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ISSN 1061-9348, Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 1–11. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.

Original Russian Text © O.I. Orlova, E.I. Savel’eva, N.S. Khlebnikova, 2013, published in Zhurnal Analiticheskoi Khimii, 2013, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 4–14.


Methods for the Detection of Sulfur Mustard Metabolites

in Biological Materials: An Analytical Review
O. I. Orlova, E. I. Savel’eva, and N. S. Khlebnikova
Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology, and Human Ecology, Federal Medical–Biological Agency of Russia,
pos. Kuz’molovskii, Vsevolozhskii region, Leningrad oblast, 188663 Russia
Received April 14, 2011; in final form, March 7, 2012

Abstract—This review surveys published data to generalize methods for the determination of sulfur mustard
and its metabolites in various media. Attention is focused on biological materials. Data on the toxicokinetics
and metabolism of sulfur mustard are cited, and the problem of choosing a biomarker for the indication of
sulfur mustard poisoning is considered.

Keywords: sulfur mustard, biological fluids, biomarker, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, high-per-
formance liquid chromatography
DOI: 10.1134/S1061934813010103

The development and improvement of methods for persons and the risk assessment of late effects. An
the determination of the metabolites (biomarkers) of important application of procedures for the determi-
toxic agents in biological materials is a problem of nation of the bio-markers of toxic substances, includ-
considerable current interest because of the need for ing sulfur mustard, in the human body can be the
detecting the action of toxic agents on humans and biomonitoring of the personnel of enterprises for the
animals, as follows from both the requirements of the disposal and destruction of chemical weapons and also
Chemical Weapons Convention [1] and the current forensic medical examination, in particular, for estab-
threat of chemical terrorism. The correct selection of lishing the participation of potential terrorists to the
a biological matrix (analytical sample) and a biomar- production, storage, and transportation of chemical
ker characterizing the level and character of exposure warfare agents.
is especially important with respect to toxic agents, Because of this, a considerable number of publica-
which affect various targets in the body. Sulfur mus- tions were dedicated to methods for the determination
tard, which is characterized by an especially compli- of sulfur mustard metabolites in biological samples.
cated metabolism, is a prominent example of these Recently [3–5], the concepts of the expected levels of
agents [2]. sulfur mustard metabolite concentrations in biological
Sulfur mustard (bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide, mus- samples depending on dose and time interval from the
tard gas, yperite) is the best known vesicant chemical exposure have been revised to a considerable degree
warfare agent. It was used for the first time in the First with consideration for toxicokinetic data obtained in
World War and more recently in a conflict between recent years with the aid of instrumentation of a new
Iran and Iraq. Up to now, large amounts of sulfur mus- generation.
tard remain stockpiled worldwide; this causes the General information on the mechanism of the toxic
potential possibility of its use for terrorist purposes. action of sulfur mustard. Sulfur mustard renders both
In the functioning of enterprises for the destruction local (on skin) and systemic (resorptive) effects; it is an
of chemical weapons, there is a danger of exposing the alkylating agent, which acts through the cyclization of
operating personnel and the population of adjacent the ethylene group with the formation of an extremely
territories in the case of emergencies. Sulfur mustard reactive sulfonium center. This electrophile can react
predominates among disposed chemical weapons, with the numerous nucleophilic centers of cell macro-
whose disposal and dumping sites are not known with molecules [6]. The metabolism of sulfur mustard
certainty. Because of these risks, effective procedures occurs via several reaction paths: hydrolysis, oxida-
should be developed for both rapid and retrospective tion, conjugate formation with glutathione, and β-
detection of the action of yperite on the human body. lyase reactions.
In addition to that, these procedures should make it Thiodiglycol (2,2'-thiodiethanol, TDG) is the pri-
possible to quantitatively evaluate the exposure level, mary product of sulfur mustard hydrolysis. Jakubowski
which is an extremely important medical aspect for et al. [7] found in toxicokinetic experiments
producing a strategy for the treatment of poisoned that, upon the hypodermic injection of 750 μg/kg

