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ECD 133 Preschool MATH Learning Plan Name Quinn Crawford

Activity Name: Clothespin Number Match Age of Child(ren): 3

Setting: Small Group

Developmental Focus: Cognitive and Fine motor

Key Content Focus: Physical development and Math

Key Content Area Concepts: Number and Operations

Key Content Area Skills: Counting

Learning Outcomes:

1. The child will use concrete objects to represent numbers 1-20, depending
on their development.
2. The child will compare numbers by observing the number of objects they
have with other peers.

ELS: M-3K-1.7 Show an awareness of numbers in a personally meaningful

ELS: M-3K-2.2 Show one-to-one correspondence through three when
counting real objects.

Materials to collect/prepare:

• Clothespins (wooden or plastic)

• Numbers printed on cardstock and laminated
• Small baskets to hold pins and numbers

Transition/warm up/introduction:

“The Ant’s Go Marching”

The ants go marching one by one.

Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one.
Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one;
The little one stops to suck his thumb,
And they all go marching
into the ground
to get out
of the rain.
Boom, boom, boom!
The ants came marching two by two, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The ants came marching two by two
The little one stopped to tie his shoe.
They all go marching down around the town.
Boom, Boom, Boom.
Other Verses:
The ants came marching three by three...
The little one stopped to climb a tree.
The ants came marching four by four....
The little one stopped to shut the door....
The ants came marching five by five...
The little one stopped to take a dive....
The ants came marching six by six....
The little one stopped to pick up sticks....
The ants came marching seven by seven....
The little one stopped to go to heaven...
The ants came marching eight by eight...
The little one stopped to shut the gate...
The ants came marching nine by nine...
The little one stopped to scratch his spine...
The ants came marching ten by ten
The little one stopped to say THE END!

Before the activity I will sing “The Ants Go Marching” with the children and
introduce number names and counting. I will then explain that we are going to
do an activity called “Number Matching”.

Adult-guided Procedures:
After the transition/warm up/introduction, the adult will…
1. The adult will set one basket with numbers and clothes pins on the table for
each child.

2. The adult will call the children to their table to sit down.

3. The adult will pick a card of their choice and count and clip the number
of clothespins to represent the number.

4. The adult will then instruct the children to do the same.

5. The adult will ask open-ended questions to extend the children’s learning.

Child-guided Procedures: (use as many or as few steps as needed)

1. First the child will use one-to-one correspondence to show equivalence.
2. Next the child will compare their numbers with the numbers of their peers.
Conversation to Support Learning/Talking with Children

1. How many more numbers do you have than ______?

2. Do you have less numbers than _______?
3. How many pins would you have if you added yours to ______’s?
4. What would happen if I took away 2 of your pins?
5. What did you like about this activity?

Observations and Assessment:

1. I will know that the child is using numbers in a personal way by their
conversation while doing this activity. I may hear them say things like, “I
have 2 brothers and 1 sister”. (ELS: M-3K-1.7 Show an awareness of
numbers in a personally meaningful context.)
2. I will see the child place the corresponding number of clothespins on the
number card. (ELS: M-3K-2.2 Show one-to-one correspondence through
three when counting real objects.)

Accommodations for individuals:

Scaffolding down: Supply smaller number (1-10) in children’s baskets.

Scaffolding up: Supply larger numbers (1-30) in children’s baskets.


Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.childcareland.com/

Ideas & Resources for Pre-K & Preschool Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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