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progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65

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Clinical contribution

Three Dimensional approach for realistic simulation

of facial soft tissue response: a pilot study

Mohammed M. El-Molla a , Amr R. El-Beialy b , Ahmed H. Kandil c ,

Ahmed M. El-Bialy c , Yehya A. Mostafa d,∗
a BSc, MSc. Teaching Assisstant, Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
b BDS, MSc, MOrth(RCSEd). Associate lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Oral and Dental
Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
c BSc, MSc, PhD. Associate Professor, Systems and Biomedical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
d BDS, FDSRCS (Ed), MSc, PhD. Professor, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine,

Cairo University, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Facial attractiveness is ranked as a principal priority among patients seeking orthodon-
Received 12 January 2010 tic treatment or combined surgical orthodontic therapy. A successful treatment planning
Accepted 29 July 2010 process necessitates an accurate prediction of the postoperative facial profile. In this
manuscript, the simulation procedure on a real clinical case using virtual volumetric 3D
Keywords: mesh through different scenarios of orthognathic procedures was done. Results depict sev-
Class III eral facial soft tissue outcomes, with the likelihood of sharing with the patient the most
Esthetics esthetically pleasing end result prior to carrying out the surgical procedure.
Orthognathic Surgery © 2011 Società Italiana di Ortodonzia SIDO. Published by Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.
Soft tissue Simulation
Virtual Three Dimensional volume

the treatment is invaluable for both the orthodontist and the

1. Introduction patient. This article introduces a 3D method for virtual sim-
ulation of the soft tissues. The aim is to support the theory
Facial attractiveness is ranked as a principal priority among that the planning of surgical orthodontic treatment should be
patients seeking orthodontic treatment or combined surgical based upon the final calculation of the soft tissue appearance
orthodontic therapy. A successful treatment planning process after treatment, and is not the matter of attaining a molar and
necessitates an accurate prediction of the postoperative facial canine class I relation solely.
profile. The composite nature of this prediction, in addition The calculation of the soft tissue response to the orthog-
to the complexity of some cases can result in poor quality nathic surgical maneuver has been studied by various
forecasting of the final outcome. Thus, the benefit of hav- investigators. A diversity of tools was used as cephalometric
ing a virtual facial three dimensional (3D) outcome preceding evaluation,1–9 prediction softwares,10 and videoimaging.11–14

Corresponding author. Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University,
Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail address: mangoury@usa.net (Y.A. Mostafa).
1723-7785/$ – see front matter © 2011 Società Italiana di Ortodonzia SIDO. Published by Elsevier Srl. All rights reserved.
60 progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65

However, a consensus among the authors that prediction is a

complex procedure, owing to its multifactorial phenomenon.
The concept behind prediction is to determine the appro-
priate procedure, which will result in the most esthetically
pleasing postoperative profile. Since video imaging is in fact
a lateral facial representation, these studies are still based on
two-dimensional records.1–14
Major advances are achieved in the production of a
virtual life-sized 3D replica of the patient head.15 This cur-
rent 3D technology played a role to improve the prediction
procedure.16–18 Studies concerned with the manipulation of
the craniofacial structures using this 3D technology opened
the door for new promises. Primarily, attempts to analyze the
3D data with the generation of normative 3D standard values
for the maxillofacial skeletal and facial morphology was intro-
duced by Terajima et al.19 Followed by 3D virtual simulation
of an orthognathic surgical procedure as reported by Uechi
et al.20 Finally, assessment of the skeletal surgical outcome
was described.19–22 Transmission of the dental and skeletal
manipulations to the overlying soft tissue is currently indis-
pensable. This is in agreement with Terajima et al19 who stated
“in the future, a ratio of soft tissue to bone movement in three
dimensions could be measured, allowing prediction of the 3D
soft-tissue changes that result from surgical changes of the
underlying bone structure.”
In this pilot study, we are introducing a step towards
realistic life-sized simulation of the soft tissue deforma-
tion in response to repositioning of the underlying skeletal

2. Materials and methods

The data used in the current study was collected from a skele-
tal class III patient with a combined maxillary deficiency and
mandibular prognathism scheduled for orthognathic surgery.

