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I. Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer. Write only the letter on your
answer sheet.
1. The following are composers of Classical music, except.
A. Franz Joseph Haydn C. Johann Sebastian Bach
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Ludwig Van Beethoven
2. His life is described as a rag - to- riches. This statement pertains to?
A. Franz Joseph Haydn C. Johann Sebastian Bach
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Ludwig Van Beethoven
3. Which of the following statement best described Haydn?
A. The father of Symphony C. Piano Virtuoso
B. The child prodigy D. The father of Sonata
4. Which of the following statement best described Mozart?
A. The father of Symphony C. Piano Virtuoso
B. The child prodigy D. The father of Sonata
5. Which of the following statement best described Beethoven?
A. The father of Symphony B. The child prodigy C. Piano Virtuoso D. The father of Sonata
6. Classical era is known as “Age of Reason” because___?
A. Reason and Individualism is greater than tradition.
B. Tradition is greater than reason.
C. Music in this period is only for the nobility
D. Music is equally enjoyed both the aristocrat and the lower classes.
7. In your music class, you found out that Haydn’s music reflects to his character and
personality. How will you described his musical composition?
A. calm B. balanced C. Serious D. All of the above
8. What makes Beethoven musical style changed?
A. he became deaf B. He became blind C. he lose eye sight D. he became amputate
9. Beethoven Symphony No. 5 contains 4 movement were the first movement sounds like
dadadaDum, of what cartoon show it is used?
A. Mr. Bean B. Tom and Gerry C. Popeye D. Barbie and the Swan Lake
10. Haydn’s life is described as rag- to- riches. The underline word explained that?
A. He came from the poor family and music led to his rise.
B. Haydn’s life is miserable

C. He came from a rich family but due to mismanaged finances he lived in poverty life.
D. Haydn’s talent in music led him to become famous.

II. Sentence Completion: Fill in the blanks with the

1 correct word that will complete each
11. A multi-movement work for an instrumental soloist and orchestra is called __________________.
12. __________________ is the general texture of the Classical music.
13. The term which refers to an Italian opera is the __________________.
14. A __________________ is a multi-movement work for solo instrument.
15. __________________ is another term for serious opera.

16. It means rebirth.
A. Renaissance B. Baroque C. Classical
17. It means irregular shaped pearl.
A. Renaissance B. Baroque C. Classical
18. A type of artwork from the renaissance period which was characterized by its
symmetry and balance.
A. painting B. sculpture C. architecture
19. A cathedral built during Renaissance Period.
A. rebuilding of St. Peter’s Basilica B. making the Sistine Chapel C. designing of the Piazza San Pietro
20. It is regarded as one of the worlds most reproduced religious picture.
A. Mona Lisa B. The transfiguration C. Last Supper

III. Name the art works & the artists of the following items below.
21. 22.

23. 24.

25. It is very important in the promotion of cultural pride and unity.

A. architecture B art C. sculpture
26. Art form in the Philippines is diverse?
A. True B. Never C. Sometimes
27. During your Art class, you learned that Renaissance art focus was?
A. on realistic and humanistic B. on exaggeration and anatomy C. Realistic and exaggeration

28. Line, shape, color, value, and texture are important elements of arts that?
A. Help express feelings, mood and meaning through art symbol. C. helps to build a new style
B. helps to make things realistic D. help in the promotion of art industry
29. He is known as the greatest Baroque sculptor
A. Velasquez B. Rembrandt C. Bernini D. Rubens

