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1. Infection :
- the disease caused by germs such as bacteria,viruses,microorganism
- the entry of term infectious agents

2. Communicable Disease :

- something that is spread from one person to another to a variety of ways that include contact with
blood,breathing in an airbone virus or being bitten by an insect

- caused by microorganism such as bactery,virus,parasit,and fungi that can be spread directly and or
indirectly from one person to another

3. Exposure

- The state of being exposed to contact with something

- exposure to agent or causes or risk factor of disease

4. Prevention

- the action of stoping something from happening or arising

5. Transmission of infection diseases

-the passing of a patogen causing infection disease from an infected host individual or group to a
particular individual or group

6. Infectious disease

- disorder caused by organism such as bacteria,virus,fungi,or parasit

- illness caused by a spesific infectious agent or its toxic product from an infected person,animal,or

- some common infectious disease can be prevented through vaccination and clean and healthy


1. What is the definition of infection disease ?

2. What is the five level of prevention ?

3. What are the factor can make infectious disease ?

4. What are the characteristic of infectious disease ?

5. What causes infectious disease ?

6. How to prevent the transmission of infectous disease ?
7. What are media to transmit nfectious disease ?
8. How do the infectious disease can be spread ?

9. How is the process of infectious disease?

10. How are infectious disease diagnose ?

11. Explain about four stages of natural history of communicable disease ?

12. How to decrease the risk of infecting ourself or others?

13. What is the sign or symptom of infection disease ?


1. What is the definition of infection disease ?

o Penyakit infeksi adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh masuk dan berkembang
biaknya mikroorganisme yaitu bakteri, virus, jamur, prion dan protozoa ke dalam
tubuh sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan organ.
Sumber : http://eprints.ums.ac.id/24249/2/BAB_1.pdf
o Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Many
organisms live in and on our bodies. They're normally harmless or even helpful, but under certain conditions,
some organisms may cause disease.

Sumber : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/symptoms-
o Infectious diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi; the diseases can be
spread, directly or indirectly, from one person to another.

Sumber : https://www.who.int/topics/infectious_diseases/en/

o Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms such as viruses?, bacteria?, fungi

or parasites?that called pathogens. Pathogens cause disease either by disrupting the bodies

normal processes and/or stimulating the immune system to produce a defensive response,

resulting in high fever, inflammation? and other symptoms. Infectious diseases can be spread

from one person to another, for example through contact with bodily fluids, by aerosols

(through coughing and sneezing), or via a vector, for example a mosquito.

Sumber : https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-are-infectious-diseases

2. How to prevent the transmission of infectousdisease ?

a. Primary Prevention
intervening before health effects occur, through measures such as vaccinations,
altering risky behaviors (poor eating habits, tobacco use), and banning substances
known to be associated with a disease or health condition.
b. Secondary Prevention
screening to identify diseases in the earliest stages, before the onset of signs and
symptoms, through measures such as mammography and regular blood pressure
c. Tertiary Prevention
managing disease post diagnosis to slow or stop disease progression through
measures such as chemotherapy, rehabilitation, and screening for complications.

Health promotion : publication to maintance the balance and increasing endurance

for example : exercise regularly

Primary Prevention
Primary prevention measures are aimed at individuals in the Susceptibility stage. It refers to activities or measures, both individual and
communal, that are directed at reducing the risk of exposure to a risk factor or health determinant in an individual or the population.Measles
immunization is an example of a primary prevention measure.

Secondary Prevention
Secondary prevention measures focus on the Sub-clinical stage and the early clinical stage. These measures enable early detection and
prompt effective intervention to correct departures from a state of health.

Various screening programs - Papanicolaou smears for early diagnosis of cancer of the cervix, the detection of asymptomatic HIV patients and
their subsequent treatment with antiviral drugs to delay the onset of AIDS, and mammography for early diagnosis of breast cancer to name a
few - are all examples of secondary prevention measures.
The graph below illustrates the benefits of secondary prevention. It shows the relationship between screening rates and cervical cancer death
rates in several Canadian provinces between 1960-62 and 1970-72.
As seen, the greater the average Pap smear screening rate, the greater the reduction in the death rate for cancer of the cervix.

Secondary Prevention - Screening

Relationship between decrease in death rates from cancer of the cervix, between 1960-62 and 1970-72 and population screening
rates in several Canadian Provinces
Beaglehole R., 1993 p.92

Tertiary Prevention
Tertiary prevention measures are directed primarily at the recovery, disability or death stage - although they are used to some extent at the
Clinical stage. Their purpose is to reduce or eliminate long-term impairments and disabilities, minimize suffering, optimize function, assist in
adjusting to limitations in health and function resulting from the event, and sometimes extend survival. In particular, recovery and disability
endpoints are the focus of the rehabilitation - increasingly important where chronic disease conditions are dominant - recall the epidemiologic
shift, from Lesson 1. An example of tertiary prevention would be speech, physio- and occupational therapy and associated medical therapy,
following a cerebrovascular accident (Valanis, 1992, pp25-29). Another example, related more to the clinical stage, would be the management
of diabetes.