2 ORLOVA et al.

(1/3 LD50) of yperite into rats, the concentrations of an alkylated histidine residue, was detected by fast
TDG in urine were 196, 116, and 17 ng/mL 20, 48, atom bombardment mass spectrometry in the urine of
and 116 h after intoxication, respectively, and the con- pigs after the cutaneous application of sulfur mustard
centrations of TDG in urine were 34 and 297 ng/mL [11].
upon the exposure of guinea pigs to yperite vapor. In Determination of sulfur mustard. It was assumed
this case, the concentrations of TDG in the urine of that absorbed sulfur mustard is completely metabo-
the control groups of animals were no higher than lized. However, it was found that sulfur mustard could
1 ng/mL. Increased TDG concentrations in urine be accumulated in adipose tissues because of its high
were detected within a week after intoxication. More lipophilicity. There are also data on the detection of
recently, Black and Read [8] found that not free TDG sulfur mustard in hair [12]. The unexpectedly high
but the product of its metabolic oxidation at the sulfur concentration of sulfur mustard was detected in differ-
atom, thiodiglycol oxide (bis(2-hydroxyethyl) sulfox- ent organs and tissues, especially in the abdominal fat
ide, TDGO) formed the greatest fraction in the prod- extracted from the body of a victim of sulfur mustard
ucts of excretion with urine and proposed a methodol- poisoning [13].
ogy including the pretreatment of an urine sample The determination of sulfur mustard traces is not
with titanium trichloride for the reduction of TDGO very difficult to perform, although the presence of the
to TDG. In this case, the release of TDG and TDGO unmetabolized agent in urine or blood samples is
(with its subsequent reduction) from conjugates also extremely highly improbable in the majority of possi-
occurred because of the high acidity of titanium ble poisoning scenarios. Extraction from homoge-
trichloride solution. Black and Read [8] hypothesized nized tissues [13] or blood [14] is carried out with
that this approach is most reasonable for retrospective organic solvents (dichloromethane and ethyl acetate).
analysis and confirmed this hypothesis by the detec- Solid-phase extraction can be used for the purification
tion of thiodiglycol in rat urine at a level of 60 ng/mL of extracts, and gas chromatography–mass spectrom-
8 days after the cutaneous application of 336 μg of sul- etry (GC–MS), including tandem (GC–MS–MS)
fur mustard. Black et al. [9] performed a more detailed with nonpolar capillary columns, can be used for the
analysis of the excretion profiles of TDG, TDGO, and analysis. A method for the identification of sulfur mus-
β-lyase metabolites with the urine of rats after the tard in blood and tissue homogenates by two-dimen-
cutaneous application of sulfur mustard (2 μmol per sional GC–MS with thermal desorption on tubes with
animal). The fractions of free TDG and TDG and a sorbent was proposed [15]. The sample was treated
TDGO released from conjugates as a result of acidic with ethyl acetate; thereafter, the extract was consecu-
treatment for 8 days after exposure were 0.3, 1–1.5, tively applied portionwise to the sorption tube in a
and 3.4–4.3% on an initial sulfur mustard dose basis, weak flow of nitrogen, and the tube was then placed in
respectively. In a series of experiments in which TDG the thermal desorber of a gas chromatograph. The
and TDGO were determined together and β-lyase reported limit of detection is 10 pg/mL for blood or
metabolites were determined as 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2- pg/g for tissue homogenates. Within the framework of
(methylthio)ethane], the common product of their an UN investigation of the use of chemical weapons in
reduction; the corresponding values were 3.7–13.6% conflict between Iran and Iraq [12], sulfur mustard in
on an exposure dose basis for TDG + TDGO and 2.5– a concentration of ~0.5–1 ppm was detected in a
5.3% for the β-lyase metabolites. In this case, the dichloromethane extract from a hair sample. Sulfur
excretion curve of these latter was considerably mustard was detected in postmortem human tissue
sharper (a maximum of ~60 nmol after 24 h and a drop samples taken seven days after sulfur mustard poison-
to zero after 72 h) than that for the products of hydrol- ing in concentrations of 0.8–10.7 μg/g in the lungs,
ysis (a maximum of ~45 nmol in the first hours after kidneys, and brain and in concentrations to 15.1 μg/g
exposure, a drop to ~10 nmol after 3 days, and the in adipose tissues (including skin). These results
retention of this level up to the 8th day). This was showed that sulfur mustard accumulated in the adi-
explained by the slow release of TDG from adducts pose tissues could remain in the body for a longer time
with macromolecules. than that followed from the tests with animals.
Two metabolites, which supposedly resulted Currently, methods for the determination of six
from the reactions of yperite with macromolecules, sulfur mustard metabolites in urine have been devel-
were also identified in urine. N7-(2-Hydroxyethyl- oped, in particular, thiodiglycol; bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-
thioethyl)guanine was detected in the urine of guinea sulfoxide; 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-S-(N-acetylcys-
pigs after the intravenous introduction of 1 mg/kg of teinyl)ethane]; 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-(methylsulfi-
sulfur mustard. This compound is formed upon the nyl)ethane]; 1-methylsulfinyl-2-[(methylthio)ethyl-
destruction of alkylated DNA [10]. The maximum sulfonyl]ethane; and N7-(2-hydroxyethylthio-
excretion level of this metabolite was observed in the ethyl)guanine.
first 2–3 h after exposure (50 ng/mL); the excretion Methods for the determination of sulfur mustard
level decreased to 10 ng/mL in a period from 34 to metabolites. The data on methods for the determina-
48 h. N1-(2-hydroxyethylthioethyl)-4-methylimida- tion of free sulfur mustard metabolites given in this
zole, which is supposedly the degradation product of survey are dedicated to only urinary metabolites



