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una narraci�n m�s filos�fica y reflexiva sobre la naturaleza del ser humano y sus

relaciones con otras formas de vida inteligentes.

os xen�logos planetarios, Pipo y su hijo Libo, estudian a los cerdis (pequeninos)

con fuertes restricciones del congreso, que impide hacer preguntas directas o
mostrarles tecnolog�a humana. R�pidamente el Congreso Estelar ordena que todos los
contactos entre cerdis y humanos deben ser reducidos al m�nimo. S�lo dos xen�logos
(estudiosos de razas alien�genas) podr�n hablar con ellos, evitando revelar
cualquier caracter�stica de la raza o la tecnolog�a humanas. La raz�n oficial para
este aislamiento es que se busca evitar da�os para los cerdis, pero el verdadero
motivo es evitar que los cerdis aprendan de nosotros y nos hagan alg�n d�a lo que
nosotros le hicimos con los insectores.
Ender viaja all� como portavoz y se establece, revolucionando la vida de la
colonia humana, pactando con los pequeninos y resucitando a la Reina Colmena.
Pronto, las tres razas deber�n trabajar juntas para evitar la destrucci�n del
planeta, ya que el Congreso Estelar decide mandar a su Flota a atacar Lusitania
para evitar la propagaci�n de la descolada.

Los Portavoces de los Muertos son viajeros representantes de un movimiento

humanista, sacerdotes para aquellos que no creen en dioses pero s� en los valores y
�tica humanos. Los portavoces pronuncian discursos tras la muerte de un individuo
intentando hablar por ellos y calmar el mal que las acciones de la vida del
individuo pudiesen causar en la comunidad. Este movimiento surge como consecuencia
del exterminio de los insectores por Ender en la primera novela que se transforma
del odio inicial contra esta raza, a una posterior pena y culpabilidad de la
humanidad al haberla exterminado.

Si Ender oculta su fuente es porque sabe perfectamente que si la Humanidad llora la

muerte de los insectores es, justamente, porque cree que todos est�n muertos. Si se
supiera que todav�a hay insectores vivos nadie dudar�a en aniquilarlos, esta vez
En este tiempo la culpa por la muerte de los insectores ha hecho que todos
consideren a Ender (de quien todos creen que ha muerto siglos atr�s) como un ser
despreciable. Lo llaman el Genocida o el monstruo Ender. La palabra Ender se vuelve
un insulto. Al mismo tiempo, todos consideran al an�nimo autor de LA REINA COLMENA
como el hombre m�s noble y compasivo de todos los tiempos. Tal como se dijo antes,
nadie sospecha que ambos son la misma persona.

Los acontecimientos se precipitan cuando, sin motivo aparente, los cerdis matan a
Pipo, uno de los dos xen�logos. Pipo recibe una muerte ritual, en la que sus
�rganos son separados y esparcidos cuidadosamente por el suelo. �Por qu� lo han
matado? Las reglas de aislamiento impiden preguntarlo. La hija adoptiva de Pipo
pide entonces un portavoz para Hablar por la muerte de su padre adoptivo y Ender,
que est� en un mundo cercano, atiende la llamada. Veintid�s a�os dura el viaje de
Ender hacia Lusitania (aunque para �l s�lo pasa una semana) y durante ese tiempo
otro de los hijos de Pipo, tambi�n xen�logo, ha recibido de los cerdis la misma
muerte ritual que su padre.
Llegado a Lusitania, Ender investiga la vida de Pipo y descubre as� la causa de su
muerte y la de su hijo, as� como muchos hechos fundamentales sobre la vida de los
cerdis. En el proceso Lusitania inicia una rebeli�n contra el Congreso Estelar
cuyos ecos reverberar�n a los largo de los Cien Mundos.