Sumber : https://cursos.campusvirtualsp.org/mod/tab/view.php?id=23157

Primary prevention
Primary prevention aims to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs. This is
done by preventing exposures to hazards that cause disease or injury, altering
unhealthy or unsafe behaviours that can lead to disease or injury, and increasing
resistance to disease or injury should exposure occur. Examples include:

 legislation and enforcement to ban or control the use of hazardous products

(e.g. asbestos) or to mandate safe and healthy practices (e.g. use of seatbelts
and bike helmets)
 education about healthy and safe habits (e.g. eating well, exercising regularly,
not smoking)
 immunization against infectious diseases.

Secondary prevention
Secondary prevention aims to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has
already occurred. This is done by detecting and treating disease or injury as soon as
possible to halt or slow its progress, encouraging personal strategies to prevent
reinjury or recurrence, and implementing programs to return people to their original
health and function to prevent long-term problems. Examples include:

 regular exams and screening tests to detect disease in its earliest stages (e.g.
mammograms to detect breast cancer)
 daily, low-dose aspirins and/or diet and exercise programs to prevent further
heart attacks or strokes
 suitably modified work so injured or ill workers can return safely to their
Tertiary prevention
Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has
lasting effects. This is done by helping people manage long-term, often-complex
health problems and injuries (e.g. chronic diseases, permanent impairments) in order
to improve as much as possible their ability to function, their quality of life and their
life expectancy. Examples include:

 cardiac or stroke rehabilitation programs, chronic disease management

programs (e.g. for diabetes, arthritis, depression, etc.)
 support groups that allow members to share strategies for living well
 vocational rehabilitation programs to retrain workers for new jobs when they
have recovered as much as possible.

Sumber : https://www.iwh.on.ca/what-researchers-mean-by/primary-secondary-

d. Spesific protection : to stop the process of interactio of germ host and environment
occur in healthy
for example : provide immunization
e. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment : finding the disease as early as posible
Ex : check screening for early detection of cancer
f. Disability limitation : action adequate theraphy
g. Rehabilitation : restore the patient
Ex : fisiotheraphy
3. What are the characteristic of infectious disease ?

1) Spektrum Penyakit Menular

Pada proses penyakit menular secara umum dijumpai berbagai manifestasi klinik, mulai
dari gejala klinik yang tidak tampak sampai keadaan yang berat disertai komplikasi dan
berakhir cacat / meninggal dunia.Akhir dari proses penyakit adalah sembuh, cacat atau
meninggal. Penyembuhan dapat lengkap atau dapat berlangsung jinak (mild) atau dapat
pula dengan gejala sisa yang berat (serve sequele).

2). Infeksi Terselubung (tanpa gejala klinis)

Adalah keadaan suatu penyakit yang tidak menampakan secara jelas dan nyata dalam
bentuk gejala klinis yang jelas sehingga tidak dapat di diagnosa tanpa cara tertentu
seperti tes tuberkolin, kultur tenggorokan, pemeriksaan antibody dalam tubuh dan lain

3). Sumber Penularan

Merupakan media yang menjadikan suatu penyakit tersebut bisa menyebar kepada
seseorang. Sumber ini meliputi ; Penderita, Pembawa kuman, Binatang sakit,
tumbuhan / benda, Cara Penularan. Penyakit dapat menyerang seseorang dengan
bebarapa cara diantaranya, Kontak langsung, Melalui udara, Melalui makanan /
minuman, Melalui vector, Keadaan Penderita.

Sumber : http://repository.ung.ac.id/karyailmiah/show/1782/irwan-buku-epidemiologi-
4. What causes infectious disease ?
Infectious diseases can be caused by:

Bacteria. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and


Viruses. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases — ranging from the common cold to AIDS.

Fungi. Many skin diseases, such as ringworm and athlete's foot, are caused by fungi. Other types of fungi can infect your

lungs or nervous system.

Parasites. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite that is transmitted by a mosquito bite. Other parasites may be transmitted to

humans from animal feces.

Sumber : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/symptoms-causes/syc-20351173

5. What are the factor can make infectious disease ?

1). Faktor risiko yang tidak dapat di intervensi, antara lain:

• Faktor genetik

• Jenis kelamin

• Usia

2). Faktor risiko yang dapat di intervensi, antara lain:

• Kebiasaan buruk,

• gaya hidup,

• pola makan

• obesitas, dll

Sumber : http://repository.ung.ac.id/karyailmiah/show/1782/irwan-buku-epidemiologi-

6. What are media to transmit infectious disease ?

Direct contact

An easy way to catch most infectious diseases is by coming in contact with a person or animal who has the

infection. Three ways infectious diseases can be spread through direct contact are:

 Person to person. A common way for infectious diseases to spread is through the direct transfer of

bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can occur when an individual with the

bacterium or virus touches, kisses, or coughs or sneezes on someone who isn't infected.

