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144 DISEASE/Botrytis

and A. vitis (biovar 3), regardless of pathogenicity Botrytis

(Table 2). Finally in 2001 the nomenclature was
again proposed to place all species currently in M L Gleason and S J Helland, Department of Plant
Pathology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA
the genus Agrobacterium in the closely related genus
Rhizobium. # 2003, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

See also: Breeding: Selection Strategies for Disease and

Pest Resistance. Disease: Bactericides and Fungicides. Introduction
Integrated Pest Management.
Grey mould, caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea
Pers.:Fr., the imperfect stage of Botryotinia
Further Reading fuckeliana, is among the most damaging diseases of
cultivated roses worldwide, attacking both outdoor
Binns AN and Thomashow MF (1988) Cell biology of (Figure 1) and greenhouse (Figure 2) plantings as
Agrobacterium infection and transformation of plants. well as cut roses during storage and transit. Common
Annual Review of Microbiology 42: 575ÿ606.
names of the disease on roses include botrytis blight
Bouzar H, Jones JB and Bishop JB (1995) Simple cultural
tests for identi®cation of Agrobacterium biovars. In:
and botrytis rot. The pathogen is ubiquitous in green-
Gartland KMA and Davey MR (eds.) Methods in houses, sporulates abundantly on senescing and dead
Molecular Biology, vol. 44, pp. 9ÿ13. Totowa, NJ: plant tissues, and is pathogenic on scores of orna-
Humana Press. mental and vegetable crops in addition to roses. Symp-
Bradbury JF (1986) Guide to Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. toms on rose ¯owers include small ¯ecks that develop
Kew, UK: Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux. into brown, necrotic spots that can ultimately spread
Broembsen S (1994) Extension Facts: Diseases of Roses. to engulf the entire ¯ower (Figures 3ÿ5). Stem lesions
Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University. are elongated, sunken, and black and brown in colour.
Dohm A, Ludwig C, Schilling D and Debener T (2001) High humidity and cool to mild temperatures are con-
Transformation of roses with genes from antifungal ducive to abundant conidia production; free water on
proteins. Acta Horticulturae 547: 27ÿ33.
plant surfaces is required for infection. Infections are
Gelvin SB (2000) Agrobacterium and plant genes involved
in T-DNA transfer and integration. Annual Review of
frequently latent when roses are harvested, but symp-
Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 51: toms may develop during storage and shipment. Small,
223ÿ256. rounded, black sclerotia are the most common
Horst RK (1995) Compendium of Rose Diseases, pp. overseasoning stage of B. cinerea. Valuable cultural
23ÿ25. St Paul, MN: American Phytopathological management techniques include: use of partially
Society. resistant cultivars; rigorous sanitation; suppression
Kersters K and De Ley J (1984) Genus III. Agrobacterium. of high humidity in greenhouses by forced-air circu-
In: Krieg NR and Holt JG (eds.) Bergey's Manual lation, venting and heating, and in shipment by
of Systematic Bacteriology, vol. 1, pp. 244ÿ254. adequately ventilated containers; and watering tech-
Baltimore, MD: Williams & Wilkins. niques that minimize the time that plants are wet.
Klee H, Horsch R and Rogers S (1987) Agrobacterium-
Fungicides are widely used to suppress grey mould
mediated plant transformation and its further applica-
tions to plant biology. Annual Review of Plant
of roses, but resistance and other factors can compro-
Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 38: 467ÿ486. mise their effectiveness. Numerous experimental
Moore LW, Bouzar H and Burr T (2001) Agrobacterium. treatments have the potential to supplement or replace
In: Schaad NW, Jones JB and Chun W (eds.) Laboratory conventional fungicides for grey mould management,
Guide for Identi®cation of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, but these treatments are not yet available for
3rd edn, pp. 17ÿ35. St Paul, MN: American Phyto- commercial use.
pathological Society.
Nutter RC, Thomashow MF, Gordon MP and Nester EW
(1981) Agrobacterium: nature's genetic engineer. In: Symptoms
Panopoulos NJ (ed.) Genetic Engineering in the Plant On petals of greenhouse roses, symptoms typically
Sciences, pp. 17ÿ35. New York: Praeger Press.
appear as small ¯ecks that expand into brown,
Pionnat S, Dessaux Y, Nesme X and Poncet C (1996)
Detection and determination of pathogenic Agrobacter-
necrotic spots. These spots can ultimately engulf entire
ium of roses with PCR. Acta Horticulturae 424: petals and the receptacle, ®nally causing collapse of
227ÿ232. the ¯ower head and abscission of petals. On suscep-
Sheng J and Citovsky V (1996) Agrobacteriumÿplant cell tible roses, one to three lesions per ¯ower are suf®cient
DNA transport: have virulence proteins, will travel. to render a ¯ower unmarketable. Botrytis cinerea
Plant Cell 8: 1699ÿ1710. petal infections on greenhouse roses are frequently
DISEASE/Botrytis 145