30. “The maids of honour” is the artwork of _________.
A. Velasquez B. Rubens C. Bernini D. Rembrandt
 PE
IV. Read the statements carefully. Choose only the letter of the correct answer.
31. Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know other
people in a certain formal or semi-formal occasion?
A. ballroom dances B. dancesport C. festival dances D. social dances
32. What is the general term referring to the DOs and DON’Ts in social dancing?
A. behaviour B. character C. dance demeanor D. dance etiquette
33. Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Standard Dances.
Which of the following is an example of Modern Standard Dances?
A. cha-cha-cha B. jive C. rumba D. waltz
34. Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in Modern Standard Dances?
A. black/white shirt B. black/white sweat shirt C. black/white long sleeves D. coat and tie
35. Social dancing can prevent some diseases, caused by sedentary lifestyle, if regularly
performed. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. diabetes B. lung cancer C. obesity D. weight gain
36. Which of the following best describes social dances?
A. Social dances are for pairs only
B. Social dances can be competed
C. Social dances are dances that improve social skills and fitness
D. Social dances are dances that entertain people in attendance to a social function
37. How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
A. They help make one physically engaged and active preventing lifestyle diseases
B. They cure lifestyle diseases
C. The help prevent sedentary lifestyle-related diseases
D. They develop one’s talent in dancing
38. “It takes two to Tango.” What does this quote mean?
A. A Tango requires two individuals to dance
B. It takes two to make any endeavor work
C. There should always be two individuals dancing the Tango
D. One cannot exist without the other
39. The following are dance etiquettes that should be considered in a social dancing activity EXCEPT ONE:
A. Wear appropriate dancing attire
B. Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner
C. Ask someone promptly if you wish to dance with him or her
D. Always follow counterclockwise as line of direction social dancing
40. “May I have this dance?” This line implies…
A. A boy who treats a girl with respect even in dancing C. A boy forcing a girl to dance
B. A boy with no one to dance with pleading D. A boy who wishes to dance with somebody
41. Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in social dancing
A. Respect B. sense of community C. courtesy D. all

42. What happens if one doesn’t have a physically active lifestyle?
A. He/she is prone to weight gain, obesity which may lead to diabetes and other
cardiovascular diseases
B. He/she will not be physically fit
C. He/she will become sickly
D. He/she will become fat
43. How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance your
community’s fitness?
A. I will render an intermission number with my partner during fiestas
B. I will make social dancing my lifetime fitness activity
C. I will share my skills by teaching community folks, young and old, about social dances
D. I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social dancing program for the community
44. The following are reasons why fitness is a universal concern EXCEPT ONE:
A. We face different challenges everyday so we have to keep ourselves fit all the time to
overcome them
B. Everyone needs to be physically fit to meet daily physical challenges
C. One can influence the community fitness consciousness effectively if he or she fosters fitness
and well-being
D. To be a good athlete or player in a certain sport
45. In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in such training?
A. Leadership B. obedience C. respect D. all


V. Matching Type. Match the definition or description in Column A to it’s corresponding word in
Column B. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
Column B
Column A
_______ 46. Any substance or chemicals which when taken
A. Drug Abuse
through nasal, oral, transdermal way may have
B. Drug Misuse
psychological, emotional and behavioral effects on a person.
C. Drugs
_______ 47. Is a use of a substance for non-medical purposes.
D. Drug Tolerance
_______ 48. Is a use of a substance incoherent or inconsistent
E. Drug Dependence
with the prescribed dosage or frequency of use.
F. Drug of Abuse
_______ 49. Drugs commonly abused by the users.
G. Dangerous Drug Act
_______ 50. A strong desire to take the substance.

VI. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter on1 the blank.

_______ 51. Drugs which distorts reality and facts. It affects all senses & makes a user see,
hear and feel things that don’t exist in the time being.
A. inhalants B. depressant drugs C. hallucinogens D. Narcotics
_______ 52. This includes cigarettes and alcohol.
A. Gateway drugs B. depressants drugs C. Stimulant drugs D. Inhalants
_______ 53. This drugs speed up a person’s central nervous system.
A. inhalants B. depressants drugs C. stimulant drugs D. narcotic
_______ 54. The long term effect of this drug are diseases like hepatitis, tetanus and HIV-AIDS due to
needle sharing.
A. Stimulants B. Narcotics C. Depressants D. Inhalants

VII. Give an example/s of drugs and determine the classification.


Alcohol, barbiturates, tranquilizer 55.
56. Narcotics
57. Gateway Drugs
Lysergic acid diethylamide 58.
59. Inhalants
Shabu, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine 60.


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