2.1. 3D Data and Model Generation

The 3D model that represents the geometry of the skin of

the patient face was created using (computed tomography)
CT data sets. Two sets of records were taken. The first data
set was taken after the end of the presurgical orthodontics Fig. 1 – a - 3D reconstruction of the presurgical data set.
and before the patient is scheduled for orthognathic surgery b - Threshold adjustment for simultaneous soft and hard
(Fig. 1a). While the second set was gathered six months tissue visualization.
after the surgery. These data sets comprised a high speed
dental CT system1 scanning of the skull and the mandible.
Effective milli-ampere was used based upon the preliminary
scanogram, about 80mAs. The spiral scanning parameters (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine), and were
were high resolution mode, 120Kv, 0.75 mm scanning slice transferred directly to a personal computer
thickness and 0.5 mm table increment. The CT scanner had This study was done on the presurgical data set, while the
a field of view of 240 mm. post surgical data set was used to validate the algorithm. The
The CT scans were acquired with the patient in centric 3D reconstruction from the presurgical CT data was made
occlusion, the subject’s head was fixed, and the slice plane was using Mimics software.23 Automatic segmentation of the bone
set parallel to the Frankfort horizontal. The CT slices started and soft tissues was performed on the basis of difference of
at the submandibular region and covered the whole head, for the gray values in accordance with their anatomical structure
a total of 241 slices. The CT data was saved in a DICOM format (Fig. 1b). Further modification of the segmented regions was
carried out using graphical tools to separate the mandible, to
Spiral computed tomography- Multislice-16, Somatom, delete the soft tissue of no interest, and to eliminate undesired
Siemens, Germany. details that shall not be released to the 3D objects.
progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65 61

2.2. Material modeling 2.4. Experimental Results

To simplify the algorithm, the soft tissue was assumed to be We used a 3D volumetric mesh with tetrahedron elements, the
a linear elastic material. The general Hook’s law (A)24–29 was same element type, linear elastic material and bonded MPC
used as a constitutive model. for contact type. We applied the simulation on almost full 3D
model with coarse mesh to decrease memory consumption
⎡ ⎤
⎡ ⎤ 1−   0 0 0 ⎡ ⎤
11 ⎢  1−  0 0 0 ⎥ E11
⎢ 22 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ E22 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢   1− 0 0 0 ⎥⎢
⎢ 33 ⎥ E ⎢ (1 − 2) ⎥ ⎢ E33 ⎥⎥
⎢ ⎥ = (1 + )(1 − 2) ⎢ 0 ⎥⎢
⎢ 23 ⎥ ⎢ 0 0
0 0 ⎥ ⎢ 2E23 ⎥