Figure 1 Target-like canker that developed on the cane of a

®eld-grown rose after prolonged humid weather. (Courtesy of
RK Jones, North Carolina State University.)

Figure 3 Flower blighted by B. cinerea infection. (Courtesy of

Iowa State University.)

Figure 2 Lesion developing on the petal of a greenhouse-grown

rose. (Courtesy of Iowa State University.)

latent; that is, they are not visible when ¯owers are
harvested, but develop under humid postharvest stor-
age conditions or as ¯owers mature. Severe economic Figure 4 Base of ¯ower blighted by B. cinerea infection. (Cour-
losses can occur when symptoms appear on ¯owers in tesy of Iowa State University.)
storage or during shipment.
Lesions on ®eld-grown roses, and sometimes those
Disease Cycle and Ecology
grown in greenhouses, may develop woolly masses of
tan-brown mycelium and greyish B. cinerea conidia Botrytis cinerea persists year-round in greenhouses as
under humid conditions. Young twigs and cut stubs conidia, mycelia or sclerotia on living or dead plants,
die back and large, sunken, elongated, target-like, and as sclerotia or conidia in infested soil. Outdoors,
black and brown blotches develop on canes. Small, the fungus overwinters in infested plant debris or soil.
black, oval to hemispheric sclerotia frequently form Sclerotia are the most important structures for ®eld
on or just below the cuticle or epidermis in these survival, although conidia may also overseason in the
lesions, and are ®rmly attached. ®eld. The survival stages can be spread long distances
146 DISEASE/Botrytis

`Golden Wave' ¯owers grown in a California

greenhouse during winter were more susceptible than
the same cultivar grown in the autumn, presumably
because increased humidity, lower temperatures and
lower light conditions during the winter reduced
cuticle thickness and thus facilitated invasion by
B. cinerea. Seasonal changes in the greenhouse envi-
ronment, including relative humidity and vapour pres-
sure de®cit, can also affect the amount of airborne
conidia and conduciveness to conidial germination
on plant tissues. Greenhouses that did not rigorously
remove senescing and dead plant tissue, on which
B. cinerea can sporulate copiously, were more vulner-
able to severe grey mould outbreaks than greenhouses
with adequate sanitation practices.