because the efforts of researchers to find sulfur mus- ethyl acetate. The eluate was purified on Florisil
tard exposure markers and to develop methods for (urine) or C18 (blood and plasma). After preconcen-
determining the metabolites in the last 20 years have tration, the dry residue was treated with pentafluo-
been concentrated in this area. Urinary metabolites robenzoyl chloride (pyridine; room temperature;
are the most convenient test substances as markers of 5 min). Thiodiglycol bis(pentafluorobenzoate) was
the action of chemical warfare agents. Urine can be identified by the detection of the molecular ion [M]–
taken in large quantities using a noninvasive tech- with m/z 510 and 511 at a retention time of 12 min (the
nique, and it is a comparatively clean matrix because, standard substance was scanned for an ion with
as a rule, it does not contain proteins and lipids. The m/z 514). The limit of definition of 1 ng/mL was
main amounts of both free and metabolized agent are reached. The limited possibility of confirmatory anal-
excreted with urine. The excretion of urinary markers ysis is a drawback of the method. The same derivative
is about 90% of the obtained dose of the agent, and its was determined more selectively and sensitively
active phase is 48–72 h since the exposure time. (<0.1 ng/mL) by GC–NCI MS–MS [18] with moni-
Therefore, analysis with the use of comparatively sim- toring the daughter ion with m/z 167 ([C6F5]–). Insuf-
ple procedures and instrumental techniques (for ficiently complete derivatization is a disadvantage of
example, low-resolution GC–MS) can be performed the use of pentafluorobenzoyl chloride for the prepa-
only at high exposure levels and during the first days ration of derivatives; as a result of this, the derivative
after the action, when the concentrations of metabo- can be selectively detected only by NCI MS. A modi-
lites in urine are at a level of 50–100 ng/mL. In suc- fication of this technique including the stage of deriv-
ceeding days, a slower excretion phase occurs mainly ative purification on C18 was proposed [16].
due to metabolites released from covalent adducts with
proteins and DNA. Free metabolites, in particular, Jakubowski et al. [7] proposed a procedure for the
TDG [39], can also be detected in blood, as well as uri- determination of TDG in urine as a bis(heptafluo-
nary metabolites, for a short time after the exposure. robutyryl) derivative. The procedure included the
At the same time, blood is a more complex matrix, enzymatic hydrolysis of TDG conjugates with the aid
which is a concentrated buffer solution containing of glucuronidase, and [2H8]TDG was introduced as an
suspended cells, proteins, fats, and salts. Fresh whole internal standard. The hydrolyzate was acidified to
blood can be easily separated into red cells and plasma pH 3–4 and evaporated to dryness; the dry residue was
or serum, which is a more convenient test matrix. The dissolved in ethyl acetate and treated with heptafluo-
concentrations of metabolites in urine are higher than robutyric anhydride (60°C; 1 h). Detection by GC–
those in blood at any feasible scenarios of the use of MS with electron ionization was performed using the
chemical warfare agents. In this case, the analysis of monitoring of selected ions with m/z 300 and 301 (70
blood is much more important for the retrospective and 50%, respectively). The limit of detection of
detection of long-lived exposure markers—the 5 ng/mL was reached. The advantage of this method is
adducts of sulfur mustard with blood proteins. that more accessible low-resolution GC–MS is used
Thiodiglycol. TDG can be determined by gas chro- as an analytical tool. The disadvantages include ana-
matography (GC) without preliminary derivatization. lyte losses upon the evaporation of urine to dryness
However, even with the use of columns with a polar and also the residual trace amounts of water, which
stationary phase, TDG appears as a broad peak under decrease the yield of derivatization.
conditions of direct GC determination; because of There is a fundamentally different approach to the
this, TDG at a level of <1 ppm cannot be determined determination of TDG in urine [19, 20] through the
by direct GC analysis. For reaching lower limits of conversion of TDG into sulfur mustard by treatment
detection (about a few ppm or lower), TDG should be with concentrated HCl. Urine with [ 2H8]TDG added
extracted from urine or blood with a nonaqueous sol- as an internal standard was passed through two car-
vent, derivatized, and determined by GC–MS or tridges with C18. After the treatment with concen-
GC–MS–MS. Trimethylsilyl (TMS) or tert- trated HCl at 120°C, the released sulfur mustard was
butyldimethylsilyl (TBDMS) derivatives are com- transferred from the vapor phase to the sorbent with a
monly used for environmental analysis [16]. These flow of nitrogen with the subsequent thermal desorp-
derivatives are also suitable for the analysis of biologi- tion in GC–MS. The method was used for the analysis
cal fluids after the action of comparatively high sulfur of urine samples from the victims of the Iran–Iraq
mustard doses; however, pentafluorobenzoyl and hep- conflict. The concentration of TDG in urine taken 5–
tafluorobutyryl ethers were most frequently used for 10 days after an attack varied in a range of 5–
reaching lower limits of determination. 100 ng/mL, but it was 330 ng/mL in a single case (this
Negative chemical ionization (NCI) GC–MS and patient died immediately after entering into the hospi-
GC–MS–MS were used for determining TDG in the tal). Very low levels of TDG (3–8 ng/mL) were
form of bis(pentafluorobenzoyl) derivatives [17, 18]. detected in urine taken 18 days after an attack. A draw-
Urine, blood, or plasma with [ 2H4]TDG added as an back of the method is that not only TDG but also other
internal standard was passed through a cartridge with metabolites can be converted into sulfur mustard upon
a sorbent, and the target substances were eluted with the treatment with HCl.


