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AP Biology Outline 
Big idea 1: The Process of Evolution Drives the Diversity and Unity of Life 2 
Evolution 2 

Big idea 1: The Process of Evolution Drives the Diversity and Unity of Life 

● Evolution is a change in the ​genetic makeup ​of a population over time, with 
natural selection ​as it's major driving mechanism. 
● Darwin's​ theory states ​inheritable variations occurs in individuals in a 
population. ​Due to competition for limited resources, individuals with more 
favorable variations or phenotypes are more likely to survive and produce more 
offspring thus passing traits to future generations.  
● Both speciation and extinction have occurred throughout Earth’s history and life 
continuing to evolve explains​ diversity.   
● Natural selection ​explains how a ​ daptations arise​. Adaptations are heritable 
characteristics that enhance organisms ability to survive and reproduce in specific 
● Carlos Linnaeus ​grouped similar species into increasingly general categories 
developing ​taxonomy ​which explains the branch of biology dedicated to the 
naming and classification of all forms of all life ​binomial nomenclature ​is a 
two-part naming system which includes the genus and species of the organism 
● Charles Lyell ​is an English geologist, a friend of Charles Darwin developed the 
idea that the geologic processes that have shaped planet were over a long period 
of time 
● Lamarck's ​early theory of evolution was based on two principles: ​1) Use and 
Disuse​- this idea suggests that parts of the body that are used extensively 
become larger and stronger while those that are not used deteriorate. ​2) 
Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics- ​suggests a person that acquired a trait 
during their lifetime could be passed on to their heir. ​Example: getting more 
muscular anatomy as a result of a weightlifter father. ​However, Lamarck did 
recognize that species evolve and match organisms to their environment through 
gradual evolutionary change.  
● On the contrary, ​Darwin's theory ​was more acceptable because he thought 
development or evolution was through ​natural selection ​rather than the 
inheritance of acquired characteristics. Adaptations ​are heritable characteristics 
that enhance organisms ability to survive and reproduce in specific environments.  
● Darwin’s theory of natural selection: 
1. Organisms in populations vary in traits, heritable 
2. The population can produce more offspring than can survive 
3. Individuals with inherited traits are better suited for the local environment 
survive and reproduce more than those who are less well suited.   
4. Evolution occurs as the unequal reproductive success of individuals 
● Artificial Selection​- is the process by which species are modified by humans 
● Evidence for Evolution 
1. Direct Observations of Evolutionary Change 
2. Homology and Convergent Evolution 
3. Fossil Record 

4. Biogeography 
● -​Homology​: Characteristics in related species can have similarity even though 
they have different functions. This is from resulting common ancestor 
● -​Homologous structures ​are structural signs of evolution  
● -​Embryonic homologies: ​comparison of early stages of development reveals 
many anatomical homologies in the embryo that are not available in adult life. 
Example:​ all vertebrates have embryos that have a post-anal tail and pharyngeal 
● Vestigial Organs- ​structures that are remnants which served important functions 
in the organism’s ancestor 
● Molecular Homologies-​ similarities on the molecular level 
● Convergent Evolution-​ organisms that evolve separately but develop similarities 
due to similar environmental challenges. These are considered analogous. 
● The Fossil Record​: Fossils provide evidence for the theory of evolution. These 
show evolutionary changes that have occured over time and the origin of major 
new groups of organisms. 

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