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Convection Heat Transfer


Forms of Energy
As studied in Thermodynamics I (ME 203)

Transfers (enters or leaves) Contained/Stored

att the
th system
t boundary
b d as In a system as
Heat or Work (in general) U + KE + PE
and with mass flow
((for open
p systems)
y )

Energy is contained in a system (as U + KE + PE)

and can be transferred at the system boundary
y ((as Heat or Work))

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Heat Transfer
(ME 315)
Transfer of energy across a system boundary due to
temperature difference


Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Relevance of Heat
(Applications of this course)

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Relevance of Heat transfer (Applications of this course)

Power plant
(or Heat engine)

(or Air-conditioner)
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Relevance of Heat transfer (Applications of this course)

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Objective for the analysis of heat transfer

1) Either
Either, to find temperature distribution and amount of heat transfer
for an existing system. (the size and shape of the system is given)
Called RATING (to rate an existing system)

2) Or, given the amount of heat transfer and required/allowable

temperatures, to find the size and shape of the system.
Called DESIGN (to design a new system)

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Temperature distribution and amount of heat transfer

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Temperature distribution and amount of heat transfer

Temperature Thermodynamic property, which gives the T K or oC

amount of internal energy possessed by the
Heat Amount of thermal energy transferred over a Q J
time interval  t  0

Rate of heat Thermal energy transfer per unit time q W

Heat flux Thermal energy transfer per unit time and q’’ W/m2
surface area

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
To achieve the objective for the analysis of heat transfer
Either an actual physical model of the system involving heat transfer phenomena
i constructed
is t t d on which
hi h experimental
i t l measurementst are performed
f d

Or a mathematical model of the system involving heat transfer in constructed ,

g of the g
g equations,
q , based on the laws of science.

F d
l Laws
Conservation of energy
Conservation of mass
Conservation of momentum Particular Laws
2nd law of thermodynamics Related with Basic heat transfer
Equation of state
These have been studied in
These have been studied in ME 315 Heat Transfer.
ME 203 Thermodynamics &
ME 311 Fluid Mechanics.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
The first law of thermodynamics (Conservation of energy)
Energy can be neither created not destroyed; it can change forms or can
transfer at the boundaries.

Energy balance
total energy total energy change in the
entering the - leaving the = total energy Contained/Stored
In a system as
y system
y of the system
y U + KE + PE

E in - E out  E stored
E final  Einitial
Transfers (enters or leaves)
at the system boundary as
  Heat or Work or with Mass Flow
at the boundaries inside the system

as heat Q12 as internal energy: U  U 2  U1

as work -W12
 as kinetic energy: KE  KE2  KE1
because work in is -ve
as potential energy: PE  PE2  PE1
with mass flow Emass ,i  Emass ,e
Q  W  Emass ,i  Emass ,e  E  U  KE  PE

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
1-3 Fundamental Laws (the conservation of energy requirement)
1-3-1 Conservation of Energy for a CV (1st law of thermodynamics)
rate form
Ein  E g  E out  stored  E st
   dt
 Ein  out
Energy outlet
of the system
Steady-state form (no change with time)

E in  E g  E out  0
Es Energy
gy stored in the system
Eg Energy generated in the system

Over time interval (t)

Ein  Eg  Eout  Est Ein

Energy inlet
t the
to th system
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Specific Heats (C) (ability of the substance to store energy)
Specific heat (C):
Energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by one degree
It is defined when there is no phase change i.e. only solid, only liquid or only vapor
2 types
energy required
i d to
t rasie
i the
th temp
t off 1kg
1k off a
Specific heat at constant volume Cv
substance by one degree at constant volume
energy required to rasie the temp of 1kg of a
Specific heat at constant pressure Cp
substance by one degree at constant pressure
C p is always greater than Cv because
at constant volume substance
 change in internal energy/kg   u 
does not expand only U
  Cv      
internal  with change of temperature atvolume
constant  T v
internal energy increases energy

at constant pressure
U  change in enthalpy/kg   i 
internal energy increase  Cp      
  with change of temperature atpressure
constant  T  p
+ work done for expansion
 enthalpy
work done  F  x  P  A x  PV increases
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Specific heat capacity
Energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 degree