⎣ ⎦ ⎢ ⎥⎣
⎢ 0 0 0 0
(1 − 2)
0 ⎥ 2E31 ⎦
⎣ 2 ⎦
12 (1 − 2) 2E13
0 0 0 0 0

Hook’s law is characterized by the compressibility and the and decrease solution time. The simulation was based upon
stiffness, which are described by two elastic constants, the linear transformation without rotation of the jaw bases.
Poisson ratio (B) and the Young modulus E. For a perfectly The CT examination indicated a skeletal maxillary defi-
incompressible material deformed elastically at small strains, ciency and mandibular prognathism, with an intermaxillary
the Poisson’s ratio would be exactly 0.5. The relative change of discrepancy of 17 mm (Fig. 1b). Several scenarios were cho-
volume V/V due to the stretch of the material can be calcu- sen for the osteotomy simulation. Scenario one (I) suggested
lated using a simplified formula (only for small deformations) a mandibular set back for the entire 17 mm along a direction
as: parallel to the occlusal plane (yellow arrow in Fig. 2). The out-
put of the first scenario depicts that the chin was withdrawn
V L backward and the lower lip was elevated to contact the upper
= (1 − 2) (2)
V L lip (Fig. 3 Scenrio I).
Scenario Two (II) assumed the combination of mandibular
where: V is material volume; V is material volume change; setback and maxillary advancement (yellow arrows in Fig. 2).
L is original length, before stretch; L is the change of length: This scenario has been applied with different progressive
L = Lold − Lnew . translations of the maxillary and mandibular jaw bases (Fig. 3
The largest constituent in the structure of soft tissue is Scenario II a-e). In response to the increasing amounts of max-
water, hence it is concluded that the soft tissue is considered illary protraction, the nose and the upper lip progress forward,
as “almost incompressible”. It is generally agreed that the ade- while the chin was positioned backward serially follow the
quate range for modeling of water rich soft tissue is V > 0.4 and mandibular setback (Fig. 3 Scenario II a-e).
a typical range for Young’s modulus of soft tissue is ranged
between 2 and 200 kPa.25,30 Consequently, we have chosen par-
ticularly ␯ ≈ 0.45 as a preliminary value for this study and for
3. Discussion
the Young’s modulus there was no specific criterion to select
Orthognathic surgery is sought by patients to improve facial
it value, so it was set to 15 Kpa.29
esthetics. Thus, the patients’ concerns about the final facial
appearance at the start of treatment is anticipated. On the
2.3. Finite element analysis other hand, the different maneuvers currently available for
treatment of orthognathic cases have different outcomes on
The simulations were conducted using an established finite facial esthetics. With some complicated or borderline cases
element package, known as Ansys.31,32 For the surface mesh, the orthodontist is challenged to build up the treatment plan
3D triangular elements were used and for the volumetric mesh and mechanics upon the end result he foresees in his mind.
tetrahedral elements were used. Obliged to make a blind decision prior to the start of treatment,
The friction was not taken into account in this model. The the orthodontist and surgeon bear the risk of missing the most
interaction between the bone and soft tissue (except for teeth appropriate plan. Managing such dilemma is a complex issue.
and lips which have their own sliding phenomena) is always Thus an End Result analysis15 is needed.
bonded Multi Point Constrain (MPC).32 In our problem, we In the two dimensional (2D) prediction protocol, tracings
have two sets of boundary conditions. Naturally fixed regions, and videoimaging are used, facilitating the orthodontist-
and regions of the facial tissue which are not affected by the patient communication and encouraging patients to partici-
changes of their neighborhoods, form the first set. By observ- pate in the decision-making process. Many studies reported
ing the nature of human face, we estimated those boundaries on the spatial positions of hard tissues, though several have
as the forehead, the nose, the ears and the bottom of the neck. attempted to quantify the relationship between hard and
The other set of boundary conditions is defined by the surgical soft tissues.3,7,33–42 Needless to say, the inaccuracies inher-
procedure directly through the contact between the soft tissue ent in the 2D methods is a shortcoming.3 Nevertheless,
and bone, or indirectly through estimating the effect of bone the complexity of prediction stems from the fact that the
repositioning and apply it manually to the soft tissue. soft tissue response to the underlying skeletal movement is
62 progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65

Fig. 2 – Surgical maneuver of Scenario One and Two.

multifactorial. some variables are resolved, other parameters response (Fig. 3). The range of soft tissue response represents
are still disputable and some issues necessitate further inves- a guide for the most appropriate decision. To place matters
tigation. into perspective, it is important to realize that comparison of
The 3D formatting is introduced as a way to manipulate our output data to analogous simulation techniques is not our
the life-sized virtual orthodontic patient. Modeling the human aim.
deformable facial soft tissue in response to the orthodontic or Ironically, the surgical operation of the current case was
orthognathic operation on a 3D basis is an integral part of the executed in reality before the utilization of the simulation
outcome; in what is called visual realism. Since no single plan procedure. It is to be noted that close matching was found
fits all, the treatment plan needs to be individualized. The sim- when we compared the real surgical results with the virtual
ulation procedure permits the evaluation of the postoperative Scenario II-a (Fig. 3 Scenario II-a), which validates the possi-
estimates of the profile using all possible surgical outcomes,3 ble use of this digital approach. Although, the live outcome
hence, supports the choice of the best treatment scenario in fits our virtual simulation Scenario II-a with minimal dis-
terms of soft tissue appeal (Treatment Analysis).15 crepancy of the superimposed profiles, the outcome depicts
The aim of this study is to propose a digital 3D method a degree of mandibular and chin protrusion which is esthet-
whereby the response of the soft tissue in relation to the ically compromised (Fig. 4a). Interestingly, these results raise
underlying skeletal movements after orthognathic surgery the importance of such pre-surgical simulation. Had we have
can be calculated. the tools presurgically to simulate various surgical scenar-
In this preliminary simulation process we generated dif- ios with their soft tissue outcome, we would have chosen a
ferent surgical scenarios with the anticipated 3D soft tissue more esthetically pleasing outcome (Scenario II-c Fig. 3). The

