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Nayeli Faudoa Martinez

Ms. Figueroa

English pd. 2

December 6, 2018

The Value of Values

A value is a person’s principles or standards of behavior; Anglo Saxons are a civilization

with a great realization of morals and values. The Anglo-Saxons were people who invaded Great

Britain from the fifth century. The people consisted of angles, Saxons and Jutes; they then

became one. Beowulf was a warrior sent to kill a monster named Grendel who is ravishing the

Denmark kingdom. Babel is led by God; Beowulf puts his life in God’s hands when he fights

Grendel‘s mother and a dragon. Beowulf then reigns for 50 years until his final battle with the

dragon. The Anglo-Saxons were developed societies that value characteristics such as loyalty,

faithfulness and honor.

The Anglo Saxons are representatives of loyalty to many authorities. Anglo-Saxons show

loyalty to Hrothgar by wanting to rid his land of evil. Hrothgar once stated, “Beowulf you’ve

come to us in friendship and because of this reception your father found at a court”, (Beowulf

191-192). Beowulf stays loyal to Hrothgar because his dad was also loyal therefore Beowulf

wants to be a help to the king just as his dad was. In Beowulf’s last battle Wiglaf shows loyalty

to Beowulf by not leaving his side. The text then states “His name was Wiglaf he was Wexstan’s

son and a good soldier; his family had been Swedish, once. watching Beowulf he could see how

was king was suffering, burning, remembering everything his Lord and cousin had given him

armor and gold and the great Estates Wexstan’s family enjoyed, Wiglaf’s mind was made up he

raised his yellow shield and drew his sword...”,(Beowulf 697-705). Wiglaf showed loyalty by
fighting with Beowulf and not running away like the other men. Many Anglo-Saxons are loyal to

their king or leader.

The Anglo-Saxons are civilized and humble. Beowulf goes on to fight Grendel naked.

Then Beowulf goes on to show honor by using no shield nor armor to kill Grendel not even

clothes he then states, “May purge all evil from this hall. I have heard too. That, the monster’s

scorn of man is so great that he needs no weapons and fears none. Nor will I”, (Beowulf 697-

705). He is honorable because Grendel kills with no armor nor weapons so neither will Beowulf.

Another example of honor is when Beowulf ask the King if he can kill Grendel so the king isn’t

undermined or over run. Beowulf says to Hrothgar, “Together, and I’ve come. Grant me, then,

lord and protector of this noble place, a single request! I have come so far, oh shelter of warriors

and your people’s loved friend, that this one favor you shall not refuse me—That I, alone and

with the help of my men, may purge all evil from this hall”, (Beowulf 160-166).Beowulf ask the

king beforehand so his people don’t think that he isn’t capable of keeping his people safe.

The Anglo Saxons are people of their word who are truthful and honest. Beowulf as an

Anglo-Saxon is full of faith and is always putting his eyes on God and lets him decide his fate.

The Anglo-Saxons were once Pagan but are now Christian and they’re are putting their faith in

God. Beowulf then speaks to himself and says,” Might think less of me if I let my sword go

where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linen shield: my hands alone shall fight

for me, struggle for life against the monster. God must decide.”,(Beowulf 170-174). Beowulf lets

God do his will. In the mourning of Beowulf the Anglo-Saxons show their faithfulness to

Beowulf because after his passing they still build a tower as he wished. The poem states,” Then

the Geats built the tower, as Beowulf had asked, strong and tall, so sailors could find it from far

and wide; working for ten long days they made his monument.”,(Beowulf 871-874) Even though
Beowulf passes away the Anglo-Saxons stay faithful and honorable to their once courageous

king. Through all the struggles the Anglo-Saxons stay strong and humble. The Anglo-Saxons

were being attacked by other tribes and monsters one after another. Any other tribe would’ve

been devastated but they don’t fall because they have faith in their king and God. Their

community share the same values and that is why they’re so together. Any person who reads

Beowulf will learn that with courageousness, loyalty and putting faith in the people all can be


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