Process dependent
Constant volume process (Cv)
Constant pressure process (Cp)

Solids and Liquids, are often assumed to be incompressible

Incompressible means that volume will not change, and  density also does not change

C p  Cv  C
du  di  CdT
U  internal energy
 U   H   E  mC
C T incompressible H  enthalpy
u  specific internal energy
For an ideal gas (Pv = RT) i  specific enthalpy

C p  Cv  R
du  C v dT di  C p dT
 U  mC v  T  H  mC p  T
ideal gas

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
What and How? Basic transport mechanisms and Particular Laws

3 basic modes of heat transfer

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
1-2-1 Conduction
Transfer of energy because of physical interaction between molecules
or atoms or electrons which are at different temperatures

T1 > T2

T1 T2
(from which heat is transferred due to conduction)

Conduction in gases or liquids is due to molecules or atoms hitting each other

C d ti iin solids
Conduction lid i d
is due to ffree electrons
l or vibration
ib i off atomic/lattice
i /l i
structure of the material.

n.b. temperature T is a property which gives the amount of kinetic energy possessed by the
molecules or atoms or electrons. (higher the temperature, higher the KE (fast movement))
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Fourier law of Conduction
rate of heat transfer = qx (units W)

Experimental observation
qx  Ax area perpendicular
di l to theh direction
di i off heat
h transfer
qx  T temperature difference
qx  inversely proportional to the thickness
T qx dT
qx  Ax or q"x  heat flux    k fourier law of conduction
x Ax dx
dT is the gradient, when it is -ve

dx heat is transfered in the +ve x-direction.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.1 The conduction rate equation
Heat flows in a direction from high temperature to low temperature, which is
di l tto a surface
f off constant
t t temperature.
t t (called an isothermal surface)
Its magnitude depends on A, k and T. Heat flow is a vector quantity
General Fourier law of conduction
dT q dT
By fourier’ s law ( x dir.) q x  kA or q "x  x  k
dx A dx
similarly for y - direction q "y   k
and for z - direction q "z  k
If heat transfer is in all x, y, and z directions, then we write
"  " "
q  qxi  q y j  qz k
" 
   del operator
 T  T  
T  fourier' s law      
 k  i j k   i j k
 x y z  in 3  Dimension x y z
" 
q  kT 
in cartesian coord.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.2 Thermal properties of matter
2.2.1 Thermal conductivity
The proportionality constant appearing in the fourier’s law is a transport property,
known as thermal conductivity k (units W/m.K)

Usually assumed to be isotropic (independent of the direction of transfer): kx = ky = kz = k

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.2 Thermal properties of matter
2.2.2 Other relevant properties
Thermophysical properties of matter:
k thermal conductivity/heat transfer
Transport properties: 
 kinematic viscosity/momentum transfer

Thermodynamic properties: density,  and specific heat c p .

Volumetric heat capacity  c p (J / m3 .K ) measures the ability of a material
to store thermal energy.

Thermal diffusivity  is the ratio of the thermal conductivity to the heat capacity:
It measures the ability of a material to conduct thermal energy relative to its ability
to store thermal energy
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Differential elements (DE) in differential analysis
 Differential elements form basis for the mathematical development of PDEs
 Th
These are infinitesimal
i fi i i l (very
( small)
ll) slices
li off the
h system, and
d are carefully
f ll
selected in order to give a complete description of the system.


x DE = dx*dy DE = dx*L
 Here, we are studying variation of some parameter  (e.g. u, v, w, P, T) over the
blue domain (region of interest)
 In the 1st case,  changes with x and y.
 In the 2nd, it only varies with x
 Note dx and dy are simply infinitesimal
distances in the x and y directions

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Differential Element (3-D)
 Consider a differential element in 3-D
(Cartesian coordinates)
 It represents an infinitesimal volume
in a control volume (domain)
 dV = ΔyΔxΔz
 Area of faces = ΔyΔx
= ΔxΔz
= ΔyΔz