4 ORLOVA et al.

The conversion of TDG into TMS ethers occurs with m/z 219 can be used [26]. D’Agostino and Provost
sufficiently rapidly at room temperature as a reaction [24] derivatized TDG and other yperite hydrolysis
with bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) products under the following conditions: BSTFA +
or bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide (BSA) in the presence 1% trimethylchlorosilane at 60°C for 20 min. The
of trimethylchlorosilane. Hexamethyldisilazane in a resulting MH+ and [M+NH4]+ upon CI with ammo-
mixture with trimethylchlorosilane was also used for nia make it possible to perform identification. The
the conversion of TDG into volatile derivatives [21, intensities of signals vary in a range from weak to
22]; data on rapid derivatization with trimethylsilyl 100%.
cyanide, which is usually little used, were reported D’Agostino and Provost [24] reported the use of the
[23]. Derivatization occurs most effectively in an TMS and TBDMS derivatization of TDG in the
anhydrous solvent; however, the successful extraction tests of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chem-
trimethylsilylation of TDG by interaction with ical Weapons (OPCW) [24]. Derivatization with
BSTFA was reported [24, 25]. Conversion into di- MTBSTFA is more preferable, if the target-oriented
TBDMS derivatives requires more severe derivatiza- determination of TDG is performed; however, the
tion conditions with the use of a mixture of methyltri- derivatization with BSTFA is more effective in the case
fluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA) + 1% trimethylchlo- when the simultaneous determination of TDG and
rosilane at 100°C and a reaction time of no shorter TDG sulfoxide should be performed [29].
than 30 min. For the complete derivatization of trace
TDG in ground water, the test sample was incubated Both acylation with heptafluorobutyric anhydride
for 1 h at 105°C [26]; the reaction with TBDMS in (HFBA) or trifluoracetic anhydride (TFAA) and alky-
acetonitrile was carried out at 80°C for 1 h [27]. lation—silylation (TMS and TBDMS) or pentafluo-
robenzylation—are used to obtain TDG derivatives
The traces of water after solid-phase extraction [16].
(SPE) or after sample preconcentration by evapora-
tion to dryness can negatively affect the quantitative A method was developed for the identification of
determination of TDG as silylated derivatives. The sulfur mustard decomposition products, including
sorbent Ambersorb 572 was used for SPE, and losses TDG, by tandem HPLC–MS/MS with electrospray
upon evaporation were decreased by the introduction ionization [30]. Aqueous soil extracts were analyzed
of pyridine into the eluate [26]. As a rule, derivatiza- by HPLC with the quadrupole/time-of-flight detec-
tion occurred at both OH groups on the silylation of tion with a resolution of 9000. Electrospray HPLC–
TDG. Only Ohsawa et al. [28] detected both mono- MS was recommended for the determination of TDG
and diethers of TDG upon the measurement of the in aqueous soil extracts [29], and it did not find appli-
mass chromatograms of silylated derivatives. cation to the analysis of biological samples up to now.
Silyl derivatives possess good chromatographic Thiodiglycol sulfoxide. TDGO is more polar than
properties. The electron spectrum of TDG, which has TDG. For this reason, TDGO is more difficult to
three heteroatoms, contains a large number of frag- extract from aqueous matrices and to purify by solid-
ment ions. Under the conditions of electron impact, phase extraction because it is strongly retained by sil-
the di-TMS derivative does not afford a molecular ion, ica gel and its elution requires the use of a highly polar
but it gives a weak ion (~5%) with m/z 251, which cor- solvent. At the same time, the substance is almost not
responds to [M–Me]+ and other high mass retained on reversed-phase sorbents. Underivatized
ions (m/z 191, 176, 161, 147, 133, 130, and 116) TDGO can be identified with the aid of HPLC–MS;
formed upon the elimination of fragments from the α however, the limits of detection are insufficiently low,
and β-positions of different heteroatoms. The quasi- as in the case of TDG. In particular, upon derivatiza-
molecular ions MH+ and [M+NH4]+ are formed upon tion for GC–MS analysis with the use of pentafluo-
chemical ionization (CI) with ammonia, but the robenzoyl chloride, the same derivative as from TDG
is formed; that is, the sulfoxide function is reduced.
main peak of m/z 177 corresponds to Under these conditions, TDGO cannot be distin-
[TMSOCH2CH2SCH2CH2]+. The TBDMS deriva- guished from TDG differently than with the use of
tives also give the peak M+ upon EI, but the most selective extraction. In 1991, a method was proposed
intense peak has m/z 293 ([M–Bu]+); this peak is for the simultaneous determination of TDG and
commonly used for determination using the selected TDGO in urine based on the preliminary reduction of
ion monitoring mode (comparative intensities change the latter with a hydrochloric-acid solution of TiCl3
depending on MS conditions). Tomkins and Sega [26] followed by analysis in accordance with the above pro-
reported the intensity of a peak with m/z 293; this is cedure for the GC–NCI MS determination of TDG
~40% relative to the main peak with m/z 73). Other as a pentafluorobenzoyl derivative [8]. This method
intense signals in the mass spectrum corresponding to was used for the analysis of urine samples taken from
high mass ions are characterized by the mass-to- three victims of the Iran–Iraq conflict eight days after
charge ratios m/z 233, 190, 189, 149, and 148. an injury and stored at –20°C for five years. The con-
Upon CI with methane, the sufficiently intense ion centration of TDG varied within the limits of 27–
[MH–CH4]+ with m/z 335, 293 and the main peak 72 ng/mL against 11 ng/mL in the control sample.