Successful management of grey mould requires inte-
gration of the best available strategies, since no single
Figure 5 Blight of entire bloom, caused by advanced B. cinerea measure is adequate alone.
infection. (Courtesy of Iowa State University.)
Cultural Strategies
through movement of infested plant debris or soil. Some rose cultivars are moderately resistant to
Sclerotia commonly germinate by producing conidia, B. cinerea, but the degree of resistance has not been
occasionally by producing hyphae, and rarely by pro- clearly determined for most cultivars. In greenhouses
ducing apothecia and ascospores. and ®eld plantings, strict sanitation is a critically im-
Conidia developing from sclerotia, infected plants portant cultural practice. All spent blossoms, fallen
or infested plant debris are dispersed in large numbers leaves and other plant debris, as well as any symptom-
by air currents. Sporulation is favoured when air cir- atic buds, ¯owers and canes, should be removed, from
culation within the plant canopy is reduced or absent. both plant beds and beneath benches, hauled away
Botrytis cinerea spores in a greenhouse can origin- from the vicinity and destroyed. When soil or recycled
ate within the crop itself or can enter the house potting media are used for pots and plant beds, they
from external sources through vents. Spore germina- should be steamed at 82  C for 30 min or 71  C for
tion and infection are most rapid at temperatures of 1 h in order to destroy B. cinerea inoculum.
22ÿ25  C with free moisture or high relative humidity Greenhouse relative humidity should be held below
(90ÿ100%). Botrytis cinerea is also active at relatively 85ÿ90% by forced-air circulation, as well as venting
low temperatures, however, and can cause consider- and heating at night. Plant spacing should be adequate
able damage to cut-rose ¯owers and plants stored to to allow air movement within the crop canopy. The
0ÿ10  C. When roses in shipping cartons are trans- goal of these practices is to minimize the duration of
ferred to room temperature during transit or at deliv- periods when moist, still air remains around the plants.
ery sites, condensation of water on the cold ¯owers Adequate spacing is also important for outdoor rose
triggers germination of B. cinerea conidia that were plantings, and selection of sites with adequate
deposited during the ¯ower production phase, soil and air drainage. Effective weed suppression
resulting in lesions. also speeds drying and minimizes the duration of wet
Although germinating conidia seldom penetrate in- periods. Watering at the base of plants is preferable to
tact, actively growing tissue, penetration is common overhead irrigation. Where overhead irrigation is un-
through wounds such as cut stubs of stems and tip- avoidable, however, watering during the morning is
burned leaves. Ageing ¯ower petals and senescing advised, since it allows time for the plants to dry before
leaves are readily colonized. Levels of ethylene, a com- nightfall.
pound produced during ¯ower senescence, were pos- Since B. cinerea readily invades wounds, it is helpful
itively correlated with grey mould severity in roses. to avoid wounding plants unnecessarily.
Susceptibility of roses to grey mould varies with the Improvements in shipping practices can help sup-
growing environment. Susceptibility of a greenhouse- press development of grey mould. Using cardboard
grown cultivar may differ seasonally; for example, boxes perforated with numerous, large ventilation
DISEASE/Botrytis 147