We would like to write the basic conservation equation

IIn  O
Outt  Ch
for this differential element. z + z

conservation of mass
conservation of momentum

conservation of energy
E in  E g  E out  stored
z y + y
x, y x + x
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.3 The heat diffusion equation
Cartesian coordinate system

Consider a differential (small) element

element size  dx, dy, dz
element volume dV  dx  dy  dz (m3 )
element mass dm   dV (kg )
energy generated in element  qdV
 (W )
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.3 The heat diffusion equation
Cartesian coordinate system
ki an energy balance
b l on theth small
ll element
l t
E in  E g  E out  stored  E st
   qx  dx  q y  dy  qz  dz   dm 
qx  q y  qz  qdV
using the defination of the derivative
qx qx  dx  qx q y q y  dy  q y qz qz  dz  qz
  
x dx y dy z dz Heat flow area
for qx is dyy  dz
 qx q y q  T using
 
we get qdV dx  dy  z dz    dV  C (for solid) for q y is dx  dz
 x y z  t de  CdT
for qz is dx  dy
now using the defination of fourier's law
T T T
qx   k  dy  dz  q y   k  dx  dz  qz   k  dx  dy 
x y z
   T    T    T  T
q  dxdydz    dxdydz    k    k    k    dxdydz   C
 x  x  y  y  z  z  t 24
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.3 The heat diffusion equation
Cartesian coordinate system

  T    T    T  T
k   k   k   q   C
x  x  y  y  z  z  t
(vector notation)   k T   q   C
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.3 The heat diffusion equation
Vector notation
 2T  2T  2T q C T 6 BCs in space
for constant k we get  2  2  
x 2
y z k k t 1 IC in time

 thermal
h l  k Laplacian
l i  2 2 2
defining     ; and      
 2  2  2
 diffusivity  C  operator x y
  
in cartesian coordinate

q 1 T
 T 

k  t
p cases

no heat generation q  0 T T
steady state 0 steady state with
 0; q  0
t no heat g
generation t
1 T
 2T  q
 t  2T  0  2T  0

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
2.3 The heat diffusion equation (Different coordinate systems)
" q 1 T
Vector notation q  kT ;  T  

   k t
Multi - dimension Multi - dimension
fourier's law conduction heat transfer

T  T  T 
T  i j k
x y z
 2
T  2
T  2
 2T  2  2  2
x y z
T  1 T  T 
T  ir  j  kz
r r  z
1   T  1  2
T  2
 2T  r  2 
r r  r  r  2 z 2
T  1 T  1 T 
T  ir  j  k
r r  r sin  
1   2 T  1  2T 1   T 
T 2
r  2 2   sin
i  
r r  r  r sin   2
r sin   
 
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
1-2-2 Convection Heat transfer
Transfer of heat due to macroscopic or bulk fluid motion e
g heat transfer from
a solid surface to a moving fluid.

ti process is
C i accomplished
li h d iin ttwo stages:
1) heat transfers from solid to the fluid adjacent to the heated surface by conduction.
2) the bulk fluid motion then carries the transferred heat away from the surface.

We need to study how fluids move in order to understand convection heat transfer.
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Convection heat transfer (continued)
Newtons law of cooling
rate of heat transfer by convection = qconv (units, W)

E i t l observation
b ti
qc  As surface area for heat transfer by convection
qc  Ts - T temperature difference
combining and introducing the constant of proportionality
qc  hAs Ts - T  or qc"  heat flux    h Ts - T  Newtons law of cooling
h  convection heat transfer coefficient (heat transfered by convection/unit area for 1 degree T )

h may depend on position x along the surface, then for any small area dAs at x
dqc  hx dAs Ts - T  here hx is the local convection heat transfer coefficeint

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
1-2-3 Radiation Heat transfer
Net thermal energy exchange between 2 surfaces due to electromagnetic waves

All bodies at finite temperature emit energy in all directions. This energy is in the
form of electromagnetic waves (Radiation) and have different wavelengths
depending on the surface temperature Ts


Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Radiation Heat transfer (continued)
Radiation can transfer through vaccum or gas or liquid or solid.
Radiation emitted by a body (Source) is incident on the other body (Receiver)
fraction of incident radiation is absorbed  Absorptivity ()
fraction of incident radiation is reflected  Reflectivity ()
fraction of incident radiation is transmitted  Transmitivity ()
Total fraction is 1
 +  +  = 1
, ,  depend on 1) wavelength of incoming radiation
(which depends on temperature of
emitting source)
2) nature of receiving surface

e.g. black surface  = 0.97  = 0.03 =0

polished aluminum  = 0.1  = 0.9 =0
glass (radiation from sun)  = 0 =0 =1
(radiation at low T)  = 1 =0 =0
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Radiation Heat transfer (continued)
Stefan Boltzmann law and Black body
Rate at which radiation energy is emitted by a surface
per unit area, depends on the temperature Ts and is
called it's
it s emissive power, E

maximum possible emissive power, Eb is for an ideal

surface called a Black body
According to the Stefan  Boltzmann law
absolute surface
Eb   Ts4 (W / m 2 ) where Ts  
 temperature in K
A black body also absorbs all radiation energy
reaching it i.e.   1 (for black body)

for a real surface (non black

body surface)
a)   1
b) it always emits less radiation than a black body
E   Eb   Ts4
  emissivity of a real surface  0    1 App. A
Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Radiation Heat transfer (continued)
Radiation heat transfer rate qR
Consider a real surface at temperature Ts
radiation emitted because of it's temperature
qemitted  E   Eb   Ts4

Radiation reaching per unit area of this surface from the surrounding
which is at temperature Tsur is called irradiation denoted byy G
some part of this is absorbed by the real surface
qabsorbed   G   Tsur

If the surface is assumed to be one for which    (called a gray surface)

then the net rate of radiation heat transfer from the surface is
qrad   (Ts4  Tsur

This can also be written in the form

qrad  hr A(Ts  Tsur ) where hr   (Ts  Tsur )(Ts2  Tsur

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Analogy for Heat Transfer Modes

1. Radiation

2. Conduction

3. Convection

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Summary of Heat Transfer Processes

M d
Mode M h i
Mechanisms R t E
Rate Equation
ti P
t or

Conduction Energy Diffusion due to q "x (W / m 2 )  k k (W/m.K)
random molecular motion dx

Convection Diffusion + Bulk motion q " (W / m 2 )  h(Ts  T ) h (W/m2.K)


Electromagnetic waves q " (W / m )   (T  T )
2 4 4
Radiation s
or q (W )  h r A (T s  T sur )
hr (W/m2.K)

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
Analogy between heat transfer and the flow of electric current

conduction q x  we can write for all

 T
radiation q R  q modes of
R heat transfer
convection qc 
R is called the thermal resistance and depends on
1) thermal characteristic e.g. k, h, 
2) geometric characteristics e.g length L, r1, r2

A x
conduction q  k (T1  T2 ) Rk 
x kA
1 Thermal resistance
radiation q  hR As (T1  T2 ) RR 
 As Fs  r (Ts  Tr )(Ts2  Tr2 ) is analogous to
1 electrical resistance
convection q  hAs (T1  T2 ) Rc  for current, voltage is the driving potential
for heat transfer, temp. is the driving potential

This analogy helps to solve heat transfer problems.

Dr. S. Z. Shuja
1-3 Fundamental Laws (the conservation of energy requirement)
1-3-2 The surface energy balance
A special case for which no volume or mass is contained in the surface.
Conservation Energy (Instant in Time):
0 0
E in  E g  E out  E st
E in  E out  0
Applies for steady-state and transient conditions.

With no mass and volume, Est and Egen

becomes zero

e.g. Consider surface of wall with heat transfer

by conduction, convection and radiation.
qcond   q rad
 qconv   0

T1  T2

 h T2  T    2 T24  Tsur

Dr. S. Z. Shuja

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