More recently, this approach was used for develop- also decreases errors. A combined method of analysis
ing a procedure for the simultaneous determination of was proposed based on the simultaneous determina-
TDG and TDGO and also β-lyase metabolites in tion of metabolites as 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-(meth-
urine with the aid of GC–MS–MS [32]. ylthio)ethane] after reduction with titanium(III)
β-Lyase metabolites. As noted above, the glu- chloride by HPLC–MS–MS with electrospray ion-
tathione/β-lyase metabolic pathway of sulfur mustard ization [35] with the limit of detection of 0.1 ng/mL.
leads to the formation of two metabolites: 1,1'-sulfo- The background concentrations of TDG in urine at
nylbis[2-(methylsulfinyl)ethane] (1) and 1-methyl- a level of 1–12 ng/mL were also detected in earlier
sulfinyl-2-[(methylthio)ethylsulfonyl]ethane (2), studies [19, 20]. In 24% of cases, the concentrations of
which contain one and two sulfoxide groups, respec- TDG in the urine of exposed people did not exceed
tively. A method for the simultaneous determination of 25 ng/mL. Thus, TDG and TDGO can be considered
these metabolites as 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-(meth- as the markers of the action of sulfur mustard on the
ylthio)ethane] after reduction with TiCl3 was proposed human body only upon the detection of high concen-
[18, 33]. trations (according to [36], >100 ng/mL). It is consid-
ered that paints, polymers, inks, and photographic
Earlier, Black et al. [33] detected with the use of
materials can be independent sources of TDG in
GC–MS with positive chemical ionization (reagent human biological fluids.
gas, NH3) using the selective detection of the ion
β-Lyase metabolites are the unambiguous markers
[M+NH4]+, m/z 232; the limit of detection was of sulfur mustard exposure, and their detection at any
2 ng/mL. Black and Read [18] reached a lower limit of
detection (0.1 ng/mL) for the same test substance with leve l (to 0.1–0.3 ng/mL) convincingly indicates the
the use of GC–MS–MS with positive chemical ion-
ization and the monitoring of the disintegration
m/z 232 → [MeSCH2CH2]+. The use of titanium(III)
chloride for the reduction of sulfoxide groups made it
possible to propose an exceptionally promising ⎯
method for the joint determination of hydrolytic and
β-lyase metabolites in the samples of urine [32]. In the
cited work, the background levels of TDG (TDG + fact of exposure. At the same time, as mentioned
TDGO) and 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-(methylthio)ethane]
(β-lyase metabolites) in 105 urine samples were most
representatively examined. In 80% of the samples, the above, β-lyase metabolites were detected in the body
concentrations of TDG varied from 0.5 to 20 ng/mL
(on the average, 3.43 ng/mL); in this case, the in a shorter period. Thus, comparable concentrations
repeated analysis of samples with concentrations of 3– of andinβ-lyase
(42TDG (52–80were
57 ng/mL) ng/mL)
detected metabolites
urine sampled after
19 ng/mL without the stage of reduction using TiCl3 2–3 days from two persons occasionally exposed to
showed that the concentrations of TDG were no sulfur mustard from projectiles of the times of the First
higher than 2.5 ng/mL. This result convincingly dem- World War. At the same time, in a retrospective study
onstrated that the major portion of TDG in the urine of urine sampled 13 days after exposure, the concen-
of unexposed people occurred in an oxidized form. tration of β-lyase metabolites was 0.1–5 ng/mL,
According to the results of the determination of 1,1'- although the concentration of TDG still remained suf-
sulfonylbis[2-(methylthio)ethane], β-lyase metabo- ficiently high (11–72 ng/mL). Thus, for the most
lites were not detected in the samples of urine from complete characteristic of sulfur mustard exposure
unexposed volunteers. based on the results of urine analysis, the determina-
Currently, HPLC–MS–MS is considered an opti- tion of metabolites formed by both of the metabolic
mum method for the separate determination of β- mechanisms should be performed.
lyase metabolites in urine. The use of tandem Bis(N-acetylcysteine) conjugate of sulfur mustard
HPLC–MS–MS instruments made it possible to suc- sulfone. Attempts at the GC–MS determination of
cessfully separately determine bis- and monosulfoxide 1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-S-(N-acetylcysteinyl)ethane] were
β-lyase metabolites in the urine of victims [34]. The unsuccessful because of its thermal instability. The
limits of detection were 0.1 ng/mL for monosulfoxide limit of detection of 25 ng/mL for a dimethyl deriva-
and 0.5 ng/mL for bis-sulfoxide in complex samples at tive was reached using HPLC–MS–MS with thermo-
a signal-to-noise ratio of 3 : 1. These limits of detec- spray ionization [37]. A much lower limit of detection
tion are comparable with that achieved for the product (1 ng/mL) was obtained with the use of HPLC–MS–
of the coreduction of these metabolites determined by MS with electrospray ionization for the underivatized
GC–MS–MS. In this case, it is important that conjugate [38]. In the latter case, the analyte was pre-
HPLC–MS–MS makes it possible to avoid the stages concentrated from acidified urine on polymer car-
of oxidation and derivatization, which not only tridges for solid-phase extraction and detected in the
decreases the time and labor intensity of analysis but negative ion detection mode with the monitoring of
multiple reactions. In this work, the only example of
6the detection of the bis(N-acetylcysteine) conjugate
ORLOVA et N7-(2-Hydroxyethylthioethyl)guanine.
al. The adduct
of sulfur mustard sulfone in the real samples of urine of guanine can be separated from urine using solid-
was described: it was detected at a level of about 1 phase extraction on C18. The GC–MS technique was
ng/mL in two urine samples from the victims of found unsuitable for analysis because of the fact that
occasional sulfur mustard poisoning.



