hesitating. You receive dissimilar information and don’t know where to go
- Your challenge with this card
It is time to go ‘on hold’. When you realize you are confused and end up in a negative
spiral, just don’t do anything. Just accept the situation as it is. Remember, there is no right
or wrong. There is just something, which works depending on what you try to be, to do or
to have. Something inside you wants to return to your feeling. Try to do the exercises that
bring you closer to your feeling. For example return to Counting Breaths from phase 8.
Then realize that all answers and solutions are already there. You just have to remember.
Trust the fact that when you eliminate thinking, the answer comes to you in a natural way.
So try to feel more and ask yourself why you are feeling something, how it feels and what
you want to do. Reflect on what your heart suggests.

Card XXVIII – The Repetition with its emotion Confirmation

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you regularly wonder why certain things seem to repeat
themselves so often. For instance you seem to attract the same type for a partner with
whom it doesn’t work out. Or again and again you are disappointed in certain people. It
often seems to be the same experience in a different outfit. But the emotion and the way
in which it affects you, is always the same. So you step in the same pitfall and always
receive a new, similar challenge. Could it be that you haven’t learned the lesson yet?
Perhaps this is the moment to gain insight.
- The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Confirmation. Perhaps the circumstances in
your life repeat themselves because you seek confirmation outside yourself over and over
again. Because, be honest with yourself: isn’t there always (even if it is very quiet) a little
voice inside your head that says: ‘this doesn’t feel right’ or: ‘don’t do this!’ Again you
ignore this feeling or you don’t dare to trust it or you are afraid to really look at yourself.
You hope – against better knowledge – to get round yourself this time. Other people seem
so confident, which is why you follow someone else’s path. That is why you don’t come in
your own flow. The repetition continues until you choose otherwise.
- Your challenge with this card
It is your challenge to look inside yourself, what it is that is being mirrored that you don’t
(yet) dare to see. With this we often tend to focus on what we don’t want. For example, I
don’t want to attract the ‘wrong’ type of person anymore, I don’t want to be disappointed
anymore etc. Check with yourself how often you say to yourself that you DON’T want
these things to happen. Try and turn it around: what DO you want? The energy will flow in
the direction you send it. When you focus on what you don’t want, you get what you don’t

Card XXIX - The Unity with its emotion Completeness

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you are focused on unity, with its pitfall that you tend to
seek this unity outside yourself. You need others to be in that unity. It is a noble cause:
unity with others, unity with your surroundings. But this code wants to tell you that you
need unity inside yourself in the first place. If you make peace with the duality inside
yourself, you become balanced, in unity and in harmony. And frankly, that is when you
automatically experience unity with others and your surroundings. In the end all is one….
- The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Completeness. When you find/create unity
inside yourself and experience it, you arrive in this completeness. This might for a while, as
an in-between phase, activate a sense of loneliness, a kind of emptiness, but it is not. Just
as the word complete – from the Latin verb: complere, to fill up, to fulfill – suggests. In that
unity you are completely filled with information, full of self-confidence and full of energy
…but also you may feel ‘devoid’, devoid of judgments and prejudices, devoid of fear and
insecurities. That is your goal.
- Your challenge with this card
When you would like to change things in your life, you often are torn between head and
heart. Sometimes your feeling is at right angles with what your head would like you to
believe. It is your challenge – and the energy of this Grail card inspires you with – getting
your feeling and thinking into line. Frequently ask yourself: ‘why does my head give
different information than my heart?’ ‘What feeds this and where does if come from?’ ‘Are
these old convictions, former experiences?’ Be united and all knowledge within you will
become clear.

