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Presented to fulfill English Morphology assignment

Lecturer: Firdausiyah M.Pd.

Compiled by :


NIM. 20170701031009


NIM. 20170701032032

NIM. 20170701032136






Praise be to Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah, because of God’s mercies and

blessings eternally give us abilities, so that we could create a small thing appeared
to be well known. Shalawat and salam, we always deliver to our prophet
Muhammad SAW, who has given knowledge and good example for anyone.

And we do not forget to say thank you very much to the lecture that
always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.
This working paper is the one of English Morphology task that have been given
for my group. We hope it can be useful for us.

Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this working paper be better.
Hopefully we are as a student at “ IAIN Madura” can work more professional by
using English as the second language whatever we done. Thank you.

Pamekasan, 1ndMarch 2019



COVER ................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ii

PREFACE ............................................................................................................ iii

A. Background Of The Paper ......................................................................... 1
B. Identification Problem ............................................................................... 2
C. Purpose ...................................................................................................... 2


A. Definition Of Morpheme........................................................................... 3
B. The Kinds Of Morpheme .......................................................................... 3


A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 5
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 5

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 6


A. Background

People must understand structure of language and can use it as well as

possible; language is needed by people so far they need to interaction with each
other. Therefore, we must understand it. People not only understand but also how
the way uses a good language to commutate each other. As we see today,
communication is very need by all people because first tool of interaction is
language.Human life in the world need to interaction with the other people to
cover our need. In addition, we cannot life as individual in this world and we must
make interaction and communication each other. In their interaction and
communication, we must use tool to understand what we want. Language as a toll
of communication so if we understand and be able to use it as well as we can
interact and communicate with each other but if we do not understand and cannot
use it as well as, we cannot interact and communicate with them.

As we know in our interaction, language as tool of communication to

express our need like thoughts and feeling and this fact like A.S Hornby say
“language is system of sounds and word used by human to express their thoughts
and feeling“. Therefore, we must learn language to understand people’s thoughts
and feeling and to understand and use language we must understand the pattern
because language has some of pattern to construct it sentence, phrase and word,
like how to mike like become dislike. English is one of popular language in this
era and English has some of pattern to construct it word, phrase and sentences.
One of pattern in English language about how a word has same meanings because
of addition some of Alfa bates in beginning or end of word. This pattern called
morphology in English. Morphology in English language has different processes
and some of them make new meaning and part of speech.

B. Identification Problem

1. What is the definition of morphemes?

2. What is the kinds of morphemes?

C. Purpose

1. To know the definition of morphemes.

2. To know the kinds of morphemes.


A. Definition of Morphemes

A morpheme is the smallest linguistics unitsthat has a meaning or

grammatical function.1A morpheme can be defined as a minimal unit having more
or less constantmeaning and more of less constant form. For example, linguists
say that the word buyers is made up of three morphemes {buy} +{er} +{s}. The
evidence for this is that each can occur in other combinationsof morphemes
without changing its meaning. We can find {buy} in buying, buys, and {er} in
seller, fisher, as well as buyer. And {s} can be found in boys, girls, anddogs. The
more combinations a morpheme is found in, the more productive it is said tobe.2

Morpheme is a short segment of language that meets three basic criteria:

1. it is a word or a part of a word that has meaning.

2. it cannot divided into smaller meaningful segments without changing its

meaning or leaving a meaningless remainder.

3. it has relatively the same stable meaning in different verbal environments.

B. Kinds of Morphemes

1. Free Morphemes

Free morphemes are those that can stand alone as words. They may be lexical
morphemes ({serve}, {press}), or grammatical morphemes ({at}, {and}). A
morpheme is free if it is able to appear as a word by itself. It is bound if it can
only appear as part of a larger, multi-morphemic word. Every morpheme is either
free or bound. Free morphemes are also referred as roots. The free morpheme is

divided into 2 parts:

Stefanie jannedy, “Language File”, (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1994), hal: 134.
Ibid.hal: 135.

a. Lexical Morpheme
Lexical morphemes are those that having meaning by themselves but it
can also be affixed, which includes lexical morpheme, noun, adjective,
adverb, and verb.
b. Functional Morpheme
Functional Morpheme are can stand alone but not affixed lexical
morpheme, which include functional morpheme namely pronoun,
conjunction, interjection, Preposition.3

2. Bound Morphemes

Bound morphemes is morphemes that cannot normally stand alone and are
typically attached to another form.(Such as {clued} as in include, exclude,
preclude) or they may be grammatical (such as {PLU} = plural as in boys, girls,
and cats). Bound morphemes are also referred to as affixes, among which there
are prefixes, infixes, and suffixes.4 The Bound Morpheme is divided into 2 parts
there are :

a. Inflectional Morpheme

Inflectional morpheme, on the other hand, does not change either the
root's class of words or the meaning. The word 'books', for example,
derives from the root book added with a suffix –s. both 'book' and
'books' are noun. The meaning is still the same. The suffix –s only
indicates the plural form. In this case, the suffix –s is Inflectional.

c. Derivational Morpheme
Derivational morpheme changes the root's class of words or its
meaning, or both. The word 'unhappy' derives from the root happy
added with a prefix-un. Both 'happy' and 'unhappy' are adjectives. The
meaning, however, is totally different. "I am unhappy" is totally

SamsiRijal, “A Basic Introduction toEnglish Morphology”(Pamekasan: Duta Media Publishing,
2016), hal: 30-33.
Ibid ,hal: 31.

different from "I am happy". In this case, the prefix-un is called
derivational morpheme.5

Ibid. hal: 35.



A. Conclusion
1. A morpheme is the smallest linguistics units that has a meaning or
grammatical function. A morpheme can be defined as a minimal unit
having more or less constantmeaning and more of less constant form.
2. According to the explanation above Morpheme divided into 2 parts:
Free morphemes are those that can stand alone as words. Free
morphemes are also referred as roots. Bound morphemes can occur only
in combination—they are parts of a word. Bound morphemes are also
referred to as affixes, among which there are prefixes, Infixes, and
suffixes. Inflectional morphemes, on the other hand, do not change
meanings or parts of speech, but instead simply make minor grammatical
changes necessary for agreement with other words. Derivational
morphemes create new words. They derive new words from other words.


Jennedy Stefanie, “Language File”,Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1994.

RijalSamsi, “A Basic Introduction to English Morphology”,Pamekasan: Duta

Media Publishing, 2016.


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