the substance could not be derivatized with heptafluo- the case of acute poisonings, they can be detected for
robutyric anhydride and pentafluorobenzoyl bromide a long time after poisoning, and they are accumulated
and TBDMS derivatives exhibited poor gas-chro- in blood under chronic exposure. Furthermore, the
matographic properties. A sensitive method for deter- blood contains a large amount of hemoglobin
mining underivatized conjugate was proposed with the (140 mg/mL), which can be easily isolated in the form
use of HPLC–MS–MS with electrospray ionization of globin.
and the monitoring of the fragmentation m/z 256 → The studies of the distribution of an 32S marker in
[CH2CH2SCH2CH2OH]+, m/z 105. The limit of rats after the cutaneous application of marked sulfur
detection of this adduct was 0.2 ng/mL upon its intro- mustard and also in human blood treated in vitro with
duction into urine [10]. No examples of the detection marked sulfur mustard showed that a part of radioac-
of this adduct in real urine samples have been currently tivity was associated with hemoglobin, and it was
described. retained for the entire lifetime of red blood cells [48].
More recently, six different histidine residues, three
glutamic acid residues, and both N-terminal valines
Methods for the Determination of the Covalent Adducts were identified by HPLC–MS–MS in the peptides of
of Sulfur Mustard hemoglobin alkylated by radioactive sulfur mustard
Sulfur mustard adducts with DNA. Sulfur mustard after trypsinization [49, 50]. Cysteine, aspartic acid,
can alkylate DNA in the N7-position of the deoxygua- lysine, and tryptophan alkylated by yperite were iden-
nosine residue with the formation of N7-(2-hydroxy- tified after the decomposition of hemoglobin with the
ethylthioethyl)-2'-deoxyguanosine. The depurination use of pronase. The adducts of histidine at N1 and N3
of the latter gives N7-(2-hydroxyethylthioethyl)gua- were detected in the greatest amounts.
nine (N7-HETE-Gua) and also the di-adduct of N7- Although the fraction of the product of hemoglobin
guanine and the adduct of N3-adenine [40, 41]. Sev- alkylation at the N-terminal valine is only 1–2%
eral methods for the determination of N7-HETE-Gua among all of the hemoglobin alkylation products, this
were proposed. As noted above, this adduct cannot be product is a promising biomarker because it is easily
identified by GC–MS because corresponding deriva- eliminated from hemoglobin with the use a modified
tives are difficult to obtain. For the analysis of urine, a Edman degradation technique [51]. Globin isolated
method was proposed that includes the separation of from blood by a standard procedure is dissolved in for-
the adduct by solid-phase extraction on C18 and mamide and treated with pentafluorophenyl isothio-
detection with the aid of HPLC–MS–MS with elec- cyanate at 60°C for 2 h. N-alkylated valine is extracted
trospray ionization [42]. N7-HETE-Gua was discov- with diethyl ether, the solvent is removed, and the res-
ered by this method in the urine of guinea pigs exposed idue is dissolved in toluene. The resulting pentafluo-
to sulfur mustard (the concentration of this adduct rophenyl thiohydantoine can be determined by GC–
considerably decreased 36–48 h after the exposure) MS–MS after further derivatization with heptafluo-
and also in skin and blood samples. Based on a similar robutyric anhydride or heptafluorobutyryl imidazole
methodology, N7-HETE-guanine was detected in the [52, 53]. The limit of detection in blood in vitro
spleen and liver of rats after the cutaneous application treated with yperite is 0.1 μM. As found in experi-
of sulfur mustard [43]. Procedures for the determina- ments in vivo performed in monkeys, the adducts of
tion of N7-HETE-Gua by HPLC [44] and a radio- hemoglobin are relatively long-lived biomarkers of
chromatographic procedure based on the preparation sulfur mustard poisoning. After a single introduction
of N7-HETE-Gua labeled with 32P after the separa- of 4.1 mg/kg of sulfur mustard, alkylated N-terminal
tion of the fraction of N7-guanine adducts from the valine was detected even 94 days after poisoning [54].
DNA of the thymus of a calf incubated with sulfur With the use of the above procedure, alkylated
mustard [45]. N-terminal valine was detected in blood samples taken
Immunochemical methods [46] and an ELISA 22–26 days after poisoning from the victims of the
method were developed for the determination of N7- Iran–Iraq war [47]. The level of the adduct in blood
HETE-Gua in blood; this latter was successfully used corresponded to a dose of 0.9 μM sulfur mustard in in-
for detecting this adduct in the samples of blood taken vitro tests. The analysis of blood from four victims
22 and 26 days after poisoning from two victims of the sampled 5–10 days after poisoning also gave positive
Iran–Iraq conflict. The concentrations of the adduct results [53]. The concentration of the valine adduct
in the lymphocytes and granulocytes of the victims was 0.3–0.8 ng/mL.
corresponded to a level of 0.015–0.43 μM sulfur mus- The histidine adducts of hemoglobin were detected
tard in blood treated in vitro [47]. in the greatest amounts in in-vitro tests. It was shown
Sulfur mustard adducts with hemoglobin. The iden- that these adducts remained even upon the hydrolysis
tification and the development of methods for the of globin with the use of 6 M HCl. However, it was
determination of sulfur mustard adducts with hemo- impossible to analyze them by GC–MS because of the
globin is given considerable attention. These adducts high polarity and thermal instability of corresponding
are stable. Their lifetime is about 120 days, whereas volatile derivatives. A sensitive method for the deter-
adducts with DNA are destroyed for several days. In mination of these adducts as N-9-fluorenylmethoxy-