Fig. 3 – Soft tissue outcome of the different Scenarios.

progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65 63

Fig. 4 – a - The live surgical outcome. b - The soft tissue prediction of Scenario II-a. c - Superimposed contours of live and
prediction outcome.

outcome of Scenario II-c and the difference in skeletal move- intention of investigating the realistic simulation of the hard
ment from the presurgical position is presented using the tissue in response to soft tissue movement is the future
color mapping tool (Fig. 5). vision.15
As a spoken of doctor-patient communication, it is most One short coming of this one-case based protocol is the
important that the case management plan be conveyed to deficiency in the 3D database upon which surgical prediction
the patient and parents. This will enhance the patient coop- software packages was based. The need to incorporate new
eration, temper the expectations and modify the patient specific soft tissue ratios that account for individual patient
perception of the end result. variability is indispensible. Since the accuracy and predictabil-
Regarding the importance of facial esthetics, the sensible ity of the formula implemented is largely dependent upon
sequence of accepted wisdom is to establish the most esthet- the quality and quantity of data employed,3 the more realistic
ically pleasing facial outcome then convey this profile to the simulation is required, the more essential the physical model
skeleton and the dentition. The theory we are presenting aims should include the properties of a living tissue. The mechani-
at shifting the decision of the amount of movement in the cal properties of the skin change with age, health, body weight,
orthognathic surgery to be a totally subjective decision which and even vary between individuals. Realizing these shortcom-
depends upon the agreement between the surgeon, orthodon- ings, while acknowledging the clinical usefulness of treatment
tist, and the patient upon upon the soft tissue esthetics. simulations, there is clearly a room for further improvement
This inturn will dictate the degree of skeletal movement. The and refinement of the currently available database.

Fig. 5 – The preferred Scenario II-c and difference from presurgical position through color mapping.
64 progress in orthodontics 1 2 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 59–65

Another shortcoming is that the simulation of the surgical Resumen

moves was subjective. Being a pilot study done to introduce
Los pacientes que se someten a un tratamiento ortodóncico o
a theory, the surgical manoeuvres could differ than in real-
bien combinado quirúrgico-ortodóncico consideran lo atractivo de la
ity. However, the article delivers a message that the final soft
cara como una prioridad relevante. Una planificación exitosa del
tissue outcome follow the underlying skeletal movements
tratamiento requiere una precisa predicción del perfil facial post-
sequentially, and thus the final soft tissue outcome should
operación. En este estudio, se aplicó un procedimiento de simulacro
be a purely subjective decision. These aesthetics should be
en un caso clínico verdadero, por medio de un mesh volumétrico
agreed upon by the surgeon, orthodontist and the patient
3D, mediante diferentes escenarios de procedimiento ortognático. Se
before the surgical procedure. We cannot deny that refinement
desprende de lo anterior una serie de resultados de los tejidos blan-
of the algorithm should be done to fit a diversity of surgi-
dos faciales, lo cual permite compartir con el paciente el resultado
cal manoeuvres based upon the surgical library fed into the
estético final que le gusta más antes de pasar a llevar a cabo el gesto

4. Conclusion
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