holes reduced germination of B. cinerea conidia in The biological control fungus Clonostachys rosea
comparison to boxes without holes. Promptly unpack- (Link:Fr.) Schroers, Samuels, Siefert, and W. Gams,
ing ¯owers and arranging them in vases also sup- formerly known as Gliocladium roseum, markedly
pressed disease by accelerating drying of ¯ower suppressed sporulation of B. cinerea in rose petals
buds and petals. and leaves when applied before the arrival of
B. cinerea spores, and rapidly colonized dead leaves
and petals as well. This ®nding suggested that C. rosea
Fungicides and Fungicide Alternatives
has the potential to effectively suppress the production
Fungicides are widely used to suppress B. cinerea in of B. cinerea conidia in rose production systems.
rose production, both in greenhouses and in the ®eld. Although none of these alternative tactics is cur-
Effectiveness of fungicides can be limited in several rently registered for use against B. cinerea on roses,
ways, however. First, it is nearly impossible to protect they may be useful in the future as supplementary
all ¯owers even when fungicides are sprayed weekly, treatments to decrease reliance on conventional fun-
since ¯owers that are closed during treatment may gicides that are resistance-prone or environmentally
develop and be harvested before the next spray, and toxic.
are thus vulnerable to B. cinerea. Second, B. cinerea
has developed widespread resistance to several fun- See also: Breeding: Selection Strategies for Disease and
gicides that were formerly mainstays of grey mould Pest Resistance. Disease: Bactericides and Fungicides.
control, including those in the benzimidazole and di- Integrated Pest Management.
carboximide classes. Third, since the presence of vis-
ible fungicide residues on harvested roses hampers
marketability, many growers prefer to use products Further Reading
that leave little or no residue.
Several treatments have shown promise as Elad Y (1988) Involvement of ethylene in the disease
alternatives or supplements to conventional fungicide caused by Botrytis cinerea on rose and carnation ¯owers
sprays. Dipping of harvested ¯owers into tap water at and the possibility of control. Annals of Applied
Biology 113: 589ÿ598.
50  C for 20ÿ40 s reduced grey mould severity by
Elad Y (1988) Latent infection of Botrytis cinerea in rose
60% without reducing vase-life of the ¯owers. Spray- ¯owers and combined chemical and physiological
ing detached rose petals with a solution of GA3, a control of the disease. Crop Protection 7: 361ÿ366.
gibberellic acid, suppressed development of grey Elad Y and Volpin H (1991) Heat treatment for the control
mould, possibly by delaying petal senescence and of rose and carnation grey mould (Botrytis cinerea).
stimulating the formation of endogenous compounds Plant Pathology 40: 278ÿ286.
inhibitory to B. cinerea. Suppression of grey mould Hammer P and Evenson K (1994) Differences between rose
by GA3 was enhanced by addition of the growth reg- cultivars in susceptibility to infection by Botrytis
ulator paclobutrazol. However, postharvest spray cinerea. Phytopathology 84: 1305ÿ1312.
applications of GA3 to intact rose ¯owers did not pro- Hammer P and Evensen K (1996) Effects of the production
vide signi®cant suppression of B. cinerea. Grey mould environment on the susceptibility of rose ¯owers to
postharvest infection by Botrytis cinerea. Journal of the
was reduced on cut roses that had taken up methyl
American Society of Horticultural Science 121:
jasmonate, a naturally occurring compound in many 314ÿ320.
plants, because methyl jasmonate apparently induced Hazendonk A, ten Hoope M and van der Wurff T (1995)
systemic acquired resistance mechanisms; ¯ower Method to test rose cultivars on their susceptibility to
quality was not impaired by this treatment. Dipping Botrytis cinerea during the post-harvest stage. Acta
rose buds in the antibiotic pyrrolnitrin, which is de- Horticulturae 405: 39ÿ45.
rived from the bacterium Burkholderia cepacia, and Horst R (1983) Compendium of Rose Diseases. St Paul,
subsequently inoculating with Botrytis cinerea co- MN: APS Press, American Phytopathological Society.
nidia, suppressed grey mould in cold storage as effec- Marois J, Redmond J and MacDonald J (1988) Quanti®ca-
tively as a conventional fungicide, and also enhanced tion of the impact of environment on the susceptibility
poststorage fresh weight gain. of Rosa hybrida ¯owers to Botrytis cinerea. Journal of
the American Society of Horticultural Science 113:
Inhibitors of ethylene can help to delay ¯ower se-
nescence and thus suppress grey mould. Incubating Meir S, Droby S, Davidson H et al. (1998) Suppression of
cut roses in solutions of CaSO4, CaCl2, or sodium botrytis rot in cut rose ¯owers by postharvest applica-
thiosulphate reduced the severity of grey mould symp- tion of methyl jasmonate. Postharvest Biology and
toms by 60%, probably by inhibiting increases in Technology 13: 235ÿ243.
ethylene production and membrane permeability Morandi A, Sutton J and Maf®a L (2000) Effects of host
associated with natural senescence. and microbial factors on development of Clonostachys
148 DISEASE/Black Spot