8 ORLOVA et al.

carbonyl derivatives was developed based on HPLC– GC–MS. The method exhibited high sensitivity. In
MS–MS with electrospray ionization [55]. However, particular, TDG was determined in porcine blood in
note that the procedure of the determination of histi- vitro treated with 2 mM sulfur mustard and in the
dine adducts is labor-intensive and less sensitive than blood of monkeys 45 days after the intravenous intro-
the procedure of the determination of N-terminal duction of 1 mg/kg sulfur mustard. The background
valine with the use of the modified Edman method. values of thiodiglycol were determined as 0.5 pg per
Sulfur mustard adducts with albumin. Noort et al. 1 mg of protein.
[56] found that sulfur mustard alkylates the cysteine An analysis of published data on the identification
residue Cys34 of human serum albumin. The alkyla- and methods for the determination of sulfur mustard
tion site was determined by the introduction of adducts with DNA and proteins showed that the
[14C]yperite into the tryptic digest of albumin. Cys34 is adducts are long-lived markers suitable for retrospec-
the only free cysteine residue in albumin, and it has a tive analysis. An important circumstance is that,
relatively low value of pKa because of the intermolecu- unlike metabolites such as TDG and TDGO, none of
lar stabilization of the thiolate anion. the adducts was detected in the biological fluids of
human beings unexposed to sulfur mustard. Thus, the
A sensitive method was developed for determining detection of these markers can serve as unambiguous
the cysteine adduct of sulfur mustard with evidence for the action of sulfur mustard. Unfortu-
albumin based on the cleavage of the alkylated albu- nately, the most effective detection techniques are
min by the enzyme pronase with the formation of the based on the application of complex and expensive
tripeptide S-[2-(dihydroxyethyl)thio]ethyl-Cys-Pro- instrumental methods (gas chromatography and, pre-
Phe, which was detected by microcolumn HPLC in dominantly, high-performance liquid chromatogra-
combination with tandem mass spectrometry [56]. phy in combination with tandem mass spectrometry)
With the use of this method, the adduct was detected mastered only at large research centers. Standard pro-
in blood in vitro treated with 1 nM sulfur mustard; that cedures for the analysis of the covalent adducts of sul-
is, the sensitivity of this method is higher by two orders fur mustard should be developed. Biochemical meth-
of magnitude than that in a procedure for the determi- ods of analysis are also used in the studies of the toxi-
nation of the N-terminal valine adduct of hemoglobin cology and the mechanisms of action of sulfur
according to Edman. The capabilities of this method mustard.
were demonstrated by the analysis of blood samples The activity levels of enzymes (alanine ami-
taken from nine victims of the Iran–Iraq conflict in notransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase
1986 eight to nine days after poisoning and stored for (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), γ-glutamyl
more than 10 years at –70°C. The tripeptide was transpeptidase (GGT), and alkaline phosphatase
detected in all cases. According to the results of the (ALP)) and also the levels of glucose, total protein,
analysis, the concentrations of the adduct in the sam- cholesterol, creatinine, and urea are used as biochem-
ples corresponded to the levels of the adduct in blood ical characteristics for the diagnostics of sulfur mus-
in vitro treated with sulfur mustard at a level of 0.4– tard poisoning and the evaluation of the status of the
1.8 μM. The advantage of the methods based on the main systems of the body in the analysis of blood
determination of albumin adducts is the possibility of serum. The set of immunological tests includes the
the fast separation of albumin from blood by affine determination of the phagocytic activity of neutro-
chromatography. At the same time, albumin adducts phils (PAN), the amount of T lymphocytes (CD3,
rank below hemoglobin adducts in terms of retrospec- CD4, and CD8), the amount of B lymphocytes, and
tive analysis because of a shorter lifetime of albumin the level of serum immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, and
(20–25 days against 120 days for hemoglobin). Thus, IgM).
the albumin adduct as a marker of the action of sulfur
mustard can be effectively used only in the first weeks It is well known [58–64] that a number of bio-
after exposure. chemical characteristics change under the action of
yperite. Biochemical studies made it possible to much
Adducts with aspartic and glutamic acid residues. better understand the mechanisms of the toxic action
An alternative approach to the determination of the of this agent on the body, and they are highly valuable
adducts of sulfur mustard with blood proteins based on for the development of means for the treatment of sul-
the determination of TDG released from the proteins fur mustard poisoning. At the same time, variations in
by hydrolysis was proposed [57]. Globin and albumin biochemical indices (changes in the levels of NAD+,
contain a number of aspartic and glutamic acid resi- glutathione, intracellular calcium, lactate dehydroge-
dues at which sulfur mustard can be added [50]. nase, glutamyl transferase, albumin, leukocytes, and
The method is based on the precipitation of blood neutrophils) are not selective indicators, and they can-
proteins and the hydrolysis of esterified aspartic and not be used for the specific diagnostics of yperite poi-
glutamic acids with the use of 1 M NaOH (2 h; 70°C). soning. Note that the monitoring of biochemical char-
After neutralization, thiodiglycol was extracted from acteristics was mainly performed under the conditions
the aqueous phase with ethyl or propyl acetate and of an acute experiment and at short time intervals after
determined as a bis(pentafluorobenzoyl) derivative by the action (1–4 h). In this context, taking into account



