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A Day in the Life Roman Style

Subject : Can you believe those Etruscans?

From: titus_valerius@aquaduct.ro - Titus Valerius
To: galerius_valerius@aquaduct.ro - Galerius Valerius

Dearest Galerius,

It was a delight seeing you last month. It’s always special when brothers can come

together. I’ll see you next Sextilis to celebrate my XXXI birthday. But as for right now, I am

continuing my military service. Hopefully, I will be given a good piece of land upon my return to


I heard that your son, Brutus, was interested in my daily activities. I am aware that he is

due to be brought into military service himself and would be interested in the lifestyle he will

soon be enduring. It is often tiring and painful. Yesterday we marched MMMMM pasuss(about

5.8km) across the countryside advancing on Etruscan armies. With all the weight of my armor,

it becomes quite a monumental task. Not to forget the constant fear of being attacked by enemy

ambushes. It is worth it though after my XXV years of service are up, I will be more well off

then many of my contemporaries.

As far as respect goes, it can be different. Being considered patricians, we are treated

pretty well, and are respected in our communities. It gives me pride in knowing that the

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plebeians admire us so much. Many of the times we march through one of our cities, we are

often showered in praise and glory by the townsfolk.

Speaking of townsfolk, the Etruscans, which we have been in and out of conflict with,

have been brought in to our society and are attempting to integrate. While I do believe that some

of their morals are good, like the more freedoms they give to women. I do view them as a mere

shadow of their former glory. I have much less respect for them than I did before. Hopefully, we

can discuss this more when I get my next break from service. When I come home, please have

your wife prepare the finest fish and bread.

Donec iterum conveniant,

(Until we meet again),


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