rosea and control of Botrytis cinerea in rose. European Table 1. All these papers report the fungus in its
Journal of Plant Pathology 106: 439ÿ448. conidial stage. The ®rst report of the perfect stage
Nameth S (2002) Botrytis Gray Mold in Greenhouse Floral was by Wolf in 1912. He found apothecia on
Crops. Ohio State University Extension FactSheet overwintered leaves in Ithaca (NY, USA). Nowadays
the fungus is distributed worldwide and is even found
Rodriguez A, deVis R and Arbelaez G (1999) Effect of a
photoselective plastic and a climatic screen on the
on islands like the Philippines and Hawaii.
disease caused by Botrytis cinerea pers. in a rose farm.
Acta Horticulturae 482: 227ÿ233. Symptoms of the Disease and Lifecycle
Shaul O, Elad Y and Zieslin N (1995) Suppression of
botrytis blight in cut rose ¯owers with gibberellic acid:
of the Fungus
effects of postharvest timing of the gibberellin treat- In spring the ®rst infections are caused by spores that
ment, conidial inoculation, and cold storage period. overwintered in fallen leaf-material, or in structures
Postharvest Biology and Technology 6: 331ÿ339. called acervuli, on stems. Acervuli are fruiting body
Volpin H and Elad Y (1991) In¯uence of calcium nutrition
structures that the fungus develops in leaves, forming
on susceptibility of rose ¯owers to botrytis blight.
conidia, initially subarticularly or subepidermally. In
Phytopathology 81: 1390ÿ1394.
Figure 1 the life cycle of black spot is shown. The
spores stick to the leaf cuticle, germinate and penetrate
into epidermal cells. The fungus forms strands of sub-
cuticular hyphae and grows deeper into the leaf, with
Black Spot intercellular hyphae sending nutrient-absorbing struc-
tures called haustoria into the plant cells. Small brown
R Drewes-Alvarez, University of Applied Sciences,
spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves and
Dresden, Germany
develop into irregular spots with fringed margins. In
# 2003, Elsevier Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Figure 2 part of a rose leaf with black spot symptoms is
shown. While the brown spots develop on the leaves,
small black acervuli with new spores (conidia) are
Black spot is a common disease of roses caused by the often formed under the cuticle in concentric circles
fungus Diplocarpon rosae Wolf (conidial stage: but are also distributed irregularly. The diameter of
Marssonina rosae (Lib.) Died.). It causes early defoli- the acervuli can vary from 50 to 400 mm. In Figure 3
ation and weakening of plants. All rose varieties are a photograph made under an electron microscope
more or less susceptible to the disease. In this article shows the leaf surface with hyphae and three acervuli.
facts about the history, the symptoms and the life- Inside each acervulus there are masses of two-celled
cycle are given. As the fungus is not a strictly bio- conidia. In Figure 4 another photograph made under
trophe parasite, it can be grown on arti®cial media. the electron microscope shows a leaf surface with
Isolates of the fungus can be differentiated by morpho- some ruptured acervuli and surrounding two-celled
logical traits or according to their interaction with conidia. After the rupture of the cuticle, the conidia
different roses. Breeding for black spot resistance re- are visible as a white, slimy mass in and around the
quires the existence of resistance genes. After evalua- acervuli (Figure 2). The conidia are spread by rain
tion of species and hybrid roses, resistance genes were
found in some species of roses, such as Rosa multi¯ora
Thunb. ex Murray and R. rugosa Thunb. and breeders
are trying to transfer these genes into cultivars by Table 1 First reports of black spot in different countries
cross-breeding or to incorporate resistance genes
Country Author and year
from other plants into transgenic roses.
Sweden Fries (1815)
Belgium Libert (1826)
History of the Disease France Duby (1830)
Germany Bonorden (1853)
The conidial stage of the fungus was ®rst reported in England Berkeley (1860)
1815 in Sweden by Fries. After that there were reports Scotland Stevenson (1879)
from Belgium and France and in the second half of the Italy Saccardo (1884)
nineteenth century the disease was also reported from USA Scribner (1887)
Germany and the UK. Reports from North America Australia Cooke (1892)
The Netherlands Oudemans (1904)
and Australia followed at the end of the nineteenth Hungary Laszlo (1910)
century. The disease was reported from China in 1910
and in 1914 from Japan. More details can be found in Data from Aronescu (1934) and Frick (1943).

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