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Kader Campbell s5096640 Work and Employability



“Critically analyse two skills that will enhance your employability in your discipline
area when you graduate from University.”

01. Introduction
When attempting to enter your chosen workplace fresh out of university, the employment process
can definitely seem daunting. However, if you have the right skill set, landing a job in your field
will be much easier than expected. This report briefly covers two skills that would increase my
own employability once I graduate from university: time management and a willingness to learn.

02. The Importance of Time Management

“Time management is an essential component of leadership.” (Farrell, M. 2017). It is is a basic, but
critical skill when it comes to anything career related, and having a good sense of time management
can increase one’s employability (Sainz, M. A., Ferrero, A. M., Ugidos, A., 2019). A large factor
of this is simply because it makes you a reliable employee, your employer can trust that you will
arrive at work on time, and are able to complete the tasks you need to within the time frame given
to you. “Time management has helped people organize their professional lives for centuries.”
(Aeon, B., & Aguinis, H 2017). People without developed time management skills don’t fully learn
how to prioritise objectives, or the art of self-organization (Sainz, M. A. et al, 2019) which are core
skills essential in any workplace, especially one out in the field like a freelance photography

03. A Willingness to Learn

This may seem like a no-brainer, but there is a definite link between those employed straight out
of university and a willingness to learn within the workplace (Bourner, T., Greener, S., &
Rospigliosi, A. 2011). An eagerness for further knowledge and development in your chosen field
goes a long way, it lets employers know that you are smart and able to adapt and change while on
the job, and are not set in your own ridged ways of going about things. Being open minded about
learning from your employer, co-workers or work environment, and adapting to the workplace is a
valuable skill, it allows you to become a ‘career chameleon’, fitting in and working well with
anyone and in any situation. “Ability to learn and willingness to learn go together.” (Bourner, T.,
et al 2011).

04. Conclusion
In an ever changing workplace, it is important to continue to enhance your employability. In this
report I have briefly discussed two skills that I can personally develop and work on as to increase
my employability and chances of landing a job in my chosen line of work. It’s vital to remember
that the skills that employers are seeking in their potential employees are constantly shifting, so
continually evolving your own set of skills will help keep you ahead of the pack.

Kader Campbell s5096640 Work and Employability

05. Reference List

Aeon, B., & Aguinis, H. (2017). It’s about Time: New Perspectives and Insights on Time
Management. Academy of Management Perspectives, 31(4), 309–330. DOI: https://doi-

Bourner, T., Greener, S., & Rospigliosi, A. (2011). Graduate employability and the propensity to
learn in employment: a new vocationalism. Higher Education Review, 43(3), 5–30. Retrieved
from https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/9837943.pdf

Farrell, M. (2017) Time Management. Journal of Library Administration, 57(2), 215-222. DOI:

Sainz, M. A., Ferrero, A. M., Ugidos, A. (2019) Time management: skills to learn and put into
practice. Education + Training. DOI: https://doi-org.libraryproxy.griffith.edu.au/10.1108/ET-01-

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