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Leah Herman

EDU 580
Lesson Plan

1. Standards
a. Math Grade 7 Content
i. NY-7.NS.2 Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication
and division and of fractions to multiply and divide rational numbers.
ii. NY-7.NS.2a Understand that multiplication is extended from fractions to
rational numbers by requiring that operations continue to satisfy the
properties of operations, particularly the distributive property, leading to
products such as (–1)(–1) = 1 and the rules for multiplying signed
numbers. Interpret products of rational numbers by describing realworld

b. Tech Standards
i. Empowered Learner
1. (1c) Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and
improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a
variety of ways.
ii. Digital Citizen
1. (2c) Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the
rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
iii. Computational Thinking
1. (5b) Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital
tools to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to
facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
2. (5c) Students break problems into component parts, extract key
information, and develop descriptive models to understand
complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
iv. Creative Communicator
1. (6c) Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively
by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as
visualizations, models or simulations.
v. Global Collaborator
1. (7a) Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a
variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways
that broaden mutual understanding and learning.
2. (7b) Students use collaborative technologies to work with others,
including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues
and problems from multiple viewpoints.

2. Lesson Objectives
a. Content area
i. Students will be able to multiply and divide rational numbers.
ii. Students will be able to recognize the similarities of multiplying and
dividing rational numbers to multiplying and dividing fractions.
b. Tech
i. Students will use simulated games to practice multiplying and dividing

4. Introduce Learning Activity

a. Content Area
i. I will begin the lesson by passing out a piece of paper with rules for multiplying
and dividing rational numbers. This will be a cheat sheet for each student to use
for the lesson until we get to the IXL. At the top of they paper, there will be a
review of the last lesson explaining how this lesson relates to multiplying and
dividing fractions. Then, there will be important definitions to know and rules of
multiplying and dividing rational numbers.
ii. Students will use this cheat sheet for help with the practice on each website except
for the IXL.
b. Technology
i. First, students will play the Integer Warp game to practice with their
multiplication. They can choose to create a game with 1-3 other classmates or
they could practice alone. After they are finished with the game they will have to
write out 3 times each which problems they struggled with and turn it in the
following class.
ii. Second, students will be paired up into partners which best fits their learning
levels. They will go against each other playing Arithmetic Four using the Integer
Division option with 20 seconds between each question. This helps them practice
their division of integers and also allows them to learn from each other in pairs.
iii. Third, students will then go into IXL and practice a mixture of multiplying and
dividing rational numbers. This will be testing for students to see how well they
are mastering the material. This is independent work and I will have them send
me their scores when they are finished so I can evaluate how well we are doing
with the material.

5. Provide Information
a. Multiplying Rational Numbers
i. We will go over our cheat sheet and look at a few examples.
ii. Students will go on my website and click on the Math Playground link to go
practice multiplying integers. Students can do it alone or with friends. They will
play one or two rounds.
iii. When they are finished I will have them write out problems three times each that
they have gotten wrong and turn it in the next class.
b. Dividing Rational Numbers
i. We will look again at our cheat sheet and see a few examples. We will make
comparisons between multiplying and dividing rationals.
ii. Students will go on my website and click on the Arithmetic Four link to practice
dividing rational numbers with a partner assigned to them. They will play one or
two rounds.
iii. They should be writing down the problems they answered incorrectly as they go
and then write them out three times each to be turned in the next class.
c. Putting it together
i. After these practices, I will be splitting students up to do individual work. This is
not graded work, but it will give me ideas of how students are doing and if we
need to spend anymore time on this topic.
1. They will be clicking the IXL link on my website and answering a random
selection of multiplication and division questions.
2. As they go, they will be writing down problems they get wrong and doing
three times each to be turned in the next class.
3. I will give them 5 minutes to complete as many problems as they can and
they then will submit their scores on my website for me to look at. Again,
these will not be graded.
d. Resources
i. My website:
ii. Math Playground: https://www.mathplayground.com/ASB_IntegerWarp.html
iii. Arithmetic Four: http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/ArithmeticFour/
iv. IXL Practice: https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-7/multiply-and-divide-integers

6. Provide Practice
a. Content Area
i. Students will practice working with multiplication of rational numbers on Math
Playground using an educational game.
ii. Students will practice working with division of rational numbers on Arithmetic
Four using an educational game.
iii. Students will practice recognizing multiplication from division on IXL during the
end of class practice. This will be used for me to see how students are doing with
the material.
iv. Students three times each will be graded as a participation of class the following
day. If they do it they will get credit for being in class and participating.

7. Provide Knowledge of Results

a. Content Area
i. Teacher will see what problems are challenging each student when given the three
times each problems the following day.
b. Technology
i. Teacher will be able to use the IXL scores to see who is struggling with the
material. I will be able to evaluate how students are doing based on the scores.
They will not be graded. They are only to see if extra help is needed.

8. Review
a. At the beginning of class, students will be given the cheat sheet for the day. It will
explain first how rational numbers and fractions relate when it comes to multiplication
and division. Then, it will have some helpful definitions for the lesson. Lastly, it will go
over some examples for multiplying and dividing. Students will use Math Playground,
Arithmetic Four, and IXL to practice multiplying and dividing fractions. Any problems
they have trouble with they will write out three times each and turn in the next day. It
will be their participation grade for the lesson. They will send me their IXL grades on
my website so I can assess how everyone is doing with understanding the material. I
think this is a good lesson for this age group because it has games that help you learn and
compete with classmates. This encourages students to ask each other questions and work
hard to be better. At the end there also is an individual assessment to make sure students
are grasping the information by themselves.

3. Methods of Assessment
a. Content Area
i. Students will be assessed on their participation during the lesson.
ii. They will be required to turn in a three times each page of all problems they are
struggling with. Each student must have at least 5 questions on their paper to turn
b. Technology
i. Students will be assessed online using IXL. This is not graded. Every student
will send me their SmartScore so I can assess how well the material is being

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