Pipo has developed a friendship with the Pequeninos, finding that it is a

matriarchal society with the females segregated from the males, and that their
belief system centers around the trees of the forests.
As Pipo's death appears unprovoked, the Pequeninos are now considered a threat by
the Starways Congress and a fence is erected to protect the colony, with access
strictly regulated.
ter relativistic travel, Ender arrives at Lusitania 22 years later, finding that
Novinha had canceled her request for a Speaker, but in the intervening time, not
only has Libo also died in a similar manner to Pipo, Marcos recently died, and
Novinha's children, Ela and Miro, have requested a Speaker for Libo and Marcos.
Ender, gaining access to all of the appropriate files, learns of tension since
Pipo's death; Novinha has turned away from xenobiology to study crop growth, which
created a loveless relationship with Marcos, while Miro has secretly worked with
Ouanda to continue to study the Pequeninos, while sharing human technology and
knowledge with them. Over the course of time, Miro and Ouanda have fallen in love.
With Ender's arrival, Miro tells him that one of the Pequeninos, Human, has taken a
great interest in Ender, and Ender becomes aware that Human can hear messages from
the Formic Hive Queen. Ender and Jane discover that Marcos was infertile: all six
of Novinha's children, including Miro, were fathered by Libo, who is also Ouanda's
father. Ender also learns what Pipo had seen in Novinha's data.
As word of Miro's and Ouanda's illegal sharing of human technology with the
Pequeninos is reported to Congress, Ender secretly goes to meet with the
Pequeninos. They know his true identity, and they implore him to help them be part
of humanity, while the Formic Queen tells Ender that Lusitania would be an ideal
place to restart the hive, as her race can help guide the Pequeninos. By the time
Ender returns to the colony, Congress has ordered Miro and Ouanda to be sent off-
planet for penal action and the colony to be disbanded. Ender delivers his eulogy
for Marcos, revealing Novinha's infidelity. Miro, distraught at the implications
for his relationship with Ouanda, attempts to escape to hide with the Pequeninos,
but he suffers neurological damage as he tries to cross the fence. Ender reveals to
the colony what he discovered that Pipo had learned: that every life form on
Lusitania is paired with another through the Descolada virus, so that the death of
one births the other, and in the case of the Pequeninos, they become trees when
they die. Libo and Pipo learned of this, but their deaths were a respectful
misunderstanding by the Pequeninos. The colony leaders recognize Ender's words, and
they agree to rebel against Congress, severing their ansible connection and
deactivating the fence, allowing Ender, Ouanda, and Ela to go with Human to speak
to the Pequenino wives, to help establish a case to present to Congress.
The Pequenino wives help Ender to corroborate the complex life cycle of the
Pequeninos, affirming that the death ritual Pipo observed was to help create
"fathertrees" who fertilize the Pequenino females to continue their race. The
Pequeninos believed they were honoring Pipo, and later Libo, by helping them become
fathertrees, but Ender explains that humans lack this "third life", and if the
Pequeninos are to cohabitate with humans, they must respect this difference. To
affirm their understanding, Human allows Ender to perform the ritual of "killing"
him to take him into his "third life" as a fathertree, providing Ouanda with the
confirmation needed to present to Congress.

Miro recovers from most of the physical damage from his encounter with the fence,
but he is still paralytic. Valentine and her family inform Ender they plan to help
Lusitania with the revolt, and they are traveling to help; Ender has Miro meet them
halfway. Novinha, having gained understanding into the death of Pipo and Libo,
finally absolves herself of her guilt, and she and Ender marry. Ender plants the
Hive Queen as per her request, and he writes his third book, a biography of the
life of the Pequenino, Human.

This is how humans are: We question all our beliefs, except for the ones that we
really believe in, and those we never think to question.
Andrew Wiggin
Only one rabbi dared to expect of us such a perfect balance that we could preserve
the law and still forgive the deviation. So, of course, we killed him.
The best parts of my intellectual life are tangential, in areas outside my
expertise. I supposed because within my area of expertise, the regulations they
have placed upon me make it impossible to know or understand anything.