the capability of sulfur mustard to interact and form The analysis of the results of the first international
adducts with DNA and body proteins, immunochem- comparative test for the analysis of urine samples
ical methods are of much greater interest. clearly demonstrated the current status of the problem
Among the advantages of the immunochemical of the determination of thiodiglycol and the β-lyase
methods of analysis are their high sensitivity and spec- metabolites of sulfur mustard. In the OPCW test,
ificity and also the possibility of developing commer- 22 analytical laboratories took part. Synthetic urine
cial sets. At the same time, note that the procedures of was used as a biomatrix. Table 1 summarizes data on
sample preparation for analysis are labor-intensive the identification of thiodiglycol by the participants of
and time-consuming.
this test.
However, the main problem of all immunochemi-
cal methods is the need for obtaining antiserums and Note that only 2 of 13 laboratories that detected
antibodies, which retain activity and specificity for a TDG in control samples used HPLC–MS–MS;
long time, for each type of adducts. In publications moreover, an inadequate signal-to-noise ratio was
[46, 47, 65–67], it was noted that a search for stable obtained in one case, and not TDG but its oxidation
antibodies is still far from completion. Note that the product TDGO was identified in the other case. Good
results of immunochemical analysis should be con- results were obtained only by high-resolution HPLC–
firmed by spectroscopic and chromatographic–spec-
troscopic techniques, which ensure unambiguous MS. TDG was detected at good signal-to-noise ratios
structural identification. using GC–MS–MS (pentafluorobenzoyl derivatives
With consideration for the above circumstances, in the regime of negative chemical ionization and hep-
chemicoanalytical methods for the detection of the tafluorobutyryl derivatives in the regime of positive
action of sulfur mustard on the body are currently chemical ionization).
preferable. Table 2 summarizes generalized data on the deter-
mination of β-lyase metabolites.
Generalization of the Experience of the First
Eighteen laboratories successfully managed the
International Comparative Test of OPCW
for the Determination of Sulfur Mustard Metabolites identification of β-lyase metabolites in the samples of
synthetic urine. The GC–MS–MS technique
As has noted above, TDG exhibits background requires time-consuming sample preparation includ-
concentration levels in urine and plasma from the ing the reduction of two derivatives with a hydrochlo-
body unexposed to yperite. Furthermore, the source of
its detection in the body can be varnishes, paints, and ric acid solution of titanium(III) chloride to one prod-
other substances contact with which occurs in the nor- uct and its derivatization. According to the generalized
mal mode. Nevertheless, TDG remains the main clas- results of the test, HPLC–MS–MS manifested itself
sical marker of sulfur mustard. Therefore, the quanti- as the most reliable and convenient technique for
tative detection of TDG in urine was a goal in the first determining metabolites of this type, which makes it
trial interlaboratory test of OPCW performed in possible to considerably simplify sample preparation
December 2009. and to shorten the duration of analysis.
We managed to successfully determine TDG in two
urine samples at concentration levels of 10 and
100 ng/mL in the form of heptafluorobutyryl and pen- ***
tafluorobenzoyl derivatives by GC–MS with electron
and negative chemical ionization, respectively. Note that tandem and hybrid analytical techniques
The absolutely selective markers of the action are more widely introduced to reach the minimum
sulfur mustard on the body are the products of the glu- limits of detection of sulfur mustard metabolites with
tathione/β-lyase metabolic pathway of sulfur mus- the lowest labor intensity and time consumption; this
tard—1,1'-sulfonylbis[2-(methylsulfinyl)ethane] and is of particular current interest in the analysis of bio-
1-methylsulfinyl-2-[(methylthio)ethylsulfonyl]ethane, medical samples (blood, urine, saliva, and tissue
which contain one and two sulfoxide groups, respec- homogenates). Optimum biomarkers for the unam-
tively. biguous retrospective detection of the action of sulfur
Within the framework of the international test,
these compounds were determined by GC–MS after mustard in low concentrations are not determined
reduction with titanium(III) chloride and also by until now. The current development of analytical
direct HPLC–MS analysis with electrospray ioniza- methods and instrumentation makes it possible to
tion. Note that two independent chromatographic– identify the traces of sulfur mustard biomarkers
spectroscopic techniques were used for the reliable (metabolites and adducts with macromolecules).
identification and more precise quantitative evalua- However, the further development and adaptation of
tion in the determination of each particular com- analytical techniques is required for quantitative
pound. determination (especially, at low exposure levels).


1 ORLOVA et al.
Table 1. Methods for the determination of thiodiglycol
Derivatization Ionization Detection mode
HPLC–MS/MS None Electrospray in the positive ion mode Multiple reaction monitoring; full
daughter ion scan
High-resolution The same Positive-ion mode electrospray Full scan; selected ion scan
HPLC–MS (1 lab.)*
GC–MS/MS Pentafluorobenzyl Negative chemical ionization (CH4); Multiple reaction monitoring
derivatives electron impact
Heptafluorobutyryl Electron impact; positive chemical ioni- Multiple reaction monitoring; full
derivatives zation (CH4) daughter ion scan
TMS Positive chemical ionization (CH 4) Multiple reaction monitoring
TBDMS Electron impact; positive chemical ioni- Multiple reaction monitoring
zation (CH4)
GC–MS Pentafluorobenzyla- Negative chemical ionization (CH4); Selected ion monitoring; full scan
tion electron impact
Heptafluorobutyryl Electron impact Selected ion monitoring
TMS Electron impact Selected ion monitoring; full scan
TBDMS Electron impact; positive chemical ioni- Selected ion monitoring; full scan
zation (CH4)
* Only one of the laboratories that participated in the test used the specified method of analysis.

Table 2. Methods for the determination of the β-lyase metabolites of sulfur mustard
Method of analysis Derivatization Ionization Detection mode
HPLC–MS/MS None Electrospray in the positive ion Multiple reaction monitoring
High-resolution Reduction* The same The same
HPLC–MS (1 lab.)*
High-resolution None The same Full scan; selected ion scan
HPLC–MS (1 lab.)*
HPLC–MS The same The same Selected ion monitoring
GC–MS/MS Reduction Positive chemical ionization (NH 3; Multiple reaction monitoring; full daughter
CH4); electron impact ion scan
GC–MS The same Positive chemical ionization (NH 3; Selected ion monitoring; full scan
iBu); electron impact
GC/GC–MS (time- The same Electron impact Full scan
of-flight detector)
* Only one of the laboratories that participated in the test used the specified method of analysis.

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