These germs can also spread through the exchange of body fluids from sexual contact. The person who

passes the germ may have no symptoms of the disease, but may simply be a carrier.
 Animal to person. Being bitten or scratched by an infected animal — even a pet — can make you sick

and, in extreme circumstances, can be fatal. Handling animal waste can be hazardous, too. For example,

you can acquire a toxoplasmosis infection by scooping your cat's litter box.

 Mother to unborn child. A pregnant woman may pass germs that cause infectious diseases to her unborn

baby. Some germs can pass through the placenta. Germs in the vagina can be transmitted to the baby

during birth.

Indirect contact

Disease-causing organisms also can be passed by indirect contact. Many germs can linger on an inanimate

object, such as a tabletop, doorknob or faucet handle.

When you touch a doorknob handled by someone ill with the flu or a cold, for example, you can pick up the

germs he or she left behind. If you then touch your eyes, mouth or nose before washing your hands, you may

become infected.

Sumber : https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-

7. How do the infectious disease can be spread ?

Tiap kelompok memiliki jalur penularan tersendiri dan pada garis-garis besarnya dapat di bagi
menjadi dua bagian utama yakni:
a). Penularan langsung yakni penularan penyakit terjadi secara langsung dari
penderita atau resevoir, langsung ke penjamu potensial yang baru.
b). Penularan tidak langsung yakni penularan penyakit terjadi dengan melalui media
tertentu seperti melalui udara (air borne) dalam bentuk droplet dan dust, melalui
benda tertentu (vechicle borne), dan melalui vector (vector borne).

Sumber : http://repository.ung.ac.id/karyailmiah/show/1782/irwan-buku-epidemiologi-

8. How is the process of infectious disease?

9. How are infectious disease diagnose ?

10. Explain about four stages of natural history of communicable disease ?

Here a contact refers to an association between a susceptible host and a reservoir of infection, which creates an
opportunity for the infectious agents to enter the host.
In the stage of exposure, the susceptible host has come into close contact with the infectious agent, but it has not yet
entered the host's body cells. Examples of an exposed host include:
 a person who shakes hands with someone suffering from a common cold
 a child living in the same room as an adult with tuberculosis
 a person eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water.

At this stage the infectious agent has entered the host's body and has begun multiplying. The entry and multiplication
of an infectious agent inside the host is known as the stage of infection. For instance, a person who has eaten food
contaminated with Salmonella typhii (the bacteria that cause typhoid fever) is said to be exposed; if the bacteria enter
the cells lining the intestines and start multiplying, the person is said to be infected.
At this stage there are no clinical manifestations of the disease, a term referring to the typical symptoms and signs of
that illness. Symptoms are the complaints the patient can tell you about (e.g. headache, vomiting, dizziness). Signs are
the features that would only be detected by a trained health professional (e.g. high temperature, fast pulse rate,
enlargement of organs in the abdomen).

infectious disease
At this stage the clinical manifestations of the disease are present in the infected host. For example, a person infected
with Plasmodium falciparum, who has fever, vomiting and headache, is in the stage of infectious disease – in this case,
malaria. The time interval between the onset (start) of infection and the first appearance of clinical manifestations of a
disease is called the incubation period. For malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum the incubation period ranges
from 7 to 14 days.
Remember that not all infected hosts may develop the disease, and among those who do, the severity of the illness may
differ, depending on the level of immunity of the host and the type of infectious agent. Infected hosts who have clinical
manifestations of the disease are called active cases. Individuals who are infected, but who do not have clinical
manifestations, are called carriers. Carriers and active cases can both transmit the infection to others.
To which stage in the natural history of a communicable disease do a. active cases and b. carriers belong?
Show answer
1. Carriers are in the stage of infection, as they do not have clinical manifestations of the disease.
2. Active cases are in the stage of infectious disease, as they have the manifestations.
Depending on the time course of a disease and how long the clinical manifestations persist, communicable diseases
can be classified as acute or chronic. Acute diseases are characterised by rapid onset and short duration of illness.
For instance, diarrhoea that starts suddenly and lasts less than 14 days is an acute diarrhoeal disease. Chronic
diseases are characterised by prolonged duration of illness; for example, a chronic diarrhoeal diseaselasts more than
14 days.

At this stage the disease may result in recovery, disability or death of the patient. For example, a child who fully recovers
from a diarrhoeal disease, or is paralyzed from poliomyelitis, or dies from malaria, is in the stage of outcome.
In the next study session you will learn how communicable diseases are classified, and about the main types of
prevention and control measures.

Tahun 2014
11. How to decrease the risk of infecting ourself or others?

12. What is the sign or symptom of infection disease ?

13. What is the different from communicable disease and infectious disease ?

14. Explain Disease transmission defide into decrease and inrease transmission

15. What is definition of virues,bacteria, fungi, parasites?

Viruses are tiny infectious agents that replicate only in the living cells of other organisms.

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms.

Fungi are microorganisms characterised by cell walls made from a substance called chitin.

Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism and benefit by getting

nutrients at the expense of their host.

Sumber : https://www.yourgenome.org/facts/what-are-infectious-diseases




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