You are the one human being who is capable of understanding the alien mind, because
you are the alien mind; you know what it is to be unhuman because there�s never
been any human group that gave you credentials as a bona fide homo sapien.
Anthropology is never an exact science; the observer never experiences the same
culture as the participant.
Don�t ever try to teach me about good and evil. I've been there; you�ve seen
nothing but the map.
Ignorance and deception can�t save anybody. Knowing saves them.
If people only react to the way that others treat them, then nobody is responsible
for anything. If your sins are not your own to choose, then how can you repent?

t�s the dream of every living creature. The desire that is the very root of life
itself: to grow until all the space you can see is part of you, under your control.
It�s the desire for greatness. There are two ways, though, to fulfill it. One way
is to kill anything that is not yourself, to swallow it up or destroy it, until
nothing is left to oppose you. But that way is evil. You say to all the universe,
Only I will be great, and to make room for me the rest of you must give up even
what you already have, and become nothing.
He was telling the truth, the story you wouldn't think to doubt because it�s taken
for granted.
We become one tribe because we say we're one tribe.
But they knew from that day forward who the piggies were, just as the readers of
the Hive Queen had understood the buggers, and the readers of the Hegemon had
understood humankind in its endless quest for greatness in a wilderness of
separation and suspicion.

In other words, alienness is okay if it's domesticated� But then is it really

alien? Is Speaker for the Dead tolerant of difference or not?
When Ender speaks for the buggers or the piggies, does he make them less alien? Is
that good or bad?
Five days later they realized that the little forest-dwelling animals that they had
called porquinhoes�piggies�were not animals at all. (Prologue.2)
The Nordic language recognizes four orders of foreignness. The first is the
otherlander, or 'utlanning', the stranger that we recognize as being a human of our
world, but of another city or country. The second is the 'framling' [...]. This is
the stranger that we recognize as human, but of another world. The third is the
'raman', the stranger that we recognize as human, but of another species. The
fourth is the true alien, the 'varelse', which includes all the animals, for with
them no conversation is possible. They live, but we cannot guess what purposes or
causes make them act. They might be intelligent, they might be self-aware, but we
cannot know it." (2.19)
Maybe the truth is that categorizing your ethical and personal relations with
others like this may not be quite as good an idea as Demosthenes thinks it is.
In the meantime I can't report any of this because, whether I meant to or not, I've
clearly violated the rules� Never mind that the rules are stupid and
counterproductive. I broke them, and if they find out they will cut off my contact
with the pequeninos�. So I'm forced into deception and silly subterfuge. (5.6)

he Descolada is the virus that infects everything on Lusitania. It turns piggies

into trees, watersnakes into the weeds by the river, and humans into dead humans�
until Novinha's parents find a cure. The Descolada produces miraculous strangeness
and new variety, or else death, and as such, it neatly captures the novel's
enthusiasm for, and wariness of, foreignness and difference. The Descolada is the
alien inside as destroyer, as thing to be tamed so we can stay the same, and (since
Human has to stand for humans) also as potential transformation.
he fence that separates humans and piggies symbolizes� separation. On the one hand,
the fence keeps humans from corrupting piggies and violating the Prime Directive
and making Mr. Spock mad. But on the other hand, you could see the fence as keeping
the piggies in�preventing them from corrupting and hurting the humans. That's
Human's view when he says, "Humans are filling up all the worlds. The humans build
their stupid fence to keep us out, but that is nothing. The sky is our fence!"
he piggies can get over the fence super easily by using an anesthetic grass. Rather
than separation then, the fence shows the futility, or uselessness, of separation.
What you want out gets in, just as (thanks to Miro and Ouanda) what you want in�all
those technological goodies�gets out. Difference mixes; you can't control it.
At the same time though, trying to control it matters. The fence isn't about
physical separation as much as it is about mental separation. For Lusitanians, it's
a statement
iro finds. He wants to climb the fence, and "become a renegade (16.197). And while
he does become an outcast, it's not in the ways he might have expected: the fence
paralyzes him, and suddenly he's an alien, unable to take part in his work or his
life, cut off from his family and his former fianc�.

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