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Movie Guide & Questions

1.) Where is Lincoln High School located? (1:45)

2.) What does Mr. Sal Castro say about the importance of knowing your
history? (5:30)

3.) Who signs Paula’s permission slip so that she can attend the leadership
conference? (6:23)

4.) What would happen to the students who spoke Spanish in class? (9:26)

5.) Mr. Castro tells the students at the leadership conference that “ ___________ out of four Mexican-
Americans ____________ high school.” (14:00)

6.) What does Paula say was her favorite part of the leadership conference? (23:07)

7.) What does UMAS stand for? (27:09)

8.) What is the title of Paula’s article? What does she talk about within the article? (27:20)

9.) The Brown Berets are modeled after which African American group? (30:02)

10.) What does Paula hand out to students in the school yard? (35:16)
11.) How does Principal Ingles say to Paula about here requests? (39:15)

12.) What happened with the school board when the students brought the surveys to the meeting? (43:00)

13.)Why does Paula suggest that they should boycott the school? (44:40)

14.) What does Fernie do with the broom? Why? (47:52)

15.) What does Principal Ingels say that he will to Paula is she participates in the walkouts? (51:50)

16.) At what time did the students walk out? (1:03:00)

17.) Paula’s Mom tells her: “Make sure that you can ____________ with the decisions that you
_____________, mija.” (1:13:50)

18.) What do the police use to hit to the students inside and outside the schools? (1:17:50)

19.) How did the news portray the walkouts on TV? (1:22:00)

20.) Who is the person that helps arrest Mr. Castro? (1:33:15)

21.) According to Paula’s dad, why doesn’t anyone want to fight Latino boxers? (1:36:26)

22.) What did the call all the people that got arrested? (1:38:40)

23.) What did all of the students hold up as they were protesting? (1:41:20)

24.) By the fall of 1969, Chicano student enrollment at UCLA increased from ____________ to
___________ students.

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