Card XXX – The Circle with its emotion Incomprehension

- What this card wants to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you often have the feeling you can’t break through
something, that you constantly stagnate in the same emotions and/or experiences. It is
like running in circles. Even though you were convinced that you have broken the circle,
but it comes back –although a little bit different –on your path. Try to feel on a deeper
level: what is behind this, why do things repeat themselves in your life.
- The Grail Code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Incomprehension. In this context, the cause of
running in circles could be the result of incomprehension. I shall describe two possibilities.
Feel inside yourself which of the two applies to you. It might be you recognize yourself
with both, because they feed one another. The first possibility may be you don’t always
feel understood and acknowledged by your surroundings. For instance you feel to have to
work harder before it is recognized and/or noticed. The second possibility could be that
you don’t understand certain patterns of yourself. Why do you choose to live through
certain things repeatedly?
- Your challenge with this card
It sounds like an ‘open door’ but it is your challenge to acknowledge yourself. Try to break
through the circle by looking at yourself in a different way. Often we criticize ourselves,
which influences our self-esteem in a negative way. Often fear is the main factor not to do
what you really want. Therefore: take your distance. Try to look in such a way that you can
see what it is that influences you to keep on running around in circles. Then ask yourself
critically: ‘what can I do to break through this and what might go wrong when I do break
through this? ‘ Often you make things worse than they really are…

Card XXXI – The Thinker with its emotion Not Knowing

- What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you that most of the time you feel outside your own thinking. Also
you tend to argue about everything mentally. This is why your pitfall is, that you often think
you have to defend yourself when you make or adjust choices in your life. You feel as if
you have to explain everything. You know that you don’t owe anyone an explanation apart
from yourself. You can announce a change or make your choices known but apart from
that you don’t have to elaborate. We often do that out of uncertainty or a low self-esteem.
We want everybody to understand us and acknowledge us.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Not Knowing. As long as you are in the process
of The Thinker – as shown above - you cannot reach the deeper knowing. Therefore, you
are ‘not knowing’, because your deeper knowing does not come from the head, or from
the thinking. Trust your own intuition, your own feeling because that is where the real
knowledge resides.
- Your challenge with this card
It is that little voice inside your head that needs to be silenced if your want to reach your
inner knowing. That is your challenge. I would like to advice to relax more and to let the
thinking subside. There are numerous ways to do that. You can walk for a while or go
cycling, but you also can meditate. Whatever way, it is your challenge to stay in the NOW,
so you can feel what your heart gives you. When your heart speaks to you, it will tell you
that you are a beautiful person, exactly the way you are.
Card XXXII – The Teacher with its emotion Self Esteem
- What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you that you often want to ‘teach’ your surroundings. You are
sensitive and often see things clearly, while others don’t see it (yet). You would like to give
advice. Actually you would like to help the entire world! Yet you cannot and may not give
advice uninvited. And a better world? That starts with you. Either you struggle with your
ego because it gives you a good feeling or this pattern is fed by a low self-esteem. You
would like to mean a lot to others to get acknowledgement you are doing well, that you
are a nice person and you make a difference.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Self Esteem. This card would like to tell you that
it is time for more self-respect. In this way you can stay closer to who you are. You feel
less urged to ‘teach’ others because you allow them to take their own paths. Only when
people need your advice and they ask for it, should you give it.
- Your challenge with this card
Try to actually feel in which moments you tend to ‘teach’ or want to take the world on your
shoulders. It may be your ego has to learn to deal with a different part but it is more likely
that you lack self-respect. At first work with yourself before you take on the world. Start by
not judging yourself and acknowledge your own (limiting) patterns. When you have worked
on your self-respect, you will see that your knowledge may not be the answer for others.

Card XXXIII - The Silent with its emotion Consciousness

- What does this card want to tell you
This card wants to tell you your head is busy. A lot of things happen and it is difficult for
you to relax. This card can help you find the silence inside yourself again, the void where
there is space for deeper knowledge, your Universal knowledge and the place where you
experience oneness in everything. You long for this peace, this silence.
- The Grail code with this card
The emotional significance of this card is: Consciousness. After all when you have found
the silence in yourself, you can make a leap to the next level of consciousness. You see, it
is already there, you are in the next phase, and you just don’t realize it yet. You do not yet
feel and experience it because there is no silence inside you.
- Your challenge with this card
When you dare to let go of the influence the world has on you, you can find silence. It
doesn’t have to be difficult. First of all place the intention that you want to find inner
peace. Make contact with your body on a daily basis. Before going to sleep for example or
during an activity. Take a moment to observe yourself: how do I breathe, how do my legs
feel, my hands, what is happening? On those moments there is no time to worry, instead
you relax and stay close to yourself.

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